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Submission + - Minor car crashes mean high tech repairs (

smooth wombat writes: With all the improvements in car safety over the decades, the recent addition of a plethora of high tech sensors and warnings comes with increased costs. And not just to have to have them on your car. Any time you get into an accident, even a minor one, it will most likely require a detailed examination of any sensors which may have been affected and their subsequent realignment, replacement, and calibration.

Some vehicles require “dynamic calibration,” which means, once the sensors and cameras are back in place, a driver needs to take the vehicle out on real roads for testing. With proper equipment attached the car can, essentially, recalibrate itself as it watches lane lines and other markers. It requires the car to be driven for a set distance at a certain speed but weather and traffic can create problems.

“If you’re in Chicago or L.A., good luck getting to that speed,” said Ebrahimi ”or if you’re in Seattle or Chicago or New York, with snow, good luck picking up all the road markings.”

More commonly, vehicles need “static calibration,” which can be done using machinery inside a closed workshop with a flat, level floor. Special targets are set up around the vehicle at set distances according to instructions from the vehicle manufacturer.

“The car [views] those targets at those specific distances to recalibrate the world into the car’s computer,” Ebrahimi said.

These kinds of repairs also demand buildings with open space that meet requirements including specific colors and lighting. And it requires special training for employees to perform these sorts of recalibrations, he said.

Comment Re:A great man once said (Score 1) 49

Oh of course they are being tolerated. They're just mad that they're not treated as super special. NO ONE is banning Christians, and yet you will hear this being claimed over and over on televangelist channels. Jews are being tolerated. Israeli government though, is pissing off a lot of people, but that is NOT the same as Jews. There are Christian clubs on campus; of course they have to follow the rules. They may bitch that there's no mandatory morning prayer, but if there was one those prayers might not be Christian, and that pisses some people off.

Now, there may be some students who are very pissy about all this and demand no Christians, but that's not the same as the university leadership or policies. A university getting money from the federal government cannot discrimate based upon religion and keep getting that money.

But this is the big meme in Christian circles, that they're the most persecuted group that has ever existed, especially in Modern America they are persecuted even more than those who were fed to lions in Ancient Rome. Being a victim is a good political card to play.

Comment Re: Why do people bash Worldcoin? (Score 1) 60

The snag is that the government has failed the people, and the private sector has failed the people, and religion has failed the people, and there is nothing left to turn to. Libertarian ideas of leaving things to the private sector essentially means abandoning one failed system for a different failed system.

Comment Re:Why do people bash Worldcoin? (Score 1) 60

Private sector is only in it for profits, but with no accountability to the people. We know from experience and history that the private sector will do anything it can to make a little bit more profit, even if it's illegal, unethical, or immoral. Government at least has accountability, and where that accountability is shaky and unreliable it is often because the private sector has purchased control of the government.

Comment Re: Rules for thee but not for me (Score 1, Insightful) 43

"This is the taboo question that no none is allowed to ask, because everyone already knows the answer, and the answer is not the evil racist white man."

In fact that often IS the answer. Nations were destroyed with colonialism, and racism was literally invented to excuse it. Many have also been deliberately suppressed since through various foul means including sanctions, backing coups, and outright assassination. That answer is the real taboo, especially if you ask the governments responsible.

Comment Re:Also back when California was affordable (Score 1) 49

The housing problem has been an issue for decades, though it might not see that way at first. In the mid 80s I definitely remember a lot of people bitching about how houses were unaffordable and that they had to live in (gasp) the East Bay. It's been steadily worse all the time, and so the phrase "good thing you bought when you did" said to people who bought a mere 5 years earlier gets repeated every decade. The Bay Area has been overpriced since the 70s. But then so has Manhattan, Tokyo, London, etc. Wherever there are a lot of well paying jobs you will get a housing crisis. You get the opposite when all the jobs vanish (Detroit).

California has the extra advantage/disadvantage of having great weather. Meaning people want to live here, meaning it grows faster than it can accomodate them. My father moved to California in the 40s, and the locals were already resentful of newcomers showing up taking jobs (he was called a damn Okie despite not being from Oklahoma). Bay Area gets an extra disadvantage in that it can't expand, it has hard borders of mountains and water, whereas LA was able to sprawl outwards with a different set of problems.

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