AMD's 64-Bit Chip 519
EyesWideOpen writes "AMD is set to release a 64-bit chip early next year which will be completely backwards compatible with the Athlon line. The current 64-bit offering from Intel, Itanium, is an entirely new chip that has no backwards compatibility with its x86 line of chips (from the 8080 chip to the Pentium IV) and is designed only for high end servers. AMD's solution to this problem is the Opteron chip (product info) which will be in servers, desktops and laptops. Here is a wired article."
Wow (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Wow (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Wow (Score:2)
Re:Wow (Score:2)
Look on the bright side (Score:2, Insightful)
Breaking news!! (Score:3, Informative)
Backwars compatibility (Score:2)
Why would we want to remain compatible with x86 and all it's shortcomings ?
Remember OS/2 (Score:2)
Re:Backwars compatibility (Score:5, Insightful)
3 reasons:
1. Software is written in way too many different languages to make porting compilers even remotely possible. Therefore: no software.
2. Most software is closed source so you'd have to pay for new software (which isn't even available because of 1.)
3. There's no OS. Sure, you can port most Open Source OS's in a fairly short time, but there's more than Open Source...
It's just not worth the trouble from a commercial point of view as long as most software still is closed source. This is only viable for vendors that sell hardware AND operating systems at the same time: Apple, Sun etc. and even they will hesitate to do so because they don't want to force their customers to pay for all their 3rd party software again...
Re:Backwars compatibility (Score:2)
Apart from that, I don't think 80x86 will come to it's end anytime soon. It's hardly an architecture at all anyway; we went from 16 bit to 32 bit and now to 64 bit and we went from CISC to RISC (at the core level). The architecture changed totally but still is backwards compatible. The same thing will happen when we move to 64 bit etc. If you were right, 80386 (move from 16 to 32 bit) would have been a failure but that's not the case - moving up to 64 bit is not about making 32 bit software run faster, it's about making new 64bit software possible.
MS Support (Score:2, Informative)
Kinda weird to see AMD's technology being chosen over "the leader's," even when it is so obviously superior in terms of compatibility. Never thought I'd see this day, I guess.
Re:MS Support (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:MS Support (Score:2)
Itanium is targeted for the $20k+ server market- not really Microsoft's strongest segment. Itanium is not even designed to compete with Hammer. And there will be plenty of server OS's available for Itanium2.
If/When Intel decides to make an entry into the 64 bit desktop market, I think you can rest assured that Microsoft will support it also.
Stability (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Stability (Score:2, Informative)
Henry Ford set to release Model "A" (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Henry Ford set to release Model "A" (Score:2)
If you removed the catalytic converter, it'd run just fine. Newer ('81 and up, if you're talking about GM) cars with oxygen sensors might run into trouble unless you can track down an oxygen sensor that isn't bothered by lead, but my father yanked the catalytic converter out of an '80 Chevette before having it shipped to England in '84. It ran without the cat for nearly four years with no problems other than a slight tendency to backfire on deceleration. When we returned to the States, the cat went back in and it ran for several more years until it was totaled in an accident.
Re:Henry Ford set to release Model "A" (Score:2)
Re:Model A's run on any gas (Score:2)
Will they run OS X? (Score:2, Funny)
I've been waiting for these bad mama jamas. I must have spent a week trying to install OS X on my Athlon XP. I couldn't believe how rude the tech support at Apple was, even though I tried to switch. I thought that Quartz would make the windows framing my porn look pretty, but I haven't had a chance to see. I hope this 64 bit CPUs change all that. I used to write 64 bit assembler programs all the time, but they never compiled and linked right. I blame the makers of GeOS, that had to have been the worst IDE I've ever seen for ASM.
Re:Will they run OS X? (Score:2)
Sadly Intel has the upper hand here (Score:2, Interesting)
Well, I suppose your reaction to this depends on your personal product loyalty (or possibly lack thereof). Basically, a CPU will inherently run slower if it is backwards compatible with a completely different architecture. What AMD needs is a chip that solely does 64-bit ops, like the Itanium. Now, I realize that this would require all programs to be recompiled/rewritten, but isn't that what PDA's require anyways? And I'm sure the conversion from 32-bit to 64-bit is a lot easier than 32-bit to Async (could someone familiar with that process verify/refute this?).
This is, in essence, what I'm saying: AMD should come out with 2 64-bit processors, only one of which natively supports 32-bit apps. Why? Otherwise Intel will absolutely rip AMD to shreds in the benchmarks test. Being a loyal AMD user, I don't want to see this.
