Which PHP5 Framework is Your Favorite? 138
matt_j_99 asks: "With all the talk about Ruby on Rails, I've been thinking about PHP frameworks. Ruby on Rails looks pretty cool, but frankly, I don't want to learn a new language. It seems that with all the slashdot discussion about RoR, somebody always makes the valid point that PHP is not a framework. But with PHP5's, Object Oriented features, a standard framework might emerge. Prado, Carthag, BlueShoes, and PHITE all seem like interesting frameworks. What PHP frameworks have you used in your applications? What were the pros and cons of each? Which framework do you think will have the best chance of long-term viability and maintenance?"
Pretty obvious answer (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Pretty obvious answer (Score:1)
Re:Pretty obvious answer (Score:1)
Prepare to be sued into the next millenium!
Re:Pretty obvious answer (Score:2, Insightful)
Indeed. You have the choice of someone else's idea of what features and work-flow you need, or your own. Writing wrapper classes for output, databases, etc. isn't that hard, and you can get a solution 100% tailored to you needs.
The only argument I could imagine for using someone else's framework is to reduce the overhead to bring in new programmers since they'll already know much of the ropes. But in the case of PHP there really isn't a clear winning system with a large pool of available programmers...
Your own DBMS (Score:1)
The thing is I think people don't think deep enough anymore.
What is a framework?
I not sure we can all agree on the answer, I am sure that there is a formal answer.
I would say a framework, is a factory.
Someone else can say, a framework is a meta-tool, a tool that makes tools.
Another can say, a framework is a domain-specific language.
And another (the one I like the best) would ask, what is the difference between all those answ
uh-oh (Score:5, Insightful)
but frankly, I don't want to learn a new language
That's the worst thing that can happen to a professional (assuming you are one): not willing to learn new things. I strongly recommend you to learn Ruby, "it puts the fun back on programming", you won't regret.
Re:uh-oh (Score:1)
Re:uh-oh (Score:3, Insightful)
I also go along with the sentiment (of sometimes wanting to avoid learning yet another language).
This can be summed up with the question: "Is this guy a programmer with ten years' experience, or a programmer who has repeated one year of experience ten times over?"
As Grasshopper plans his career it can be good if he asks himself how others will see him in a few years.
Re:uh-oh (Score:3, Insightful)
Every language has advantages & disadvantages. I love Ruby & Rails, but for some jobs, I'll still use PHP. Some jobs are best
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
This argument falls flat pretty quick. You don't need to abandon everything else you've learned to learn a new language.
I've got no argument about that. However the time you spend learning a new language I will spend in learning better approaches to the problems that I'm addressing with one language. That is, given a choice between spending half a day learning Ruby's syntax, and putting that time into tweaking a Perl object that models conversions between HTML and XML, I think I'm more productive by any m
not only that.... (Score:2)
Going right off topic here (Score:1)
You don't know Javascript? Or maybe you don't know that it has much in common with Lisp/Scheme, with C-like syntax [crockford.com]? Look into it - as much as people denigrate it, it's one of the coolest languages out there.
Ruby has pretty much the same features - functional programming is very possible. If you master the concepts using these mostly familiar tools, it's much simpler to jump into the functional languages (or at least it
Re:Going right off topic here (Score:2)
I do see that Ruby has functional aspects, but I don't have to use those for the basics--I can stick to the models I know, like OO. So its easy for me to get started. Eventually, yes, I suspect it will be as you say, but I'm not quite there yet. Still, I'm having fun, and that's the important thing.
Re:Going right off topic here (Score:2)
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
Re:uh-oh (Score:3, Insightful)
I switched from PHP to Ruby after reading the Pragmatic Programmer's tip to learn a new language every year. Learning new languages makes you a better programmer, and Ruby is a great language to learn.
After only a few months using Ruby on Rails, I can't imagine trying to manage a large project in PHP. My attempts at OOP resulted in huge classes (100+ lines), my code wasn't reusable, unit testing was nonexistent, and adding functionality to an existing page usually meant breaking the rest of the applicatio
Re:uh-oh (Score:1)
Did you leave a 0 out of that? Or is most of your programming done in trivial problem domains where a 100 line class can do something? (Or have you been infected with one of the object obfuscated memes where one useful class must be shattered into several smaller ones to fit some arbitary idea of proper module size?)
Err, if you don't write unit tests, whose fault is that? I don't see how language choice helps with that.
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
So what was it about my post that set you off? Or are you just having a bad day?
