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Comment Re: Incessant version changes (Score 5, Interesting) 85

You are jumping ship from PHP because of the high burden of backwards compatibility changes to move to a language that put it's developers through one of the most burdensome version changes in any mainstream language, which 12 years later has not been fully "completed" and even described as a mistake by the lead developer himself? I'm referring of course to Python v2 to v3 shitshow.

As a lead developer of a 17 year old enterprise class application written in PHP, major version upgrades have been a complete non-issue for us. While PHP has its warts, major version backwards compatibility is one place they have done a great job.

Keep up the great work PHP code devs!

Comment thunderbird has the same problem as firefox... (Score 1) 464

thunderbird has the same problem as firefox, the UI is horribly slow its almost unusable.

I use Thunderbird because its the only real email client in Linux with decent calendar integration that isn't Evolution (which itself has both eaten email and crashed several times to the point where it won't start again without having to clear out all my settings and start fresh).

Thunderbird with IMAP and the lightning extension installed routinely (like 20x per day) locks up for 5-10 seconds and shows wrong messages (or no message) when quickly switching between new emails. If they actually used multiple threads/processes for the UI so it respond to user interaction while doing other things it would be much better.

Submission + - Troubling trend for open source company... 3

An anonymous reader writes: I'm one of the original founders of a open source company which offers a popular open source product (millions of downloads) targeted primarily to small businesses. We have been doing this for 10 years now and we fund the development of the open source product with the usual paid support services, custom development and addons, but over the last few years we've noticed a troubling trend...

Companies that have downloaded our product from one of the many free download sites have a question they want answered, they call our support line and once we politely explain the situation and that telephone support has a reasonable fee associated with it, more and more of them are becoming seriously irate, to the point of yelling, accusing of us fraud and/or scamming them. For some reason they think a free product should have free telephone support as well, and if we don't offer free telephone support then its not really a free product.

It would appear that these same people are then resorting to social media in an attempt to "spread the word" with the same false accusations which is starting to take its toll on our reviews, ratings and in turn our bottom line.

Does the Slashdot community have any suggestions on how we can reverse this trend? How do other open source companies handle similar situations?

Comment Re:When will this be available? (Score 1) 205

In a free market, its competition... If your competitor comes up with a one-time vaccine, even if it cost 10x as much, it would render the "one-a-year" guys obsolete overnight.

Of course when collusion is involved, they would just make a gentleman's agreement to not research a one-time vaccine, or keep it behind closed doors until such time as someone outside the agreement figures it out, then magically bring it to market.

Comment Re:Marketing (Score 1) 187

Actually, it sounds like a network engineer asking how to better utilize the terrabits of available DOWNSTREAM bandwidth that Amazon has available. Running servers by its very nature primarily uses UPSTREAM bandwidth (serving content), so having people send them loads of data often and rarely reading it I'm sure will do wonders to better utilize that available bandwidth, not to mention backups/archives often happen during non-peak periods its a win-win for Amazon.

Comment Its the apps stupid... (Score 1) 657

I want to own a good Android device, I really do, but its just not quite there yet...

Android 2.2/2.3 I just didn't like one bit and felt very sluggish, unpolished and the upgrade path for Android devices being what it is, I'm not willing to drop $600-700 on a phone that won't upgrade to the latest OS in a year. But when Honeycomb was released I decided to purchase a Xoom... Wow, was that the biggest purchasing mistake I've made in a while. It was complete garbage, I couldn't browse the web for more than 15 mins without the browser crashing, especially when visiting Motorola's own support forum. I kept it as long as I could in case an update was released to fix the problem, but that didn't materializes within the return period.

More recently I was going to purchase an Apple TV but instead grabbed a Pivos Xios that runs Ice Cream Sandwich... So far that has turned out to be another major mistake. The UI is garbage for the TV, even with the "sense" remote which acts like a mouse (but only works in a limited number of apps). Apps don't scale to the TV size well at all, the fonts are either too small or too big, icons too small or too big, or there is a ton of wasted space. The device itself is stable, but apps crash all the time, especially Netflix and many other video apps and they are all extremely slow to use, it can take 5-10 seconds to see a response just from clicking on something in Netflix. For a box designed to watch movies this is obviously unacceptable... The only exception so far has been Google Play which seems to work flawlessly (and fast), so the capability is there, just the apps are not up to par. Unfortunately I missed my return window on this device, so its likely going to collect dust after I grab an Apple TV.

The Nexus 7 tablet looks nice and the price is definitely right, so I'm likely going to buy one once the local store has them in stock, but being burned several times already, I'm understandably quite skeptical still... It seems like Google has finally got the OS to a fast/stable point with Jelly Bean, its just a matter for the app developers to catch up.