Re:Sadly Intel has the upper hand here (Score:2, Funny)
Intel may do better in the benchmarks; however, AMD will offer you a "64 bit computer with a SPECIAL 64 bit version of Windows." When the average user goes to buy a computer they don't check benchmarks. The key to selling these new units will be the more stuff appeal (and the better price of AMD). I want the computer with more bits, don't you
No... a 64bit chip doesn't have to be 'slower' (Score:5, Insightful)
The itantium does not get the majority of it's speed from being 64-bit - this is a common mistake people make. It has a _very_ different design and instruction set - EPIC - which places the burden of parallel instruction determiniation on the compiler. Basicly, they used the oldest software refactoring trick in the book, but on the whole processor design: they examined the amount of time spent executing, and looked for the bigest runtime performance-hit that could be moved from a O(n) to a O(1) penalty by simply moving the calculation. In this case, modern processors spend a great deal of time trying to handle multiple instructions at once, which may or may not be parralellizable (is that a word?) - thus the processor has to figure out, on the fly (in a P4, for example), if it can execute the next four add instructions in parallel, or if they are interdependant and cannot... By placing the burden of parellelism determination and instruction scheduling on the compiler, intel made the compiler writer's job much harder, but at the benefit of increased performance.
Oh, and most PDA processors are much more traditional, and thus don't require complex compilers like the itanium, so actually porting a compiler (or an assembly-lang app) to a PDA from x86(32-bit) is easier than creating one for the EPIC architecture.
And yes, I know the above is an oversimplification, and Intel and AMD both did a lot more, in a lot more detail, on thier 64-bit chips.
Oh, and I think the next few iterations of itaniums _will_ beat the AMD 64-bit chip on bechmarks. But not by a landslide.... And with the differences in price (EPIC chips are Expensive... capital E) the AMD chips will win the hearts of many and be the performance-price ratio king. And who wants to pay 3 times as much for 20% more performance?
Re:No... a 64bit chip doesn't have to be 'slower' (Score:3, Interesting)
I'd note that this is not a new solution, and possibly not a desirable one. The book "The Soul of a New Machine" describes the engineering effort at Data General c1980 to develop a new mini computer. I think it was a 32 bit design, and needed to be backwards compatable with the older 16 bit design. The chief engineer insisted that the compatability *not* be done by a 'mode bit'. I can no longer remember what the objections to a mode bit were. Can anyone comment?
Re:No... a 64bit chip doesn't have to be 'slower' (Score:2)
In practice, you can always work around the kludge with software, and then don't have the problem of software compatibility, just because the engineer threatened to throw a hissy fit.
Re:No... a 64bit chip doesn't have to be 'slower' (Score:2)
Come to think of it, the 914 also originally ran with a 1.7 liter four, 2.1 liter 6 (for the 914/6), and some examples were made with the flat-8 (minus the rear luggage compartment, of course!) - but both of these cars had no modification to the exterior bodywork to accomidate these different engines.
Re:No... a 64bit chip doesn't have to be 'slower' (Score:3, Insightful)
AMD's approach is very like DG's, and also like Intel's approach from the 8086 to the Pentium 4 - don't allow the legacy software to become dependendent on a compatibility mode that is not used by new software, because the software base is a critical asset. Intel's move to the IA-64 architecture is a key opportunity for competitors to target its installed base - if you are going to have to port your software, why not port it to some other chip?
Re:No... a 64bit chip doesn't have to be 'slower' (Score:2)
Oh, and I'm not talking about any extras on the chip such as different queueing algorithms or assemblers. That wasn't my point.
Re:No... a 64bit chip doesn't have to be 'slower' (Score:2)
That depends on the design of the adder. Full adders, half adders, ripple-carry adders, and other types of adder exhibit different behavior as the word length is increased.
Consider: the upper 32 bits can be added in parallel with the lower 32 bits, and a correction step added in the case where the lower 32 bits overflow into the upper 32. That won't take twice as long as a single 64-bit add, though it will require more logic.
Re:No... a 64bit chip doesn't have to be 'slower' (Score:2)
br. Even with the typo left in, its fairly obvious my meaning here - a 64-bit add takes as many cycles as a 32-bit add in the 'hammer' design by AMD - the same Adders are used for each - just in one case (32 bits), half the bits involved are ignored.
