The Linux Platinum Card: taken at better stores everywhere 159
DocSavage was the first to write with the news that The Linux Fund plans to offer a Linux credit card. Interesting-if they can get 100,000 subscribers, then they will have about 2 million dollars to throw at developers and projects.
Re:US Only (Score:1)
Re:US Only (Score:1)
Re: Credit Cards suck (Score:2)
They do electronic funds transfer with some of my cards, however there are a few that they don't have set up, and I think if you pay these online, BankBoston snail mails the payment to them. I'd rather mail it myself than wait for the bank to do it.
Re:Non rip off cards (Score:2)
But it was managed by PNC, and the sold it to MBNA as the poster above mentions.
As for the rest of the cards I have, none of them are great. I like my AT&T Universal Mastercard because of the calling card feature, but I think that got sold to Citibank.
In short credit cards in general are a scam. Should you own any... yes, you need them for some things, but don't carry a balance when you can help it. But they have all sorts of dirty tricks to make you pay more...
Read the fine print gang..... (Score:1)
It's precisely the point (Score:1)
Let's say I do get this Linux CC and charge $10,000 on it over the course of 1 year. Let's say MBNA gives 0.5% of that, or $50, toward Linux development.
I use my current card, Bank of America, and get 2% cash back on the same $10,000 I would have spent with the Linux CC and get $200. I send the $200 to
say, SourceXchange, and $200 has gone to Linux instead of $50. It's simple math.
I don't know the details of MBNA's offer (and I'm suspicious of them for saying they'll send some of the proceeds towards linux development but failing to disclose exactly how much), but I suspect it's not worthwhile.
Re:Ugh. First USA is terrible (Score:1)
but, they send tons of junk mail along with their billing statements and (at least it seems to me) they take a real long time processing payments so that they can charge as many late fees as possible.
I've really liked Bank of America, reasonable rates, no junk mail/telemarketing, 2% cash back, the only CC I've ever been totally happy with.
Just pay your balance in full every month (Score:2)
Every now and then, I get a credit card with a very low interest rate (under 4%) for a period of 12 months. Whenever I get one of these, I transfer another loan (like my car loan) to that credit card. The interest rate is easily lower than the rate on my savings account, so I actually make money by borrowing.
This the advice my parents gave me when I turned 18 and got my first credit card. I've followed it for 12 years since, and I've never had a problem.
Re:Ugh. MBNA. (Score:1)
They keep trying to sell me life insurance "to protect my family". This is for the credit card I signed up for at college.. tell me, how many college students really NEED life insurance?
Associates (Score:1)
The Associates was what I was refering to when i said that MBNA sucked "but not as bad as my first CC company".
Linux CC? (Score:1)
Re:US Only (Score:1)
Of course, it has been pointed out that this bank does have a UK branch so they could be asked to consider offering this service to their UK customers.
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:1)
I agree the telemarketer harassment sounds pretty crappy. But not everybody does that, I don't think I've ever gotten an unsolicited call from my card companies.
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:2)
What kind? I've used a debit card to rent them before (A mastercard, but it should make no difference) I didn't run into trouble.
Car rentals with VISA debit cards (Score:1)
I've also seen instances, though it never happened to me, where these holds and such profiled the card as 'unusual use' and it got placed into a fraud protection hold.
Warning on affinity cards (Score:2)
Re:Don't Apply For This (it is encrypted) (Score:1)
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:2)
I've had credit cards do this for me as well. I tried to get the $25 dropped for the $1.57 incident, they refused. This was Capital One bank BTW. They did eventually drop the whole $50 after I closed the account. But the aggrivation they put me through leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
so now I have two cards at 9.9%. I just called up and complained and threatened to cancel my card.
Why'd you complain about that?
What's wrong with first union? (Score:1)
Sounds Cool... (Score:1)
Sounds great! (Score:1)
for for NON-USA residents? (Score:2)
Would like to see the extended to the UK (I know MBNA have an operation over here as I used to have one of their cards). Guess it's time to hassle them directly.
Re:for for NON-USA residents? (Score:1)
I bet they spam us, too. (Score:1)
want to take bets on how many days before I get
junk email at it?
Donations for using your card (Score:1)
Oh, great. They are spammers. (Score:1)
message has a domain which you can't send email
to at all; the domain exists, but there's no
MX records or anything, and you can't send
email there.
Very disappointing.
US Only (Score:1)
I wonder what the interest in such a scheme would be and if anyone is able to offer and UK specific advice on being able to set such a scheme up.
I'd be interested in:
1) How many people in the UK would use a similar style card.
