Ximian GNOME and "Low-End" Systems 364
Gremeth writes: "This article over at LinuxandMain points out the increase in hardware requirements for many Linux applications, and gives us a good look at GNOME for low-end boxes. Powell details his journey throug the Ximian GNOME experience, starting with the download and ending in some configuration issues. A good read for those of us who have older systems."
I've said this before (Score:3, Interesting)
Users are continually requesting new features to be implemented in their favorite software packages. Of course this is going to add overhead, increased memory and disk space requirements, etc.
As someone working on a product, it's your job (and you take pride in) satisfying those who use your program. If they "ask nicely" for new capabilities, you try your darndest to give them to 'em. Sometimes, just "getting it right" is more important than bug testing or tweaking/streamlining your code; you're too busy working on the next task at hand.
m o n o l i n u x
Re:I've said this before (Score:5, Interesting)
First of all, if I'm a free software developer I owe nothing to the users of my software. This is because I'm not being payed for my work. I'm doing it out of love for what I'm doing. If you want something added then do it yourself.
Now if I'm being payed for my work than that's a different story but I still disagree with you. Yes it is my responsibility to meet the demands of the customers because they are the one's that are putting the cash in my pocket when you get down to it. However, it is also my responsibility to ensure that what they get for their money works properly. That means testing, optimising and fixing bugs the "right way"
Re:I've said this before (Score:2)
Both of you are right; it only sounds like you disagree because you've got different agendas.
The first poster said that developers have to listen to their users in order to make and keep their users happy. I.e., if you want your software to be widely accepted and used by millions of loving fans, you really ought to implement the users' requests.
The second poster said that he has no responsibility to the user because he's writing the software for his own reasons. I.e., there's no reason to spend time and trouble on somebody else's requests because you're not getting anything out of it.
Depending on your agenda, either of these points of view can be valid. Hell, in my case both of them are. I'm not working on my current project because I'm getting paid to do it. I'm doing it for the fun and experience of it. But I just love the approval and adoration of my coworkers and friends, so I'm throwing them a few bones to keep 'em interested.
Re:I've said this before (Score:2)
You don't have to owe them anything for it to be bad code. I don't know about you, but even when I'm writing code for myself I hate to write bad code. It's just a bad habit, that tends to carry over to areas where it really does matter.
Re:I've said this before (Score:2)
But even if we are talking about stability: if I write a piece of code that I plan on maintaining and there's a big known bug that's actually a flaw in the design that I overlooked and is going to take a considerable ammount of time to fix and I just don't have time to fix it, well, tough.
My only point was that I don't believe that free software developers have a responsibility to their users. I respond to feature requests and take the users of my software very seriously but I certainly don't feel that I have some sort of obligation to do that.
Re:I've said this before (Score:2)
This is a classic example of what companies site when they refuse to adopt OSS.
Re:I've said this before (Score:2)
And I don't that I have a negative attitude.At least I didn't mean to come across as negative and I don't think that I did.
All I'm saying is that I disagree with the parent poster and I offered an explanation to back up my point. How is that being negative?
If you think it's because I don't feel that I owe anything to the users of my software that's certainly not negative, it's just my opinion. Users of free software are using someone elses work for free. So if anyone owes anything to anyone it's the users who owe the developers. Not the other way around.
Re:I've said this before (Score:2)
If I was a selfish prick then I wouldn't give my software away for free.
The way I see it is that when a free software developer creates something he is essentially generating an "agreement" with his users. He is saying "Here, use this if you want. It's free. I won't ask for anything in return. However, the same is true for you. You must not ask anything in return of me."
Now I agree with you with regards to hardware. But as a software developer I have nothing to do with that so don't bother me about it. I try my best to optimise my code (after it's working, simple and to my liking) but that's only because I want it to be as useful as possible, not because you do.
If my program is not working on your machine because it's too bloated then either use something else, fix it yourself or feed my family so I can work on it full time until it's to your likings.
My whole point is that I release free software in hopes that someone will find it useful. If you do great. If you don't that's fine. Just don't bother me about it because it's not your "right" to demand that my software works for you.
Now if people are thinking, based on my posts in this thread, that I don't care if my software works for people and that the users want more features then you're mistaken. It's not that I don't care it's just that I'm not going to take what the users are saying as #1 priority because the free software that I develop is not a priority to me. It's just a hobby.
So if you think my programs would be 10 x more cool if they had this or that feature than great. But don't expect me to implement it unless I feel like it.
