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MS Office for OSX? Why not for Unix as Well? 479

technode asks: "Apple has released OSX, which appears to be an amalgam of NetBSD, and NexTStep, and other stuff. There is, or will be, undoubtedly, a 'native mode' office suite for OSX. If there is an Office suite for OSX, then why not for other Unixes? To do it once requires solving the basic problem of mapping Office onto the Unix/X-windows API. Once you have that piece, it seems like the only thing preventing a Linux MS Office Suite is MS desire to preserve their OS market share. Technically, this begins to seem a little bit like using one's market share in the applications business to protect one's market share in the OS business, which would, on the face of it, seem to be an anti-trust no-no. What gives?" Most people don't seem to understand that "native-mode" OSX isn't necessarily Unix compatible. Macs have had their own GUI toolbox for a long time, and I would assume that if Office does show for OSX, that it would be an easy port to other Unicies. This doesn't even go into the horrendous track record with regards to security that Microsoft has garnered, especially over the past few years. Does Unix really need Office at this point? Update: 12/29 1pm EDT by C :The wording above is incorrect. To clarify: an OS X version of Office would not be an easy port to Unix. Sorry for the miswording, there.
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MS Office for OSX? Why not for Unix as Well?

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  • Office X uses Aqua (Score:4, Informative)

    by Matt Gleeson ( 85831 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:00PM (#2762365) Homepage
    Office for MacOS X doesn't use X11, it uses the native OS X GUI. IIRC they are using Carbon, a transitional API from older MacOS's to OS X.
    • by ddtstudio ( 61065 )
      yes and no. os x's ui has been tagged "aqua," which refers to the visual style (i refrain from saying the phrase "ui standard" as aqua is an inconsistant mess -- but that's another rant). however, the 2d imaging model is called "quartz." this is based on an apple version of an open pdf-based standard.

      also, carbon is the set of apis that are a modified subset of the standard mac os toolbox. it is used for applications that can run native in os x as well as mac os 8.6 through 9.2. it's not a windowing system.

      that said, the office v.x team had to rejigger all the graphic doodads in the applications to make them all lickable... ick. to the aqua theme. double ick.
    • by CmdrKrev ( 545738 )
      He is absolutely right, but what is really bad is that not only does it not use X11, it doesn't use anything even remotely POSIX-compliant (AFAIK) anywhere. Carbon is as he said, a transitional API.

      They hacked off the parts of the MacOS 9 APIs that would be too difficult to implement in OS X's environment (especially things like OS traps that opened up potential conflicts and created instability). Unfortunately, a lot of things in OS 9 required these traps to work correctly instead of access sockets to other processes and the like. This makes it difficult for programmers that worked with these unusual parts of the APIs just to port to Carbon.

      Cocoa is even worse to port to, since you have to write the app from scratch. The good news is that a Cocoa app is setup in such a way that Apple can add new features or tweak with the UI slightly and the app will automagically adapt without needing an update.

      Porting either Carbon or Cocoa over to another *nix is as difficult as porting Win32 code to a *nix. Of course, some of these apps being written to be run as daemons under OS X with the POSIX libraries will be rather easy to port to another *nix, the problem being: They are trying to make money off of a webserver, ftp server, etc. Marketting to a group already with free ftpd and apache is a tough sell. MS Office could be just as tough a sell once OpenOffice truly matures.
  • YES (Score:2, Insightful)

    by -douggy ( 316782 )
    "Does Unix really need Office at this point? "
    Yes i think it does. What do most people use their machines for in the office? My lawer writes letters on his laptop. My accountants does spreadsheets. I write reports (ok so i use Lyx for scientific ones)

    A good office suit is important and while Abiword is fast and more than most people use MS Office is a brand name.
    • by dara ( 119068 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:38PM (#2762526)
      As has been repeated many times here, what Unix really needs is:

      1] A standard for office file formats

      2] A capable standalone import/export program between this format and MS office formats.

      The OpenOffice file format looks pretty good to me, but I understand why there could be reluctance among the many other office projects to ditch their ideas (though I think they should anyway).

      Having the conversion program be standalone would allow all competing interfaces to the standard file to coexist nicely with each other. My fantasy is that in the final settlement with somebody (US states, EU, ...), Microsoft would have to cooperate in the construction of this program in some way.