Did you leave a 0 out of that? Or is most of your programming done in trivial problem domains where a 100 line class can do something? (Or have you been infected with one of the object obfuscated memes where one useful class must be shattered into several smaller ones to fit some arbitary idea of proper module size?)
Yes, you can do something with 100+ line classes. (Notice that 500 lines is larger than 100 lines, and would th
Re:uh-oh (Score:1)
Uh, yeah. My point of contention was that 100 lines makes a "huge" class.
Depends. Dunno "Active Record" from a hole in the ground, but I've had plenty of experience with packages that only take 3 lines to give you almost what 300 lines would otherwise do, and somewhere do
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
Excellent point!
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
Do you have any more compelling arguments than that? The first time I read about Ruby I was interested. Now, by the 10000th time I read how much better Ruby is, without any specific reason other that some people love it so much, I'm pretty bored.
And, BTW, you are way off topic. This article is about PHP frameworks. Let me explain to you. PHP is considered by some to be an excellent language. However, differently
Ruby resources (Score:4, Informative)
Heh, well, no offense but, people that use to reply like you haven't tried Ruby, or don't understand it. Otherwise you would be in love with it already.
We cannot compare PHP and Ruby. It's like comparing BASIC and Perl, you get the idea. Remember when you discovered Perl and all its magic? Well, that's what happens when you get into Ruby. It's a true object oriented and dynamic language ready for real applications.
This might or not make sense to you. It depends on the use you are giving to your language of choice. If you write one-liners in Perl, you might not feel motivated to move to Ruby. If you are writing templates in PHP for your web applications and you're doing fine, you might not need Ruby either.
You see the light :) when you want to write OO applications/scripts. PHP used to have an awful hack (I haven't seen PHP 5), so does Perl 5. Python would be your choice, but for some reasons I cannot explain (yes, this is subjective) Ruby feels more natural.
Ok, I have fallen again in the "I love Ruby so much" that gets you so bored. So, here is some homework for you (some very nice presentations and small articles):
Ruby: A transparent, object-oriented programming language [pragmaticprogrammer.com]
10 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know About Ruby [onestepback.org]
The Ruby Programming Language [informit.com] (by Matz, Ruby's author)
Thirty-seven reasons I love Ruby [rubyhacker.com]
Blocks and closures in Ruby [artima.com]
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
Well, we're not really THAT far off topic. The reason that the OP doesn't want to use Rails is that they don't want to learn another language. That's a good reason on the surface, but to those of us
Re:uh-oh (Score:1)
I maintain a site in PHP (I am not about to slashdot myself). It was not my first choice for a language. I bought a cheap (£20 for two years - including 1GB transfer per month- can you show me a ruby hosting service that can match that?) domain plus hosting based on the availability of Python support. Unfortunately they had discontinued Python support shortly before that. I ended up using what was available (the choice was Perl or PHP).
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
My point is not that everyone should switch to Rails. But learning a web framework is never a minor undertaking. For me, learn
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
Yep, you're right. Us Ruby users are just sitting on our asses cheering, not actually improving anything. Oh, wait. No, we're not. The entire Rails environment is only about a year old, and is advancing literally every day. The core ruby language has been at the same version number for a while now, but there is a new version on the near horizon
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
Funny typo, perhaps you were thinking about Charles Fort? [forteana.org]
But, if you really meant Henry Ford, he fell in love so much with his Model T that General Motors have sold more cars than Ford in every year since 1927. Ford was unable to view objectively his own creation and realize that it wasn't perfect, while Chevrolets were imp
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
Can you explain in a few words why Ruby is so superior? Can you explain why PHP is worse than, for instance, Visual Basic, Fortran, or Cobol? If it's so obvious, it should be very easy to demonstrate.
A few words? How about one: taint [phrogz.net].
Or for a broader one that incompasses the first, security [harvard.edu].
These are just two examples of what I see as a broad pattern. The attitudes of the two languages (and thei
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
The issues on that paper boil down to two problems:
The first is not a problem as of now, as the insecurity of automatically registering global variables with user input is a widely recognized problem. Any developer worth his salt will avoid register_globals (and it i
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
I prefer design by contract, with precondition and postcondition checks in place.
For what it's worth, Ruby supports both of those as well (e.g. with assert_* in :around methods, or in Rails with validates and/or before/after filters). I don't recall PHP having anything of the sort--or at least, I wasn't able to find it a few months ago when I was trying to shore up a badly compromised PHP application.
Re:uh-oh (Score:1)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
Not all companies 'sanction' all languages. I typically don't have much of a choice on language when doing my job. What makes you think everyone else does? What the hell is wrong with you Ruby zealots?