2) How you'd like the money distributed (i.e. to what projects)
3) How to go about setting up such a project in the UK.
Reply to this thread or email me if you're interested.
Re:Wrong way to help? Linux Non Profit? (Score:1)
We are an incorporated non profit.
You can just give us money, but this seemed easyer and cooler.
Arrggh, not with MBNA (Score:1)
I guess it could be worse. At least it isn't affiliated with First Union -- the worst credit card company in the world.
Would have been neater and more appropriate if they got one via a 100% Internet Bank, like Security First Network Bank (www.sfnb.com). I've had all my accounts with them for over three years now, and can pay bills, move balances, etc, all on the web.
I didn't see mention of it, but I'd sure hope you can manage and pay your Linux MasterCard account on-line. We are nerds after all..
Re:for for NON-USA residents? (Score:1)
I've thought about this before but never got round to checking the demand in the UK or how easy/difficult it would be to set up.
If the bank that's doing this has a UK operation then we may be able to persuade them to make English versions of the same cards which would save having to set up our own UK scheme.
Re:Don't Apply For This (it is encrypted) (Score:1)
When you submit the form back to the server, it's submitted via an encrypted URL. No one will see what you send back.
Ugh. MBNA. (Score:1)
1. don't have a website where you can view your transaction history, balance, pay online, etc...
2. are in the east coast so it takes a few days for mail to get there from the Northwest
3. assume their customers are morons by sending "Convenience Checks" that you'd have to be a complete imbecile to use
4. telemarket. This hasn't happened in a while, but they have done it. When I moved recently, I refused to give them my new phone #. I've *never* received a call from a CC company except for telemarketing. SCREW them.
Anyone know of a CC company that doesn't beleive their customers are idiots? I'll change in a heartbeat.
But if I stick with MBNA, I *might* switch to the Penguin card.
Re:US Only (Score:1)
Awesome! But non-secure signup page :( (Score:1)
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:2)
That's what debit cards are for. I don't use my credit cards anymore now that I'm out of college and make enough not to, but I still have the balances I ran up during college, and I'm working to pay them off.
I agree the telemarketer harassment sounds pretty crappy. But not everybody does that, I don't think I've ever gotten an unsolicited call from my card companies.You're lucky. I took the day off from work yesterday, and had two of them!
If you are still not convinced, here are two more things that Credit Card companies do that irritate me:
1) They modify their agreements (terms of use) anytime they feel like at, and despite the name, you don't have to agree.
2) With some, if you close the account, they'll raise your rate on your remaining balance. Some will even charge you a fee for closing the account!
They're not all completely evil... (Score:1)
i got a new visa from Yahoo! and when i first started using it, i bought so many things on one day that they disabled it and called me to make sure it really was me!
I thought that was a "Good Thing".
Re:Don't Apply For This (Score:1)
Re:A good cause isn't the point (Score:1)
Every time I'm anywhere near a bank I get this overpowering feeling like I'm about to be taken by P.T. Barnum... thanks MBNA for proving my instincts once again.
Considering that this card has a lower interest rate that the average. It seems safe to assume that the amount going to linux fund will be less also. If they don't mind I'll just send them a check for $20.00 a year a get a regular card.
Strange. (Score:1)
Let's finance our non - proprietary endeavours and fight the evil proprietary software companies by using another source of proprietary income? It doesn't make sense. Having worked for a credit card company, I would hazard a guess that many software companies that we dissaprove of operate with more scruple than the credit card industry.
To modernize an old euphemism, this looks like a case of the fridge calling the stove "almond".
$which weed
Wrong way to help? Linux Non Profit? (Score:2)
in profit then you are each giving 20 bucks a year
to support linux. Why not just send 20 bucks
to linus and not deal with all the interest. You
are gonna pay at least hundreds in intrest if you
keep a balance. There are cards lower then 12.99
out there with no anual fee. Is there a REAL non
profit org setup that helps linux expand and grow?
I would be all willing to donate to a real non
profit org that has a track record of doing good
things for linux.
It states right in the article that this guy is a
for profit company that is looking to make a
decent living off this card. Yes he is gonna fund
some projects but I am sure less then a million
would make it to those. And thats less then 10
bucks a year..
Something to think about..
Those sons of bitches! (like the idea, though) (Score:1)
Not to mention the fact you have to be a US citizen (I'm Canadian, can't they mail the damned card across the border?!)
Sigh. Time to go plot a killing spree again.
How to deal with Credit Card companies (Score:1)
1. Never end a conversation with customer service regarding late fees like the situation above without speaking to a supervisor. Many (if not most) customer service representitives can not handle/ will not handle the removal of fees themselves and often do not know how. Many are college/high school students who are under-trained and don't know the policy. The others usually just follow the company policy without any regard to the customer.
