Sun Claims MS Steals Vision 154
Dan Reiland sent us linkage
to an interesting little ditty on Sun's web page that
mocks Microsoft for stealing their Vision. I'm actually amused by this
on 2 levels: First, its amusing that Microsoft (Already legendary in this industry for their innovation and originality) has actually been caught "borrowing" something.) but more amusing is the fact that Sun thinks people actually care about (or for that matter read) vision statements.
Yeah, it was Sun that envisioned "ASP"s ... (Score:1)
Network Computers (Score:2)
Re:Static OOP is flawed (Score:1)
It depends on whether you view subclassing as extension or superclassing as generalisation. In my point of view subclasses can also add new constraints so actually the methods of the would-be superclass may violate the invariants of the subclasses (this is a bitch for maintenance if the superclass isn't abstract enough). So the methods that would cause that violation would have to be removed and the superclass made more abstract by moving the methods down to those classes where they don't threaten to violate the invariants. In some cases you could just change the class of the object in question when such a method is used. The question is about mutability, the base classes that account for substitutability shouldn't be too mutable or you can run into problems, rather they should be abstract and take into account the future limitations that subclasses may require.
In the mathematical world the circle is a subclass of the ellipse. It is an ellipse with certain constraints, which allow some optimizations to take place in the implementation. Yes a circle is substitutable for an ellipse provided that the ellipse class has no methods that would violate the circle's invariant or the circle object would then change into an ellipse object, which is what it logically does, when you for example scale it in the X direction only. In this case there's the problem of someone else expecting it to remain a circle...
Re:Install NT (Score:1)
However, I'm so fed up with the cruddy Microsoft OSes that I'm ready to jump anywhere else, even if it means selecting something other than Quicken for finances. I run a mixture of WinNT 4.0 Server, WinNT 4.0 workstation, Solaris 2.7, and Linux 5.2 and 6.0 in my labs at work, and Windows gives us the most trouble by far. We have several products currently using WinNT that we are currently migrating to Solaris, simply because we have so many problems with the lack of reliability we experience with WinNT.
I'm currently trying to hire two WinNT Server Sysadmins to run my WinNT shop, and I'm having a hard time finding qualified, experienced personnel, because good ones are in so much demand because WinNT is so hard to keep running reliably.
Re:what's wrong with vision? (Score:2)
"We will achieve greatness through enhancing the pulchritude of the dominant paradigm of customer-product interaction."
Re:If I were Sun.... (Score:1)
"Telephones should have wires. Televisions shouldn't. Anything else is heresy."
Slashdot's Vision (Score:1)
"Stuff that matters".
How can anyone top that?
Re:Java is dead? (Score:1)
I still think it is the best language for number crunching in physics and engineering. The only problem is that not enough money is invested in new Fortran compilers. Fortran has become a niche language.
C++ has all the modern bells and whistles for general purpose programming by professional programmers. I think it is too complicated for many people who don't need all of its features.
When I look at K&R's C book and compare its size to the latest edition of Stroustrup's C++ book, I wonder if the costs outweigh the benefits.
Yeah Baby!! (Score:1)
All from the same word generator (Score:2)
Not surprised with the similarity at all. They were both made with the Mission Statement generator [dilbert.com]
(we could argue about Mission vs Vision but that would be petty)
Re:I second the motion (Score:1)
MS won the countersuit but it was only a token amount.
Re:Java is dead? (Score:1)
The available compilers and libraries are not compatible with each other or the ANSI standard.
Much of the compiler and library documentation is terrible.
You can't look at a page of C++ code and get a good idea of its time/space requirements. Operator overloading is not a feature.
I know a number of scientists and programmers who do research on the physics of the ionosphere. They write all their software in FORTRAN-77. It lets them do their work without having to learn the language and operating system of the day.
Why does Sun need to insult Ginger Rogers? (Score:2)
Renaming their versions of Linux? (Score:1)
Re:"Waaaahhh"...Shut Up. (Score:1)
keep in mind:
1. Linux has nothing to do with this article.
2. Solaris ain't too bad (esp. when it comes to uptime).
3. "win"?
