I'd do that before I'd go around threatening a federal judge. And releasing their home address, phone numbers, social security numbers, etc. *is* threatening a federal judge. You're being incredibly naive if you think otherwise.
I'm not saying judges are or should be untouchables. Not at all. Uncover and post every academic, financial, and personal acquiantance or interaction they've had since pre-school. That's useful and necessary oversight. But you do **NOT** post how to physically find them, interfere with their identity, or directly communicate with them outside of the courthouse. That's completely undermining the judiciary system. If a judge can't throw the book at someone for fear of their own life and safety, everything can fall apart.
A judge should be documented and attacked (figuratively) in the press, in the commons, and in the courtroom. But absolutely not after they remove their robes, not unless *they* do something to undermine your safety or their professional capacity *outside* the courtroom.
And I know some of you are saying "The judges are part of this shit, the militarizing of the police force, the war on drugs, etc. They have no right to privacy, who says they even deserve a right to safety for their complicity in this shit that kills and imprisons hundreds of thousands of US citizens?" Well who do you think has the power to directly *stop* those things? Without bloodshed? Yeah, the legislature can slowly change the laws until maybe police aren't carrying assault rifles regularly and aren't breaching your house without even knocking on the door...or the judiciary could become much more hostile to approving those warrants *today*. The public opinion is very obviously turning against total criminalization of narcotics and hallucinogens, against mass incarceration and crushing legal fines, against civil forfeiture and no knock raids. A judge can see this: they're generally very smart people. Make it clear that you respect them and expect them to uphold the will of the populace. Convince a judge that no knock warrants or the war on drugs are unconstitutional and they might do everything within their power and discretion to block those things. They have *huge* discretion, too. They say "I don't think you've met the measure of this code or the 'test' for getting this type of warrant." and that's the largest possible roadblock most police forces can encounter in pulling off something sinister. Just raiding shit with no warrants still isn't that easy, and it's not something any cop can just keep doing, no matter how good the Blue Wall is in a given town.
So make your choice. Either make the judiciary fear for their lives and give them serious pause about whether to jump deep into bed with military police forces, or treat them as allies who you will protect and honor. Make them feel safe and important *yourself*, while being firmly clear you want all this bullshit to stop, and maybe they won't want to support military policing or drug warrants so much anymore. Either make them afraid, or appeal to their pride an dignity. Which one do you think has a greater upside potential here?