Script Kiddy HOWTO 162
Dan Cyr sent us a link to the
Script Kiddy HOWTO
which is actually quite amusing, and quite satirical about
its subject matter. As far as HOWTOs go, I don't think
you'll find it very useful.
An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it. -- James Michener, "Space"
Is NT Better "Right Out of the Box?" (Score:1)
My employer will never let me install Linux on one of our servers. He knows I do not have time to be a real sysadmin and he is convinced that NT is more secure right out of the box.
Is he right?
Would this guy's system have been cracked if he'd been running NT?
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:1)
Why is this needed?
Not too bad (Score:1)
kiddies (Score:1)
Most have 95.
Because they're parents wont let them install *nix.
Kiddies don't know how GNU is related to Linux (Score:1)
Here's a Mirror (Score:1)
> 1, but not a script kiddie (Score:1)
yeah, but... (Score:1)
protecting logs. (Score:1)
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:1)
If you didn't make backups in some form, if not even on your local computer, you deserved it....
Oh, thanks for your compelling insight. I guess I'll just take myself to court :P
Every 45 seconds, another arrest for Linux. 695000 last year. It's time for a change.
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:1)
We had been running RedHat 4.2 but we have removed the server since I was in the middle of building the new server at the time anyway. The new one will be running RedHat 5.2 when the hard drives arrive.
I fortunately have a backup of my code (minus about 60 hours of work.) But no one else backed theirs up at all
Every 45 seconds, another arrest for Linux. 695000 last year. It's time for a change.
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:1)
You have to have backups, even it it's just copying the files to another drive or to another computer on the network. You have
to use hosts.allow/hosts.deny, and you have to turn everything off you're not using - Red Hat is especially liberal with inetd by
default. Bare minimum, or you will get cracked sooner or later if you on a leased line.
It's unfortunate that we need to have so many things running, but we do. And the server has to be accessible to everyone. Since the machine is colocated at an ISP we're going to see if we can pay them to back it up to a tape drive on one of their servers. Unfortunately I think this will probably double what we are paying. Yes, it's our fault that we didn't invest the money for backups but the script kiddie still deserves to pay if we can catch him!
Every 45 seconds, another arrest for Linux. 695000 last year. It's time for a change.
Chicks dig programmers? (Score:1)
Oh puh-leeze, boys. Have none of you ever ventured into an industrial night club? You FOOLS!
My best pick-up line is , "pardon me, are you a scientist?"
Course, it took months of lovelorn glances and flashing programming books around to catch the eye of my true love.
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:3)
I need a howto on busting script kiddies. A script kiddie breaks into our server with the wu-ftp exploit, and sets up an irc bot. We immediately patch the holes and delete his bot (after making a copy of all the bot's config files.) It's too late though because the malicious little bastard has already set up a back door and he logs in as root and does "rm -rf
Well, I know the channel where he keeps his bots on IRC, but that's all I know about him. How do we locate him though? How do we collect on hundreds of hours worth of labor that he destroyed? We aren't a big company, just a group of people paying out of our own pockets and credit cards to try to start our own business--we didn't even have enough money to afford a tape backup for the server. I'd love to nail the little bitch.
Every 45 seconds, another arrest for Linux. 695000 last year. It's time for a change.
My $.02 on this issue (Score:1)
the localhost login attempt -- look at the
timestamps -- it was four hours later than the
activity from Not sure what that
Anyway I would at least suggest setting your
/etc/host.deny and
access to ftp and telnet ports from all IP
addresses (in hosts.deny) then list trusted IP
addresses in hosts.allow.
Pretty funny (Score:1)
script kiddy, script kiddy
i love you, yesssss
iiii do!
ooo, with your script kiddy pose
woah, woaha woaha!
ooo, with your script kiddy clothes
woah, woaha woaha!
ooo, with your script kiddy toes
woah, woaha woaha!
(sung to the tune of pussy cat, pusssy cat)
Well, what do you expect for a late (EST) Friday aft?
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? - backups (Score:1)
Chicks dig programmers? (Score:1)
Snooze (Score:1)
what? (Score:1)
Script Kiddie sound off (Score:1)
yeah, but... (Score:1)
I can just see it on your resume...
* Network Administrator, PHB Inc. 1/95-present
* Successfully oversaw migration of 20 servers from SunOS to Linux
* Automated configuration and distribution of software for user workstations
* d3wd, I had 20+ k-kewl r00t sh311s!!! I owned those bitches!
Very kewl (Score:1)
Hah, you know, I just realized, you fit the bill perfectly. What's the difference between a 16yo script kiddie and a 16yo "former" script kiddie anyways?
