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Comment Re:Really? (Score 0) 153

Plato was a big thinker but he suffered from "left-brain poisoning" which leads to over abstraction, including racism, classism, political parties, communism, and other mental disorders. "Plutonic Ideals" were supposed to be a though experiment originally.

Aristotle did major work to fix Plato's fuzzy-headed thinking.

Comment Bug or Pull Request? (Score 2) 39

> community-powered, open-source project

Has someone written a feature to make this better and it's being ignored?

Or is this a matter of insisting someone else do something?

TBH it sounds like we need a standard for pre-rendered blurb and thumbs.

Extended OpenGraph for thumbs? Or does that exist?

Social media is moving to distributed no matter who dislikes that idea, so make it as efficient as possible, yes, but don't bitch about reality.

Comment Re:This is just embarrassing (Score 1) 40

Sure. All professional gamblers make money. Just ask them.

But, for some reason, they're always broke.

One trick to manage their self-delusion is to retroactively put their winnings in the "professional gambling" pile and their losses in the "just playing for fun so it doesn't count" pile.

"Expenses" is also a handy excuse. "It wasn't the gambling - it was the expenses that ate up my bankroll." Followed of course by asking to borrow money.

Comment Re:This is just embarrassing (Score 1) 40

bookmakers absolutely do care who wins or loses. Here is one example from a few months ago.

Zachary Lucas, director of retail sports at TwinSpires Sportsbook, knew pregame that Dallas was a serious liability issue.

"There's a landslide of money on Dallas. We're up to our neck in liability," Lucas said.

One thing that has always been true - what bookies say about their results and what their results actually are are two quite different things. In the long run what happens in any particular event isn't important. The long-term profit is determined simply by how many bets they took in. The more business they write the more money they make. Sure, there can be outlier events, but they take steps to mitigate those so they don't go broke.

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Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