War mentality sucks. Sorry to post basically flaming verbiage against another
--Andrew Grossman
Re:not defending MS, but... (Score:1)
Re:what's wrong with vision? (Score:1)
I know bandwidth is getting cheaper (gigabit ether and all that) and there are administration costs that make not having a harddrive cheaper.. but as far as admincrap is concerned wouldn't it be simpler just to use rsync and a few perl scripts etc?
Re:Java is dead? (Score:1)
What! MS Borrowed somthing! (Score:2)
Of course it is even funnier that sun posted something like this on the site, I mean how weird is that? It seems Sun might be spending a wee bit too much time thinking about ol' billg. (Note that this is very different from thinking about or complulsivly reloading /. , which I would of course never do)
Chris DiBona
VA Linux Systems.
Grant Chair, Linux Int.
Re:Java is dead? (Score:1)
Sun & Rent-an-app (Score:2)
See also: Windows (regardless of whether you think they stole it from Apple or Xerox).
not defending MS, but... (Score:2)
This is nothing new (Score:2)
Re:Sun & Rent-an-app (Score:1)
hmm... (Score:1)
Re:MS innovation (Score:1)
I don't know either, but our lab full of XTs in grade 12 computer science had optical mice. Back in 1987. They needed metal 'mouse pads' with tiny green lines in one direction, and tiny red lines in the other. The neat thing was that up and down, left and right were always the same, even if you twisted the mouse.
Re:"Waaaahhh, he stole my cookie!" (Score:1)
Linux supporter, but if this title, and tone
were directed toward Linux it would be a -1 Flamebait.
Come on guys.
Re:Java is dead? (Score:1)
The abstraction doesn't comme from OOP usually.
What are you manipulating? 'objects' They are either abstract or real, but they are still familiar things. And inheritance is a very common process, that's a bit the way we organise our Thinking. (analogy, inheritance links between facts and concepts)
If you really want an abstraction ride, rather try a functionnal language. And with most ones you can still do OOP. (clisp, haskell,...)
Re:Sun blew it (Score:1)
Re:Sun blew it (Score:1)
Cause no one would call Object Pascal anything but ugly and repulsive.
I didn't see the smiley, though!
Re:Static OOP is flawed (Score:1)
No they don't, since the behaviour of the methods is specified in the post-conditions. The problem is that the superclass may have methods (for convenience or efficiency perhaps) that are impossible to implement in a class that would be the logical subclass while maintaining it's invariant. In this case it is most likely that there is a superclass missing in the design that could provide the necessary substitutability of classes. Mutability in the superclass usually leads to problems. Secret invariants ? What are you talking about ? The invariant of the subclass is the union of all the invariants of it's superclasses and the new conditions it adds. It is stricter than that of the superclass and it's the duty of the subclasses methods to enforce it.
This also a question whether the traditional OO approach can model the world as such to an acceptable degree or not. OO breaks in the circle vs. ellipse case. The relation between the usual Circle and Ellipse is IS-A in the mathematical sense. Sometimes the world has to be bent around the OO conceptual primitives. In dynamic languages the OO primitives can sometimes be extended to cover these situations. For instance the the transformation from Circle to Ellipse can be implemented in a static language with a design pattern called Bridge, which is quite contorted to plain metamorphism. Metamorphism is perfectly valid in some models, for instance, consider the lifecycle of a butterfly.
Re:What! MS Borrowed somthing! (Score:1)
Re:Why does Sun need to insult Ginger Rogers? (Score:1)
Re:MS innovation (Score:1)
If I were Sun.... (Score:1)
I mean really, if a dial tone refers to a tone prompting you to dial....then a web tone must be a tone prompting you to....wait a minute, that doesn't make sense.