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
What are you talking about?
What makes you think I'm thinking everyone else can choice his/her language? Anyways, the OP clearly *can* choice his language. He's just too lazy to learn another one. And that's what I'm
Re:uh-oh (Score:2)
People without spare time ne
Re:uh-oh (Score:1)
There is one problem though: if he works for a company, they may have very strict regulations about what he can/cannot use (for stuff at work).
For example, at my place we're pigeon-holed into using only a small set of languages and frameworks. They even recently cut back one or two.
The common reasoning is, if they don't put down controls, then developers go off and do their own thing, which is ok for the s
Re:uh-oh (Score:3, Insightful)
Now his manager's manager wants to know what the business case was for coding in a langauge that:
1) No one else knows.
2) Could have been done in Java.
3) Offers no benefits over other languages alre
yet another framework (Score:3, Informative)
MVC Framework (Score:1)
Which PHP5 Framework is Your Favorite? (Score:5, Funny)
I guess I sorta like them all
Re:Which PHP5 Framework is Your Favorite? (Score:3, Informative)
+5, Awesome
Re:Which PHP5 Framework is Your Favorite? (Score:2)
Learn Ruby (Score:5, Insightful)
The secret to Ruby on Rails is RUBY. You just can't do that kind of stuff in PHP. PHP is pretty pathetic once you get beyond the basics. It is truly a language for the "bottom 95%" as I call it. PHP has at least the following flaws:
* poor metaprogramming: try creating an anonymous function in PHP, it's just a STRING! Yuck. Closures? Never heard of 'em. Try writing a one-liner in PHP that sorts a list of objects. Impossible.
* global variables for session, cookies, etc. Makes unit-testing a bitch!
* no "finally" clause on exceptions. WTF? Built-in functions don't raise exceptions. WTF?
* no way to refactor object fields. Yes you can use "__get/__set" but those "fake" fields don't work in every place a regular field works. WTF? In Ruby everything is a method, there are no fields, refactoring is a breeze.
* No "mixins".. I can't write a method and then stick it into multiple classes. Not even with include().
* Exposes variables vs. variable references. I thought PHP5 would get rid of "&" forever. I was wrong.
Now Ruby ain't Lisp, that's for sure. But I'd rather stick forks in my eyes than programming in PHP again.
Anyway, a good programmer has no problem learning a new language. It'll take you longer to learn the framework than the language. Ruby is simple and clean and VERY consistent from top to bottom, give it a try.
Ruby is a passing fad, a PhD's toy (Score:2, Informative)
Yes, sure, if you worry about "metaprogramming", "refactor object fields", or "Exposes variables vs. variable references", then Ruby is the language for you, but... how about Oberon? Now that's one language I'm sure you'll love!
OTOH, if you aren't in an ivory tower and have to program for a living, then PHP is like C, a language the "perfessors" hate,but i
Re:Ruby is a passing fad, a PhD's toy (Score:3, Interesting)
Or would that be the 99.5% of PHP apps that have constant SQL and variable injection attacks. *cough* PHP XML_RPC support *cough*
Re:Ruby is a passing fad, a PhD's toy (Score:2)
People vs. Technology (Score:3, Interesting)
And beginners won't know to ask about it. The incorrect option is all they know. The solution, of course, is better tools.
And, once again, there is NO excuse for building a network-aware technology that allows for setting variables from the URI query string. None. Even
Re:People vs. Technology (Score:2)
And beginners won't know to ask about it.
Eh. There's no way to give amateur developers the ability to produce professional code. If you want a secure system, don't hire a novice. It's not PHP's fault that a developer is a failure, to be quite blunt.
And, once again, there is NO excuse for building a network-aware technology that allows for setting variables from the URI query string. None. Even PH
Re:People vs. Technology (Score:3, Insightful)
In the modern internet, the practice is unforgivable.
Re:People vs. Technology (Score:2)
Re:Ruby is a passing fad, a PhD's toy (Score:2)
The need to learn a new language is certainly a reasonable concern. Fortunately Ruby has a reason
Re:Ruby is a passing fad, a PhD's toy (Score:2)
Re:Ruby is a passing fad, a PhD's toy (Score:2)
(while the rest of us program rings around you in languages like Ruby, Python and Lisp)
Re:Learn Ruby (Score:2)
That is the most coherent list of the deficiences in PHP compared to other more well designed OO languages that I have seen. Most people just say "oh PHP is rubbish compared to a real OO language" but they never bother to say exactly why they feel that way.
nobody can deny that PHP is a bit of a dogs breakfast when it comes to "design", it's had a very evolutionary and "throw everything in" history (a bajillion functions always there, no modularity), but the fact is that it works, it's n
Re:Learn Ruby (Score:2)
The real question is: Does Ruby present the same flaws that prevented Smalltalk from taking over the world? Take a look to the side, and you'll find C powering most applications, not Objective C -- a much much cleaner language. This is the same kind of scenario.
