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Domain Name Price War Begins 54

SEWilco writes "An InternetNews article reports that Joker.Com is offering lower prices for domain registration. About US $43.50 for .com, .net, or .org for the first two years. " Hmmm...I guess I never considered the domain price to be the outrageous part-but declining prices are always nice.
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Domain Name Price War Begins

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  • Or more likely because a fair few Americans wouldn't happen to know the national flag of the country from which their own primary language originates, so the American flag was added to avoid confusion. ;)

    Bigotry aside, however, this being a European web site it's natural for them to use the British flag to represent the English translation - but as American English is fast becoming a global language, it makes sense to display the American flag as well - particularly for those English-speakers from neither country who might recognise the US flag but not the flag of some offshore European island. ;)

    There you go.

    "Cake or death!" (E. Izzard)
  • No, that's not capitalism that fouling the air, it's opportunism. Opportunists are people who muddy the waters of capitalism, always trying to find the shortest distance between effort and reward.
  • Are you really sure that it won't hurt to get this cheaper?

    There is ALWAYS some sort of trade off. You buy a cheaper car you maybe getting a less safe or less performing car.

    Now I am not saying cheaper isn't better. In some cases it very well is. I like the idea of paying less for something I have been buying more of lately. However, I don't like the idea that now domain squatters will be even more prevalent. It is already almost impossible to find decent domain names and most that are taken aren't even being used.

    Oh well. I suppose I would rather see the industry (computer) grow and everyone have their own domain etc.. than to see it stagnate.

    Derek Neighbors
    DFC, Inc. []
  • I registered a domain name at today, but
    their website does not seem to have a way to change
    your registration (i.e. contact and DNS info). An
    e-mail to has not yet been returned.
    Does anyone have any idea how to change this info?
    Don't say go to because
    uses, not
  • Well, I feel that $35 dollars is a fair amount to spend on a domain name, if the company hosting that domain was accually responsive to its customers. If this joker is a relativly small company that can acually stop and help its customers I'd gladly pay them whatever they want. (Complaining about this because I've been working for months to get some contact information changed in the domain that I registered myself though internic (back last year when you could accually register through internic without dealing with nsi)
  • hmmmm, i registered a name through speednames [] to get forwarding of mail and http. no they sent me a mail that they will be releasing a weekly list of deleted domain names.

    maybe there are some gold names left! ;-0


  • But this will change nothing as far as domain sqatting. So far, Internic allowed anybody to register anything as long as it was not taken - it can't get worse than that ...

  • Sure, in a saturated market a large drop in price is usually an anti-competetive move, or a drop in quality. Sometimes it's because of some great innovation that truly dropped costs.

    But, when a company has its monopoly rights taken away, a big pricing drop is only natural and often comes with an increase in quality of service.

    I highly doubt it honestly costs anywhere near $50 a year to run the service. I think that it could probably be done around $5-$10 a year without a drop in service.

    The way DNS requests are cached pretty well assures that the bandwidth requirements don't kill you. If it's a busy domain it'll simply be more likely to be in a cache when a user requests it.

    But, I don't think domain names are here to stay.

    Something like "Real Names (tm?)" will probably take over. Then web lookups would be more like a yellow pages phone book. With some sort of caching... The first time you look for Slashdot it would suggest all the alternatives, the next time it'd remember your choice unless you asked for the list again.

    Seems silly to limit ourselves to this silly naming scheme. It's already hitting limits similar to phone numbers. Not only are a lot of the obvious and good names going, but the .com/.org/etc thing is just making people register any and all applicable suffixes, like with the 1-800/888 thing. And to avoid things like, companies are registering all the likely typos... Sheesh. Am I the only one who thinks the system is close to finished?
  • Ditto. It's great.

    And you'd be suprised how fast stuff loads.
  • It never hurts when something gets cheaper. I don't think I will complain about this one ...

  • by Anonymous Coward
    I can't decide if this is good news or not. Does this mean that it will be harder for people who seriously want to register domains to get the one they want, as now its cheap enough for almost anyone to buy domains left, right and center, without actually intending to do anything with them? Or am i being paranoid?
  • Heehee. And I had just registered my domain 2 weeks ago, and then this news? Always seems to work that way ....
  • JunkBuster []. I haven't seen a banner ad in years.
  • and will it be cheap when you have to pay some snot nosed kid $800k to get the name you want? Cant wait for cybersquatting to be against the law.
  • Can that be right?? Network Solutions charges $119? If they do, I'm guessing not for much longer.
  • anyone want to make an english front end and just send the data to there cgi's? or if they have text files that you can email, i guess that can be translated, and just use that.. anyone got any offers for that? i don't know the last bit of german to even know what text files to look for (like domain-reg.txt on nsi's ftp..)
  • This "Registration Agreement" seems to be a bit confusing, why is the bottom of the page unreadable? Is this a way to show customers that the cheap price is not a trick? I would not trust such offers.
  • by Evro ( 18923 ) <> on Monday August 16, 1999 @05:01AM (#1744727) Homepage Journal
    If I register a domain with NSI for $70, can I renew it with this new company for their price?
  • Depends. Would you also make reverse cybersquatting illegal ??: You know, you have a domain, and somebody else wants it. The classic case is the "People Eating Tasty Animals" site, the original "". Then, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals" decided THEY wanted PETA.ORG, and NSI put the domain on hold. . .