Andrew (really hating PHB buzzwords)
It comes from the former head of the "Open Group" (Score:1)
In a previous existence he was a champion of open systems at Barclays Bank in the UK
Re:Sun blew it (Score:1)
Re:Static OOP is flawed (Score:1)
I have written several large programs in C++, and have only used Multiple Inheiritance once. When I saw what I had done, I changed it and no longer used MI. It really isn't a great feature, and with interfaces and inner classes in java, I've yet to see a single example of it.
Sure Microsoft implemented multiple inheiritance in their 'J--' product, claiming that it was 'required, they couldn't implement things without it', but when I look at the bastardized code, it looks like ATL code- and my MFC programming experience tells me that this is the WRONG way to do things (object interfaces should be inner classes). the Multiple inheiritance way leads to namespace collisions.
-David Waite
Re:MS innovation (Score:1)
These don't, thats the innovative thing. Still it must be the only truly innovative thing they have done.
One of the truly amazing things to come out of the DOJ case is MSloths claim that they can only innovate if there is a monopoly, and to think I thought it was competition that promotes true innovation.
Re:Java is dead? (Score:1)
Anyone who claims Java is just a toy language is unqualified to comment on it, because it just isn't true. I've been doing sizeable commercial apps with Java for a long time (longer than most, anyway), and it kicks serious butt over anything else in the following critical areas:
1) Portability (duh!)
2) Error handling (too easy with Java!)
3) Debugging (if you have a good tool and good technique. Command-line development is pathetically inefficient. I use Visual Age Enterprise, and long ago got my money back in increased productivity.)
4) Memory handling (the great flaws in C/C++ are lost memory and bad pointers)
5) It plays nicely with others. I've done programs linking C, assembly, C++, SQL,
6) Threading for free (threads really suck in almost anything else!)
7) Excellent protection of variables (prevention of race conditions). Crucial for threaded programs, since it's almost impossible to catch in testing. Such occurences are probably the cause of many Windows crashes
8) Less customer support needed, since it's less likely to have uncaught bugs
9) Easier to reuse and replace modules. Reused code and free code are almost synonymous
10) Easy to have it upgrade itself
11) Most important of all: fast and easy to finish stable code. Sure, maybe its runtime is 10+% slower, but so what?! I typically cut coding time at least in half by using Java due to all of the above. It's impossible for a C version to be faster when it's several months from actually getting finished (unlike the Java version, which would already be done!). The old adage that time is money is so true! Spend a couple hundred dollars apiece on faster machines to make up the difference in speed, from the far more significant hundreds of thousands you saved in development costs and maintenance. Duh! Is doubling the cost really worth that (theoretical) improvement in performance? Outside of something like gaming, I don't think so! (and I'm still convinced that somebody's going to pull off writing hit games in Java, with assembly subroutines for some graphics handling)
Oh, yeah, we were talking about Sun. Cool machines, but their pres. is a weasel, and is no better than Gates. But since they turn out some cool _original_ technology (my favorite of which is, obviously, Java), I forgive them their sins (once they repent by handing everything over to Linux!).
The text: Re:Amusing corporate statements Re:Go go (Score:1)
(The links are expired, and interestingly Amazon doesn't have these releases at their website)
Amazon.com Said:
(http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/981106/wa_amazon__1.h tml)
Company Press Release
SOURCE: Amazon.com, Inc.
Amazon.com Issues Statement Regarding Barnes & Noble's Acquisition Of Ingram Book Group
SEATTLE, Nov. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- Amazon.com, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN - news) today released the following statement in response to the announcement that Barnes & Noble Inc. has agreed to acquire Ingram Book Group:
Amazon.com currently purchases books from a variety of sources, including Ingram. Our long-term strategy has been to diversify our supplier base and to increase our direct purchasing from publishers. We anticipate that this trend will continue for some time to come.
That said, Ingram is the largest book distributor in the United States, and many independent book stores rely on it as their sole source of supply. The combination of the country's biggest book retailer with its biggest distributor, and, given the recently announced Bertelsmann transaction, its biggest publisher group, undoubtedly will raise industry-wide concerns. Like other independent booksellers, we hope that Ingram resolves those concerns with a strong commitment to treating all bookstores fairly.