Probably, a language for the bottom
Delphi (Score:1, Offtopic)
I don't have a point. I just thought it was kinda neat.
Re:Delphi (Score:1)
Re:Delphi (Score:2)
Oy vey... (Score:2)
What a silly perspective. I've never met a carpenter who knew how to use a hammer, but refused to learn screwdrivers, miter saws, and a lathe.
you win the horrible anaolgy of the day contest (Score:4, Insightful)
Hammer + tool (Score:1)
Re:you win the horrible anaolgy of the day contest (Score:2)
Really? Come visit some time, I will introduce you do a few.
Carpenters do not use hammers for driving nails much anymore, their are tools that do the job faster. Take a hammer and beat a chunk of wood with the claw and you can get an acceptable dado. Not as good as what a chisel/dado saw/router can do, but acceptable for rough work, and you may not have the other tools.
I've never done it, but a sharp claw ought to be able to turn a table leg just like real lathe tools. Mind it would be very dangero
Zelots. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Zelots. (Score:3, Insightful)
PHP is very accessible, and that's a great strength. But any time you start talking about "frameworks", you're well outside the user base that is best served by accessible.
Having said that, there are a lot of big PHP projects doing good service in the real world. It might not be the place to start new development, but integrating it into new dev
Frameworks for PHP, not that hot. (Score:5, Interesting)
But with PHP5's, Object Oriented features, a standard framework might emerge.
Indeed, one might. So far, not looking so good on that front. All the frameworks I've encountered so far have seemed cumbersome or tedious somehow (I glanced at Prado just now; the advantages of their approach aren't readily apparent, I'd say. The demos are unimpressive, using some god-awful javascript: pseudo protocol links for updates and deletes, which really puts the internals of the framework into serious question).
It seems that PHP is bereft of any real, exciting developments on the framework front. There are a lot of frameworks, but I guess the reason why none stand out like Rails does with Ruby is simply that none are good enough, providing no significant added value.
You have to ask yourself: why a PHP framework? What such significant advantages would one of the existing frameworks provide that learning its ins and outs wouldn't be a waste of time and energy? If you're looking to automate some of the drudgework of form processing, for example, I suggest you roll a minimalist "frameworklet" - or simply "component" - yourself (if that's plausible in your situation) for that specific purpose, making it generic enough to be reusable, but not so generic that you end up fitting your projects to the tools instead of vice versa, which often happens with frameworks.
I've found minimalism to work really well with PHP. Frameworks that try to be all things to all people mostly end up being more trouble than they're worth. It may very well be faster and more efficient (and more fun) to code a small component for a specific purpose than trying to work with an existing solution. Your own solution will be tailored to fit your application and will work as your mind wants it to work, not the way the framework creator sees fit for himself.
It's a Unixy approach, I think: combine small tools in inventive ways to accomplish even the largest tasks. Of course, with tools of your own creation, you wouldn't have to deal with inconsistent APIs, a thousand syntaxes and wholly different philosophies across these tools. Write a custom session handler here, a generic input validator there... Even if you create these tools for a specific project, you will most likely find yourself reusing them in future projects, too, with possible minor customizations.
An example: when I first wanted a lightweight way of separating the business logic from the display logic for a project, I coded a single class that did the template stuff, using standard PHP with no additional burdens. Smarty etc. were readily available options, but PHP is already a templating language, and separate template engines would just have added excess bloat to the mix. My solution wasn't as feature-rich, of course, but it did exactly what it had to in the parameters set by the project specs. I've successfully and rapidly reused the code (and more importantly, the overall technique) in several later projects. Besides templating, I've had similar good experiences with an extensible input validation system I cooked up once, adjusting and refining it to later projects.
The way I see it is this: languages like Ruby and Python benefit from good web frameworks, since they're non-web-specific languages, and these frameworks make their use a lot more convenient in web programming. PHP, on the other hand, is very much a web programming language at heart. Ignore the "PHP suxx0rz!" trolls, it is a good tool for that purpose. (Even though it's capable of more, it's rarely - if ever - the best choice in those circumstances.) The best a framework would do with PHP is addressing clear shortcomings of the language in some way, but you don't really need a full-fledged framework to fight these annoyances. I find the "invented here" mini-component approach superior.