As I've been saying all along, if it's something that absolutely must be done in your opinion then feel free to do it yourself. It's not my responsibility. The code that I write on my free time is my hobby. The code that I'm payed to write for my employer is my responsiblity.
This is why so many companies that depend on free software have started to employ free software developers to work on them. Free software developers only do what they do out of the goodness of their hearts. If they have better things to do than to make a program that you use work better for you then they're going to it. You can't expect any more of them.
Re:I've said this before (Score:2)
I've said this before and I'll say it again -- MODULARITY! Designing software that can be configured up or down to suit users' preferences and hardware capabilities is not rocket science. Maybe that wimpy-machine user will have to turn off some of the latest features to get adequate performance, but that should be their choice. The software should be constructed - both at a deep level and at a user interface level - to make that choice possible.
Cool (Score:2, Funny)
Just had to say it (Score:4, Funny)
Unwritten rule? (Score:5, Insightful)
The current versions of software are designed to run on recent hardware. This has always been true, if there is a need to upgrade your software, you may need to upgrade yours system.
Re:Unwritten rule? (Score:3, Insightful)
But no, blame it on the programmers. Working hard, giving it away for free, mostly because people keep asking for stupid crap like transparent windows (which I'd like to know how, exactly, that increases productivety or causes LESS eyestrain than only opaque windows).
It's not just bells and whisltes either, it's some very nice features that we did without on slower machines because we HAD to, things like anti-aliased fonts. There's no magical algorithm that's going to make a 20Mhz 386 with 8MB do antialiasing at a reasonable speed.
So now when 3D desktops become all the rage, is he going to blame programmers because the desktops run slow on old 2D ISA video cards with 512K RAM?
Re:Unwritten rule? (Score:2)
Then don't use Gnome (Score:5, Insightful)
If you've got a really dinky box, I can recommend WindowMaker. If your machine is really REALLY dinky, then use something even lighter than that. Not a hard decision.
Right answer (Score:3, Informative)
There's a lot of good work being done in window managers [plig.org], and most of them are a lot less resource-hungry than GNOME or KDE. (My particular favorite is Enlightenment, mainly because I find the design very creative.) Of course, they all cater to folks with a serious let-me-tweak-everything mindset. But then, who else wants to run a GUI on old box that most people would just throw out?
Re:Right answer (Score:3, Insightful)
The most important point for people with "low-end" boxes to remember is... that they have low-end boxes! You can't possibly expect every piece of software in existence to run fast on your old Pentium or whatever. If you have older hardware, use suitable software.
For example, I recently set up a 486-33 laptop with 8MB of ram as a webserver. It works just fine. Is it running Apache? No way. I didn't even bother to try. Why? It's called being realistic. With such old hardware, you use a simpler, smaller webserver. And likewise, with a low-end (say, Pentium) desktop, use WindowMaker. For a 386 being used as a desktop, get GeoWorks (if it's still available?) or whatever.
The point is, while optimized software is certainly a useful goal. Just don't expect miracles. You can't reproduce the functionality of Windows plus some on top of the functionality of X on top of the functionality of Linux and expect it to run on just anything.
Re:Then don't use Gnome (Score:2)
Personally, I'd probably either go with a stripped-down GNOME distro as in the article (though probably straight from the GNOME mirrors, not Ximian) or all the way down to Fluxbox [sf.net], which has the ever-so-nice feature of tabbed windows, letting you pull tricks like cramming all of your GIMP palettes into one window's size.
One data point (Score:5, Insightful)
I run Ximian GNOME and Red Hat 7.2 on a relatively old box: Pentium 233 MMX with 96 megs of RAM and 20 gig hard drive (the old 1 gig drive finally died.). It's a little slow; sometimes it takes a few seconds for a menu to be displayed. On the other hand, the "user experience" is very smooth. I wouldn't want to use anything else: not Windows, not KDE. (This is a matter of personal prefernce; ymmv).
My only major complaint is that Galeon isn't a part of the Ximian GNOME package. They have Mozilla, which is good, but Galeon simply has a smaller resource footprint and a better user interface. Obviously it's trivial to install the appropriate Galeon RPMs; OTOH, I often wonder why Ximian hasn't adopted this browser as a part of their standard packages. I look forward to the day when this changes.
Re:One data point (Score:3, Informative)
that is what I am using right now to post this message
Re:One data point (Score:2, Interesting)
(Although, for the record, I found installing Ximian to a Mandrake 8.0 system kinda messy... I eventually reinstalled Mandrake without any Gnome packages, and then installed Ximian over that. It's worked fine ever since.)
