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Comment Re:ABS solid doodles are STRONG. (Score 1) 70

It's been done, but I'm having trouble finding links.

  • ABS strikes me as a bad idea because of the fumes.
  • PLA has been used to do casting. It's a bioplastic based on corn so I don't believe it's toxic when burned like ABS is.
  • PVA seems like it might be ideal. PVA dissolves in water, so you could make your mold and then just flush the positive out of it with hot water.

I know I've seen this on Thingiverse. I believe I've also seen people make negative molds on a Makerbot, use that to make a was positive, then use that to make a negative and cast from there.

Comment Re:Suck it down (Score 1) 121

The first iPods were just FireWire hard drives. There was nothing special to them. As long as you had software that could update the library file to make the thing recognize music, you could run it from Windows. I remember that there was at least 2 or 3 third party programs you could buy at a computer store to let you use your iPod on a PC.

I don't remember anyone being sued over it.

Comment Re:Hmmm (Score 5, Informative) 272

That's not entirely true. Windows CE code was available, but developers basically didn't use it much. cnet covered this at the time of launch, and in the end only around 50 games used it (out of over 700 created).

One of the Japanese launch titles, Sega Rally 2, used Windows CE, and it had a very inconsistent framerate. I believe the game was later re-released as a "native" game, which may have been the version released to the US. You can still fine some sites that mention some of the problems.


Submission + - 35% Of Americans Would Wear "Electric Shock Bracelet" in Order to Fly (infowars.com) 1

dryriver writes: Infowars.com reports: 'A survey commissioned by Infowars and conducted by Harris Interactive has found that 35% of American adults would be willing to wear an electric shock bracelet in order to fly, another startling example of how many Americans are willing to give up their rights in the name of safety. The idea of mandating travelers to wear an electric shock bracelet sounds like something out of a dystopian sci-fi movie, but the proposal was seriously considered and very nearly implemented by the Department of Homeland Security back in 2008. As the linked Youtube video highlights, not only would the bracelets have been used to deliver incapacitating electric shocks to suspected terrorists, they would also have contained tracking technology to spy on the wearer.

Submission + - Boeing 787 makes US Debut (cnn.com)

thomas.kane writes: After years of delays, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is set to take off from Bush Intercontinental Airport this morning bound for O'Hare. Designed to make the flying experience "revolutionary" it is constructed from composite materials, has larger windows, and high efficiency engines. United Airlines became the first US carrier to take delivery, they've ordered 50, but due to processing delays, they only have 2 right now, start looking for more to take to the skys early next year.

Submission + - Skype illegally hands personal details to IT-firm (www.nu.nl) 2

An anonymous reader writes: Without a warrant Skype hands personal details of a 16-year old boy to a security firm. They provide this to police for a criminal case against a member of Anonymous. The security firm wanted to stop the boy in attacking Paypal as a part of Operation Payback where people rebelled against companies that boycotted Wikileaks.

The police didn't ask for the information yet got it anyway.


Submission + - Will Star Citizen project fund Linux and Mac ports for CryENGINE 3? (robertsspaceindustries.com) 2

Mr. Jaggers writes: "Chris Roberts, game designer of Wing Commander fame, has had great success with his new crowd-funded Star Citizen project — so much that the $2m base goal has been smashed with weeks to go on the kickstarter portion of the campaign. Now Chris is floating a list of stretch goals for fans to vote on, with Linux and Mac support both listed as stretch goal candidates. Since Star Citizen is based on the popular CryENGINE 3 game engine, these stretch goals are equivalent to funding Linux and Mac ports of CryENGINE. Chris couldn't make any absolute promises yet, since he doesn't own the engine, but CryENGINE 3 already supports Android so at least there is existing OpenGL ES support to be leveraged towards adding Linux and Mac OpenGL support. If there is enough outpouring of cross-platform support from fans in this poll, Star Citizen could turn out to be the high-profile game that brings a AAA game engine to the growing Mac and Linux gaming communities — analogous to the role played by Wasteland 2 in bringing official Linux support to the Unity 4 engine popular among so many Indie developers."

Submission + - Four years later, most U.S. Drones still Openly Broadcast Secret Video Feeds (coinurl.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Four years after discovering that militants were tapping into drone video feeds, the U.S. military still hasn’t secured the transmissions of more than half of its fleet of Predator and Reaper drones, Danger Room has learned. The majority of the aircraft still broadcast their classified video streams “in the clear” — without encryption. With a minimal amount of equipment and know-how, militants can see what America’s drones see.

Submission + - Craig Mundie blames Microsoft's product delays on cybercrime (spiegel.de)

whoever57 writes: In an interview in Der Spiegel, Craig Mundie blames Microsoft's failure in mobile on cyber criminals. Noting that Microsoft had a music player before the iPod and a touch device before the iPad, he claims a failure to execute in Microsoft resulted in Microsoft losing its "leadership". The reason for the failure to execute, in his words: "During that time, Windows went through a difficult period where we had to shift a huge amount of our focus to security engineering. The criminal activity in cyberspace was growing dramatically ten years ago, and Microsoft was basically the only company that had enough volume for it to be a target. In part because of that, Windows Vista took a long time to be born."

Comment Re:How long? (Score 1) 455

I get it's useful. I know people love it. I've used it myself. I realize that may be 95% of what X has that Wayland doesn't that people are interested in.

My question is, what is that other 5%. He said "every advantage", I'm trying to find out if there is only one advantage or if there are others.

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