In short, I don't see a framework "enabling" significantly better ways to do web programming in PHP, unlike with Ruby or Python. For PHP, a framework will probably be more trouble than it
Re:Frameworks for PHP, not that hot. (Score:3, Insightful)
I heartily disagree.
First of all, can you explain what's a good "web-specific-language"? As both a web-programmer and a general-purpose programmer, I'd say there's nothing really "web-specific" about a core language. You
Which PHP App? (Score:5, Funny)
I have yet to see a PHP app -- especially one that also used MySQL -- that used a design pattern other than "Big Ball of Mud" most often.
Do be fair, PHP 5 looks pretty good -- or at least is a vast improvement. Unfortunately I can't say the same thing about the people who've coded in PHP up to this point. Even when PHP shows some growth, most PHP coders ignore it.
"Database abstraction? Why would anyone need that?"
"Namespaces? Why would anyone need that?"
"Design patterns? What are those?"
"Security? If it's a problem, we'll fix it later."
PHP: We'll be there for you if your development environment doesn't have enough side effects.
PHP: Because we know the money's in the maintenance contracts.
PHP: Because you obviously don't know any better.
PHP: We take security as seriously as Microsoft ten years ago.
PHP: Doing it fast is always better than doing it right.
PHP: Proving that if any idiot can write an e-commerce package, any idiot will.
PHP: Yet another great reason to make regular backups.
PHP: Fast, cheap, and robust. Two out of three ain't bad, right?
I'm liking this meme. Anyone got any more?
Re:Which PHP App? (Score:1)
You can remove the PHP qualifier from that statement and it's just as true. I've seen just as much good PHP code as good code in any other language - i.e., precious little.
Re:Which PHP App? (Score:2)
Re:Which PHP App? (Score:3, Informative)
http://php.net/pdo [php.net]
"Namespaces? Why would anyone need that?"
it's coming [beeblex.com]
"Design patterns? What are those?"
http://php.net/language.oop5.patterns [php.net]
http://phppatterns.com [phppatterns.com]
php|architect's Guide to PHP Design Patterns [phparch.com]
"Security? If it's a problem, we'll fix it later."
http://php.net/security [php.net]
(Almost all of PHP's historical security problems have been third-party.)
Re:Which PHP App? (Score:2)
From the top of that PDO page you sent me to:
Re: namespaces. How old is PHP? And they're only now getting around to it? Younger languages seem to have them. Why has PHP, a very popular l
Re:Which PHP App? (Score:2)
Have a look to the Drupal [drupal.org] code. Great innovative design can be found there.
Re:Which PHP App? (Score:2, Flamebait)
Sounds conspicuously similar to "I was coding in Prolog when I discovered BASIC."
For very simple pages, pages that amount to slightly more code than a server-side include, PHP is a perfect fit. This is obvious because PHP was originally made to be a page-embedded version of Perl -- originally written in Perl. Back in the days of CGI scripts, mostly in Perl, when you only had a little bit of code and a lot of markup, PHP (and ASP, ColdFusion, etc.) were a br
Re:Which PHP App? (Score:3, Interesting)
While I agree with this, I think that, for trivial apps, it's not such a big deal to mix the presentation layer and the logic. The problem I have with PHP is that some over-enthusiastic developers have tried to extend its use to writing enterprise applications. That's not what it was designed for, though feature-creep has moved it a little in that direction. There's not much wrong with it for small-s
Re:Which PHP App? (Score:2)
Embedding logic in your presentation layer is a bad idea. It ties your code to how your presenting it. Want to change how your site looks? Gotta change code. Want to change from HTML tables to CSS? Looks like it'll be a fundamental rewrite.
This is the problem that PHP -- and most mod_perl-based frameworks for that matter, like Slashdot -- have. It's a write-once language that you simply pile more and more code on until it break
A Short History of Web Apps (Score:2)
But the problems with patching your web server for even the slightest dynamism were immediately obvious even in the early days of "a patchy server". So CGI (Common Gateway Interface) was born and Perl rose up as the dominant web language. Process creation overhead became an issue as the web took off so techniques for mitigating this were put in like mod_perl, servlets,
Re:Which PHP App? (Score:1)
Of course, notices aren't shown by default (presumably because it'd wreck havoc on most pieces of php code) so most people won't know. First thing I do to my php.ini is to set error_reporting to E_ALL (default is E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE it seems).