  • Not just Office (Score:2, Insightful)

    by narfbot ( 515956 )
    You could say the same things about Internet Explorer as well?
  • mac OSX is based on nextstep and freebsd, and it's not a question of if Microsoft will port Office to osx, because they already have, it's been out for months. I dont really understand this agrument, obviously MS could make a version of Office for linux, but i dont think the osx port would make that any easyer, the gui of mac osx is a lot different from X11.
  • by __aaahtg7394 ( 307602 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:02PM (#2762376)
    Under OS X, the GUI is not an X server. It's a lot more advanced than X, which has its pros and cons.

    For example, it supports transparency natively, and z-coordinates. But it isn't network-transparent out of the box.

    In any case, yes, you could to Office on *nix if you were to port Cocoa or Carbon to the platform of choice, but i don't see Apple doing that anytime soon.

    IE for Solaris is based on a partial port of win32 to solaris--with this you could theoretically port office for win32 to Solaris and therefore *nix.

    Anyway, don't confuse OS X with a Real Unix with Real X Windows. Support for X on OSX is a third-party effort at best.
    • > But it isn't network-transparent out of the box

      OS X has something called a Remote Operation API (apparently only documented in header files), that allows you to remotely display an OS X desktop, and to inject input device events. It's more like VNC than the X Window System, but it's use is transparent to applications. There's an OS X VNC port that uses it.

  • by Gothmog ( 21222 ) <> on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:02PM (#2762381) Homepage
    Office v.X is what is called a "Carbon" app. It uses a subset of the old Mac APIs to work on OS X. No such API exists on any unix, so it would require rewriting the entire GUI aspect of the program to run on another UNIX.

    This was Apple's way of making it easy to port apps from the "old" MacOS to OS X. You just have to make sure you are not using the parts of the old APIs that are "naughty" under OS X (directly access hardware, etc.) and you are good to go.
    • In the near future, we will see many, many more 'main stream' applications such as Adobe's prestigious family of design applications, Macromedia's design, multimedia and production applications, etc. running 'natively' on OS X. Don't look for any of these applications to be ported to UNIX. Developing for OS X is absolutely nothing like developing for UNIX, take it from a developer.

      For example, a carbon applications is still based on the same MacOS APIs that have existed in the past - with a few omissions and a few additions, of course. The point of Carbon, though, is to make porting existing MacOS applications as easy as possible. Cocoa, on the other hand, is very different and is a totally new creature, and one that is proprietary, I'm afraid. I don't think we will see a Cocoa compatability layer for Linux - ever. These OS X applications are not based on the FreeBSD/OpenBSD foundation of OS X, it is the OS itself that is based on these foundations, not the applications that run on top of the OS.

      A valid analogy might be the fact that in a large part, Windows NT was initially based in a large part on VMS, if I recall - maybe not the actual code, but I have heard varying reports of that as well. Of course, no application that runs on NT will run on VMS (without significant recoding). This is because the foundation of these OS's is less important than the APIs they are written against.

      Bottom line here is that OS X is far more than a foundation of FreeBSD/OpenBSD with a pretty window manager. For more info, check out Apple's site for developers: click here []. You'll find info on Darwin (the FreeBSD/OpenBSD layer), Cocoa, Carbon, how the various layers interact, what depends on what, etc. Enjoy!

    • Mac GUI and APIs (Score:5, Informative)

      by booch ( 4157 ) <slashdot2010 AT craigbuchek DOT com> on Saturday December 29, 2001 @02:58PM (#2762814) Homepage
      Let me see if I can help straigthen things out here. I'll start with the GUI itself, then move on to the APIs used to build GUI apps.

      Most UNIX-like systems use an X11 server to draw graphics on the screen. MacOS X does not use X11; instead it uses Quartz [], a Display PDF server, derived from NeXT's Display PostScript server. (The GNUstep [] project is working on a DPS/Quartz server running on top of X11.)

      X11 and Quartz only provide basic drawing capabilities. They don't provide widgets such as menus, toolbars, scrollbars, etc. So a widget toolkit API is layered on top of the drawing functionality. In X11, common widget sets are KDE/Qt, GNOME/GTK, and Xt/Motif. Most of these APIs try to shield the programmer from having to access any of the low-level rendering calls. There are versions of Qt that can run without X11 -- the front end and back end are completely de-coupled.

      MacOS X provides 2 different APIs for GUIs: Carbon and Cocoa. Cocoa is basically the NeXTSTEP/OpenSTEP API adapted for use within MacOS. It contains most of the old NeXT stuff, plus some functionality from MacOS 9. It is accessed via Objective-C. (The GNUstep folks are attempting to emulate most of Cocoa.) Carbon is basically the old MacOS 9 API in C adapted to use Quartz and the other lower-level functionality of MacOS X.