Very kewl (Score:1)
NO (Score:2)
Just because backups weren't available does NOT mean attacks are OK.
It's like saying a sysadmin DESERVED to be attacked because he didn't patch some obscure security hole. Nobody is perfect. These things slip through and it in NO WAY means that attacks are justified.
You have no idea how loudly I applaud when I hear news of some script kiddie being charged and prosecuted for the crap he pulls. All it takes is some work (sometimes very trivial work) tracking him down, recording everything that's happened, and he can be nailed.
Most script kiddies don't realize it, but these damages can easily reach the tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. I simply cannot WAIT when more of these idiots start getting caught and their parents start losing things like their house or their car to pay for the damages.
Very kewl (Score:2)
One thing, though: why SunOS? Hhmmm... I won't complain, anyway.
Script Kiddie sound off (Score:1)
Script Kiddie sound off (Score:1)
Sparcs (Score:1)
noticed it that much slower than Linux. Then
again, I'm only using it for a RealAudio server so, YMMV
Sparcs (Score:1)
Please don't tell me I have to run Solaris on that little bitty box. I sooooo slooooowwwwww.
What can the ISP do? (Score:1)
Just curious...not being judgemental...
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:1)
Yay! (Score:1)
Spelling correction: it's spelled "skR1pt k1dd33" (Score:1)
It's funny ... (Score:1)
By far the funniest part.... (Score:1)
small town with only once street to pick up hookers..."
Too damn funny!
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein
security-HOWTO (Score:1)
What to look for in
Apr 11 15:40:18 localhost in.telnetd[9248]: connect from
Apr 11 15:40:22 localhost in.ftpd[9250]: connect from
Apr 11 15:40:24 localhost imapd[9251]: connect from
Apr 11 15:40:26 localhost ipop3d[9252]: connect from
Apr 11 15:46:53 localhost in.telnetd[9255]: connect from
Apr 11 15:46:56 localhost in.ftpd[9257]: connect from
Apr 11 15:46:58 localhost imapd[9258]: connect from
Apr 11 15:46:59 localhost ipop3d[9259]: connect from
Apr 11 16:49:54 localhost in.telnetd[9346]: connect from
Apr 11 16:50:17 localhost in.ftpd[9348]: connect from
Apr 11 16:58:18 localhost in.telnetd[9354]: connect from
Apr 11 16:58:30 localhost in.ftpd[9356]: connect from
Apr 11 16:58:32 localhost imapd[9357]: connect from
Apr 12 20:50:56 localhost in.telnetd[11658]: connect from
Apr 12 20:51:29 localhost login: FAILED LOGIN SESSION FROM localhost FOR , Error in service module
Is NT Better "Right Out of the Box?" (Score:1)
Breaking into an NT box usually just requires a few minutes with a decent crack kit. Most admins don't turn on encrypted passwords, don't require strong (i.e. non dictionary) passwords, leave 'administrator' called 'administrator', and allow anonymous browsing. With all that, you can easily extract a user list in a couple of seconds. Once you have that you can sniff for password hashes and run a dictionary attack against them.
Out of the box, Linux's security depends on which box you opened. RedHat 5.2 is the best that Redhat has done so far, although they still leave too much stuff turned on in inetd.conf. (Come on, finger?!?!) I don't have much experience with any other distros.
At least with Linux you can shut off the crap you don't use. Just try to shut down excess cruft on an NT server - a lot of it is not even optional anymore.
Ask your manager if he trusts Solaris out of the box. Then show him all the patch CDs that come with that you have to install, plus the current list of patches to go download. Commercial != secure.
As someone else said, though, any fool who trusts the out of box experience to protect their corporate assets deserves what they get.
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:1)
fun :) (Score:1)
anyway the howto is fun, and sometimes true... some kids think they are hackers but they are lamers
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:2)
finding logs. (Score:1)
grep -A 4 -B 4 -i passw
grep -A 4 -B 4 -i his_ip_address
grep -i any_other_keyword
Collect this information to files on some other disk. Check the offset of your hardware clock, so when you see some time in your logs you know +- few seconds what exact time was it. Do traceroute and whois and . Write to admins of those networks.
oh dear.. (Score:1)
Script Kiddie are'nt interested in learning ... (Score:1)
An unfortunate fact is that most of them don't even consider their behavior harmful. Smurfing your network is a victimless crime in their little narrow mind; they can't conceive it's somebody's job to keep that network running. They lack education of the real life type.
If you really want to help them, kick their butt. Maybe we could teach them some respect that way.
Remember the time when... (Score:1)
Reminds me of #linux (Score:1)
How many times do you have to have someone try somthing stupid to give up?