Also agreed. Galeon was the only browser I used for practically everything for quite a long time. However, I've since dropped it in favor of Opera [opera.com], which is also very slick. Opera's MDI is, to me, a bit nicer than Galeon's tabbed mode, although either is far better than the resource-hog style of other browsers when opening new windows.In short, Galeon is good, but Opera is better. But either one is far better than Netscape (although Mozilla is finally getting good) or MSIE (although I still keep a copy under VMware because some websites (like my bank) still won't work well with anything else. Hmmm... maybe it's time to get a better bank...
Re:One data point (Score:2)
SuSE also has a hardware compatibility list, and there are links from the Debian install guide.
As always, you can always use Google [google.com]
Developer Wrath (Score:2, Informative)
I'm betting there's hordes of KDE develepers out there that would gladly wring this guy's neck for that nasty little comment.
Why don't people use BlackBox? (Score:4, Insightful)
BlackBox is highly configurable, too. I was bored one day filling in at one of our data centers and decided to switch the Ops workstation to use BlackBox [27.org]. One thing I wish KDE could do is run a program like CMatrix [asty.org] in the root window... :-)
Re:Why don't people use BlackBox? (Score:2)
Re:Why don't people use BlackBox? (Score:2, Insightful)
blackbox plus all this stuff:
Configurable window tabs.
Iconbar (for minimized/iconified windows)
Wheel scroll changes workspace
Configurable titlebar (placement of buttons, new buttons etc)
KDE support
New native integrated keygrabber (supports emacs like keychains)
Maximize over slit option
Partial GNOME support
they keygrabber is sweet, control xmms/audio levels from any workspace/app
Right on... (Score:2)
mod parent up! (Score:2)
I'd like to see this review looked at again with a gtk theme like Premier (uber-fast, uber-clean) and Fluxbox as the WM!
Re:Why don't people use BlackBox? (Score:2)
5439 total
Re:Why don't people use BlackBox? (Score:2, Informative)
For real though, Black box is a great small and fast window manager. When I am in need for a small fast linux install running on old hardware I start with zipslack add Xfree and the Blackbox WM. BB is also a great WM for low res (640x480x256 colors) monitors, think VNC.
Speed is king. (Score:2)
Blackbox, or fluxbox and a few little apps can be used to make a very, very snappy system. There's no need to give up one's graphical tools to do it either. I run on a p200 with 64Mb of RAM, and the following setup even makes it feel fast.
Re:Why don't people use BlackBox? (Score:2)
In kde 2.2.2, go under control panel -> look & feel -> background, change the mode to "background program"
Ok, I'm not sure if it runs cmatrix in the root window, but it's close.
Thanks! (Score:2)
I've not fiddled with it very much, but cmatrix doesn't want to run. XEarth will, though. Which is better anyway.
Other arches. (Score:4, Interesting)
From a PPC standpoint, don't even try on anything older than a G3. I've run Ximian GNOME under LinuxPPC on a Motorola Starmax and a 6500/225. Both times were actually _painful_. I don't know if the speed has picked up any since whatever version that was, but I certainly don't want to try again.
Blackbox and E, on the other hand, are both pretty speedy on my 7200/120.
Re:Other arches. (Score:2)
I recently adopted one of the blue G3's that had been acting as a linux webserver and tossed Mac OS X on it. The thing has 384 MB of RAM and it's slow as dog shit.
Install GNOME and KDE - just don't... (Score:5, Informative)
If you really have to use KDE and want some serious speed increases, then compile both KDE and Qt from source with the switch --no-g++-exceptions. This is a hint from Linux from Scratch [linuxfromscratch.org] which works very well.
Re:Install GNOME and KDE - just don't... (Score:2)
This should be at least +1 Informative for the KDE speed hint
Re:Install GNOME and KDE - just don't... (Score:2)
Let me repeat fetta's question with my +1 bonus, to see if someone will notice this and answer:
I know I would like to find out the answer to that one. Also, mav's comment about Linux From Scratch was terrific -- I'm now cruising through all the hints [linuxfromscratch.org] and really, this is quite a huge resource. I wish I had known about it earlier in my Linux life.
Re: (Score:2)
Ximian isn't even snappy on my 1.4 Ghz system! (Score:3, Informative)
Of course, a large part of the problem lies with Nautilus, which is (if this is in fact possible) slightly slower than Mozilla on my system. Seeing as Mozilla is constantly getting faster and Nautilus is no longer actively maintained, I see this as a potential problem.
I will say, though, that I don't mind the menubar at the top of the screen. I've populated it with the things I need, and it rarely gets in my way.