    So, before complaining about Cybersquatters, check out The Domain Name Rights Coalition [] for the flip side of the argument. . . .
  • duh... I didn't just fall off the turnip truck ya know. Thanks for trying though, professor obvious. When you are in english, the screen for filling in the domain owner contact info returns errors on each required screen so that you can not get a successful submission.
  • I've been parking some domains (no, I'm not a squatter; launch date for the real sites is in two weeks!) for free at (well, after the $70, anyway). No reason to pay.
  • And will they wrapper all your sites with an advertising banner script?

    On an unrelated note, can we get a timeout on the banner ads that are hanging the display of the /. site? When I finally hit stop on my browser after a couple of minutes, the topic shows up with broken banner icons. Can't we program in banner ad sizes so the topic displays while they try to load?
  • They all get registered with the same central registry (NSI, at the moment). It's just that these guys take care of all the paperwork, billing, etc then pay NSI a small amount of money to cover NSI's cost of maintaining the global 'whois' servers etc.

    Still don't know if I'd trust them to be around two years from now when the domain expires and needs to be renewed...

  • Am I loony, or is there a simple solution to cybersquatting? It's called instant credit card billing. When you register for a domain name, you have to put up the cash then. No more scamsters registering 500 hot domains to play them for two months hoping one of them is lucky, then denying to pay them off. If you register 500 domains, at $50 for two years, you'd better whip out that $25,000 limit Platinum Visa.
  • Ah, the pungent aroma of capitalism!

    It really does chafe my buns when a client wants their company name, of course it's gone, and so is every combination of initials, their CEO's middle name, the name of the secretary's dog, etc.

    The Divine Creatrix in a Mortal Shell that stays Crunchy in Milk
  • Try They got back to me fairly quickly, in English, when I had a problem.

  • It's all there, in ENGLISH!

    Some English. When they asked me for my name and "titel", I decided maybe I should find a site with a slightly more professional look.

  • If you click on the "English" flags the pages get translated.

  • Uhm....see that red white and blue flag with the stars in the upper left. Thats the American flag. Yanno, the country you might live in.... Click on that and you'll get English silly.
  • Network Solutions charges $70 for registration for 2 years. I believe the $119 charge is to park the domain on their servers for 2 years (this also covers the registration cost IIRC).
  • so how are you supposed to get past the goofy domain owner info errors? Hmmm... what's that saying " if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is "
  • -- Because you are what we call, in Latin, a "dorkus malorkus".

    There's no need to be as ignorant as you are arrogant. If you don't like what you see, don't give them your business. Non-english speakers have to put up with the likes of you all the time, and it isn't pleasant. Not only can you not tolerate some simple spelling mistakes made by someone willing to learn your language for your benefit, but you then proceed to butcher another language (latin, in this case) to call me a "dorkus malorkus," whatever that may be.

    I must say, the quality of the crowd here at Slashdot seems more and more like that of the real world -- rude, ignorant, and intolerant.

  • Yup. You can have the new company transfer the domain from NSI, although you'll have to pay the transfer fee, which is the same as a new registration, and NSI doesn't have to give you any of your money back. If you just registered your name, it's not worth it, but if you're close to renewal, it's worth it. (Your domain has to be in good standing to be transferred, so don't try it if you already owe NSI for renewal.)
  • C'mon, people! Just scroll down the Terms & Conditions page a little further. It's all there, in ENGLISH!

    This is a WORLD-WIDE WEB page...English is not everyone's first language, especially in Germany!


    Good idea. I've been just hitting the 'esc' button when I see that netscape had loaded 100% of whatever document it is getting from /. - then the banner and/or images just are broken. Sure is annoying tho when you are hitting preview and then submit and it takes ten minutes just to post a reply.

  • yeah, I had forgotten about them. I did load it on my Linux box at home last night. Didn't seem to have the access right for my other machines (Macs) to proxy through it. It worked well. I like the modified version with the 1 pixel blank .gifs. I remember seeing a bit about it on Alan Cox's diary page a while back.
  • If you need it in American English use

    Also I tried to ask how I could transfer my domain but if you notice there are no methods to contact them!
  • The dorkus malorkus comment is my sig, and it's a reference to The Simpsons. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  • Use Lynx [] as your browser. It's super-fast, and Slashdot renders beautifully under it, especially the low-bandwidth version.

    Plus it doesn't crash as much as another browser that I could name.

  • Dude, how long have you been playing this game?

    How many sales? Average price? Total take?

There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about. -- John von Neumann