Re:No... a 64bit chip doesn't have to be 'slower' (Score:2)
One of the big problems with the x86 instruction set is the multiple width instructions that need to be partially decoded before their length is known, this makes the decoding step partially inherently serial.. very hard on high performance superscalar architectures... Without the P4's translation cache or the AthlonXP's three decoders (two of which must always wait for the one to partially decode their op before they know where to start), the ALUs would get instruction starved pretty quickly.
I'd be darn happy if I could get an x86-64 chip with the x86 decoder replaced by a decoder for instructions that are much closer to the chip's internal instruction set. The only software on my machine that I didn't apt-get is the Sun JVM, so if the chip were even mildly popular, there's a good chance all of the stuff I use would be ported. Without the x86 royalties being paid to Intel (parts of the instruction set are patented) and without the extra chip realestate (==chip cost) and work required (== heat and power consmption) for x86 compatability, I'd be much happier. Clock rates might not go higher, but the chips might be able to dipatch more instructions per cycle while using less power and fewer transistors.
Itanium and "majority of its speed" in the same sentance! Hehe... Why the heck didn't they give the Itanium a full FPU instead of causing some of the floating point instructions to raise a floating point software assist exception for the kernel to handle? (This is a big performance kill for FP, and also the reason why at least some FP operations are not permitted while running in kernel mode in the Linux ia64 port.) Register windowing was also a bad idea. It doesn't surprise me that the thing runs so hot and slow and uses so much realestate. They added some whiz-bang features (register windowing, anyone seen it used effectively in SPARC?) instead of some useful ones (like a hardware-only FPU).
Re:No... a 64bit chip doesn't have to be 'slower' (Score:2)
Re:Sadly Intel has the upper hand here (Score:3, Interesting)
In other words, newer does not necessarily equal better (for some definitions of better).
It may have been better for you to construct your post in the form of a question ("all other factors (bus speeds, memory latencies, process technology, etc) being equal, what advandages/disadvantages does x64-64 have over IA64?").
Re:Sadly Intel has the upper hand here (Score:2)
You do realize that most of the major RISC chips are backwards compatible with older archs. UltraSPARC (64-bit) is backwards compatible with SPARC (32-bit). There are several MIPS ISAs as well.
Apple's 68K migration (Score:2, Informative)
they were also successful because in part so many developers spent a lot of time making fat binaries that would run on either 68K or PPC platforms. The developers made things backwards and forwards compatible at the same time in one package.
Re:Apple's 68K migration (Score:2, Insightful)
I think the answer to the first question is most likely YES, but the answer to the second question, from what I've read, is not quite so clear.
Back in the day, Alpha had Windows NT and an emulation layer that would let you run x86 applications on it. It seems like that's the closest equivalent to the 68K migration that Apple went through. There might have been a lot of external reasons why Alpha failed, but it seems to me that in the x86 world there isn't enough support from all of the different players to make a migration possible. Of course, that's just my opinion, and maybe Intel, Microsoft, and all of the other companies out there will manage to get us all upgraded to Itanium, and do it as smoothly as Apple did.
Re:Sadly Intel has the upper hand here (Score:2)
OS Compatability is key (Score:2)
Software Compatability is the key, not OS (Score:2, Insightful)
And I have no clue if the mac OS is more stable, faster, etc. But I'm just going from what mac people tell me
Re:Software Compatability is the key, not OS (Score:2)
Re:Software Compatability is the key, not OS (Score:2)
Now why am I getting a feeling of Deja Vu?
Maybe remembering the people who questioned who would need a 32 bit CPU in a desktop PC when the 386 was released.
Re:Software Compatability is the key, not OS (Score:2)
Re:OS Compatability is key (Score:2)
BTW, other than being able to use a single integer load opcode and still being able to increase register size, what are the advantages of elttil niadne architectures? (Obviously, programmer familiarity is also a factor, but the switch isn't that bad.) Network byte order is defined as big endian, so switching everything back and forth stinks. (I know, X11's solution is beautiful, but that's beside the point.) I noticed that both Itanium and XScale CPUs have the endianess as part of the CPU state. MIPS machines come in both endianesses. So, why do we come out with new architectures that have the little-endian option? (Obviously x86 compatability reuires it in this case.) MIPS comes in mips and mipsel flavors. Can you get a PPCel chip? PaRISC and SPARC are big-endian only, and I think the IBM POWER family are as well. Giving the chip the option of ether endianess adds complexity and transistors, although not many.
Jerry and Bill talked while you were out. (Score:2)
Since when is the 8080... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Since when is the 8080... (Score:2)
Re:Since when is the 8080©©© (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Since when is the 8080©©© (Score:3, Funny)
In other news (Score:2)
36 years early! (Score:3, Funny)
Opteron name choice? (Score:2)
nahhh, gotta be a coincidence.
