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GNU is Not Unix Software

Eben Moglen on the Global Software Industry Post-GPL3 55

Dan Shearer writes "Three days before GPLv3 was released, Eben Moglen delivered the annual lecture of The Scottish Society of Computers and Law in Edinburgh, Scotland giving his thoughts on 'The Global Software Industry in Transformation: After GPLv3.' The text transcription, audio and 384kbit video are up at Eben looks back at the 'legislative action' achieved by the GPLv3 community over the last 18 months, and also from the 22nd century. A riveting presentation for all present."
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Eben Moglen on the Global Software Industry Post-GPL3

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  • Is it that hard to find a link to the actual file? I've just spent all morning visiting interesting-looking media links only to find that the site doesn't like my version of javascript or flash or both.
  • If your comment appeared before this post, you didn't watch the entire video.
  • (38:30) about bribery and corruption often present in legal decisions:

    "i don't think anyone actually thought there was any point in offering stallman money"
  • by 7-Vodka ( 195504 ) on Saturday June 30, 2007 @04:20PM (#19701733) Journal
    Did anyone actually watch the video? Can someone describe to me what 'style' of speaking this guy uses?

    He is honest to god harder to understand than 'The architect' character in the matrix.

    It's not that he's trying to be precise, he is a lot more formal than precise. Why is it so hard to follow?

    I'm completely familiar with the words he uses, however the way he throws them together into a monotone slush is almost like purpose obfuscation at times.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      I had no problem understanding him at all. He does construct some complex sentences, but it's probably worth you while to learn to understand that style of speaking - it's reasonably common when talking about non-trivial topics.

    • by Geof ( 153857 )

      Actually, I find him wonderfully eloquent and inspiring. Lawrence Lessig calls him "the truly inspired rhetorician of our age []". Here's one passage that struck me:

      The monopoly isn't in any intellectual sense interesting, it isn't in any ethical sense tolerable, it isn't in any economic sense necessary, it's simply a thing that happened to happen, and that we will soon be finished making no longer there.

      What a put-down. The slight complexity of the last two phrases ("happened to happen" and "we will s

      • I agree with the "eloquent and inspiring" finding. I've sent links to three friends, listened to it three times and watched some of the video.

        He doesn't seem to be reading from a script or even prompt cards. To talk through a subject so comprehensively without going off track and having to stumble and back track is excellent. No presentation either, which so many people rely on.

        Very cool.

    • by 7-Vodka ( 195504 )
      To be perfectly honest, he became a bit less monotone and easier to understand later in the talk.

      He also handed M$ their arse, which is a good thing.

  • ...or rather Copyleft. All rights Reversed.

    "..the tendancy of the market, if left free to itself, to extirpate ignorance and cultural deprivation."

    "like all other monopolies, they obeyed the laws of the free market, they produced lousy goods at very high prices and they stifled innovation"

    - Eben Moglen
  • This man has such an excitingly eloquent and passionate way of speaking. He is devoted to his cause and he makes you think about things in a whole new light. Truly a great man. I hope that more people will hear what he has to say.

    Funny how sure he is that MS (or "The Monopoly") will be beaten by this community. I believe him .. but I'm not sure "we win" yet!

A physicist is an atom's way of knowing about atoms. -- George Wald
