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Comment Re:Copyright owners can change the license (Score 1) 120

Free Enterprise.

More regulation rarely fixes the problems and creates more problems that only large multinational government tied corporations can comply. Example, the repeated problems with the Banking industry, one of the most regulated industries that has been repeatedly bailed out of bad banking by taxpayers. Filed under "too big to fail"

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 142

CD Audio is digital. It literally offers no difference to all other Digital Formats, excepting for bitrate differences. Most listening is via some sort of digital conversion.

Vinyl is analog. There is a real benefit to analog, as it does not have some of the clipping effects digital is known for. Can most people tell the difference? Probably not.

Comment Re:Temporary becomes permanent (Score 1) 68

various Microsoft tools - such as the setup programs for SQL Server Management Studio - like to lock out the Explorer window

I've not observed that behavior in a long time...and as it happens, Winget is upgrading SSMS as I type this. Everything else continues to work as normal while it does its thing.

Comment Re:VPN? (Score 1) 37

The ideal is a seedbox somewhere, where one can have all that stuff done offshore, then fetch your goodies via SFTP.

I was doing that for a bit, but then I mashed Transmission and a VPN client together in one container and started using that. Files land directly on my home server, while the VPN endpoint is in a country that takes a more relaxed view of "sailing the high seas." Keeping this URL in your BitTorrent client allows you to quickly verify that the VPN is doing its job.

Comment Re:Time sensitive (Score 4, Informative) 58

The simple version as I see it is that if Social Media account is used for PERSONAL things only, they can block people, if they use it to communicate within the scope of their job as a public servant then they can't.

Most people can't help themselves and comingle their public life and their private life.

Comment Re:Imagine... (Score 1) 112

What recourse would you have?

None. I'd just have to whip out my key, exchange a bunch of BTC for ten million hundred dollar bills, and retire into obscurity. I'd shrug and say "Oh well, I guess I'm not legally myself," as I wait for my harem to replace the hundred-dollar-bills-bedding that we're all going to fuck on.

That's probably what Craig Wright is doing right now. Why wouldn't he? If he's not doing this tonight, then he's probably not for real.

Comment Re:Why is more accurate risk assessment BAD? (Score 1) 229

If there is evidence, I don't know about it. I merely infer its existence because the incentives are such that they benefit from attempting to be as accurate as they can. Undercharge and a claim can make them lose money. Overcharge and competitors take their customers.

But I don't think anyone really knew all the factors the insurance industry was using, and how they weighed them before this, either. Their algorithms have always been proprietary, haven't they?

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