Of course, I have a large screen and frequently use five or six virtual desktops to hold all my windows, so a few pixels of the top is not nearly as important as pager problems would be. On that front, I have always preferred Gnome's paging model to KDE's; I use a setup with four viewports per workspace, with a 1000-ms delay to swap viewports by moving the pointer to the edge of the screen.
In any case, the point of this long-winded comment is that Ximian Gnome is a neat package, but the overall speed is not nearly as nice as I'd like it to be. (And, before I get flamed, the reason I haven't yet turned off all the bits of chrome that Ximian installs, like Nautilus, is that I actually like chrome. I just wish I could have a schweet-looking system that's fast too.)
Ah well... Everything works for the time being, so I'm unlikely to change anything on this system anytime soon (I actually have to do real work on this computer). On my other machine, I use KDE whenever I start X -- which isn't often.
That's what I love about Linux... you get choices. If I want Gnome, I've got Gnome. If I want super-fast, geekoid-to-the-max sysadmin functionality, I've got bash. I'm happy.
Re:Ximian isn't even snappy on my 1.4 Ghz system! (Score:2)
Re:Ximian isn't even snappy on my 1.4 Ghz system! (Score:2)
This is actually not true. (Although not only development-related, the Nautilus mailing list has had over 100 posts in the last day.) Much of the work on Nautilus at the moment is going into porting it to the Gnome 2.0 architecture. From everything I've heard, it is already way faster with Gnome 2.
Nautilus certainly is maintained. (Score:2, Informative)
Here's looking forward to GNOME2.
Re:Ximian isn't even snappy on my 1.4 Ghz system! (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Ximian isn't even snappy on my 1.4 Ghz system! (Score:4, Informative)
This is just untrue. Nautilus is very actively maintained. Darin Adler, former Eazel-employee are maintainer on his spare time, now together with Alex Larsson.
Lots of the slowness in Nautilus 1.0.x seems to come from general slowness in the immature Gnome-libraries that only Nautilus exposed fully in Gnome 1.x. Nautilus for Gnome 2 got a lot faster for "free", when shifting to the Gnome 2 platform. In addition, lots of other speed improvements have been made.
I can happily say that Nautilus 1.1.x (The Gnome 2 development platform) is very fast. Opening a new window is about twice as fast. Changing directories is almost instantanious. Even large image-dirs with thumbnailing turned on is acceptably fast. This is on a Pentium III 550 with 256MB of ram.
I'm going to try this out on a lower end machine, but the huge speed increases is reported to have a nice effect here as well. Nautilus should be usable on reasonably low end machines now, if you turn off the latest bells and whistles.
For me, it is also nice that the SVG-rendering in Nautilus 2 is a lot faster. I'm unable to "feel" a speed difference between a regular theme and a vector-icon (SVG) theme.
Re:Ximian isn't even snappy on my 1.4 Ghz system! (Score:2)
On my work box, a 400mhz K6-III, with the right GTK theme and a few kernel patches (namely the low-latency, preempt, and (0)1 scheduler patches), Ximian Gnome rocks! Sure, Nautilus is a little pokey, but I'm using Gnome 2 snapshots at home, and even Nautilus is extremely responsive and snappy. (Ok, I know its silly that in order to get top performance, a desktop user would have to *patch his/her kernel* but cut me some slack - KDE would benefit from this too, so it's not just a GNOME "defect"
I am soooooo anxious for Ximian to "do their thing" on Gnome2.x - with this and KDE 3 coming, it's an exciting year for Linux on the desktop...
This is why I don't use KDE/GNOME... (Score:2)
Pointless article (Score:3, Insightful)
This guy is complainng about bloat and performance of Ximian Gnome and KDE, then goes on to reveal he has been using Mosfets Liquid theme and other eyecandy goodies. Well OF COURSE it's going to be going slow. He also seems to blame StarOffice's slow laucnhing on KDE. He doesn't seem to have a clue what he is talking about.
If you want a fast desktop on low end hardware, use WMaker ir FVWM or something simmilar. If you want eyecandy, use KDE/Enlightenment/Gnome. There is no news here, everyone has known this for a very long time.
Re:Pointless article (Score:2)
That's why I use Gnome (Score:2)
I switched to Ximian and haven't looked back. Performance is of particular interest because I do use several "ancient" machines for assorted purposes and I like to have a consistent WM/DM across all machines. So it runs comfortable on my 200MMX with 64M as well as my Athlon 750.