``To our customers: Worry not,'' said Amazon.com founder and CEO Jeff Bezos. ``Those who make choices that are genuinely good for customers, authors, and publishers will prevail. Goliath is always in range of a good slingshot.''
Barnes And Noble Responded with:
barnesandnoble.com Issues Statement Regarding Amazon's Statement About Barnes & Noble, Inc.
With regard to the acquisition of the Ingram Book Group, Barnes & Noble, Inc. is amused to read Jeff Bezos' quote, where he describes himself as an independent bookseller: ``Goliath is always in range of a good slingshot.''
Well, Mr. Bezos, what with a market capitalization of some $6 billion and more than four million customers, we suppose you know a Goliath when you see one. Your company is now worth more than Barnes & Noble, Borders, and all of the independent booksellers combined. Might we suggest that slingshots and pot shots should not be part of your arsenal.
To which Amazon Replied:
http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/981106/wa_amazon__2.ht ml
Company Press Release
SOURCE: Amazon.com, Inc.
Amazon.com Issues Statement Regarding BarnesandNoble.com's Statement Regarding Amazon.com's Statement About Barnes & Noble, Inc.
SEATTLE, Nov. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- "Oh."
Re:innovation and orginality (Score:1)
infamous for stealing other's work and passing
it off as their own.
please remove nospam
Re:Java copies Windows (JDBC,Beans,JSP,EJB,JNDI et (Score:1)
Re:Java is dead? (Score:1)
I implore you, please don't make silly statements like this. Think about the logic there.
Re:hmm... (Score:1)
Chasing tail lights (Score:1)
Sun missed the obvious slam -- the one so graciously provided by Microsoftie VinodV:
There you have it, straight from the source! Microsoft isn't plagiarizing, they're simply chasing Sun's tail lights! :^)
Let no one else's work evade your eyes,
Remember why the good Lord made your eyes,
So don't shade your eyes,
But plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize -
Only be sure always to call it please 'research'.
-- Tom Lehrer, Lobachevsky [wiw.org]
Re:Java is dead? (Score:1)
Re:Sun /.ed ? (Score:2)
Your DNS is messed. Or more likely netscape glitched and blamed DNS like it always does. Hit shift-reload a few times.
Re:innovation and orginality (Score:1)
If memory serves, they do have a fairly insane number of patents (many of which for seemingly minor details, such as single-clicking behavior under various circumstances and what not).
They have the resources to try strange things like mice with wheels, or {shudder} "Bob"-like software, because even if something completely flops, their flagship products will still more than compensate...
Re:Java is dead? (Score:1)
If you've ever seen a particular vendor's JVM die with a bus error, you'll recognize the twin irritations that a) some implementations bite, and you have to work around them in your allegedly platform-indy code, and b) you won't be able to examine the JVM code to figure out what's triggering the crash, but instead can do just black-box testing and workarounds.
The documentation is sometimes iffy -- neither "Java in a Nutshell" nor Sun's online tutorials seem to bother noting byte-ordering (which is an issue for any app[let] that communicates, either via sockets or files...), leaving it to the user to experiment and determine that it's big-endian.
Or, if you need unrestricted network access, but the browsers you target don't natively support javakey, then you either have to force a plugin or have further hacks 'round that.
Yeah, but Sun borrowed theirs, too. (Score:1)
Not that I like Microsoft. I dream of a Microsoft free day. My wife (a computer novice) almost weekly begs me to dump Win98 on our home machine and install Linux. She is extremely frustrated by the fact that Win98 croaks constantly and yearns for the stability I experience at work with our linux boxes.
Hmm, that would keep the kids off our machine and on theirs...
Stolen vision? (Score:1)
Re:Static OOP is flawed (Score:1)
This may sound like methodologist ranting, but the cleaner the mapping from the analysis model to the implementation model the better. I wonder what is the real world conceptual counterpart of an inner class or interface. Well, clearly I'm biased toward the methodological and philosophical side of OO, while most people in the US are being taught the pragmatic side of OO (dependency management and modularity). The philosophical side of OO, clean mapping from analysis model to implementation, is easier to implement in dynamic languages. CLOS for instance can do an extremely clean implementation of the multiple dispatch and the circle vs. ellipse dilemma can be solved using the polymorphic abilities of the language.
