Merry Christmas Everyone 139
So I'm wandering off to my rapid-fire trio of family festivities today, but I figured before I hit the road I'd wish my slightly more extended family a Merry Christmas (or kurt@thepope.org or Annual Gift Giving Day or whatever the hell else you choose to celebrate or not celebrate around this time of year). Hope you get a day (or at least a few hours) off, and that you don't get snowed in (especially if you live in California). Hope Santa leaves you a wearable PC that is capable of running Linux, or an Aibo, or maybe a shiny new DIMM under your tree... or for the more paranoid, 600 gallons of pure drinking water and lots of ammo!
Best wishes to all of you (except the flamers: may you get a lump of coal).
Merry Christmas! (Score:1)
More Givibgs for everyone! (Score:1)
MerryXmas (Score:2)
Merry Christmas (Score:2)
Best wishes to all in coding, and life in general.
A hearty Bah Humbug to All (Score:1)
I wish a hearty Bah! Humbug! to all, but in an age when even folks on alt.gothic.parenting are posting the infamous 'Is there a Santa Claus' letter, I can find precious little support for not celebrating the holidays.
I've resisted for four years now, perhaps it is time to face the inevitable and be assimilated.
Merry Christmas! (Score:4)
Santa was here! hehehe...
(don't forget to log out!)
Merry Christmas Slashdotters! (Score:2)
The readers, the writers, the posters, the people who supplied the servers, and andover.net.
I wish all of you good luck in the new year, and i hope you have a great time today!
Happy Holidays! (Score:2)
Happy Solstice (Score:1)
Talented as I am, I managed to develop an acude case of bronchitis sometime on Wednesday, and haven't slept since, but hey, we needed an excuse not to go see the inlaws.
I hope everyone else is having a better time than me - it'd take a huge amount of talent to do worse!
All I want for Xmas is some karma! (Score:5)
To those of you running Win**, may your BSODs be just a shade brighter, and your security holes be just a little smaller.
Once again, happy holidays (applicable to whatever you celebrate).
Happy Holidays (Score:2)
May your holiday season be filled with happiness, family and love. May your socks never develop holes in the back part commonly known as the heel, and may your computer chair never become as uncomfortable as mine has. (Ow, ow, ow... SANTA, HELP!!!)
Seriously, besides the copyright infringement that I hope Hallmark doesn't notice (or I'm in a world of hurtin), I want to wish all of you slashdotters a very Merry Christmas... don't forget your Y2K vows (never underestimate stupid people) and remain calm and happy.
A Good one (Score:1)
The next millenium will be GPL'd or won't be.
Mary Xmas (Santa Leave me the water and Guns) (Score:1)
Have a happy and safe New Year.
What I'm thankfull for this holiday season (Score:2)
Among the many things I'm thankful for this holiday season is.
1) A warm, caring loving family ;)
2) Faith
3) Open source hitting major media.
4) Open source hitting wall street.
5) micros~1 finaly recognized as a monopoly
6) Linus
7) The thousands of programers world wide that make this comunity grow and thrive.
8) A computer that just works (thanks to numbers 6 and 7)
9) Triple digit Karma
How about you ?
except the flamers: may you get a lump of coal (Score:1)
They can go to hell tomorrow, today is just too good a day!
Where's my present? (Score:1)
Make the best of what you have this year. (Score:5)
I don't have a devote faith to any religion. I was raised Jewish by my step father. But by choice I am more a Humanist. I try to behave decent and morally without any expectation of reward or punishment in the after life. I have been doing a great deal of reflecting this week and next year I am going to start living more for the moment. I will try to appreciate what I have more, and never hold back the truth.
This Christams/Hannukah/Festivus/WinterSolstice/NewYea
Re:A hearty Bah Humbug to All (Score:1)
Re:except the flamers: may you get a lump of coal (Score:2)
And a box of matches, a coin and a handful of grain... And this little bit of doggerel.
Here's tinder and flint - so you'll not want for light
Here's coal for your hearth for warmth in the night
Here's grain for your larder and coin for your purse
May the things that you want for be not of this earth.
Top 10 things I wanted for Christmas... (Score:5)
1. triple caffeinated penguin mints
2. semis@slashdot.org
3. A Hemos action figurine
4. "Fear the Penguin" T-Shirt signed by bill.
5. one of them things from fufme.com
6. a new hotmail exploit on Bugtraq
7. my shell to say "Merry Christmas - jackass" when I logged in
8. "slashdot me, baby" boxers.
9. a
10. A Picachu voodoo doll
Re:Merry Christmas! (Score:2)
Hope your holiday season is happy.