Does Windows have an edge? (Score:4, Interesting)
Would this problem be solved by using one GUI library? If you think KDE is slow, try running GNOME apps on KDE. The overhead of loading all of those additional UI libraries is unbelievable. Would Linux on the desktop be more effective if only one UI library was used?
Re:Does Windows have an edge? (Score:2, Informative)
Windows loads faster on my PC, and applications generally load quicker. For example (and I'm going to make this comparison), opening the File Explorer onto my C: drive takes a fraction of a second, whereas Konqueror in KDE 2.2.1 takes several seconds. My PC isn't brand new, but it is a P3-700, 256Mb with a 20Gb Seagate.
Idea: Power-sensitive software (Score:2, Insightful)
Likewise, people with low end comps are often getting screwed by missing out on great new stuff that they just can't run.
Being that I am a member of the former (I built my own uber comp and have two Dell uber comps) I am sensitive to the latter.
So I wonder if software can be developed to be sensitive to the user's comp. SOmetimes this is done - Unreal Tournament detects what video settings you are capable of. If this was done more, we wouldn't have to see software constantly coded down to the least common demoninator. The only piece of software that seems to be doing this in a forward looking way is (not surprisingly) a game - Asheron's Call 2.
Chicken & Egg (Score:3, Insightful)
for older systems, use older software (Score:2, Insightful)
If this guy wants to run a system on older hardware, he should be using software that was designed around the same time the hardware was available. Try the Linux 2.0 kernel series, X 3.3.6. Older distributions had smaller foot prints. Older versions of window managers would be smaller and quicker to compile. Speaking of which, if you have an old system, don't expect to be able to compile all these new software packages with new features designed to take advantage of new hardware, in a reasonable amount of time. Use the older stuff with feature sets that match those of your hardware.
Older software is still stable, too. That's why at the time it was released as a 'stable version'. It just doesn't have some of the new features and additions that consume resources. Said features weren't around in old software, because said resources weren't available.
That's easy (Score:2)
I actually use a couple of gnome apps, and have the g/f on a very low end system (pentium 1 233).
WM = Windowmaker
Filer/Desktop = ROX
Works great!
Re:That's easy (Score:2)
* It's not so much that Galeon crawls, its that the damn thing is agressively single-threaded, so page-rendering freezes up the whole app. On slower systems, page rendering takes up a lot more time, and thus the app seems very unresponsive.
Re: (Score:2)
Re:That's easy (Score:2)
I use Enlightenment (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I use Enlightenment (Score:2)
Hehe. That's like using Win 3.1 on a modern CPU
Does anyone know what Rasterman is up to now-a- days? How long ago did he leave Red Hat?
Linux desktop is bloating up faster than Oprah (Score:4, Insightful)
With the versions and default sessions I get with redhat 7.2, I measued the memory usage of KDE and gnome. KDE weighs in at a hefty 95 MB, while gnome uses "only" 41 MB. For comparison, the fvwm2 setup I use includes an email checker that tells me how many mesages I have, a clock, a loadgraph, cpu usage graphs (per CPU), button bar, and virtual desktop pager. The workings of the window manager itself are more configurable than either gnome or KDE. And all this is only 4MB! That's about 24 times less than KDE.
Bloat can never be good. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Bloat can never be good. (Score:2)
Re:Bloat can never be good. (Score:2)
Gnome on low end?? (Score:2)
Nautlius is the biggest problem with it sucking up 90% of all your resources.. Best replacement? try your damnedest to delete Nautlius and install ROX. (Rox will even do the desktop dance for you if you like. and for some reason ROX is almost 1/10th the size of Nautilus.. and hellishly faster too..
Basically.. on a low end system.. you really need to abandon all the bloated (P-II and higher required desktop systems that are Gnome and KDE. they have their place with the Windows horsepower equiviliant systems (I use KDE on my 2 processor P-III 866 "low end system") but blackbox+ROX or Enlightenment+ROX or any combination of efficient and tightly written code will give you awesome performance...
I hope that someday both KDE and Gnome will stop the feature-add phase and enter the make is run superfast.... and it can, they just need to take time out from the "fun" of adding toys to the dull part of cutting cruft and optimise..
Other datapoints (Score:2)
I run Gnome on some 'old' systems:
One thing is that on both of these machines, I don't run Nautilus or GMC. Not a big fan of graphical file managers, I don't miss them. It's quite possible that they would slowficate the Gnome experience.
Oh, and another thing. Gnome 1.2, when I installed it, still looked like it could do with some sanding, and maybe another coat of paint. There were things left out of libraries, or in an inefficient way (thinking of some of the drawing routines.) These probably contributed to the memory usage and slowness of some graphical applications. Here's hoping that's all in the past now with Gnome 2 around the corner.
