Big Brother Awards 78
Kodi writes "According to an article on ZDNN, Privacy International is accepting nominations for its Big Brother Awards, designed to recognize the US companies that have done the most to invade our privacy. "
I can think of (intel) a few companies that (intel) could
conceivably (intel) be nominated. Gimme a minute to think
about it.
Apple Lisa (Score:1)
Spammers and Telemarketers (Score:1)
Microsoft and serial #'s (Score:1)
Anti-BigBrother awards also. (Score:1)
Ron Paul [house.gov] should get that one, he's been pushing through alot of pro-privacy bills in the house, and is often the only republican who votes against anti-drug legislation as well.
Microsoft? Intel? No. AOL!!!!! (Score:1)
Heh, junkbuster takes care of that! (Score:1)
Private universities (Score:1)
Protect privacy, boycott Intel (Score:1)
Big Brother (Score:1)
As long as each individual is facing the TV tube alone, formal freedom poses no threat to privilege.
The little big brother (Score:1)
Does any find it odd... (Score:1)
Just who is Big Brother?
SPARC serial numbers ? (Score:1)
I think its great personally. Being able to track
what people are doing in a corporate setting is a
good thing. It makes administration a lot easier,
and can save lots of dollars.
Nomination! (Score:1)
Losers! They broadcast unencrypted voice signal across my front yard but want it to be illegal for me to detect it?
Financial Surveillance (Score:1)
I second this nomination!
Blizzard should be there too (Score:1)
that should help them up onto the charts
Sun and Scott McNeally (Score:1)
Microsoft, of course (Score:1)
BTW In his appearance this morning on C-SPAN Katz mentioned that his next book is going to be about the rise of the geeks. I'm sure you're all as shocked and surprised as I am.
chipids... confused. (Score:1)
The other side of the coin is users who use multiple machines (ie, one at home, one at work). Now, thanks to the "added security of the P3 PSN", it's entirely concievable that you can only access a PSN-enabled site from one of those locations...and heaven help you if you sell your computer.
So, you've bought a not-so-new P3 box...and within months, you start receiving email/snail mail from Necrophiles R Us and the Transylvanian Home Renovation Network, all because the person you bought the machine (and it's PSN) from was a sick freak and your data got mashed together in the wash.
I'm not against the PSN because it's a violation of my privacy, I'm against it because advertising it as a Web-tool is a REALLY DUMB IDEA!!!
Sun and Scott McNeally (Score:1)
DNA Signatures (Score:1)
Yeah, lets get every body in the NCIC database as soon as they enter kindergarden or head start.
Yep, definitely Microsoft... (Score:1)
Man... if their so-called "bug" doesn't lead to a class-action lawsuit...
I get steamed just thinking about it. Yeah, ok, the bug some years back about Word files including random data, that could have been a legitimate bug I GUESS. But associating a unique ID # with a user's personal info AND building a database of that information is no "bug." And the justifications I've been reading (tech support, etc) are totally bogus.
I mean, even if they say that it was supposed to be a "checkbox" or whatever that toggled sending that info, they should have been clued in when 100% of their users were "choosing" to send their unique ID, right?
Where's the outrage in the mainstream press?! This is scary stuff!
Not just PCs (Score:1)
Anyone been to their ATM machine for cash lately? Notice that little surveillance camera? Been to the local convenience store? Another surveillance camera. The grocery store? Another camera. Did you pay for your groceries with a check? Probably had to show ID which included or was tied to your SSN, phone number, address, and other "personal" information. Did you use your ATM card with the Visa logo to pay for *anything* lately? What about your library card? Have you noticed surveillance cameras in the shopping mall? In some cities they're at intersections watching for cars that run red lights. In England I understand they're using surveillance cameras in heavily trafficked downtown areas. Have you used your health insurance or car insurance lately?
And the list goes on and on. It's not just about MAC addresses and CPU IDs. We're under surveillance "for our safety" many hours of the day. At least here in the good old US of A
Eesh. Poorly written . . . (Score:1)
Microsoft ! not Intel ! (Score:1)
DNA Signatures for convicted murders (Score:1)
From what i understand, they are doing it to all convicted murderers and sex offenders. They were going to add burglers to that list because they some times end up killing people while robbing them. I do not think that is to bad. If i get killed or what not it would like to have the persons dna on file so if i cut him and he leaves blood or stuff they can find him.
ps. Once you are in jail or the army you are owned by the goverment.
Joshua Curtis
Lancaster Co. Linux Users Group
...because they're popular? (Score:1)
Is this just a side effect of people who don't care if they're right or wrong, as long as they're in the minority (and therefore "elite")?
How much longer till we see a large movement away from Linux because it's too popular?
Not just PCs (Score:1)
On another note, I've often wondered why so many websites need so much information about me
Microsoft, of course (Score:1)
I think the thing with includeing MAC addresses in documents without telling people is much worse.
Private universities (Score:1)
SPARC serial numbers ? (Score:1)
There is a difference between making people accountable for their actions and actually scrutinizing their actions. I would assume that making people accountable be of much much higher importance than just being able to see and regulate. Self regulation, self motivation, self autmonomy seems to be more effective and efficient than having cops at every intersection preventing jay walking and running red lights.
But I am not a manager, so I may be wrong on this angle.
Redhat - (Score:1)
If you do not like the product OK, your choice but what drives you to dislike the company. Granted it is an extremely popular distro, and seems to be every where but they have not done anything injurious to anyone. All they are trying to do is make money, and not a lot I might add.
Blizzard should be there too (Score:1)
Serial numbers are not wrong (Score:1)
What could possibly make a serial number accessable to the outside world?
Don't be outraged at the hardware vendors, be outraged at the browser makers, operating system makers and other software makers who read your serial number(s) and send them out to the world without your knowledge.
Personally, I'm in favor of serializing CPUs. For the same reason I'm glad my automobile, VCR, etc. have serial numbers. As a record of ownership, and to help track down thieves.
DNA Signatures (Score:1)
It doesn't seem like it would be that much of a stretch for public schools and hospitals to start doing the same thing.
Spammers and Telemarketers (Score:1)
My opinion... (Score:1)
votes for ad.doubleclick.net anyone? (Score:1)
Seems to me that when an advertiser gets the list of search words you're wanting, and pops a cookie on your system (you *DO* reject cookies from other than the site you're connected to, right?) for later recall (you *DO* edit you cookie lists, don't you?), they're going too far.
(Update - I just popped over to altavista, and it looks like they're not doing ads with doubleclick any longer - at least this time. But I'll still nominate them for historical reasons.)
Or maybe I'm just paranoid.
Microsoft and serial #'s (Score:1)