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'N-Gage' Relaunched as Service 31

An anonymous reader writes "In an interesting move, Nokia has decided to kill off the N-Gage hardware but carry on with the N-Gage name; a name branded as a failure by most of the gaming media. Still, Nokia has announced they'll be re-introducing the N-Gage as a gaming service for the Nokia network. You'll be able to download games that are very reminiscent of the N-Gage from their online service. This actually fits well into Nokia's statements when they announced the death of the N-Gage hardware. They said they would be focusing on their cell phones as a gaming platform in general, instead of just one or two."
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'N-Gage' Relaunched as Service

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  • Next, they'll premiere the Sony Betamax movie download service.
    • Fire them ?

      Nokia has close to 70% market share to the cellphone market.

      Around 40% and growing, of those are as powerful as the NGAGE. The newest ones are better.

      PSP and DS together dont come even CLOSE to that many consoles. If Nokia is getting ready for this step they are not taking it lightly. The potential market is huge.
      • I agree with grandparent. Fire the marketing team, or at least give them a smack. Just because Nokia makes good hardware that happens to be popular (I bought a Samsung! :P), does not excuse them from the fact that the "N-Gage" name makes gamers of all stripes recoil in horror.

        This is like Ford trying to sell a "Mustang Pinto Edition". It MAY be a good car (note: I'm far from a ford fan :P), but associating it with one of the most infamous and least popular names in automotive history would be suicide.
  • by chicken_tonight ( 786398 ) on Sunday May 28, 2006 @06:49PM (#15422345)
    Did anybody see this? Its a movie of a 3D fighter on the N91. Its pretty crazy. _can_look_like_this_/#c1743808 []
  • am I the only one... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by gooseserbus ( 802066 ) on Sunday May 28, 2006 @09:42PM (#15422833)
    I bought my original N-Gage on launch day a couple of years ago, and I have been using it every day ever since (it is even sat here right in front of me now).

    Am I the only one......
  • would seem that if Nokia didn't want to trash the entire project they'd keep the actual material parts, rather than the name. People will equate "N-Gage" with "shit" regardless of any changes to the system itself.
  • by Enderandrew ( 866215 ) <> on Monday May 29, 2006 @12:42AM (#15423273) Homepage Journal
    Plenty of people have pointed out that the name itself has bad connotations, so why keep the name?

    Better yet, why completely ditch the hardware?

    The problem with the NGage initially was a very poor design. The QD was considerably better. If Nokia truly wants to succeed the game market, perhaps they need to come out with something that is designed well?

    Hell, look how much design payed off for the iPod and DS?

    The problem with their current strategy is not only are they keeping the wretched name, but by going to normal cell phones, they are doing to an even worse interface system that what they had currently.

    Playing games on a cell phone is less than ideal. I liked the concept of a phone/mp3/gaming console. I'd like to see a good one.
    • Nokia's strengths are in the cellphone chain. In traditional gaming, the gatekeepers are the EB's, Walmarts, and IGN's of the world, which Nokia has no experience with. On the other hand, the gatekeepers of the cellphone world are the phone companies, whom Nokia already has established relations with (however lopsided).

      Downloadable games seem like the future. Creating a great downloadable games service would encourage cellphone providers to push Nokia phones, in order to get a piece of that secondary rev
  • In my opinion, what Nokia should do first is eliminate the "joystick" cursor controller that they have on their phones. Instead of a directional pad, as on most phones, they have a little projecting square or circle that you can press in four directions, or downward as the "Menu" or "OK" button. Unfortunately this means that you have to spend a considerable amount of time if you're going through the menus, because you have to make sure that you don't accidentally push the joystick into the case, which tri

You can write a small letter to Grandma in the filename. -- Forbes Burkowski, CS, University of Washington