      • It is accessed via Objective-C.

        It can be accessed from Java as well and I believe other bindings are possible, just not in existence yet.
  • Office X is out (Score:5, Insightful)

    by DuckWing ( 19575 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:03PM (#2762384)
    I was one of the beta testers for Office X. They've fixed many bugs since Office 2001 under Mac OS 9 and cleaned up the interface in Entourage. However, don't look for a full *nix port any time soon.

    What MS Has done is comply with Apple's new API to the OS. Office X is NOT a UNIX application, it's still a Mac Application. All the code is Mac PowerPC code and uses Apple's "Carbon" and maybe some "Coco" code (but I'm not positive on the last one). It works well, it's fast and it's developed by a real Mac programming team as opposed to the abismal ports of Word 6 for example.

    The truth of the matter is, Apple needs MS and MS Needs Apple (whether or not they want to admit it). I do not think that MS will be porting Office X to other *nixes any time in the future.
  • by ubiquitin ( 28396 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:04PM (#2762391) Homepage Journal
    Its about the document format. Microsoft controls the future of what is called .doc file and what isn't. Same with .xls spreadsheets. Any desktop will need robust interaction and access to the future of those file formats.

    The weak link in Microsoft accomplishing an Office on Linux or Free/Net/OpenBSD, unfortunately, is XFree86. Apple gets around this with Aqua/Quartz and video-card integration (nVidia and ATI).
  • Come on! (Score:2, Insightful)

    by wheany ( 460585 )
    Technically, this begins to seem a little bit like using one's market share in the applications business to protect one's market share in the OS business
    Yes, I want Office for Amigas, or else I'll scream anti-trust. Why is MS somehow obliged to port Office to other platforms?
  • by miahrogers ( 34176 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:05PM (#2762398) Homepage
    I have a full copy of Office for OS X 10.1. I'm running it right now. It's written using Carbon an Cocoa [] which are distinctly Macintosh libraries. Without reimplementing those systems, which is much of what Apple has been doing for the last... 10 years, there is no way office would run on Linux/Unix.

    Right now porting Office in itself to Linux probably would be just as much of an undertaking as porting it to the Mac and Mac OS X was.

    I think if we see Office every for Linux, it will most likely be running on wine or one of the free .NET implementations.
    • by leandrod ( 17766 ) <l@dutra s . org> on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:56PM (#2762588) Homepage Journal
      > ...Carbon an Cocoa which are distinctly Macintosh libraries

      An older version of Carbon (the so-called Macintosh Toolbox) already exists, and is called Mac-on-Linux. As for Cocoa, it's GNU GPL'd POSIX implementation is GNUStep.

      > porting Office [...] to Linux probably would be just as much of an undertaking as porting it to Mac

      You mean, porting it *from* the Mac... Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint were all created in and for the Mac, later ported to Microsoft Windows, and only after some years ported back to the Mac -- at least PowerPoint was acquired from other company, but the fact is that the original Macintosh versions worked better than today's Microsoft Windows versions and their Mac ports. In fact this was true even of Microsoft Word for DOS and OS/2 -- being simpler and better thought, it was more precise and failed less than today's versions for Microsoft Windows.

      Also significantly, the most ambitious and unsatisfactory of them all is the only one created on Microsoft Windows: Microsoft Access and its Jet engine.
      • Mac-on-Linux does not implement any APIs in the UNIX environment at all; instead it provides a way to load the Mac OS ROM and boot the Mac OS while running Linux simultaneously. I'm willing to bet that GNUStep does not support NIB files, although I'm not very familiar with it.

        Mac-on-Linux is like Plex86; it provides a way to run 2 OSes on a machine at the same time while not using emulation. It is not like WINE, as it does not actually implement the APIs of the OS whose applications it runs.
        • Thanks for the information, I stand corrected.

          OTOH, just as an educated guess it seems to me that, should there be need, a POSIX implementation of Carbon would be easier than WINE, just because of the higher quality and consistency of the target. But with Mac developers going for Cocoa (OpenStep), I doubt there will ever be such a need.

          Unless -- and that's next to impossible -- Microsoft Windows failed, and their main claim to a monopoly became Microsoft Office v.X, and they decided not to port it to Cocoa -- that could be if they decided this would restrict it better to the Macintosh.

