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Comment Re:I prefer to be in charge of my vehicle's brakin (Score 1) 248

Tesla's are chalk full of the automated crap and can even sort of drive themselves most of the time and yet they have the worst accident rates of any model vehicle on the road.

Tesla's approach is to move fast and break things. They have NIH syndrome, and "know better" than all their peers who have similar technology and ... as you already stated, don't have such bad accident rates.

Hint: No automaker implements AEB by doing image analysis on cameras, something that Tesla thinks is the singular solution to every problem. There's a reason my car has a forward facing radar, and a reason it works much better than Tesla who "know better".

Comment Re:Not new, and very useful (Score 1) 248

I've had these in my cars for a decade, and I've never had the auto-brake trigger - at least not fully.

I've had it trigger twice. Once for something minor, reversing I didn't see post sticking out of the ground. The car stopped so suddenly I thought I hit something and when I got out and looked I saw I was just 2cm (that's less than an inch in freedom land) from a post. The other time was on a highway where the car two in front of me drifted to the shoulder and hit a stalled vehicle, and then spun into the car in front of me which ended up sideways and AEB stopped me about 10cm (less than a foot) from the hitting that guy's passenger door. ... And then I got rear-ended, fortunately gently.

Comment Re:No thanks. (Score -1, Flamebait) 248

Glad I have both of my "forever cars". I don't want any of this in my vehicles.

Glad I don't live near you. I prefer to live around people who understand that the modern cars are safer (for both occupants as well as people outside of the car) than ever before. We need less dangerous idiots like you out there.

Comment Re:Hopefully it's improved since 2019 (Score 3, Insightful) 248

You realize that is only 2 deaths per state per day?

The number of people who died in my street this year is 0. So we don't need to do anything and everything is safe. It's great when we can write off human life by simply cutting statistics down to the point where it becomes irrelevant.

In other news I've never been in an accident in my car so why should any of my passengers need a seatbelt. The data is clear, it won't make them any safer.

Comment Re:It's the "before imminent" that is gonna kill (Score 1) 248

I'm worried that if it's braking before imminent and the car is already unstable (or you're swerving), the car suddenly braking it self could easily cause you to flip.

Nope. Firstly, if you're swerving the car won't be able to lock on to the thing in front of you and won't engage AEB. Secondly you can't flip a car by stepping on the brake no matter how hard when your wheels have already lost traction. Thirdly, this has nothing to do with swerving. You're already about to be in an accident.

AEB is a common feature in virtually every mid and high end card sold for the past decade. It's saving far more lives than it is causing accidents. But if you're in a situation where you end up swerving then no computer is going to help your horrendously bad driving. Slow down, stop tailgating, and take a defensive driving class to learn how to use your car properly.

Comment Re:God this is a one sided story of idiocy (Score 1) 64

Both are entirely relevant. 230 protects Daily Kos the company/website. First amendment protects the individuals - the anon commenter and Moulitsas themselves.

Re-read what Daily Kos was saying. They were talking about *their* First Amendment rights in the second part.

And no the First Amendment does not protect an anon commenter from a civil discovery process. It protects them against persecution from the government. This is already well established in law.

Comment Re:Hope it lives up to it's promises (Score 1) 135

"Internationally" tells me you're European. You have a vastly different experience from us Americans.

Indeed I am, and I hoped that you would recognise this, because it points to the core issue that it works just fine the only thing holding you up is American perception of an unsolvable problem.

those charge times are eating into our vacation time

Studies have shown that after as little as 2 hours of driving a minimum of 15min break is required to prevent you from driving as poorly as a drunk driver. Are you special? Probably, studies have also shown that more than 90% of men (lower for women) *think* they are above average and better than the studies have proven they are. How much will a car accident or death eat into your vacation time?

It's not a fucking race. You don't need to scoff down your cheeseburger and coke from behind the wheel because your precious vacation needs an extra 30min at the destination. Chill the fuck out.

You can go 200 miles sometimes without seeing a gas station, let alone any kind of EV charger setup.

Indeed. See my first point. You have a local problem. But the reality is there are plenty of people in America doing long road trips on EVs. Going into the desert, yeah not going to work. Going into the remote forest, or outback hillbilly land? Yeah burn some diesel. But just like all Americans you think that if something isn't 100% it works for 0%. The reality is most Americans can do their holiday road trip in an EV just fine. You do already have quite a good charging network.

Comment Re:Many companies don't want to flare (Score 1) 50

I did. But the fact of the matter is one or two installations doing a dodgy is not some reflection of the industry. I've been involved in the engineering of more flare gas recovery systems than this article even talks about.

Steel Mill X says: We installed an enclosed flaring device as a precautionary measure, so that the flare is not visible from a distance if gas had to be flared at night.”

Yes, it's called a ground flare. That's their purpose. That has been their purpose for 100 years now. The oldest one of these I've worked on was built in the 60s to replace the 1920s flare because they were getting neighbour complaints. They also have significantly higher capacity than a general flare so if you have something like an Ethelene cracker then you will almost need to go this route.

This isn't new or nefarious.

The discussion isn't safety flaring at wells

The discussion is only safety flaring. That is why you flare, it's the singular reason these systems exist. Releasing hydrocarbons into the air is Bad (TM). The industry has been going through a concerted effort to replace atmospheric vents with flares for decades now since it turns out it's not a good public image to blow up your own facility and kill people.

Comment Re:Never ever (Score 1) 72

Err... except that it IS dependent on both the Internet and the vendor to be anything more than a dumb thermostat, and those extra features are why it was purchased in the first place.

No. Smart != necessary away connectivity. When my internet goes down my thermostat still controls each room independently, it still runs on a schedule, it still can be controlled from a master unit upstairs. Oh noes my phone can't connect, whoop de fucking do, the loss of a single feature doesn't make it dumb. The same is applied to all my other smart devices. So I can't turn my lights on by shouting "Hey Siri", but they are still network connected to other devices, the movement sensor can still trigger the lights via a Z-wave connection, heck if I wanted to I could still get the downstairs lights to flash when the washing machine is finished (no don't ask, I haven't done anything with the washing machine, but the point is these systems do have locally isolated smart function that is *not* dependent on the internet.

If you don't have a routable IP, you don't have an Internet connection.

Congrats on gaslighting about half of all internet users. Did you just offer a solution? No. This post brought to you from behind CG-NAT which is the only thing available at all in my country from any provider unless I start a business.

There are services available to broker the connection between your home server

So your solution to not wanting to depend on company A is to be dependent on company B? Got it. Thanks for all your wisdom.

Comment Re:Legislation... (Score 1) 242

This thread is choke full of you and other people who have your religious views doing just that about me. So far I've been called sexist, childless, stupid, ignorant, thinking that parenting is easy, being obviously wrong on importance on family just to name a few "making strong assumptions about other people's situations and circumstances and then making strong judgments based on those assumptions."

And yet you because your mind cannot cope with reality, it turned that around and made me all those things instead. And you're not alone in this. Your belief system is fairly popular among educated upper classes in anglosphere because it was put into indoctrination plans within education system you're a product of. So your form of religiosity is exceedingly common, and once you understand the patterns, you can use it to trigger wildest hallucinations. As I did for you and several others, who are still fully convinced that I'm actually talking about difficulties of parenting.

Even though I made it crystal clear that I'm talking about problems with totalized morality, and this is just one way where problem breaks the minds of the adherents of far left moral tenets.

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