Oh, boo hoo. (Score:2)
If linux is going to make it on the desktop, it's gonna have to match closed sources OSs on a feature for feature basis. This means it has to have a level of feature bloat similar to windows -- and therefore similar compilation times.
I don't cry for those with slower machines "in parts of the world where fast machines are unavailable" (BS, by the way -- my friend in Bangladesh has a better machine than I do, and his family's yearly income is less than my weekly). They still have options: GNOME 1.x, for example. This is Linux, man, there's no need to upgrade if what you have now is working. Sure, the new toys would be great...but if the choice is Windows 3.11 or GNOME 1.x, you're still better off petting the penguin.
Stupid comparison (Score:4, Insightful)
* Which is ironic in itself, because they're running on kernel that is much, much faster. They can't even blame X, because (from the benchmarks I've done) X is damn competitive to GDI, and in many respects (blitting bitmaps, for example) can even beat DirectX. Nope, after about 4.x, the "but X sux" arguement kind of dissapeared.
Low end, high quality desktops (Score:2, Interesting)
I run a Blue and White G3 at home, with SuSE 7.3. I just reinstalled the system last night in (what appears to be a successful) attempt in building the perfect system. I downloaded the most recent version of Windowmaker (0.80) and spent some time configuring it. It is a sweet desktop. I have all of the applications that I use regularly at my fingertips, have lots of fun dockable apps to do useful things like establish my internet connection and play my ogg-vorbis files, and have lots of eye candy.
I compiled Windowmaker with CFLAGS="-O3" (highest level optimizations), and it screams. I'm not running particularly fast hardware, but with over half a gig of memory plugged into it and my favorite apps optimized, it hauls ass. I absolutely love it. Windowmaker is one of the most overlooked window manager projects out there, and takes a little to get used to, but is well worth the effort.
Missing The Point (Score:2)
I believe the point of this excirse is "is it possible?" not whether or not you should. Obviously on a minimalist system you don't install heavy weight software.
There is a reason to point out things like the fact KDE and Gnome have issues running on small systems. It is up to the reader or the developers to figure out for themselves what this means.
Not the way to approach poverty (Score:3, Insightful)
And that's a shame, because a person needs only access to a computer and sufficient interest in order to create his or her own route out of poverty.
I'm not really sure I understand where this person is comming from... The largest Social Movement is South America, Brasil's MST (landless workers movement) use Land reform, land occupation, education, and community building to escape poverty.
If only it was as simple as loading up a computer with free software! Actually, the computer industry is terrible when it comes to poverty! The highest concentration of highly toxic waste sites (known as SUPERFUND sites) are in the Silicon Valley. We ship about 200,000 computers, which (including the monitors) high levels of lead, cadmium, etc to developing countries, where they pollute landfills and communities. This increases conditions of poverty, not helps them.
Re:Not the way to approach poverty (Score:2)
Well, it doesn't really work like that. Check out what happens to Old Computers at the Silicon Valley Toxics Commission [svtc.org] site.
Basically, many people lack proper opportunities to make a living. Desperate people are forced to do things like rip through all of our exported consumer electronics to scavenge copper wire and monitor parts. SVTC (see link above) shows how people resort to collecting potentially carcinogenic toner in cups for reuse in order to earn enough to eat.
Unfortunately, it's not really as if we are packaging our old computers and sending them to Africa or India for educational use. We are exporting our old computers to Asia - as toxic garbage.
Check out these facts, straight from the SVTC report mentioned above: Every year, the US exports about 10 million obsolete computers to Asia to be disposed of as hazardous waste. On average, each computer contains 13 pounds of plastic, 3 pounds of lead, enough cadmium to pollute 260,000 gallons of drinking water, enough chromium to pollute 10,000 gallons, and enough mercury to pollute 260,000 gallons.
Crazy, isn't it!!! This is a huge environmental problem, that until recently has gotten little or no press. SVTC was in the San Francisco paper recently, but Slashdotters would do well to look into solutions to this terrible ecological stress!
Gnome 2 is mostly way faster than Gnome 1 (Score:2, Informative)
This should mean that most people having trouble with Nautilus slowness should now be able to use it fine.
This also means that Gnome 2 is not a huge and bloated upgrade.