          Or if someone reached the not-so-farfetched conclusion that w32 is too much of a moving target, and decided instead to implement Carbon on POSIX. Provided again that Microsoft wouldn't port their Office v.X to Cocoa.

          About NIB, check if you are really curious. If my memory doesn't fail me they were trying to get compatible with Apple NIBs.
  • by uncle isaac ( 542895 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:09PM (#2762415)
    Well, let's just take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of seeing an MS Office port to UNIX. First, the cons:
    • Bloat. MS Office defies the basic principles of UNIX. It will probably need to run as root and make our systems unstable. Do we need this?
    • No freedom. This is a step in the wrong direction for those of us who prefer to use 'cvs update' instead of service packs to update our systems.
    • Monopoly leveraging. Microsoft will undoubtedly engineer their .Net "features" into new versions of Office. Don't be surprised if you, as a UNIX user, will need a Passport account just to run Word.
    • Monopoly extension. Why would anyone work on improving Koffice, StarOffice, or LaTeX if MS Office exists on the UNIX platform? The competitors would start out at a huge disadvantage and know there's no place in the market for them.
    Now, on the plus side:
    • User friendliness. MS Office provides a seamless transition for lusers who have grown up with Windows and don't know anything else.
    • World domination. Anything that helps us replace inferior desktop OSs [] is a good thing, evolution-wise and principle-wise [].
    • Hackability. UNIX is a far superior platform for hackers because of the wide array of debugging tools available, so it will make reverse engineers' jobs easier.
    It is obvious that the cons outweigh the pros here by sheer numbers. But given the recent strides made by the Koffice team, it will only be a matter of time before their product is superior to MS Office in every respect.


    • As for your first con, i dont think you give the mac business unit enough credit. Office for Mac is a streamlined solid program, it blows office XP out of the water and I use both regularly. It's about time we got over the it comes with an MS label so it must be crap train of thought. a select few of their software titles actualy suceed on their own merits, not just based on the aformentioned monopoly.
    • > Bloat.

      And Linux isn't bloated?

      > MS Office defies the basic principles of UNIX.

      Of course it does. It's not a UNIX app.

      > It will probably need to run as root

      How do you figure?

      > and make our systems unstable

      But then that's a fault of UNIX allowing an application to bring down the system.

      > No freedom.

      Pray tell how a UNIX port would give you LESS freedom?

      > Don't be surprised if you
      > will need a Passport account just to run Word.

      That's just ridiculous.

      > Why would anyone work on improving Koffice,
      > StarOffice, or LaTeX if MS Office exists on
      > the UNIX platform?

      You must be forgetting that Microsoft would still charge hundreds of dollars for Office/UNIX...

      Even if Microsoft does sell a lot of Office/UNIX, then the Koffice/StarOffice people will have a whole lot of customers available to directly lure -- right now they have to convince many people to change platforms!

      > User friendliness.

      Don't make me laugh. Every new iteration brings a new really really stupid and annoying 'feature'... (e.g., clippy, smart menus, smart tags)

      > Hackability.

      Who'd bother to hack a hack?

    • by cperciva ( 102828 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @02:52PM (#2762796) Homepage
      Bloat. MS Office defies the basic principles of UNIX. It will probably need to run as root and make our systems unstable. Do we need this?

      I don't know... lots of people decided that they needed sendmail, but it was bloated, unstable, insecure, and needed to run as root.

      Microsoft aren't the only people who produce horrible code. They might be the only people who make billions of dollars by doing so, but that's a different matter.
    • Bloat. MS Office defies the basic principles of UNIX. It will probably need to run as root and make our systems unstable. Do we need this?

      FYI, under OSX you don't need to be root to run it, but you do to install it (same with many other programs).

  • Linux/BSD's security track record is no better than Microsoft's. The things we have going for us:

    - source code, so we can spot and fix bugs faster
    - non-homogeniety (I didn't worry much about the overflows in PINE, since with all the jillions of architectures and versions it was extremely unlikely that someone would create an exploit or worm specifically for my version and machine.)

    But we all have the same factors working against us:

    - Writing software in inappropriately low-level languages (C/C++), where security holes are possible because the language makes it easy for programmers to make mistakes which can lead to exploits
    - Writing software in or supporting scripting languages (perl, VBS) which make it easy to write broken CGI/etc. scripts on unix or easy to write worms on Windows. (Actually, now that perl is standard-issue on unix systems, it would seem that a cross-platform scripted worm would be relatively simple to pull off.)
    - Ad-hoc (if even) code-review procedures. My favorite example is the MD5 Crypt code in PAM (a very important module for security!!) -- it's clear to me that nobody ever read this code before making it standard. Take a look.
    • Could not agree more in the large, however there a few big differences.