2.If things are VERY important, make sure you write to the company and confirm over the phone that they receive the letter. Phone conversations are not legally binding, and allthough most phone conversations will be followed up, they are not legally required. Written communication MUST be followed up. Not sure how email ties in since we had not online services.
3. Companies should have a do not promote feature, USE IT. This prevents the company from forwarding your name/address/phone to telemarketers. Once again, do this my mail.
4. If someone tries to sell you credit protection, ask speciffically what it offers. Some states offer that if the cardholder dies, they will pay up to $???? on the balance. This is ironic since on many cards, if the account holder dies the balance is written off as uncollectable.
I believe all the information above is correct (but it has been 5 years since I worked there) so p[lease correct me if I'm wrong.
Beware of banks whose initials are F.U. (Score:2)
I've never dealt directly with FU (except for a Student Loan), but friends and family still do, and many of them are switching to other banks because they hate it.
Re:for for NON-USA residents? (Score:1)
It's not fair: I can't get a StarWars credit card, I can't get a Penguin credit card - just because I live in the old world (and face it: plain MasterCards and EuroCards do the same - but are not even half the fun)
Re:How to deal with Credit Card companies (Score:2)
Unfortunatly, it is usually the credit card company, or at least they are doing it in the name of the CC company ("Hi, I'm Pam calling from Citibank...") doing the telemarketing, not third party telemarketers, I don't know how such a feature would affect this.
1. Never end a conversation with customer service regarding late fees like the situation above without speaking to a supervisor.
I actually did this with Capital One, the supervisor refused to remove the charge, even though the late balance was only $1.57
MC v. VISA (Score:1)
So it might be cheaper for them only to make a Mastercard.
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:2)
The going rate these days for interest bearing accounts is about 3% or less. Credit Cards often charge 21-24%. I'd rather lose the 3% than pay the 24%.
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:2)
Argh... you're right. I just remembered: a few weeks ago, I opened a new account at an independant video rental store because I was sick of Blockbuster's censorship. One of the things they asked me for was a "real" credit card, and they didn't want my debit card. So I just handed over the rarely-used VISA and then forgot about it.
I guess I better rethink tossing the "real" VISA. Thanks for the reminder. *grumble*
Have a Sloppy day!
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:1)
This is very true, fortunately my parents warned me, and told me the first thing to do when I get an appartment is put all the furniture, etc. on credit, let some of the balance sit there for about 2-3 months, (pay off a portion each month), then you will have an established credit line. And then in the future, just use the credit card like a debit card. (Don't let a balance sit). It worked for me, when I went to get a mortage, I had no problems. They actually pre-approved me for twice as much as I needed for the house. This is especially impressive, since I was self-employed (I had been self employed for 3 years though).
-- Keith Moore
Re:How to deal with Credit Card companies (Score:1)
I've gotten the same calls but they say("Hi, I'm Pam and we are calling Citibank credit card customers...") infering that this is where the got the information. Also the do not promote should be applied internally for situations like you discussed.
As for the late fee, its not a perfect system, and many companies are just evil about it. I've more then one personas credit record ruined because the company couldn't/wouldn't clear up late payments that may not have been the customers fault. It is sooo sad.
Re:Ugh. MBNA. (Score:1)
mbnanetaccess.com [mbnanetaccess.com]
Re:Can't believe this (Score:1)
Since when do garage sales take Mastercard?
Re:$2 million of debt (Score:2)
How's that for obstruction? Mail a LETTER? At my expense? Yeesh, what's wrong with an email or a checkbox on the same secure form.
This isn't Linux Credit Card's fault, it's the bank's. I signed up regardless, but I'ze got to get stamps today. I haven't mailed anything in MONTHS, aside from shipping things like cables, etc.
This Web site is published by MBNA America Bank, N.A., the principal subsidiary of MBNA
Corporation. The MBNA Web server automatically recognizes and records domain names, but not
electronic mail addresses. Information gathered may be used to improve the content of the MBNA
Web site. Information supplied to MBNA via the Internet, such as postal addresses or telephone
numbers, may be used for marketing and/or research and development purposes. Information
provided on applications for credit automatically authorizes MBNA to review the applicant's credit
history, employment history, and/or other information, and to share with others, if necessary, such
information and credit experience.
Information about you or your account may be shared among MBNA and its related
companies for marketing or administrative purposes. You may prohibit such sharing of
information, other than information pertaining solely to transactions or experiences
between you and MBNA (or an MBNA-related company), by writing to MBNA at P.O.