Bloated with features (Score:2)
Do we *really* need file managers? (Score:2, Interesting)
My favorite (light) setup (Score:5, Informative)
I run the following:
File Manager/Desktop icons: Rox filer/XFtree
Web Browser: Galeon, Opera or Dillo
Mail Client: Sylpheed or Evolution
Word Processor: AbiWord, Applix or WP8
Other Desktop apps: Gnumeric, JPilot
I have two machines: An Athlon 900 with 768MB of RAM and an old Laptop. A P233 with 64MB RAM. I find that the above works perfectly on either. Initially I set XFce/Rox/Sylpheed/Dillo up just for the laptop. At the time I was using KDE on the big machine. Then I realized how much all of the fancy integration costs. KDE was unusable on the laptop, Gnome without Nautilus or GMC was okay, but XFce etc. put them all to shame.
Rox is a great file manager. It's blindingly fast, has lots of features normally only associated with Natilus or Knoqueror, and is very tiny. Same goes for XFce.
Also, XFce has very good keyboard bindings that just make sense.
If I was going to create a distribution tomorrow I would use the above setup as the default rather than KDE or Gnome. The apps are great, but the overall weight of the system is just too much. I find XFce on my Debian Potato laptop is finally about as fast as Win95 was on the same machine. Oh, and PCMCIA actually works better on that machine in Linux than it did in Windows.
Honestly, XFce and Rox are such nice programs, I'm really shocked that more people don't use them. They're fast, the developers are responsive, and the programs are small and stable. I used to cringe when people would tell me that they were installing Linux onto a machine with lower specs than my laptop. It doesn't have to be that way.
As for the apps, most Gtk apps that I use seem to be as fast as you could expect. Xmms, Gnumeric, abiword, jpilot, even gimp are all quite fast considering what they do. Personally, I'm impressed that the author got StarOffice to work as well as he did. I tried OpenOffice on my laptop. I started it up, a few minutes later the HD was still thrashing. I gave up and logged out. Works great on the Athlon, though, and build 642 seems a bit faster. Applix and WordPerfect 8 are _much_ faster. In fact, I'd argue that recent builds of AbiWord aren't actually much speedier than WordPerfect 8 for Linux.
Anyway, there's my 2 cents.
How about Gnome on a Pseudocolor 8bpp X server? (Score:2)
Now, most somewhat modern apps will allocate a private colormap if it can't get all the colors it needs but there are some old apps that don't do that.
I ended up running icewm.
If that's lowend, what's my laptop! (Score:2)
My two toshiba laptops are both slower and older then the examples provided. One is a Pentium 75, 16 megs of memory, and the other is an old 486 with 4 megs of memory. I hate to think what the reviewer would call them!
VNC users suffer as well. (Score:2)
Windowmaker works great in this scenario. Highly recommended.
Re:Linux & low spec machines (Score:2, Informative)
m o n o l i n u x [monolinux.com]
Re:Linux & low spec machines (Score:2, Insightful)
On lower end machines like that, you may want to consider NOT using X, and stick to text mode.
Re:Linux & low spec machines (Score:2)
Re:Linux & low spec machines (Score:2)
(Actually, I built the image to study boot problems so I could pass the LPIC-2 while it was still in Beta-- my systems rarely crash.) Of course it would be a lot of work but you would learn a huge amount.
You can get Linux to run with as little as 10 MB of free space, but its functionality is rather limited.
Before everyone cryes "Feature Bloat" with regard to Linux consider this: Pine will always be available if you don't like evolution or Kmail, and Linux will ALWAYS run on low-end systems as long as someone wants it to
Re:Linux & low spec machines (Score:2)
What you want _probably_ isn't Linux. Take a look at NetBSD [netbsd.org] for that bad boy. I've got OpenBSD running on a PPro 200 with 32 megs of RAM, and it's great.
Re:Linux & low spec machines (Score:2)
Yeap, you certainly don't need much horsepower if you're running a firewall/server. Walnut Creek used to serve *thousands* of users off a T1 with their PPro 200 back in the mid 90s. I forget which BSD they used though.
Couple of questions, if you don't mind:
- Which version of OpenBSD are you running?
- Are you running X on your PPro, or is it "just" a server?
- If you're running it as server, got any good links for setting up BSD firewalls? (TrinityOS [csuchico.edu] rocks for Linux firewalling, but I haven't seen anything like it for BSD
I currently have a PPro 200 w/ 64 Megs running Mandrake, but I've been looking at switching over to OpenBSD once I get some free time.
Re:Linux & low spec machines (Score:2)
I was able to get a fully functional OpenBSD firewall going by following their FAQ. There were other resources but the FAQ was the most helpful.