Circle is a subclass of ellipse, no question about it. The problem is that the superclass probably has operations that may violate the invariant of the subclass, which is a bit backwards... This is a problem of the static languages, they attach the form (struct) of the implementation tightly to the logical object, which leads to problems in certain situations like the circle-ellipse case. The solutions to these kinds of problems are usually quite contorted.
Re:What! MS Borrowed somthing! (Score:1)
If memory serves, MS did have a motto of something like "A computer on every desktop, running Microsoft software" or so. Considering now that people are putting more computing functionality in devices that are not traditional desktop computers, why not update that? It's in line with, say, trying to wrest the PDA market from 3Com's Palm devices w/ CE, and so forth.
Both MS and Sun could naturally have the same goal: domination of anything that runs -- or could run -- software. That could be an interesting fight {shrug}.
Hey, BilltheG, getting desperate, aren't we? (Score:1)
I mean, after all, most bloody companies out here have a missions statement that includes, usually last, chief place, "...to provide value for stockholders..."; that is, to make money for the CEO and the others with serious stockholdings. What's the *point* of a mission statement, other than to try to show that human resources, or whatever they call themselves, have some purpose (other than to not hire people, not promote people, not transfer people, but just talk to 'em and shuffle papers)?
Re:Why does Sun need to insult Ginger Rogers? (Score:1)
Re:not defending MS, but... (Score:1)
So with the above in mind, a Tech Company must come across as a Leader not a follower, as well as orginal and innovative, within their Vision Statement. MS used poor judgement and failed at all.
Re:Sun blew it (Score:1)
People tend to forget that Sun is a Hardware Vendor, Solaris accounts for less than %10 of Sun profits, couple that with the support they must provide, Sun wants to drop it like a rock in the future. If Linux or any OS for that matter, were able to take full advantage of Sun's hardware they would jump ship in a minute. I personally believe they will jump within the next year.
Take a look at SGI, SGI just dropped IRIX, why? It's just not paying for itself. SGI was in trouble and just said "Hey, let's concentrate on what can pay the bills, highend Hardware".
Java dead. Where do you work? Here in the telecommunications sector most all client side apps are now written in Java. Maybe that's just here but I know we make quite alot of money selling this "stuff":)
WebTone vs WinTone (Score:1)
Set cron for 2 weeks for Sun to publically flame MS again.
Don't be dissing Sun, now! (Score:1)
Sure, they've got a few problems too, but overall, wouldn't you agree that we're better off with Sun in our industry that without? I sure do!
Somebody reads vision statements (Score:1)
there IS an answer, microsoft... (Score:1)
Hypocrites at Sun do it again (Score:1)
I wonder which vision was stolen first.. Sun's vision of this "anything anywhere" crap, or Microsoft's "we want to rule the world" that Sun is striving for.
This, of course, comes from the people who gave us "Java Server Pages". I wonder where they got the idea for that. Funny how Java Beans gives you the same functionality as ActiveX (except that it only really works with one language).
Don't forget, Sun was always "open standard, open standard! Let the best implementation win!" Now that have a successful product like Java, they don't want it to be open. They just want to pretend that it's open.
Don't just blindly follow Sun because they pick on Microsoft. They have warts, too.
hmm (Warning M$ Plant) (Score:1)
I seem to remember a little lawsuit that resulted in my prepackaged PCs coming with Windows and a little mostly unmarked (and totally unsupported) disk that said "update to Java VM".
Get back to work, Bill might be watching.
Here's a Vision Statement (Score:1)
Suckers (Score:1)
I though people had their troll detectors running while reading this site. Silly me ;-).