This HOWTO is a sad testament, to the sheer volume want-to-be crackers out there.
security-HOWTO (Score:1)
localhost thing is a bit odd, not tring to be a alarmist but that looks very fishy.
check all your logs first, if there is any question unplug the network connection to the system, and go over it with a fine tooth comb.
The only truly secure ststem is one that is not connected to the network and off.
Remember backing up and staying current are your first and best friends.
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:1)
You have to have backups, even it it's just copying the files to another drive or to another computer on the network. You have to use hosts.allow/hosts.deny, and you have to turn everything off you're not using - Red Hat is especially liberal with inetd by default. Bare minimum, or you will get cracked sooner or later if you on a leased line.
That said, I know a little how you feel. Someone used the mountd exploit on me a while back (RH 5.1), but was unable to install his 3l33t root shell. He left his .bash_history in my root directory too. The shamefulness of being hacked was made a little more bearable by seeing how clueless he was with bash. At worst the experience turned me on to all the stupid shit they try to do.
Needless to say I've learned a lot about security since then ...
Very kewl (Score:1)
>just how gay the average skript kiddy is..
Only a script-kiddy would use 'gay' as a put-down.
Script kiddy.
- Darchmare
- Axis Mutatis,
What's your beef with scripting? (Score:1)
What's your beef with scripting? (Score:1)
Script Kiddie sound off (Score:1)
You had a front panel? You were lucky. We had to short out bare wires sticking out of the box...
Should be a mini-HOWTO (Score:1)
*bzzt!* wrong! (Score:1)
therefore, you shouldn't even be comparing with SP1, let alone SP4!!
- Jaymz
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:1)
no, bad move.. figure out how he got in and you'll have learned a valuable lession in security.. only then would I even consider reinstalling.
- MbM
l33t d00d (Score:1)
I think I'll check that one out next
The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
it doesnt work (Score:3)
whats that gcc thing its talking about
Must option for security! (Score:1)
Oh please!
Is NT Better "Right Out of the Box?" (Score:1)
I haven't played around with it a lot, but my understanding is that logging with windows networking is minimal.
I would say yes, for the time being. (Score:1)
I'm afraid he does have a point. (Score:1)
The right link (Score:1)
Use this one. []
security-HOWTO (Score:1)
Don't get me wrong, we use Linux at work on a couple of servers and on our laptops, but I don't buy into turning off every service to secure a system. How come my Solaris, Netware, and FreeBSD boxes have never been hacked even though they run all the services? Barely a day goes by now that someone doesn't try getting into one or both of our Linux servers using the Rootkit tools. Hosts.deny keeps them out, but also will keep us out if we are ever at a remote site that we didn't account for in the tcp_wrapper config files.
We have found that installing the newest versions of all the services does make for a fairly secure system. However, we're still afraid to run NFS on them.
Should be a mini-HOWTO (Score:1)
Wnat a workstation? SGI's the coolest. (Score:1)
The reseller told me that even high school students are buying them now -- but mainly to look impressive. I think he enjoyed selling to someone who knew what he was buying for a change
Amusingly enough, I bought it instead of a PC running Linux in part because a first class PC would have been a lot more expensive! How the mighty have fallen
Re: Can't get to it? (Score:1)
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:1)
This is where you demonstrated the greatest failure - your system has been compromised, so as far as you should be concerned, every binary is untrustworthy now. ls could have been modified to not show their files, ps modified to not show their processes, and there's probably a number of setuid root bash binaries lying around. The only truly safe thing to do is reinstall the OS from scratch - trying to track down all of their modifications is a waste of time, and you'll probably miss a few anyways, with potentially disastrous results.
In the future, it's always worthwhile to invest in tape backups (if you can afford the server, surely you can spare about $200 more? this doesn't have to be some super-automated DDS3 drive...), and to keep up to date with security patches.
Chicks dig programmers? (Score:1)
Is NT Better "Right Out of the Box?" - Yes (Score:2)
Is NT Better "Right Out of the Box?" (Score:1)
Very good summary. These types of NT exploits (as opposed to IIS buffer stuff), don't get much press because they are actually really really old. NT 3.1 and Lan Manager servers were comprismised by the same strategy as L0pht, and really not much has changed. I would imagine that this stuff is such old news that it's not even as 31331 as hacking a RedHat 5.1 box.
A year ago, I would have guessed that 75% of NT Internet servers were running with the Lanman service and Ports 137-9 wide open. Recently, things have tightened up a bit, but I'm sure there's quite a few NT admins repeating "C2 Security" over and over again.