There is no doubt though, in my opinion the Android app quality has yet to compare to the iOS app quality. Sure there are the odd high-budget apps like Angry Birds or something that is virtually identical on either platform, but the apps I use on a regular basis on my iPhone have no equivalent on Android yet.

You can't fault me for not trying, I own an iPhone and iPad because they just work and they have everything I need, but I hate many of the things Apple does and I would like nothing more than to see them fail, but I'm just not willing to give up my iPhone/iPad until there something at least equal or better.

Comment Longer lasting materials? (Score -1, Redundant) 225

"And we’ve removed plastics wherever possible, in favor of materials that are more highly recyclable, more durable, more efficient and longer lasting. "

Longer lasting materials? Too bad that doesn't include OSX...

Apparently they don't take into account the environmental impact of instantly making millions of devices obsolete in a single software update.

Comment Re:As I pat my virtual pocket to check (Score 1) 164

This is flawed thinking, for the following reasons:

- Credit card companies don't actually lend money, its really the bank who puts their name on the card that is lending the money. Credit card companies make money off the transactions that flow over their network.
- When fraud occurs, its usually the merchant who is left holding the bag, not the credit card company or the bank.
- When merchants get left holding the bag, they pass the costs on to you the customer.

Therefore it is your money, because every purchase you make pays for fraud that effected you directly and all the other dumb asses who lose their wallet every other week.

Comment Re:As I pat my virtual pocket to check (Score 1) 164

But they can have one is the point. Pretty hard to put a password lock on your wallet or physical credit card. Even the chip&pin system only works for in-person purchases, a virtual wallet could at least work over the internet too.

I tend to not trust big corporations much, but even a few rookie developers can at least make the virtual wallet more secure than a physical wallet. How much more is the real question.

The other nice thing is no waiting for new credit cards in the mail when they do get stolen, you could literally have a new one downloaded to your app (on another phone) the same day its stolen.

Comment Re:As I pat my virtual pocket to check (Score 4, Insightful) 164

Does it matter if its compromised by one person or 10,000? The one person who steals your wallet from your car or off the beach when you're not looking can just as easily provide the information to anyone else anyways.

Lets compare the process in each scenario:

Physical Wallet:
1. Thief steals wallet from car.
2. Thief opens wallet, takes credit cards and starts making purchases at physical stores and online.

Virtual Wallet in Phone:
1. Thief steals phone from car.
2. Thief must prevent any radio signal from reaching the phone to prevent a remote wipe.
3. Thief takes the phone home and starts the "hacking" process to gain access first to the phone (password lock)
4. Thief then must gain access to the presumably encrypted virtual wallet app.

If the encryption is done properly, step 4 would be prohibitively expensive and easily buy the 2-24hours it would take to realize your phone is gone and contact your credit card company.

Not only that, but once enough people are using the virtual wallet, I would imagine they would be able to easily switch to using bluetooth or similar protocol that uses some sort of SSL encryption with pre-exchanged keys to prevent any man-in-the-middle attacks at the POS terminal.

Comment Re:As I pat my virtual pocket to check (Score 4, Informative) 164

If anything this should be more secure than the RFID credit cards already in everyones wallet up here. The phone shouldn't be transmitting any data until the app is opened and a password is entered. Sure someone could be intercepting the transmission at the checkout of the store, but that risk already exists with existing RFID cards and also with merchants not locking down their POS terminals and subjecting themselves to having them replaced with compromised ones.

Comment When I was a kid... (Score 2) 319

We used to use these so called "hard" balls explicitly to throw at people with the intent to hit them. I believe they called it a "game"... Ball tag?

Schools will attempt to ban any and everything that could possibly be fun even if there is no chance of someone getting hurt (trading hockey cards was banned from my elementary school), its ridiculous.

Comment That was my impression... (Score 3, Interesting) 336

I purchased a Motorola Xoom (my first Android device) about a month after it came out... Wow was I ever disappointed. It would crash several times an hour just browsing the web (especially on Motorola's own Xoom website), but I chalked that up to "being an early adopter". Then I started downloading apps from the Android market and things got even worse, if the app even loaded without crashing, I felt like I was teleported back to the late 90's from a design / look & feel standpoint. Other than the rare exceptions ( Angry Birds ) every app I downloaded didn't even compare to a similar app on Apple's App Store, it felt like companies/developers were publishing an app for Android just to say they did it, without the intention of it actually being used. Many apps that did have an iOS counterpart (*cough* thinkorswim *cough*) hadn't been updated in almost a year and were pathetic at best.

Needless to say after two weeks of torture I took it back and purchased an iPad2, I've been quite happy with it.

Hopefully in a few years it will be a different story, I would much prefer if Apple had some decent competition.

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