Re:Here's a Vision Statement (Score:1)
Re:not defending MS, but... READ THIS (Score:1)
Re:MS innovation (Score:1)
On a side note, most mice today are opto-mechanical...there's a little wheel with holes which interupts a LED-sensor pair. It's actually closer to an optical mouse conceptually then you might think at first. The grid is just inside the mouse, controled by a ball.
Legend in their own mind! (Score:1)
Instead, I think it is more appropriate to give you the Eastwood "Legend in his own mind" award. If you really want to understand what is legendary at Microsoft, send out a good survey asking whether they are known for innovation or arrogance!
Re:MS innovation (Score:1)
Regards, Ralph.
Re:This is nothing interesting (Score:1)
Nowadays, mission statements and vision statements are intended to fit on plaques in the offices with nice carpet. They are what management use to "inspire" one another with the latest and greatest buzzwords--they get printed on tee shirts and given out as prizes for whoever regurgitates the right motivational mantras the fastest during the next Team Building Retreat. As a rule of thumb, mission and vision statements are so vague as to be meaningless; if the plaque contains the words "quality", "enable", or "enhance", feel free to rip it off the wall, flip it over, and use the back as a fish scaling board. That's probably the most useful it could ever be.
Re:Why does Sun need to insult Ginger Rogers? (Score:1)
Java is dead? (Score:1)
I figure Java is just as dead as Perl or C++.
It matters to investors, lawyers, and politicians. (Score:3)
what's wrong with vision? (Score:1)
I'm frankly very disappointed that you're mocking "vision". People do care about vision. Sun's "The network is the computer" is a great vision and very inspiring if you think about its implications. So what if it comes from a corporation? It's still an attempt at moving towards a goal other than making shareholders rich.
Sure, vision is a misused concept, but it is one of the key factors that differentiate people that make a difference vs. people who just complain. The reason most vision statements SUCK is because most managers don't have an ounce of vision or leadership in their bones.
On the other hand, companies like Sun *do* have leaders like Bill Joy that have had widespread technological influence. Other visionaries are people like Alan Kay, Don Norman, Doug Englebart, and Steve Wozniak.
Who would you rather listen to, a visionary with a cool idea, or a cynic who just complains about stuff? Or do you just not want to listen to people with decent ideas just because they're part of an "Evil (tm) Corporation"?
Leaders with vision try to "do the right thing", and are continually learning what the right thing is. People without vision often do the wrong thing well.
Re:Install NT (Score:1)
ms stole sun's vision statement (Score:1)
'vision statement' generator. well, actually
this is a 'mission statement' generator, but
what's the difference anyway?
The customer can count on us to assertively leverage other's quality materials to allow us to enthusiastically create unique intellectual capital because that is what the customer expects
Reality Check Is A Regular Feature (Score:1)
As you can see, Microsoft is the target only slightly more frequently than SGI or HP.
MS innovation (Score:1)
I second the motion (Score:1)
Anyone else remember when they lost the lawsuit over doublespace?
That's not a vision statement.. (Score:1)
Well, here's _my_ new vision statement:
"I'm going to make applications which run only at the north pole next tuesday at 11am on a 386."
Vision indeed...
-- Listen to music [xoom.com]
kept as a memo? (Score:2)
of course, they're involved with the doj case, complaining about microsoft and has been angry with them for hijacking java. but simply attacking microsoft at every turn is not a good way to act. so, microsoft wants to compete in the market for the future internet appliances. that's a good thing. we don't have to have a sun monopoly, do we? i would think that if this came from any other company but microsoft, they wouldn't have said anything publically. and, in fact, i'm sure other companies have said things like this. this "vision" is almost a fact. this should've been left as an in-office joke memo.
yes, microsoft is bad and evil and do everything wrong, but sun's constant "official" whining about their monopoly makes me respect them less. is there anything like this on red hat's website? i would be surprised if there is. "we did it first!" is not a good argument to get customers. "we did it better!" is. sun should've simply taken the imitation as a compliment and continued their effort to create products that are better than microsoft's, not just think up buzz words.
Go go Sun! (Score:1)