Merry Christmas to Rob, Jon and Hemos! (Score:1)
Merry Christmas (may it be joyful), and have a Happy New Year 2000!
Hopefully, when the Linux 2.4.x kernel is ready in a few months, Linux will finally get the mainstream success on the desktop it deserves.
Merry whatcha'ma'call-it! (Score:1)
Have a Happy Saturnilla (Score:2)
Greetings one and all... (Score:2)
PS. Tried to post this using the Opera beta, but it crashed. It's probably a bit too early to be releasing it as a beta, but it's definitely a step in the right direction. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out when finished. Mozilla M11 was pretty good too, but it's becoming a bit of a bloated mess :-( It does at least render HTML 4.0 correctly, though, unlike most other browsers.
I want CmdrTaco to listen to my damn story ideas! (Score:1)
I got almost nothing, but I gave. I gave my step-daughter a Playstation, cuz that's what she wanted. My daughter got a rocking panda, but she has no clue what she wants cuz she's only a year
I hope some of you
with some children. It rocks.
Merry Xmas!
Apple Day (Score:2)
My Action Figure (Score:3)
I need a complaint hotline (Score:1)
Re:Hemos Action Figure with kung-fu mouse grip (Score:2)
Newton is Christ! (Score:1)
Merry Christmas / etal (Score:1)
Merry Christmas! (Score:2)
Re:Top 10 things I wanted for Christmas... (Score:2)
I looked at the site, and there is *nothing* anywhere that says it is a joke. Please tell me it's not real.
-- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?
woah! (Score:1)
Merry Christmas! (Score:1)
Pegans? (Score:1)
Blessed be
Xmas with kids (Score:2)
On that note, I'm off to pick up a carless stepdaughter and her small children. Our living room will soon be a storm of small bodies, discarded wrapping paper, and food, food, food.
(My wife is a chronic holiday cook who always makes 10 times as much as we can actually eat...)
So Merry (your holiday here). Hope yours is as warm and joyful as ours.
- Robin
Happy Holidays (Score:2)
And Happy Holidays to all you intelligent posters out there.
(Hey Sony! I'd like an AIBO for Christmas!!!)
-- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?
Yay! (Score:1)
Re:All I want for Xmas is some karma! (Score:1)
Gee, all I wanted were some moderator points.
[zapping posts]...zap...zap... Muwahahahaha...
Ok maybe not... Have a good Christmas all!!!! And make the holiday season a great one! It just might be our last :)
Merry Christmas! Buon Natale! Joyeux Noël (Score:1)
Down in Who-ville
Liked Christmas alot...
But the Grinch,
Who lived just north
of Who-ville,
Did NOT!
...Have a
Merry Christmas...
if you like that
sort of thing.!
Re:Xmas with kids (Score:1)
Merry Chrismakkah, or whatever (Score:2)
Is there Hope for us? (Score:1)
Maybe there's hope for this planet after all?
Or maybe the flamers are just sleeping in? Hope not..
Merry Christmas all! Make it a good one...
Re:Happy Holidays (Score:1)
They did me one better is what they did. I got a frikking Executive Leather Office Chair, and it's the nicest thing I've placed my butt on in a long time. That and my relatives got me enough cash to cover gel rests.
It's been a good christmas, and some insightful giftgiving has made it great.
Just felt like sharing.
BTW, I insulted a Jewish girl in my school by saying merry christmas to her, so now I just say "Have a good thing"
Re:Greetings one and all... (Score:1)
Happy Birthday to the an important person... (Score:2)
Isaac Newton!!
To celebrate, I'm going up to the tallest tower I can find and drop large and small bowling balls off of it to reconfirm that all objects fall at the same rate!!!
P.S. Who is this Jesus shmoe that everyone is talking about? Never did anything for me.
P.P.S. Shabbat Shalom (Good Sabbath) and have a nice loooong Shabbos nap (the best type of nap there is) :-)
Re:My Action Figure (Score:1)
And let's not forget... (Score:1)
Re:Pegans? (Score:1)
Don't give 'em coal! (Score:1)
A token Celt in an almost all Norse ADF Grove!
Silver Fox Grove, ADF
My Gift..... (Score:1)
Anyway, I'm celebrating the end of the world. I'll be spending Jan. 1, 2000 underground in my refournished Nuclear Bunker with my new computer, AK-47 and a bunch of Mountain Dew. I wonder what will come out of it.....
Re:Make the best of what you have this year. (Score:1)
We only get one shot at life (well, i guess reincarnation is possible, but let's stick to just one for the sake of discussion). Love your family. Love your friends. Don't argue over piddly shit. If there's one thing I've learned from losing my mother, it's that there is really no point to fighting over things that just don't matter.