First 32-bit processor came out in 1995?!?!? (Score:2, Informative)
How disgraceful.
Other Wired article errors (Score:5, Informative)
One wonders if the whole thing wasn't a troll.
Re:Other Wired article errors (Score:2)
I will shoot myself if we ever go back to bank switching. I'm not kidding. Maybe I'll go postal first and knock off the guys at Microsoft who wrote the memory windowing extensions. Then I'll kill myself...
The code - CPU disjunct (Score:2)
You get only one answer: AMD. You can take your complexly-configured servers and not have to redo them from scratch. And the hobbiest gains the same advantage - swap drives, compile yourself a 64-bit kernel, and forget about doing a virgin install of Debian 64.
Is 64 bit enough? (Score:2)
Re:Is 64 bit enough? (Score:2)
Itanium *IS* x86 compatible. (Score:2, Informative)
Where the Itanium (and, I'm assuming, the Opteron/64-bit Athlon) really matter is in in large database and high-end workstation solutions. Basically, anything that needs more than 4GB of RAM. In these uses, it's not actually the processor speed that is needed, it's the RAM. The Itanium is meant for servers, yes. That is all the Itanium was designed for.
The cleverly named Itanium-2, however, is a horse of a different color. Not only is it faster (both MHz and IPC,) but it's cheaper, too! (You can get an Itanium-2 based system for about $3000.) The Itanium 2 at 900MHz is about twice as fast as the 'old' Itanium at 800MHz, performance-wise.
The only thing AMD has going for them (literally) is x86 compatibility. If it can run x86 code reasonably fast (i.e., a 1GHz Opteron running Pentium code at least as fast as a Pentium 3 1GHz) then it will be likely to take over the Workstation market from the Itanium 2. Unfortunately, I don't think anything could cause the Opteron to win over Itanium 2 in the high end server market.
Windows XP reason we need more than 4GB? (Score:2)
Gimme a break! The reason has nothing to do with Windows XP. It has to do with databases more than anything. Crikey.
HP Endorses AMD Chip? (Score:3, Funny)
I am sure that Intel is really happy that the chief architect for their partner in their 64-bit efforts is endorsing the competing technology.
Bochs? (Score:2)
Are there any ports of bochs that pass system calls through to the native system so that none of the actual OS is running inside Bochs? This would allow you to, say, run x86 Linux code on Linux PPC or Win x86 apps on Win ia64. This assumes, of course, that the system call numbers and arguments are the same across architectures. Maybe it would require too much OS-awareness in Bochs in order to fix the endianess, but it would be nice to move away from hardware x86 decoders.
Please someone tell me that all of the 64-bit mode instructions are the same length. (Maybe the caryover instructions from x86 need to be padded with nops.) Varaible-width instructions absoutely kill hardware or software decoding speed, especially if you're trying to parallelize it. Maybe we can all migrate to pure x86-64 instructions and slowly rid ourselves of the old x86 instructions?
Ideally, AMD would come out with a RISC cpu with an open source x86 emulator for the OS vendors to integrate with thier OS. I would love to be able to have comodity RISC or VLIW chips on pricewatch. x86 decoding is a waste of heat and chip realestate.
They got it (Score:2)
Intel, with the Itanium, takes the opposite stance. They know that CISC sucks, and that x86 was doomed from the start. It's not that "new things are better"; VLIW processors could have been developed in 1980, and if they were there would be no need for Itanium. But they didn't. So Intel wants to use 64-bit as an excuse to throw out x86, and start over the way they should have from the beginning.
Let's hope that Intel uses it's 75% marketshare power to win. It'll be unfortunate if AMD does.
Re:They got it (Score:3, Insightful)
The Opteron is radically different to processors from the 8086 up to the original Pentium. It's a super-scalar 64-bit RISC core with hardware translation of x86 (and x86-64) instructions. It's designed as a low-cost 64-bit upgrade to the Athlon; the Opteron core is only about 10% bigger than the Athlon core, and will sell in the same price range.
Recent designs like the Athlon and P4 have thoroughly discredited the performance claims of RISC vs. CISC; the x86 translator has little or no impact on the overall performance. It all comes down to details of implementation. (The 8087 FP model is one exception, and SSE2 has now fixed that.)
