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Comment Re: "few" should be "almost everyone" (Score 1) 91

I can dig out a PS1 with a selection of games and still play them today many years after Sony discontinued the console.

Sure you can, but do you actually do that?

In my experience those games you loved back then disappoint on replaying them. Our memories of those games are better than the actual games. In my opinion itâ(TM)s better to let them stay memories. It saves you from playing a disappointing game and ruining a good memory.

Comment Why is Mozilla doing this? (Score 3, Interesting) 57

People shouldn't need to do that, everyone deserves a more private browser. Privacy features, in Firefox, are not meant to be opt-in. They need to be the default.

"If you are 'completely anti-ads' (i.e. even if their implementation is private), you probably use an ad blocker. So are unaffected by this."

If Mozilla wants privacy by default, then why not include an ad-blocker and enable it by default. Why is Mozilla trying to appease the enemy?

Comment Re: Smaller size or more battery (Score 1) 219

A laptop with a larger battery would be a hard sell, Iâ(TM)m not sure there is a large enough market for one.

FAA rules limit lithium batteries in laptops to 100Wh. Something like a MacBook Pro 16â, already contains a 100Wh battery. Any larger and you canâ(TM)t take it on a plane. Who wants a laptops you canâ(TM)t travel with?

Comment Re:Not my job (Score 1) 316

in the USA, self checkouts almost always use a shared queue, while traditional registers almost never do. If some shopper gets stuck waiting for assistance at a self checkout, one of the other five stations will probably free up shortly anyway.

In my local supermarket (in the Netherlands) there is no queue for the self checkout at all. There's just an open area near the exist with the checkout machines. Also 5 machines seems very little. My local supermarket is probably tiny by US standards and has 10 machines.

Comment Re:Not my job (Score 1) 316

The self checkout in front of you causing an error that takes an employee forever to clear

When does that ever happen? Why would self-checkout be more error-prone? It's literally the same technology as a manned checkout: a touchscreen. a barcode scanner, a receipt printer and a PIN terminal. The only 'error' I've ever had was the receipt printer running out of paper and that takes the attendant all of 10 seconds to correct. And I use these things pretty much daily.

And people checkout slower than cashiers do to begin with, so it relies on having enough functional machines to start with

How is it slow? People scanning groceries at the self-checkout usually only have a few items. If you have a lot of groceries you just get a cart and a handscanner, and you scan the items as you put them in your cart. Then you only need to return the scanner and pay, takes seconds to check out. Even better, you can use the store's app on your phone and use that to scan your groceries, then you don't even need to return the scanner. At my local supermarket there is almost always a free self checkout machine, only at the very busiest time of day (between 17:00-18:00 when people get out of work) I had to wait maybe a minute at most, and even that's exceptional.

For me self checkout is the best invention since sliced bread.

Comment Re:PDOs (Score 1) 314

What difference does it make if an employer offers (15 Paid Days Off) or (10 Vacation Days and 5 Sick Days)? They're both 15 days off for which you get paid.

The difference is that you only take sick days if you’re actually sick, and you take as many as you need. The difference is that if you get a serious illness or accident, you don’t lose your job (and health insurance) after 15 days. Where I live you can be sick for up to 2 years and you cannot be fired while on sick leave (after 2 years it’s considered a disability and you can be fired and get onto a different social program for the disabled).

To prevent abuse an employer can ask you to visit a doctor (paid for by the employer) that specializes in workplace health issues. This doctor can only report back 2 things to your employer: whether or not you are actually unable to work, and an estimation of when you can get back to work. Every employer is required to have such a doctor on retainer and as an employee you can always request a meeting with said doctor if you have work-related health concerns.

Comment Re: "has the ability to spend Sony out of business (Score 2) 24

âoe Microsoft said it never pursued this strategy.â

This is particularly rich in the middle of a lawsuit about a $68B acquisition which includes on of the worlds most popular franchises. If they arenâ(TM)t pursuing this strategy, then what is this acquisition about?

Comment Re: Why can’t Reddit “unprivate” (Score 1) 299

They could set those subs back to public, but do you think the moderators would like that and continue their moderation efforts ?

Reddit depends on tens of thousands of volunteer moderators, they canâ(TM)t replace them. Without moderators Reddit will turn into a cesspool. No company will want their brandname next to an endless stream of spam, porn and other shady content.

Comment Re: And regular bikes (Score 1) 120

Youâ(TM)re viewing a bike as a way to exercise. For me, as a Dutch person, a bike is just a way of transportation. What an e-bike does for me is increase the range of what I can reach by bike.

The net effect is that while I get less exercise per kilometer, Iâ(TM)m making a *lot* more kilometers that I did on my regular bike.

My e-bike is my main mode of transportation, I rarely use my car anymore. I now use it so little that it has trouble starting because I donâ(TM)t drive it enough to keep the starter battery charged. Last week I got gas for my car for the first time this year. The tank was still 1/4th full at the time.

The end result is that buying e-bike means I get a lot more exercise than I used to. If I look at the the fitness stats of my Apple Watch over the last years you can easily pinpoint the exact moment I got my e-bike.

Comment Re:Pretty sensible (Score 5, Informative) 207

Unreal Engine just happens to be made by the same company, but is completely distinct from the sales commission on Fortnite.

Actually, the reason that Epic can keep access to the developer tools to develop Unreal Engine is because it is not made by the same company. Unreal Engine is made by Epic International while Fortnite is made by Epic Games. The judge ruled that Epic International is not in breach of contract. but Epic Games is.

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