My machine? A 486/33 16MB RAM (I've since upgraded to a 486/66 woo hoo!)
Re:Linux & low spec machines(OT) (Score:2, Informative)
Have you tried Fluxbox [sourceforge.net]?
It is built off Blackbox 0.61.1 with some "enhancements". I really like using the tabs between windows.
Re:Linux & low spec machines (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Linux can't run on 200mhz machines forever... (Score:5, Insightful)
Not everyone has $999 in their back pocket... Most public schools, for example, can't just go out and buy a lab of brand new computers, and are still forced to use computers from 5 years ago (if they're lucky, that is).
Why not? (Score:4, Informative)
Why not? I run netBSD on a 20 mhz machine from time to time. (a sun3/60). My only linux machine is a 386-25, but the monitor failed years ago so now it sits on a shelf and handles my mail. Works just fine.
Now I admit those machines are a bit slow, but they work, and they are more than 10 times faster than the atari I started out with (1.6 mhz, and 8 bits).
My main machine runs at 200 mhz, but it has two processors. I see no reason to replace it, it is afterall rock solid, and I don't like 3-d graphical games. I don't need more power, I need the power I have used wisely.
Re:Linux can't run on 200mhz machines forever... (Score:4, Insightful)
You get a big juicy -1/Illiterate for not reading the article before you responded. The author explains quite clearly why what you suggest is not an option in many environments. You can afford a decent computer, I can afford an even better one, but there are people whose new-equipment budget is zero and who have to make do with whatever five-year-old POS is lying around. Programmers who make software that's unusable for some people just because they (the programmers) aren't affected by the waste and are too lazy to do anything about it are just crappy programmers.
Re:Linux can't run on 200mhz machines forever... (Score:2)
Re:Linux can't run on 200mhz machines forever... (Score:2)
You'll find no disagreement from me, if you're talking about optimizing for those slower machines. However, what we're generally dealing with is programmers just pissing away dozens of megabytes and millions of CPU cycles to no purpose whatsoever. I've seen a lot of code in my time that could be simplified or streamlined such that there will be some platforms on which it will run faster and no platforms on which it will run slower, and such that it would be more readable and maintainable besides. Some of it was my code, written before I knew everything. ;-) This is being presented as a tradeoff, and sometimes it is, but other times it's just an out and out waste.
Re:Linux can't run on 200mhz machines forever... (Score:2)
Neither, in the context of this particular thread. If we're talking about programs like GNOME or KDE, I think we're talking about code that has grown over time with both modularity and performance taking a back seat to bells and whistles.
In a more general context, probably somewhere between your first and third options. A lot of code seems to hover at a level somewhere between "didn't know any better" and "didn't even care". ;-)
Re:Linux can't run on 200mhz machines forever... (Score:2)
I think you're off base. I just used the Wayback Machine to look at PC Magazine from March 1997. Typical is the Dell Dimension XPS P200s [archive.org] which, at $3179, sported a 200MHz PPro and 32MB of SDRAM. Cut those numbers in half to find what a true five-year-old POS would be like, and then consider that a lot of people are still stuck with even older machines than that. Obviously we don't expect such a machine to keep up even with your machine that has 4x the MHz and 12x the MB (not to mention better I/O and who knows what other improvements) let alone a modern machine, but there's no reason a god-damned window manager or file browser shouldn't run just fine on it...and apparently they don't.
Linux can run nearly forever, GNOME might not... (Score:3, Insightful)
So though I'd agree that no author has any obligation to keep hardware requirements down so that they'll run on a P1 133 MHz box and that you can't expect to run tomorrow's GNOME on yesterday's system, one bit of the "beauty" of Linux is that you can still run tomorrow's software without having to make updates to parts of your system you don't want to update -- or, in this case, add the part to your system at all!
Re:Linux can't run on 200mhz machines forever... (Score:2)
Linux will be able to run on horribly slow machines long after you and your grandchildren are dead and buried... because it cant be hidden,taken away or forced out of existance.. Linux and the stuff needed to run on stone-age equipment will be around forever....
and that kiddies is what makes it so much cooler and better than anything that Microsoft can ever create. In 10,000 years when archeologists dig out of a cave a redhat 6.2 distro.. they can figure out and run on their trash hardware linux. if they find windows? it wont run and will be looked upon as worthless.
Re:Linux can't run on 200mhz machines forever... (Score:2)
The fact is that it's much easier to get older PC's donated to the third world countries. Throw some nice/efficient apps on them, and they can rock and roll.
Re:Linux can't run on 200mhz machines forever... (Score:2, Insightful)