Does PHP5 suffer from excessive RAM usage? (Score:2)
http://books.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=158685&c id=13297391 [slashdot.org]
Now, I have been contemplating the use of PHP5 for various webapps, but after reading that I am unsure about whether or not I should use it. Mind you I do not want to invest large sums of money into an accelerator, which appears to be necessary if reasonable server memory usage is a goal.
Does PHP5 indeed suffer from excessive memory consumption, and if so, can it
Re:Does PHP5 suffer from excessive RAM usage? (Score:1)
The Apache module does use a significant amount of RAM, but unlike standard CGI's, the processes are not dying and re-spawning, so the same process actual
I use... (Score:1)
version 2 will work with gtk 2.x, which is great!
It is not much of a thing, but will be ok!
eGroupWare, of course! (Score:4, Informative)
After searching all over for several weeks, I chose eGroupWare [sourceforge.net]. Their "etemplates" framework settled the issue for me.
Re:eGroupWare, of course! (Score:3, Funny)
This completely explodified my sarcasmification detector . . .
Have your cake... (Score:2)
frameworks? no i18n, no custom auth, ... (Score:2, Insightful)
Almost all the frameworks, no matter which language they are written in, don't provide the basics for a real world application. What about i18n? I have yet to see a framework where the template system AND the application supports translation of messages.
Customize Authentication? There are more complex apps that don't just require username+password to login (e.g. logon to database - username+password+database depending on the database you may have access or not). Also users may be in many groups, each gro
php.MVC (Score:1)
http://www.phpmvc.net/ [phpmvc.net]
It's in beta, but I think a good MVC framework is all PHP needs to stop looking like such spaghetti. In defense of the Ruby zealots: I've haven't learned Ruby yet, but it's exactly the futuristic *REAL* object-oriented language that's going to propel us into the future. PHP is very old-school in the way code is written -- it DOES encourage spaghetti coding -- and for that I think it deserves to be phased out.
Propel. (Score:2)
http://propel.phpdb.org/docs/user_guide/ [phpdb.org]
Try Achievo ATK (Score:1)
It's essentially a 'business framework', targeted at developing web applications. Where other frameworks mainly provide a large set of utility classes, ATK lets you write an application in as few as 10 lines [achievo.org] of code.
We're all about inventing every wheel only once. Everything that can be generalized, will be, but anything that the framework automatically offers, can be fully customized.
In one of the replies to this story, I18N and custom
Hmmm, what for? (Score:1)
My question is: Is there something similar to Hibernate for PHP?
Re: (Score:2)
Re:lame excuse (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:lame excuse (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:lame excuse (Score:2, Insightful)
Seriously, is Ruby some kind of a cult or something? I thought mac zealots were bad, but everytime a scripting language is mentioned the ruby enthusiasts come out with such hate for everything non-Ruby. Get a grip.
Re:lame excuse (Score:2)
I don't see the zealotry nor the cult here. He replied to a troll, with a nice summary of Ruby features not found in C.
You get a grip
Re:lame excuse (Score:1)
But does Ruby like koolaid? I don't know. I just don't know.
To be honest, I've been using Ruby in a zen-like trance to help me attain my buddha-hood, so I haven't watched these in awhile.
not ruby specific (Score:1)
i could go with other languages like Python, OCaml, Scheme, Perl and many others, all with far better support for higher level programming, OO and modularization than that PHP crap.
Re:lame excuse (Score:2)
I find that even if it takes a bit longer to code, you will get better results out of C/C++/ObjC. Objective C is slowly but surely gaining momentum in my programming portfolio as I think "hey, that'd be easier to do in ObjC than it would C++".
As for scripting, PHP is pretty good now. It used to be trashy, but version 4 and 5 are very nice, easy to work with, and reasonably fast. Python's not my cup of tea (little too much like Java for me, and I
Re:lame excuse (Score:2, Insightful)
"find that even if it takes a bit longer to code, you will get better results out of C/C++/ObjC."
"Inevitably, as higher level languages are written in C, you're almost always going to find that you get better performance out of a comparable C app."
ah! the "slow performance" argument, easily refutable by noticing that most performance b
Re:PHP? Switch to Python and Django (Score:2)
As for my contribution: I've worked a *miniscule* bit with Prada and I really didn't like it. But you might find it to your own liking. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Re:PHP? Switch to Python and Django (Score:1)
Re:PHP? Switch to Python and Django (Score:1)