Itanium is a huge and expensive server chip, designed to compete with other huge and expensive server chips. The original Itanium was also something of a slug, providing fair-to-middling floating point performance and lousy integer performance. The Itanium 2 is supposed to have fixed this, bringing integer performance up to decent levels (though still slower than recent Athlons and P4s) and floating point to match IBM's Power 4. The results are still estimates though, so we'll have to see what actually gets listed on
Of course, a dual Athlon or P4 box will be faster and cheaper (if your problem can be multi-threaded).
The Athlon has good FP performance compared to previous x86 chips, but is still limited by the broken 8087 model. Opteron aims to fix this with an extended SSE2 mode.
As for VLIW... This was primarily a *political* decision by Intel. Having spent so much time bagging RISC, they couldn't face bringing out their own RISC chip. So they spent many years and many billions of dollars on the Itanium - which sucked. It ran into the same compiler issues that VLIW has always had. If the performance estimates for Itanium 2 pan out, it would seem that Intel have managed to overcome these problems, or at least provide enough hardware to bulldoze their way through.
And Itanium is NOT by any means a clean architecture. In fact, it's considerably more convoluted than x86. If you want a clean design, look at Alpha or MIPS.
Bottom line: Opteron gives you 64-bit addressing and improved performance, with no penalty for running all your 32-bit applications. And it'll be cheap enough for all but the lowest end of the desktop market.
Itanium 2 gives a big expensive chip for your big expensive servers, and provides decent performance as long as all your applications are recompiled.
8086 == crap (Score:2)
Some extremely large percent of the silicon (and thus power dissipation and heat generation) on the athlon line is spent on the insanely complex variable length instruction decode needed to break old legacy x86 instructions into smaller pieces to feed to the well designed and powerful execution units.
A well designed RISC with optimization and caching hinds built into the object code will kick the living shit out of a 64 bit CISC hack built on top of an instruction set that was designed to run pocket calculators and automatic washing machines.
Re:AMD Reigns Supreme (Score:2, Interesting)
Ok so the AMD's have more performance, but they run hotter and are more liable to blow up (yeah ok, no evidence to back this up), The Intel chips jut seem to be built to more conservative tolerances.
Just my 2 cents I guess...
Re:AMD Reigns Supreme (Score:5, Interesting)
For the love of god, put a coat of nickel or something on the CPU!
I chipped a couple when rev 1 of the Chrome Orb came out. Fool me once
Re:MODERATORS ON CRACK (Score:3, Informative)
Re:AMD Reigns Supreme (Score:2)
>Think nothing is impossible? Try slamming a revolving door
1 block of wood inserted between door "wing" and building edge.
then the door bounces off the wood, and spins the other way, pushing the 2 by 4 out onto the sidewalk.
Re:AMD Reigns Supreme (Score:2)
Lets remember the video on Toms Hardware with the Athlon burning up within seconds of loosing its cooling system. AMD did address the problem, but they put a large amount of the burdon on mobo designers. The Athlon uses a full 10 watts more than the P4.
There may be valid reasons why somebody would choose an AMD processor over Intel, but reliability isn't one of them. And for the past 6 months, neither is performance.
Re:AMD Reigns Supreme (Score:2)
The magic word is VALUE. Compare, say, an nvidia nforce chipset system with an AMD cpu against similar Intel hardware. the AMD solution is way cheaper, like half the cost or something.
It may lag in performance, like maybe DDR isn't as fast at RDRAM or something. Actually I have no idea. All I know is that my Athlon 1.4GHz is way faster than the PII-350 I used to have.
(That last part was supposed to be funny...)
And go figure, I'm about to put an ATI video card in my nvidia nforce chipset mobo. So much for brand loyalty. Now if only I could see the point of installing Linux...
(puts on fireproof vest)
Re:Look to your Sparc for the warning (Score:2)
But the funniest of all:
A lot of WinCE pocketpc type things are using 64bit capable embedded cpu's. (a lot of the embedded MIPS clone CPUs used in handhelds can do 64 bit, eg NEC VR series).
Re:Of course backwards-compatible (Score:5, Insightful)
Because you end up with a CPU that has layers of compatibility upon layers of compatiblity.
you'll have real mode, protected mode and now probably something like 64 bit mode.
imho it's better to get rid off all the old junk and start over once in a while.
Re:Of course backwards-compatible (Score:5, Insightful)
Unless of course you've got an installed base somewhere in the billions, 20 years worth of compiler optimization, a factor of, what 100, more people that know the assembly language, etc. And it doesn't help if good compilers won't exist by the time your chip comes out. And if the internal interface teams have difficulty communicating, you're going to be late, hot, slow, and over-complicated.