If you haven't called your mom yet today, call her. Tell her you love her.
Merry Christmas from DoLinux.org (Score:1)
Family Computers (Score:1)
Hope you all had a lovely night ;)
MFC (Score:2)
It's really about the best human virtues:
Giving of oneself
Sacrifice for the sake of others
Loving you fellow human, no matter thier situation or short comings
All the Season's Best to all. Life is the best gift all of us are given. Go in Peace. God bless us all.
Awwww.... (Score:5)
I love you guys.....
-Andy Martin
Merry Season! (Score:1)
ditto (Score:1)
Re:And let's not forget... (Score:1)
Christmas? Already? ...and other misc thoughts (Score:2)
But I'm just 17 so I am still on the receiving end. I have another year of being a bum so I'm making the best of it.
Right now I am feeling awfully proud of this free software revolution... of what it has accomplished since 1986 (or whenever the exact year is). If there is anything like Christmas it would be the Free Software Movement. Sharing and caring for geek toys: software.
Santa has been good to me this year. With gnu/linux systems going mainstream and all... Hey, I used some of my Christmas money and bought a gnu/linux distribution... at Wal-Mart of all places. Especially in my town out in the middle of no where. A linux distribution in Wal-Mart... there may be hope of World Domination yet.
Well, these are my Christmas wishes for next season:
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope all of your Christmas wishes come true. I certainly hope so for mine.
Re: fufme.com joke... (Score:1)
Maybe we should raise some issues withe the company. Personally I would have thought the devices would be more convenient in their portable state, though this may compromise leverage.
Also, what about gay/lesbian models?
AI to control things and give a more random aspect?
What about if you cannot afford a connection to the internet, or dont have a partner? Can you elect to go it alone and leave things up to the software AI, or maybe control it with your keyboard?
How about support for an orgy? Follow the online tutorial to configure the software exactly the way you want it...what goes in whos mouth... the professional version even has support for one-to-many relationships! One mouth/orifice serves two or more... or vica versa!
The possibilities are endless! But somehow, I think for 599 + shipping and handling ill fall back on my right hand, as I have so many times before
PS: wow, that certainly is a prety amusing site. The things people will register domains for these days! But I suppose the domain creates the whole reality thing... it is all a spoof isnt it?
And to you (Score:1)
Re: fufme.com joke... (Score:1)
Is this device Y2K ready?
Wait, just as I wrote this I noticed that they indeed have done all the required testing for Y2K compliance of all their products.
BUT...The warrantly clearly states that:
"This warranty is void if:
c) if the device is subject to abuse, neglect, lighting strike, electrical fault, improper packaging, or accident;"
I guess I'll now have an excuse to buy that APC I've always wanted! When lightning strikes I'll be the one laughing... I wont have killed my $500 investment! (Though I could have lost allot more if I was actually using the device when the lightining hit
Re:Apple Day (Score:1)
Re:A hearty Bah Humbug to All (Score:1)
Physical Laboratory in the UK used to
sell Newtonmas cards (since Isaac Newton was
born on the 25th of December in at least
one of the calendar systems in use at the time).
I phoned them this year to see if I could
get some and they said they don't do them,
and don't remember doing them for at least 10
years. Ah well.
A odd idea (Score:2)
Karma.....here comes a negative..::sigh:: (Score:1)
Re:Where's my present? (Score:1)
Re:Top 10 things I wanted for Christmas... (Score:1)
Merry Christmas, All (Score:1)
Re:More Givibgs for everyone! (Score:1)
Re:Merry Christmas Slashdotters! (Score:2)
Thank you!
Re:Happy Holidays (Score:1)
Soon, our converstations will be completely generic and with no spice whatsoever..
Oh well
Re:I want CmdrTaco to listen to my damn story idea (Score:1)
Merry Christmas everyone.
Re:Top 10 things I wanted for Christmas... (Score:2)
Ooops, I guess I should've not reported that one I did to secure@microsoft.com first, and made sure it was fixed.
I fixed a huge Hotmail bug for Microsoft and all I got was this lousy polo shirt
Not Penguins....Pagans (Score:1)
Re:Merry Christmas! (Score:1)
Re:Happy Holidays (Score:3)
With that, merry Christmas to y'all!
Re:All I want for Xmas is some karma! (Score:1)
Re:Happy Birthday to the an important person... (Score:1)
Newton was a great man, but remember your celebration has already occured earlier this year. The nerds convened in late October to witness the ceremonial dropping of two pumpkins from the top of a building [cwru.edu]. The ghostly presence of Isaac himself ensured that, although the orange fruits differed in size and shape, they hit the ground at the same time. Truly, the event was a deep spiritual experience.