Box 15342, Wilmington, DE 19850 and including your name, address, home phone number
and the applicable MBNA account number(s). MBNA is at your service 24 hours a day,
365 days a year at 1.800.421.2110.
$20 not $200 (Score:1)
Still, everyone understands that the Linux community isn't going to see $2,000,000 from this because 100,000 folks aren't going to sign up. (I don't know that $20/customer is reasonable either.)
Re:Can't believe this (Score:2)
At least no one has griped about the price on the motherboard/processor yet....
Re:Don't Apply For This (Score:1)
Sorry about this.
MBNA Telemarketers (Score:2)
Not Pretty (Score:2)
There's nothing worse than handing someone a poorly designed credit card when you go to charge something. Especially when you are at a restaurant or an expensive store.
I don't know what's worse, that faded out brown penguin with the cheezy platinum logo in the upper right or the blue card with the funny offset box.
Maybe I'm nit picking. There are some pretty nice looking credit cards out there, but they are hard to find with a decent rate.
MBNA actually makes some pretty full color deals of Hawaii and what not. They also make cards for several other companies that are quite pretty, the Garfield one is surprisingly well done as is the Gateway Computer one.
Can't believe this (Score:3)
Old IBM keyboard bought at a garage sale -- $2
Mail-order installation CD -- $6
Having a complete system running Free Software -- priceless
/* I can't BELIEVE I was the first guy to use this gag on this article! */
Re:Ugh. MBNA. (Score:2)
But... They just sold their operation to guess who? MBNA. I just got a new modified *agreement*. (Gotta love that), and the BS has begun.
AMEX is great (Score:1)
is great, I have called them and disputed a cuople
of transactions, and they tell me not to pay
the transaction and puts it under investigation.
Within a couple of weeks they get back to you
with the result.
But an AMEX card costs a fortune, you can't
carry a balance and most merchants hate them
because their high charges. Noone is perfect...
Re:Ugh. MBNA. First USA is fine (Score:1)
Note, they are affiated with BankOne.
Yes, they do send out convience checks, my shredder loves them.
Put your money into a real Linux Non-Profit (Score:1)
Donation instructions are here [debian.org] and here [spi-inc.org] Good luck!
P.S. And, unlike this credit card gimmick, you really know how much you've given!
P.P.S. If you hate your CC being passed from MBNA to FirstUSA to CapitalOne and back, get it from a bank that is big enough - Chase, Citibank.
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:1)
Credit Cards for College? (Score:1)
Why have a credit card at all during college? When I was a freshman, I knew other FRESHMEN who had run up 5000 dollars in debt! And we'd only been in school a month!
Granted, I trust myself more than that, but since I didn't have a steady income during the school year, I didn't see the point in running up debt. The only possible use I could see for a credit card right now is to have in case of emergencies.
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:1)
I totally agree. The other thing that paying your bill every month gets you is a very good credit rating. I know someone who did everything with this checking/debit cards and he's having a Hell of a time getting a Mortage (for his first house).
Having a blank credit raiting is almost as bad as a bad credit rating if you want to buy a house!
But you get a free shirt! (Score:1)
By the way, don't keep a balance, use it for stuff you know you can pay back and it costs zero. no big deal.
Re:Don't Apply For This (Score:1)
Re:Credit Cards for College? (Score:2)
For another, I had a car that broke down a few times, I needed to get to work, but didn't have enough cash to fix it, so I had to charge it.
And I'll bet that they use the lead time between when you sign up and when they receive your letter to sell your name to those greedy telemarketers, too
Ironically (Score:2)
Re:US Only (Score:1)
Regards, Ralph.
Don't Apply For This (Score:2)
Venture not further for here ye be dragons!
If you "Apply Online" personal information like your bank account numbers, annual income, and SSN are submitted unencrypted across the Internet.
A financial institution that does not use crypto by force of habit can not be trusted with my money.
Great !!!! (Score:1)
Re:Don't Apply For This (Score:1)
Oh no! I must correct myself. The link goes to https only on the post. My firewall prevents the submission of anything to a script if the referring page was not also encrypted!
Re:Don't Apply For This (it is encrypted) (Score:4)
Re:Arrggh, not with MBNA (Score:1)
I take it you don't have the same options in the US?
Credit Cards suck (Score:2)
It's not bad enough that many of them charge over 21% interest, if your payment shows up a day late (thanks to the postal service), BANG! $25 Late charge. I once had a card with a balance of $1.57, I paid a little late, and they charged a $25 late charge. I called them and complained, I got another bill stating that the late charges were up to $50! They charged a late charge on the late charge even though it 1) wasn't yet late. 2) The original balance was paid.