      1) Most windows are of 9X variety, where there is no such thing as a root user, thus any exploit, thus any trojan code automatically can do anything it wants to the system. This is repeated on NT where you have to be admin to do lots of things, so many people grant admin to the desktop user (especially developers) -- This is compounded by the fact that NT servers often run as a privileged account. IIS does this so it can do a runas user -- also a prime example of stupid feature to integrate IIS with operating system.

      2) Default installs on windows are notoriously over featured a.k.a. insecure

      3) There is no chroot command. If you have to have a server running with special privilege, at least the chroot limits the target area for damage available to exploits

      4) There are a lot more complexity on Windows. Windows is probably 100 times more complex than Unix in terms of shear numbers of API's, addons, etc. This almost guarantees there will be a signicantly larger number of security holes

      5) Windows does not provide the tools that make it reasonably easy to secure it and keep it that way.
    • Proprietary software is also written in C and C++, and sometimes even Assembler.

      VBS is not used in free software, Gnome Basic is being developed, as well as OpenOffice Basic, but they close VBA security holes.

      Also security is a problem not only because of the scripting languages, but also what they are allowed to do in programs -- including OS's. Also perl, Scheme and the uses made of them are much safer than the equivalent proprietary (read Microsoft) systems.

      Finally, OpenBSD does code review, and some of it trickle up to maintainers of the packages. Debian also tries to do some code review (albeit still limited in scope), and there's a specialized team for the Linux kernel.
  • by suwain_2 ( 260792 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:12PM (#2762428) Journal
    While this is certainly not the only reason, I think that part of it is that Microsoft has to keep up it's "The GPL is evil and should be outlawed!" pose. I'm not saying that I would expect Word to become OpenSource, but that they have to hold the (incorrect) viewpoint that Linux is used solely by script kiddies and misguided webmasters who don't know what they're doing. If they suddenly port one of their most popular products to this, they'd sorta be contradicting themselves.

    While Word for Linux wouldn't be a bad thing for the Linux community, I don't think it's the hottest thing needed. There's a slew of word processing programs for Linux, several of which can handle .doc pretty well. Sure, John Q. Public might be more likely to use Linux if he could use Word itself... But I digress.

  • Cocoa != X11 (Score:4, Redundant)

    by uriyan ( 176677 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:13PM (#2762429)

    Although internally OS X is a UNIX, the GUI toolkit that it uses, Cocoa is not X11, and has nothing to do with it. Most of the low-level jobs are done using PostScript, and the high-level APIs are in Objective C.

    Because of that, Cocoa is even further from Linux than native Windows APIs. The closest thing to Cocoa on Linux is Qt, but they still have such substancial differences that easy porting is not an option.

  • > Does Unix really need Office at this point?

    You have to define need.

    Is it need from the perspective of long-time Linux/UNIX users? Those that feel Microsoft software is unstable and filled with security holes will likely say, "No! We don't NEED Microsoft Office."

    Or is it need from the perspective of prospective users? Users that come from a Microsoft dominated platform will likely say, "If it doesn't have Microsoft Office then it isn't compatible with how we work and it's not what we NEED."

    Which is it?
  • by acomj ( 20611 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:22PM (#2762465) Homepage
    Apple has 2 api's available for MacOSX.

    Cocoa which is the old NEXT api upgraded and tweeked to MacOSX. It can be used from object C and java.

    Apple wasn't getting super good feedback from developers about porting all there apps to Cocoa so apple under pressure released....

    The Carbon api, which is a bit like the old mac os (I think like 80-90% the same). This allowed companies to rewrite existing apps for OS-X easily.

    These are the 2 native api layers for OSx. Older apps (mac os 7-8-9) still run in a compatability mode.

    Oreilly has an article on Carbon/Cocoa [] that is quite good.

    Microsoft is using Carbon for there port..So not as super easy to port.. But then again they just might not want to port it....

  • by jcwren ( 166164 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:25PM (#2762475) Homepage
    All personal preferences of bloat, security, blah blah blah aside, I believe the primary reason that MS isn't very interested in MSOffice on the Linux desktop is because of product licensing control.

    It's far too easy (in MS's view) for software to be copied under Linux. As a class of users, Apple users tend to be "more honest" about paying for their software. Windows users are questions in a non-business environment (heh, but a number of businesses also, really). But with XP, there will be more control over product licensing.

