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Comment I'd Agree - A bump is unneeded (for me) (Score 1) 56

I don't have any reason to upgrade my iPad. And I use it quite a lot. When I bother to take the time to close all the apps, I find there are at least 10 of them open.

Lots of people have the arrogance to assume that just because they don't "get" it, there must be nothing to get. But I am as technical as anybody, and I find it amazingly useful.

I had one major annoyance... the iPad wouldn't use my Bind9 server for resolution, no matter what I did, which meant it couldn't resolve my internal servers by hostname. Even went to experimental builds to try to resolve it. But apparently somebody somewhere threw enough of a fit that in the last couple of releases it was quietly corrected.

Now it's just one of my many tech tools quietly existing in my ecosystem.

Comment Guest editor (Score 1) 56

Who was that guest editor who wrote an editorial about how replaceable battery were battery banks? Was this written by the same guy?

People can already easily buy bluetooth accessories that do this well...a bluetooth speaker, keyboards, game controller, etc. (The idea of add-on lenses is stupid).

So what is this guy arguing? That Apple should promote it more? That there should be official Apple licensed bluetooth game controllers? That users should be more into it? That app developers should do a better job supporting it?

Comment Re:It's fine. Rationality is gone. (Score 1) 208

Yeah, I was implying incompetence. I put "banker" in quotes because banker isn't really a title that you can infer anything from. If it's just some dude that works for your bank that also stumbled across a particularly apocalyptic web page and wants you to know it... well, perhaps don't listen to that person. "Abandon ship" doesn't sound credible to me.

Comment Re:Hey, Google... (Score 1) 96

Again, I don't necessarily disagree. But I still maintain it's about the difference between the average masses and the elite. If you want a bunch of average folks, I agree that you do not need to look externally. There are plenty within the borders.

Both things can be true. There are plenty of folks to fill "most" positions. And for some niche spaces, there are not.

Comment Definitely Inspired Me. (Score 4, Interesting) 101

In Grade 8 I walked into the brand new computer Lab in my junior high school. I was faced with 8 Commodore PETs, with integrated green screen monitors and external cassette drives. When booted up, BASIC was on the other end of that blinking cursor.

I was... home.

BASIC was my introduction to the skills that would fund my entire life. It was the gateway drug. And I'm grateful.

Comment Re: Didn't google just layoff a bunch of workers? (Score 1) 96

Well, that's a good point. I'll definitely grant you that. But in my experience, that does happen. Somebody that proves themselves valuable and flexible does get shifted when changes happen.

What I find in developers is the same distribution curve that I find in every profession. That bell curve of capability is real. Some few are in the top tier, some people are in the bottom... and most people are jammed up in the middle.

If you're after that top tier, you have to look far afield. Certainly beyond geographical borders.

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