Starting over is nice from a design perspective, especially because it feeds the urge for creativity that most engineers have. Unfortunately, that do-over is not always executed well, and it turns out to be a little underwhelming, just like Itanium.
Fight the urge to think that all new things are good. Please.
Re:Of course backwards-compatible (Score:3, Insightful)
Amazing how something so condescending could be so wrong.
The Macintosh line could easily move over to PPC from 68k because of one factor and one factor only: the PPC was so much faster than the 68k that 68k apps could run in an emulated 68k environment at decent speeds. And then of course, a huge motivating factor was that the 68k CPUs had reached the end of their useful life and ween't going to be produced at higher speeds.
Fast forward to today, and the situation with Itanium is very different. It can't run x86 applications at near-native speeds. It doesn't offer a compelling upgrade path for users, especially since all their old software and games won't run on it and nothing it offers makes up for that. And then we have AMD's x86-64 Hammer, which offers all the advantages of a 64-bit CPU but with complete backwards compatability with existing 32-bit x86 apps. Many people bitch about the x86 instruction set and the limitations of the architecture, but the fact is instructions sets are nearly meaningless nowadays now that instructions are predecoded into micro-ops and treated as they would be on RISC processors. And the limitations of the x86 architecture are solved in the expanded x86-64 architechture.
Backwards compatability with no discernible performance drawbacks is always preferable to no backwards compatability.
No one's making you buy one. (Score:5, Insightful)
Personally, I think it's amazing how much old crap has been piled onto x86. It's really remarkable it runs at all, and it's even fast! I used to turn up my nose to the x86 given how they piled all the 32-bit extensions on the old 16-bit core. It's really a travesty. And the actual instruction set and register set looks like a damn train wreck compared to MIPS or PPC. But they are soooo cheap I eventually got over it, and just try to avoid thinking about any level lower than 'C' now so I don't go insane.
Re:Of course backwards-compatible (Score:5, Insightful)
The vast majority of the old cruft in the X86 architecture that nobody uses any more has been demoted into microcode or other non-optimized crevices. Ever since the Pentium came out, good programmers and compilers have been using an almost RISC-like subset of the X86's myriad possible instructions, operands and addressing modes. IOW, all that old stuff really doesn't slow things down in the real world.
Anyway, recent CPUs have been transforming X86 instructions on-the-fly into bizarre internal parallelized architectures anyway. This hidden logic is an order of magnitude more complex than what is visible in the X86 instruction spec. The implementers are free to completely redo the hidden stuff with every new generation of X86 chip.
Re:It's more complex than that (Score:2)
Therefore, you can set a single-entry GDT with a 4GB limit starting at address 0, kick the CPU into 32bit PE mode, and then go back into realmode, and the end result is realmode capable of accessing 4GB of RAM using the 32bit registers. Just use 0000 as a segment. (Of course, this weirdness also means you won't be able to use movsb or other string operations that expect realmode segments.)
People stopped doing this around the Pentium era because 16-bit instructions ran up to four times as slow as 32-bit instructions, and Windows was becoming ubiquitous, so it was easier to just use 32-bit protected mode with the same single-entry GDT.
(BTW, V86-mode is a hack where a task handle is put in the GDT and it runs for all intents and purposes as if it were a real-mode program. When an interrupt occurs, it goes through to an alternate IDT instead of the normal low-memory block, and the handlers run in protected mode.)
Re:Of course backwards-compatible (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Of course backwards-compatible (Score:2, Insightful)
steve snyder
Re:Of course backwards-compatible (Score:2)
This is exactly why Intel built x86 compatibility into Itanium. From what I understand, this compatibility will be removed in future Itanium versions once the user base is weaned from the crappy x86 code.
Re:Of course backwards-compatible (Score:2)
Re:Of course backwards-compatible (Score:3, Interesting)
No, not at all. Two completely different paths. AMD's strategy is obvious. Intel otoh is a bit more complex. They want people (high end people that is) to move away from the commodity x86 chips (currently P4/Xeon) and to this new ISA. Why? Well, two primary reasons, the first one is a bit lost in the shuffle, the second one plain as day.
Firstly, you have to know the history behind the Itanium/Merced. It was conceived back when Intel still considered RISC to be a major threat and the likes of AMD were really no competition at all. So the thinking was that x86 would never economically scale up to the levels that RISC could, and therefore a complete departure was required to ensure that they kept the performance edge (boy howdy do times change!). Their primary goal was performance, x86 compatibility was an afterthought (and it shows). It wasn't until it became obvious that x86 compat. was important (and the surprising upramp in x86 clock rates) did Intel realize that they were going to have to put way more effort into x86 compat mode then they ever wanted to.