    With Linux, they lose all this, or it becomes far harder to maintain. Also consider this issue: Cost of support for MS. With all the different distros available, I tend to think they mind find the cost of support under Linux as not yet being tolerable.

    Linux has it's own version of "DLL Hell" in the libraries. With a MS product, it's *generally* pretty safe to force an upgrade of a MS DLL with a new MS DLL. But what about libraries they have no control over? The only way around that is to replicate the seemingly near 500MB of libraries. And then people complain about bloat!

    I'm no big MS business model fan, but I find some of their products (Outlook not included) quite usable. I run Linux, OSX, Debian, FreeBSD, NT4, and Win2K here in my shop. I still use Windows/MSOffice for business work, because I have yet to find anything as good as MSOffice for Linux. Sad, but true, from MY perspective. Anyways, in some respects, they're in a lose-lose situation. They can't control the libraries, etc, and when they load their own, people will whine that it takes a full gig to install MSOffice. What's a company to do? Not bother, that's what.

  • Read about it here [].

    Do those shots look like the X Window System to you? No? Maybe that's because Office X isn't written for the X Window System, but rather is a port of Microsoft's previous Mac OS codebase (dating back years) to updated Mac OS services and API's.

    Furthermore, if Linux is the antichrist to Microsoft, why would they want to make their office suite available on it (or other similar free unix-like variant)? That would only provide more reason for people not to buy into Microsoft. (And look at how well commercial Linux office suites *cough Corel Office cough* have sold in the past.)

  • I know this is not completely on the topic but it hits around it.

    Other comments in this thread have mentioned that the OSX GUI isn't X. That Microsoft used a subset of the MAC GUI to port Office to OSX. I'm sure that required a bit of work and not a little expenditure of capitol.

    Now, as I said before, I can see a day when Microsoft helps write WINE. As you can plainly see, WINE potentially can help Microsoft programs run on many platforms without the need for extensive porting. It's a win for Microsoft isn't it? Well, it will be when they finally realize that there is a viable market in Non-Microsoft OS's.

    I see software development happening at the speed of hardware development. I see people buying software and it just runs - no matter what brand of computer you own. I hear old folks talking about windows and their children think they mean the holes in the walls that you look out of. I hear old folks talking about operating systems and their children thinking - what is an operating system? ... it just works. It's going to be an even greater world when it happens too. I hope it is soon.
  • by smack.addict ( 116174 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @01:53PM (#2762576)
    Just because OS X is UNIX does not mean that porting GUI apps is a simple recompile. It is true for non-GUI apps. X Window apps can also easily be ported to OS X apps since you can, if you want, run a window manager on your OS X box.

    One of OS X's gifts to the world, however, is the end of the reign X Window on UNIX. The GUI environment under OS X is Aqua. Anyone writing for the Mac writes their GUI as an Aqua GUI (Java apps are Aqua). You cannot easily port an Aqua app to the X Window System.

  • Wrong (Score:2, Interesting)

    by skeptic ( 6226 )
    MS invested $150 million (a very small chunk) in Apple around 4 years ago, but has since sold all of its holdings (the anti-trust case being one reason for this action).

    The real reason exists Office for the Mac OS? It's often cited as MS's 3rd most profitable product, which is undoubtedly why there is already an OS X version out.

    Why not port it to other Unices (including Linux)? Office, as its name implies, is meant for workplace desktops -- a space where Unix isn't exactly prominent.
  • There is a great deal of very widely used and powerful software out there that is not a Microsoft product, yet there is incessant chatter about when such-and-such MS app might be ported to Linux. Here's a hint: That's playing on microsoft's terms. If all O/S vendors depended solely on MS to supply useful applications to make their systems go they'd be in a world of hurt. Thankfully, there's Adobe, Oracle, Borland, BEA, Autodesk, Symantec, Intuit, and dozens of others that make quality business-critical applications. Linux fans would benefit themselves and the world much more by encourage those companies to support Linux, rather than perpetuating the MS software everywhere world.

    I think the recent attention given to portable .NET is a case in point -- what's the attraction of putting so much free effort into a system that is barely out of vaporware and tied to MS when there are existing software systems that do the same things, and have been doing them reliably for years on multiple platforms? The phenomenon is hard to fathom.
  • "Does Unix really need Office at this point?"

    Isn't that why we have StarOffice?
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Posting anonymously because of NDA/SPA/DMCA/whatever...

