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Submission + - Google Ruins the Assistant's Shopping List, Turns It Into a Google Express Ad (

An anonymous reader writes: The Google Assistant, Google's voice assistant that powers the Google app on Android phones, tablets, and Google Home, has just gotten a major downgrade. In a move reminiscent of all the forced and user-hostile Google+ integrations, Google has gutted the Google Assistant's shopping list functionality in order to turn it into a big advertisement for Google's shopping site, Google Express. The shopping list has been a major feature of the Google Assistant. You can say "Add milk to my shopping list," and the Google Assistant would dutifully store this information somewhere. The shopping list used to live in Google Keep. Keep is Google's primary note-taking app, making it a natural home for the shopping list with lots of useful tools and management options. Now the shopping list lives in Google Express. Express is an online shopping site, and it has no business becoming a dedicated place to store a shopping list that probably has nothing to do with Google's online marketplace. Since Google Express is an online shopping site (and, again, has no business having a note-taking app grafted onto it), the move from Keep to Google Express means the Assistant's shopping list functionality loses the following features: Being able to reorder items with drag and drop.
Reminders; Adding images to the shopping list; Adding voice recordings to the shopping list; Real time collaboration with other users (Express has sharing, but you can't see other people as they type—you have to refresh.); Android Wear integration; Desktop keyboard shortcuts; Checkbox management: deleting all checked items, unchecking all items, hiding checkboxes. Alternatively, the move from Keep to Google Express means the Assistant shopping list gains the following features: Google Express advertising next to every list item; Google Express advertising at the bottom of the page.

Comment Similar Story (Score 1) 591

When my son was in the fourth grade here in Oklahoma, we received a call from his principal because he was, "Trying to sell imaginary tickets, to an imaginary fight, for imaginary money" on the playground at recess. If I was quicker on my feet, I would have told the principal he would receive imaginary punishment for his imaginary crime... Soooo stupid.

Comment Already happened? (Score 1) 574

How do we know it didn't already happen? If at some point a system became intelligent, is it conceivable that it could happen so rapidly, that the new entity would realize its precarious position and immediately hide itself? Maybe there is already an AI out there, quietly waiting, watching, learning, preparing...

Comment Re:Just Tack on a Fee (Score 1) 626

I'm sure federal and state agencies will have hooks into car control behavior, that's likely a given...

If you're actively telling the car to "push" a yellow light, you're sort of missing the point of a driverless car, unless you expect to be able to tell it to push all yellow lights, which seems pretty irresponsible.

Comment Brutal (Score 1) 798

This story hits so close to home it is just brutal. I'm over 40, have a good career, family, friends, and so on, and yet this somehow transports me back to high school. It drops me right at the very moment in time when some douchecanoe jock decided it would be hilarious to dump a bag full of crumbled potato chips on my head in the middle of the lunch room in front of 300 classmates. As I sit here at my desk, I'm 16 years old again, my face is flushed, my heart is pounding in my ears, I want disappear.

I cannot have enough sympathy for this kid. The adults in this situation were criminal in their conduct. Unforgivable.

Comment Re: looser immigration laws (Score 1) 303

You selected the All Industries database for 7/2013 - 6/2014.
Your search returned the following: Print Format
Area Code:33860
Area Title:Montgomery, AL MSA
OES/SOC Code:15-1134
OES/SOC Title:Web Developers
Level 1 Wage:$15.63 hour - $32,510 year
Level 2 Wage:$20.42 hour - $42,474 year
Level 3 Wage:$25.20 hour - $52,416 year
Level 4 Wage:$29.99 hour - $62,379 year
Mean Wage (H-2B):$25.21 hour - $52,437 year

Pet notions...

Comment Re:one-way street (Score 1) 227

They don't want to hear it, because no executive is willing to put their name on a piece of paper that says they understand there is a risk, and are willing to live with it. We live in a society of blame now, where even the most carefully examined issue and well thought out justification of acceptable risk can be turned into a breach of fiduciary duty and gross negligence.

Comment Re:Too late? (Score 3, Insightful) 164

This is a comment I made a few days ago on a related post, and I'm recycling it, because it is still relevant...

"They're already dead, they just don't know it yet. I have their latest and greatest 9860 (because I don't have a choice - thanks corporate idiots), and it is a complete and utter piece of shit. The first phone bricked itself within the first week, common problem with this model. The screen is plastic, and feels like it. The touchscreen is horribly inaccurate, making typing on it something dreadful and to be avoided. The on/off button is the entire top of the phone, so when you slip it in a pocket, it is very likely to turn the screen on. It is so under-powered, I'm constantly playing the guessing game of "did I tap the dialog box or not". The "app store" looks like the bargain bin at Blockbuster. Every time I pick this phone up it pisses me off."

Even quoted myself, that is so douchey...

Comment RIM is already dead (Score 5, Interesting) 218

They just don't know it yet. I have their latest and greatest 9860 (because I don't have a choice - thanks corporate idiots), and it is a complete and utter piece of shit. The first phone bricked itself within the first week, common problem with this model. The screen is plastic, and feels like it. The touchscreen is horribly inaccurate, making typing on it something dreadful and to be avoided. The on/off button is the entire top of the phone, so when you slip it in a pocket, it is very likely to turn the screen on. It is so under-powered, I'm constantly playing the guessing game of "did I tap the dialog box or not". The "app store" looks like the bargain bin at Blockbuster. Every time I pick this phone up it pisses me off.

Comment Naive (Score 2) 388

This might sound a little naive, but if I don't have any interaction with the people looking at my stuff, I don't care that much. Obviously the amount I care will slide depending on what the material is, but in general, I don't really care.

That said, if they look intentionally, they should be fired. There is no excuse, they are breaking a code of trust, and are obviously too immature to handle the position they are in.

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