Secondly, and this is probably most important now given the huge advantage Intel has over rivals in the clock rate category, is the simple obvious fact that there are no IA64 clones. If Intel can convince the market to move to the new architecture, they will once again have free pricing reign over the market. They can also make sure that follow any clone activities much closer (i.e. the lawyers would follow the clone activity much closer). This my friends is the big buy. Once again, a sea all to themselves, once again massive margins (well ok, more massive margins). No niggling AMD nipping at your toes.
So, there you go, more than you ever wanted to know and probably care about.
Re:Of course backwards-compatible (Score:2)
Re:Another reason to go with AMD. (Score:2, Insightful)
Hmm, but you don't expect your DVD player to play your VHS videocassettes?
Backwards compatibility is fine where practical, but sometimes the past needs to be buried. Who would buy a computer now with a punch card reader? Or a 5.25" floppy drive?
Re:Another reason to go with AMD. (Score:2, Insightful)
Actually, I do, and so do a lot of other people, apparently, which is why I can go to K-Mart or wherever and pick up a player that does DVD and VHS for under $200.
Most people don't buy these because they already have VCRs, and there's little problem using both. However, most people would be really pissed off if you told them that if they bought a DVD player they would no longer be able to watch their VHS tapes.
Itanium sales reflect that fact. Regardless of technical merit, lack of backwards compatability will kill Itanium.
Re:Another reason to go with AMD. (Score:2)
>However, most people would be really pissed >off if you told them that if they bought a DVD >player they would no longer be able to watch their >VHS tapes.
What strange world would this have been? Not ours, for sure. Were manufacturers going to create DVD players that generated some sort of magnetic field that rendered all VHS tapes within the home unreadable?
Yes, it's a little-known clause in the DMCA.
Re:Another reason to go with AMD. (Score:3, Insightful)
I would if they were in the same media type. Just like that new holo-storage announce; they said the drives will be compatiable with CDs and DVDs.
Backwards compatibility is fine where practical, but sometimes the past needs to be buried. Who would buy a computer now with a punch card reader? Or a 5.25" floppy drive?
No neither one. But I see nothing bad with a 64bit x86. If all I wanted was a 64bit system, why pay Intels high prices when I can go Sparc cheaper? If there is no compat, there is no reason to stay Intel.
Re:Another reason to go with AMD. (Score:2)
Re:Alpha anyone? (Score:2)
Two problems:
1. making a really _good_ compiler for such an architecture is beyond the means of computer science now and in the near future
2. we gave up back-compatibility for a fairly slow (in its own right) ia32 emulation
Re:Alpha anyone? (Score:5, Interesting)
Ah, yes. EPIC. Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing. AKA VLIW. EPIC is market-speak. Intel didn't want to admit that it was making a VLIW chip for two reasons:
1. There is only one company that has every sold a VLIW chip that actually worked, and that people bought: TI makes DSPs, where are VLIW. They make tons of money. They are the only ones that ever did it right.
2. There is only one company that has ever made a good VLIW compiler: TI, again.
Lets think briefly about how great EPIC is, using the two main selling points I remember from a presentation I saw on it a few years ago (sorry if my memory is bad, no coffee this morning, I'm not responsible).
1. Instructions are Explicitly Parallel. So, the compiler tells you that these two or four or however many instructions can be executed without worrying about data dependency. Terrific. Assuming that the compiler actually works, which is still an open question.
The only difference between this setup and what's in your Athlon or Pentium4 is that the looking-for-independence is done in hardware on your Athlon instead of by the compiler on your Itanium. This means that there is the *possibility* that EPIC does better at finding independence because the compiler *should* know more about the code when its in a higher level language. *Should*. Essentially, until the science of compilers takes a quantum leap or we start using programming languages that makes these things easier (correct me if I'm wrong, please), Itanium will be at most as fast as a superscalar processor that finds independent instructions on its own and does register renaming.
2. Predicates and conditional execution. While the whole notion of the predicate in EPIC is more complicated and complex than just conditional execution, its not entirely more useful IMHO, or at least that was my impression the last time I heard someone talk about it. Alpha has conditional execution. ARM has conditional execution. I can append checks to the condition codes in ARM assembly. I don't really understand why this is so nifty.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Resist the urge to think that whatever marketdroids tell you is new is actually good. Sometimes its not.