    Microsoft has already ported everything from Internet Explorer to Windows Media Player to Microsoft Office. Only IE and WMP were ever made available to the public (for obvious reasons). These ports were done with the Mainwin kit from Mainsoft []. Mainwin is similar to Winelib except that it uses real Microsoft source code (including all secret API's, also explains why IE and WMP are so bloated on UNIX) and runs on more platforms (Linux, SunOS, HP/UX, AIX, IRIX, Tru64).

  • two reasons (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Stenpas ( 513317 )
    When you get down to it, there are two reasons why Office for macs exist and why Microsoft is bothering to upgrade and support it.

    1. There's suitable demand for it.
    2. It's profitable.

    I'm no expert, but I don't think there's much demand for Office for *nix. And even if there was, it wouldn't be profitable like Office for mac due to way less market share.

  • "Technically, this begins to seem a little bit like using one's market share in the applications business to protect one's market share in the OS business, which would, on the face of it, seem to be an anti-trust no-no."

    No shit.. everyone knows that. It's not necessarily illegal, though. The courts have been over this. You cannot *force* them to develop their product for another least, the courts have not chosen to try to do so.

    Where is the financial sense for microsoft to put money towards developing office for unix? There isn't one.
  • The original poster, technode, seems to have the same assumption that most of the slashdot readership tends to, which is that there isn't any reason that Linux shouldn't be a desktop OS. I disagree with that.

    Linux is a Unix clone, right? At this point, I don't think anyone disputes that Unix is a server OS, not a desktop OS. It does a great job at doing all those complicated server things (too many to enumerate here).

    In big business, in America, Linux has done best as a server OS. OEM vendors who sell machines with Linux preinstalled do so with their server lineup. For example, IBM. []

    I'm a firm believer in using the right tool for the job. As such, it makes perfect sense to me that video production houses use Avids instead of IBM Thinkpads. And that most businesses put Windows or Macs on the desktop and Unix (or some kind of server OS) in the air conditioned rooms.

    My point is simply that Linux excels at being a really fast, stable server OS. Benchmarks have shown over and over that it can do it faster than a Windows server. Why would you need an office productivity suite on your server?

    (If I don't instantly get modded down to -1 Troll, please try to reply in a polite fashion. I'm more likely to read and reply if you leave out comments about my mother.)
  • and all the bugs associated with it.

    Ex: In Word for Office v. X (aweful name btw.)

    -Type a letter (long painful task),
    - Save your new document.
    -Type a name for your new document. You are on OS X so no problem about file names greater than 31 chars so you type a very long descriptive name
    - You save.
    - BING! Error message after the save window has disappeared. "can't use more that 31 chars."

    Repeat in Excel, rinse in PowerPoint, get the same error in Internet explorer with file truncation when downloading from the Web and you finally get the idea that what's living under this crap is not Unix (like GNU) and has been around for more than 2 years.

    M$ QA: which QA?!?

    PPA, the girl next door.
  • Microsoft started out, in a large way, by selling Apple software. Excel, for example, started as a Mac program. This is a port of their old Office for Mac stuff, it's not a ground up re-write for UNIX. It just runs in what is really a MacOS emulator for UNIX; aka Carbon. Which makes me wonder if Apple should try porting the Carbon environment to other UNIXES... Boy, you want to see a monopoly in action? Look at Apple. They don't make any money, though, so the DOJ doesn't bother with them. How would you like it if Microsoft told you that you could only run Windows 2002 on a Microsoft M5 Series Computer? You'd hate it, right? But if Apple does it, it's ok, because then you get better hardware compatibility! And colours! Ooooh!
  • by fanatic ( 86657 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @02:53PM (#2762800)
    If you use MS apps on Linux/Unix, you're still using MS apps. You're still voting for MS with dollars. You're still endorsing MS 'extended' protocols and closed file formats.

    To me, it's a non-starter. Better to have native apps that can import the files - atleast until MS uses DMCA or UCITA or some other vile thing to make that impossible, too.
  • With Windows compatibility libraries (either open source, like Willows, or commercial), porting applications from Windows to UNIX is not a big deal. That's particularly true for Microsoft, which has lots of resources and has all the Windows source code should they need it. The cost would probably be a fraction of the cost of creating an OSX port.

    I suspect Microsoft probably just doesn't see any value in this. Right now, they likely perceive the market as small. And if the market ever got big, that would just mean that their desktop monopoly was threatened. What possible reason would they have to port?

