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Comment It's insane but old (Score 1) 95

Microsoft sucks so much at naming things. My workplace also requires Office support and it's confusing to no end. The things people want to do are office things, not microsoft things.

However, this happened years ago in in-app texts, splash screens, doc and help pages like this,
and anywhere I look

Comment Re:Screw you BMW (Score 1) 374

You still have the option to buy a lifetime "subscription" which costs about the same as the extra feature always cost, anyway.

If you don't buy the subscription, you didn't really buy the heated seats, either - you got them thrown in because it's simpler and cheaper for BMW to put them into all cars instead of making manufacturing more complicated. Those who buy it are the ones paying for it.

And for some, 18 per month may be cheaper than buying the traditional extra, if they only use it in January or whatever.

Comment Re:not impressed (Score 1) 127

Actually the Greens right now are doing absolutely everything regardless of whether it's against their credos, including bringing coal plants back online. It's chiefly the companies who own and operate the nuclear plants who are against it, and sometimes with not-too-bad reasons, such as depleted fuel because they have been preparing for shutdown. New fuel rods would have to come from - you guessed it - Russia.

Comment Re: I still have my wisdom teeth (Score 1) 75

Here in communist Germany the public insurance pays a visit twice a year. Cleaning at my dentist costs 70 EUR, of which 50 EUR per year are reimbursed by the public insurance. Of course they don't pay everything, so I have additional private insurance for 30 EUR per month, who pick up the slack. They also pay for 2 more cleanings per year.

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