And Jesus shmoe is whatever you want him to be. I figure he's probably flexible like that, unlike the fundamentalists who have come after him. Merry Christmas
don't forget this holiday (Score:1)
y2k (Score:1)
And you got it! (Score:1)
Merry Christmas and Joyous Holidays to all!
Joy :-| (Score:1)
Re:Happy Birthday to the an important person... (Score:1)
Kenny: mmrmf mff rrmff mmf.
Cartman: Yeah, math is stupid.
Kyle: Don't belittle my favorite subject, you fat fucker!
Cartman: I don't have to take that crap from a goddamn calculus geek!
Cut to a wide shot, where an Englishman in a powdered wig descemds from the heavens
Englishman: Behold my glory.
Stan: Holy shit! Sir Isaac Newton!
Cartman: What're you doin' in South park, Sir Isaac?
Englishman: I come seeking...retribution.
Stan: Oh my God, Kyle...he's come to kill you because you forgot what the gravitional constant was!
Kyle: Oh, fuck!
Englishman: No, I love all who read my Principia Mathematica. I come seeking a place called...the math department.
Stan: We'll take you there.
Stan accidentally sets off in the wrong direction.
Cartman: Hey Einstein, the math building is the other way.
Stan: Dude, don't say Einstein in front of Newton.
Cartman: Ah, fuck you.
Cut to the math building. We see the kids lead Newton into the lobby, where some students are gathering around an old Polish mathematician.
Newton: There he is.
Leibniz: Ho, ho, ho...we meet again...Newton.
Newton: I should be getting all the credit for inventing calculus, not you!
Sorry, you'll have to script the rest...suggestions include:
Re:except the flamers: may you get a lump of coal (Score:2)
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Best ASCII art lighter I can do, looked OK in preview... Just to prove I have no life at all, as if there was ever any doubt...
Hmmm... Flamebait?
Re:Flamers? (Score:1)
Re:Happy Holidays (Score:2)
(There, is that PC or what?)
Zontar The Mindless,
All I wanted for X-mas (Score:1)
Re:All I wanted for X-mas (Score:1)
Merry Christmas (Score:1)
Begins to think
Hmmn. AHA Okay so this is not really cool but I got a kick out of it today. Chirstmas Dinner at my Grandmothers. Come down from school (Ga Tech for the curios minded!:-). Am sitting there and I have a hacker wanna-be for an uncle. He was telling me all of the 'cool' software he has.. NT 4.0 etc. etc. heh. I said. Oh yeah.. I have all things Microsoft.. I have Office 2000! "Whoa! You can burn me a copy of that?" lol. I said hmmn How about I send you a nice copy of Redhat 6.0. (Then mentally thinking to myself.. listen to your screams as you fry your hard drive.) Anyhow That just didnt have much of a point did it?.. Bleh.
MERRY CHRISTMAS, Even if I cant think of anything useful to say.
Jeremy Allen
Merry Christmas! (Score:2)
Merry Christmas to Rob, Jeff, the crews at Slashdot, BSI, and Andover.net (obviously they got something nice in their stocking!), and everyone that contributes to making Slashdot great. And, for those that don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Ramadan, Happy Midwinter's Day, or whatever you choose to celebrate at this time of year.
And let's all do what we can to ensure that 2000 will be The Year of The Penguin!
Eric (and Pamela)
"Free your code...and the rest will follow."
Just as I thought... Santa is a moderator. (Score:1)
Go 'way!
Re:All I wanted for X-mas (Score:1)
No snow today in the Northern Sierra foothills, but it made it to 70 F -- record highs all week. We still had mistletoe, and holly and an oak Yule log. We decorated the mantle with cedar branches and tangerines; made a swag of Doug fir boughs for the wall; got a little spruce for a Christmas tree that we will plant in the backyard after the new year; watched the model train go round and round; listened to Christmas CDs; missed Mom and Grandma who've passed on; phoned loved ones in Oregon, Illinois, and Maryland; walked gifts to neighbor's houses; gave dogs and cats premium food instead of the every day stuff; fell asleep after dinner; woke up; turned on computer and read Slashdot.
A simple and gentle Merry Christmas to you all.
Re:Happy Birthday to the an important person... (Score:1)
Devdas Bhagat.
an even Merrier X-mas for all you (Score:1)
Kris "dJOEK" Vandecruys
Re:Happy Birthday to the an important person... (Score:1)
Happy Hogmanay (Score:1)
Goodwill and peace to all