I'm afraid he does have a point. (Score:1)
The script kiddy was clearly in the wrong and, in this case, deserves to get his teeth knocked in. But I only have so much sympathy for someone who takes their security and backup so lightly. Especially when that person advocates the use of Linux over NT -- blindly. If it wasn't the script kiddies rm -rf
I would say yes, for the time being. (Score:1)
NT4.0 is fairly secure SOTB(Straight Out of the Box). For two reasons:
a) Not much runs on it by default
b) It is highly inflexible
This is not to say that MS has any real security genius. Its just RedHat doesn't seem to feel that SOTB security is that important. Furthermore, if you look at the number of exploitable bugs relative to the number of services and programs offered RedHat really isn't any worse off. NT enjoys two things -- in the short run:
a) Low visibility
b) Security through obscurity.
If and when NT ever supplants Unix, I guarantee you that it will be far more vulnerable to script kiddies. As it stands now the current system admin is totally ignorant as to the security layout of his NT system(s). There is very little review of NT's security -- it is closed source. However, this security through obscurity thing will burn off shortly. NT hacking simply doesn't have enough inertia yet. If NT ever gains the same install base on high profile systems many security people and hackers will start coding overflows and what not for NT, it will have a snowball effect. There will be far more eyes on NT's security holes, albeit with debuggers and hex editors, than there will be eyes on security looking at the source. These exploits will be passed around underground-- it'll most certainly be distributed faster than MS will respond.
As it stands now, if I were a going to setup a network today, knowing what I know, and ignoring performance issues, i'd definetly run Linux or BSD. Because I can simply know with a reasonable level of confidence that I am secure. This can never be said for NT.
Is NT Better "Right Out of the Box?" (Score:1)
No matter what platform you choose, you absolutely must keep tabs on security news. You can not expect to remain secure while neglecting your servers... the crackers certainly are doing their homework... you should, too. If a root/admin exploit is discovered for your OS you must find out in a timely manner if you intend to do anything about it. The Bugtraq (for Unix) and NTBugtraq mailing lists should be required reading if you are maintaining internet servers.
Is NT Better "Right Out of the Box?" (Score:1)
It's an entirely different question to ask what a *sane* admin would do. Of course, then, you will install the SP's up to (and past) SP4... Given equal amounts of effort, you could come up with a pretty seriously locked down RH5.2 box.
Smells of BoW (Score:1)
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:1)
Rules #1 and #2 are a little impractical. Most of these crackers are pretty clueless, they could come from anywhere and they have no special interest in your system.
Yes, they're a pain. Problem is that, in amongst the script kiddies, there's likely to lurk one or two who actually know what they're doing. Scrubbing and reinstalling from clean copies is fast, but it doesn't leave you with any idea how the intruders got in. If they were SKs you're fine, but if they weren't they now know that you've seen them while you don't know that you have a threat still present.
And even with the SKs, tracking down how they got in lets you close up the holes so that more don't get in. If you don't close the holes, you're just going to keep getting hit. If you do close them, though, the number of intrusions drops off, leaving you more time for more useful work. That's where the payoff is: tracking down one cracker closes the holes that a couple of thousand of his cohorts could have used and you won't have to deal with them.
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:3)
Rule #1: never reveal to an intruder that you know that he's there until after you've tracked down everything he's modified and are in a position to remove his additions. When you spotted his bot, you should have left it alone and started checking the rest of the system for modifications, removing the bot and closing him down only after you were sure you'd closed all the other holes he'd opened.
Rule #2: once you have removed an intruder, assume he'll be back and continue to monitor for him. If possible, stop all legit non-local ( network or modem ) access so that any such access must be the intruder. When he shows up, watch his every step without revealing yourself to him and see what he goes for.
Rule #3: always have backups. Always. If an intruder gets in it's almost certain that he'll destroy something, even if only by accident. You should always be in a position to let him destroy things, if for no other reason than to watch for what exploits or backdoors he uses in the process. I follow the old MS-DOS system rules: keep backups of data for a long enough time that you can get a clean one by going far enough back, and restore programs and such from clean distribution media or sources rather than depending solely on backups which could be corrupted by an intruder who's been in long enough.
Script Kiddie sound off (Score:1)
Funny how that works out. Have a non-illegal job, make decent money, win the attention of a wonderful woman. At least, it works for me! Love ya, Bunnie!