(If more knowledgeable people are lurking, please correct any errors I've made, but I think I've got this right.)
HP has had some success with VLIW (Score:2)
They also helped out with Itanium.
Re:Alpha anyone? (Score:2)
Re:AMD FUD (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:AMD FUD (Score:5, Informative)
A 667 mhz 64 bit Alpha can emulate x86 but is only as fast as a 200mhz Pentium Pro
An 800 Mhz Itanic emulates x86 as fast as a 166Mhz Pentium.
Linux can emulate a cluster on a single machine.
Any PC with two network cards can emulate a Cisco router.
Intel stopped marketing Itanium's x86 emulation mode because it is abysmally slow. The emulator is of course compiled on Itanium's still very immature compilers so it will improve in the future.
The Sledgehammer contains a complete x86 core and a complete 64 bit risc core. At 800mhz it outperforms a 1.6Ghz Pentium 4 running stock Windows XP and stock applications.
Running 64 bit SUSE, the Sledghammer performs as well as an Itanium at the same clock speed.
Sledgehammer is expected to ship at 2.0 Ghz. It's should perform as fast as a pentium 4 at 3.4 Ghz. Each processor has it's own memory controller so there is no shared memory bottleneck for multiprocessing. 2 processors should be exactly twice as fast using multithreaded applications. Sledghammer scales to 8 processors.
Re:AMD FUD (Score:2, Insightful)
Bullshit. Itanium is as compatible with x86 as my Athlon is compatible with the processors used in the NES, Nintendo 64, Atari 2600, Game Boy, Sega, and Commodore 64.
Intel could have improved the x86 emulator (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm sure all you know this, but Itanium does have x86 support, it's just not cutting edge fast. It can run all x86 programs if you want to take the performance hit.
From what I've read in reports about the Itanium architecture, it will be using a naive interpreter algorithm to run x86 software slower than a 200 MHz P1-MMX. In contrast, JIT emulators, such as Connectix's products (Speed Doubler and Virtual PC), Transmeta's product (Crusoe with Code Morphing), and Sun's product (HotSpot Java runtime), dynamically recompile bytecode (for x86 or JVM) into native code and can achieve fivefold performance increase over an interpretive emulation core. Yes, the "decode cache" that JIT uses takes up memory, and the small decode cache on the P4 hurt performance, but after a napkin cost/benefit analysis, I conclude that JIT is worth it.
ARM and Thumb instruction encodings (Score:5, Informative)
"64-bit code is twice as big as 32-bit code" bloatware excuse
Unfounded. Though I find Itanium's instruction coding (16 bytes per 3 instructions) bloated, not all high-"bit" machines have to have bloated bytecodes. The ARMv4 architecture, used in processors such as the ARM7TDMI in the Game Boy Advance, has a standard 4-byte-per-instruction encoding, and an optional 2-byte-per-instruction encoding called "Thumb". Thumb code runs at about two-thirds of the speed of ARM code on machines with fast memory because some operations take more instructions on ARM than on Thumb, but Thumb code really shines when running on small or slow memory and can help drain less battery power on mobile machines. Apps will often have most of the app in Thumb but some of the time-critical inner loops in ARM.
10fps is not compatible with my reflexes (Score:2)
It is just not native code, therefore it is slower. But it runs 32-bit versions of Windows and Linux JUST FINE.
Except the FUDsters are right this time, as software written for x86 doesn't run on Itanium. Rather, it crawls on Itanium. The difference is most noticeable in soft-real-time applications such as video games.
Intel could have done the x86 emulation much more efficiently; read my other comment []. Efficient recompilation in silicon is the approach AMD has used since the K5 processor and perfected in the Athlon product line.
Far pointers (Score:2)
With an opteron running a 32 bit app is that app limited to a 4gb limit, or can it address above 4gb?
Depends on the operating system. Some kernels support allocation of memory through "far pointers" that refer to a "segment" of large memory, then a smaller offset within that segment. The Windows/286 operating system, versions 2.03 through 3.1, used far pointers as the common memory allocation type because the 286 limited offsets to 64 KB. Likewise, with the 4 GB offsets on the 386, 32-bit apps running on a suitable OS will be able to allocate multigigabytes of memory in 4 GB chunks. For instance, non-Celeron PIIs, PIIIs, P4s, and Xeon processors already support up to 64 GB of physical memory, given an appropriate motherboard. I'm not as sure about the Athlon, given that it still uses an older socket.