They will constantly try to get you to buy "credit protection" which is nothing more than a scheme to increase your balance each month, since the interest + the cost of the protection will often be greater than the minimum payment.
If you have cards, you are guaranteed to constantly get harassing phone calls with offers that are supposedly too good to be true. Tell them that you aren't interested, they keep on, hang up on them, and they call back saying "Sorry sir, there must've been a problem with the line."
You think you are being smart and get a "low interest" rate card ( = 12% ). Guess what? Sooner or later the bank that issued the card will either sell it or merge with another bank, and your interest will go up. My wife had a card that went from 12% up to 24% because of this.
Re:From their website: (Score:2)
UK version is on it's way. (Score:1)
The reply I got was:
Yes, we are planing on launching in January.
At 03:48 PM 8/27/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Are you planning to offer your Linux credit card in the UK?
> [rest snipped]
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:1)
Credit cards come in handy, if even only for proof of financial accountability.
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:1)
Re:Car rentals (warning drifting offtopic) (Score:1)
In my case, the employee in question didn't know how to handle the transaction since it did not arise frequently enough.
sigh...and I thought the whole point of these cards was going to be that merchants could not detect that you were really using a checking accont....
Re:How about a smart card running the 2.2 Kernel? (Score:1)
"What is this, tattoo equipment?"
"No, that's a soldering iron. Tattoo artists generally have many tattoos themselves."
"You could hijack the plane with this!"
"Um.. It plays `Hey Jude.'"
"I'm going to have to bring the police in."
"...Um, or you could check that with your luggage."
"Some of that stuff is really expensive and owned by the company I work for, I don't want it to go through the Play-Doh fun factory of luggage."
"We'll just put a fragile sticker on it."
"Ah, the `beat this up` flag..."
I got away eventually. Phew. No trouble in St. John's, no trouble in Halifax, no trouble in Ottawa. Just Vancouver.
Wow, that got off topic....
Actually, I've done realtime on a Z180 before.
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:2)
I didn't actually pay it, and never heard from them again. Guess they realized that it was costing them more than 3 cents to send letters like that.
Still, had they been a credit card company I'm sure that they would have charged me late fees and reported it to the credit agencies.
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:2)
And I suppose that you've also never had an unexpected situation like having a car break down, and need expensive repairs, and you have no choice but to use your credit card to fix it because you need the car to get to work, and don't have the cash on hand for the repairs.
Re:FrontPage 2000! - NOT (Score:1)
Now let's not start any vi vs. emacs flame wars here
Please visit: http://linuxfund.org.
Re:Credit Cards suck (Score:2)
I sure hope that you checked your credit reports, they may have said bad things about you which could come back to bite you if you go for a mortgage or something
Re:FrontPage 2000! (Score:1)
That is the VC's not the non-profits
Sorry about this.
The Reply They Sent To Me... (Score:1)
So I guess us Canadians will be able to get them too.
Re:$20 not $200 (Score:2)
Re:From their website: (Score:1)
Doing the math, it turned out that the "fee" basically jacked up the effective interest rate to roughly what their normal one was.
$2 million of debt (Score:1)
Slogan? (Score:1)
Re:From their website: (Score:1)
Beowolf Cluster!!! (Score:3)
E-Mail I just sent to the LinuxFund.org people (Score:3)
I think that your new LinuxFund.org credit card setup with MBNA is a grea idea to allow me to support Linux development.
However, it is only available in the US. MBNA Canada also has an "affinity marketing program" - it includes things like NHL hockey and non-profits like Ducks Unlimited (see http://www.mbnacanada.com/english/cards/affinity.
Is there any chance of getting a similar credit card to be issued by MBNA Canada?
Re:From their website: (Score:1)
In this case, they are little daggers or crosses (I forget what they're called).
They tie into the information down the line titled "MORE APR INFORMATION"
Hope this helps!
Other cards to avoid (Score:2)
Providian Bank -- did the same to me as MBNA did to A.C. above -- sent a card at low interest rate, then at 1st late payment (caused by slow postal service in my rural community at the time) hiked the interest rate to 22%. I payed it off and cancelled it immediately.
Fleet -- got an advertisement in the mail. Reading the fine print, they do the exact same thing. One of my other credit cards recently got bought by Fleet. After getting the runaround with their customer service department while trying to get a fraudulent charge removed from my bill (I am about to mail their company president a copy of "Knock Your Socks Off Service" to give to the service department manager), I am in the process of cancelling them too.
Anybody have a NON-ripoff credit card company? I'm running out of folks to cancel