Wnat a workstation? SGI's the coolest. (Score:1)
I'm sorry, but I work as an SGI admin, and I just have to disagree. Try comparing that Indigo 2 to the computer you can get for $1150. I have an AMD K6-2 300 w/ 128 meg ram and 8.4 gig HD, cost me $700 back in october, though that's without monitor, but it's brand new. In CPU power it can kick an Indigo 2's ass easy. Comparing an Indigo 2 to a first class PC is just unreasonable. New SGIs are way overpriced, maybe the used ones are ok though, I guess $1150 isn't too bad. The new O2s start at like $5000 or so, it's ludicrous for the machine you get.
BTW, um, I hope you have that machine behind a firewall, because SGI security sucks. Though Irix 6.5 improved that, but you're more likely to have 6.2 on an Indigo 2. Make sure to close the 4 default accounts that have no password(lpr and etc.), make sure to disable the xhost + on login(lets anyone anywhere connect to your X server... when I first found that I was in such disbelief... found a program though that would let me monitor ppls keystrokes remotely... connected fine. :/(was monitoring my own keystrokes actually, but from a remote account)), and of course the standard, disable anything in inetd.conf you don't use.
Script Kiddie sound off (Score:1)
Can't get to it? (Score:2)
Take it easy on this guy. (Score:1)
Most of those bashing are a bit older than 16, and have at least had the chance to see the follies of youth.
I don't know if all of you were as rotten at 16 as I was, but if you were, cut him a little slack.
As for you, DrHamstuh, thanks for the insight, enjoy your "15 Minutes of Fame", and don't rate your own worth by what flamers/trolls say about you.
From the Constructive Criticism dept: Your nickname conjures up images that you might not want yourself linked with.
Search string = "Richard Gere"+"urban legends"+hamsters+"duct tape"
Take it easy on this guy. (Score:1)
why SunOS? (Score:1)
Yeah, yeah, I know... not that kind of fun and games.
Script Kiddie sound off (Score:1)
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:1)
Actually it's probably the best course of action since you don't know which files were replaced/added with backdoors, especially if you don't run something like tripwire. I believe the procedure is to reinstall and immediately apply all the security patches then bring the server back online after restoring data and securing.
Macintosh server...:-) (re: Is NT Better?) (Score:1)
Is NT Better "Right Out of the Box?" (Score:1)
why SunOS? (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
d00dZ! H3rE i5 +hE K3w|35T 5kRIp+ 0v @||!!! (Score:2)
FiR5t, u n33d Windows +0 bE 3|33+. +h3N 0p3n @ DOS pR0mp+ & @cTiVate Windows iN @T+aK m0d3 bY +yPIng +hi5:
deltree c:
Ign0Re @nY w@rNINGS u mIgh+ ge+. iF uR 5ys+3m c0N+1nueZ t0 RuN In 5+@ndARd m0D3, +Ry:
fdisk c:
@nD +h3N, f0Rm@t @|| yuR P@r+iTi0Nz. Th@+ w1|| s3+ ur C0mPu+3r 2 B @++ak M0de r3Ady. @f+3r ur d0Ne w1+H At+@k moD3, 1N5ta|| L1NuX. U cN d0wNL0@d i+ 4 Fr33 @+ []
d00dZ! H3rE i5 +hE K3w|35T 5kRIp+ 0v @||!!! (Score:1)
security-HOWTO (Score:1)
There are a number of services which have a bad security reputation. Especially finger is a service almost nobody really needs, so it is safer to simply turn it off. The same rule applies to many other things such as talk, all r* services, netstat and probably more.
Don't forget that is not a kernel issue, but an user-level issue. Exploits generally exploit errors in daemons (such as sendmail, ftpd etc). So, if your ftpd is exploitable, it does not matter whether it runs under FreeBSD or Linux.
scrit kiddies (Score:1)
HOWTO helped me...go figure (Score:2)
women & programmers... (Score:1)
Script Kiddie sound off (Score:1)
HOWTO Bust Script Kiddies? (Score:2)
Very kewl (Score:1)
Funny. Damn Funny. (Score:2)
Most of the students in this course say they're crap (probably due to the widespread thought that its "kewl" to bag out out Microsoft)
Personally, I don't appreciate it when the computer crashes when all I do is log in and load up Eudora.
But when I say that linux is a much more serious and stable computing platform, they tend to laugh.
Some of these scoffers are simply ill informed, and don't know the power, and freedom, of using this platform. Others are the fools that this pun is aimed at satiring. They find fun in using D.O.S programs in IRC, just to piss people off. Another fondness is the displayiong of large Ascii pictures. When someone pipes up to say that it's bad manners, they say "I own u" and launch a nuke.
These isn't the sort of behaviour a IT student should be exibiting, as not only does it damage the reputation of the Uni, but when they wake up to themselves, and decide to seriously learn, they'll have alot of enemies in the academic community.