    And, frankly, do we really want it? MS Office on Linux would completely wipe out all the other efforts. Sure, Linux would get more commercial users, but they would all be just as tied to Microsoft as they are now. I'd rather see less adoption of Linux and more open source efforts.

  • 1. I use Linux on my laptop as my primary desktop. I run SO 6 beta and have absolutely no problems exchanging files with others in the publishing biz using Word on Mac and Win9x.

    2. Why do we need IE on Linux? Galeon is by far the best revision of a browser I've seen on Linux as far as rendering and functionality goes. The only problems I've had thus far is when trying to access a site that requires Netscape or IE and does a JS check to insure browser type. That's poor coding and has nothing to do with the functionality of Galeon.

    The whole idea behind open source isn't that it's free - although in most cases it is and that's a nice fringe benefit - the idea is that if YOU don't like what you have or have a good idea that you can extend and improve upon what's out there and give back to the community.

    If SO or Galeon/Opera/Mozilla aren't what you want, code up what you do want - or make suggestions to the guys writing it. They're more likely to take your opinion into consideration than the guys at MS.

    And lastly, I don't want to see MS products on Linux. Bloated, insecure applications with "technical support" backdoor trojans are not what I want out of an OS. If I want MS to know what hardware/software I'm running I'll write them a freaking letter and tell them. Otherwise, it's none of their damn business. Tell that to Dell and MS, who by default install 3 different accounts on XP machines for "technical support" remote access. Or how about the scripts in ME that run periodically to ship an XML document off to Microsoft detailing the hardware/software on your PC.

    Is this the kind of crap you want on your Linux? I don't.

  • The question of porting a non-unix MacOS X application to Linux makes me wonder what the current state of MacOS emulation under Linux is. I see that Basilisk is apparently a GPL'ed 68k Mac emulator under relatively active development [], and that the proprietary executor [] is still available, along with Carbonless Copies from the same company. Also, a couple of others are discussed on [].
  • Microsoft releases only binary files. They would be executable only on the PowerPC architecture, and hence wouldn't help out people running Linux on any other sort of architecture.

    To run Office on a Linux system (or *BSD, or Sun), you'd have to basically reverse-engineer EVERYTHING about Microsoft office. This is because it is not Posix, and not written to use any sort of X system. As said before, all the calls that would be made to the Mac API.

  • I'm astonished no one has mentioned this.

    MS has no need of emulators like Wine. MS, I believe, actually owns MainSoft, and in any case, has allowed them to port Win32, COM MSXML, and a boatload of other junk to SysV Unix and Linux.

    If MS doesn't release applications under Linux, it's because they don't want to.
  • If MS released Office for Linux then I can guarantee that users wouldn't buy it anyways. Sure you might have a few people pay for it, but most will not. Look at Netscape/iPlanet (not the web browser). There was so much customer demand for Linux versions of their software, such as Enterprise server, Messenging, Directory, etc. that Netscape decided to start porting their servers to Linux. Suddenly the Linux versions became their most popular downloads. Later when an audit was done it was found that everyone was downloading the Linux versions for free, but nobody was paying for it. It was all the Linux users at home downloading it for their personal use or to run it for free and not corporations trying to purchase it (lab environments excluded). Hence the reason why Netscape/iPlanet have been dropping the Linux versions of their products now. There is demand for the product, but there is noone that will pay for it. Linux users typically want something for free and the source code to go with it. How many times does a commercial company release a product for Linux only for the Linux community to keep bothering the company saying "where's the source code???". If MS released a Linux version then it would appear on every warez site with cracks to break any protection. The same thing may exist for Windows or Mac versions, however the percentage of people who use it illegally is very small. Since Linux isn't as wide spread and it's typically techies that run it, and these are the ones that typically also pirate software (how many Slashdot posts are in here justifying cracking, reverse engineering, stealing intellectual property, etc... way, way too many...), these folks will not pay for it regardless of the price, hence there will be a much higher percentage of pirating in the Linux community than Windows/Mac. I can't see MS releasing a version of Office for Linux anytime soon. Maybe if it had the same or higher office/home desktop market as Apple did they might, but for now I would be shocked if they did.
  • Come down to it. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by anshil ( 302405 )
    Come people, get it straight and honest:

    How many Linux users would buy Micorosoft Office for Unix?

    Heh? Would you? For me I can tell I would not, and guess thats the way of a huge percentage. And now for programming, all the beatiful idealism aside, when programming commercially you also have to bend to the market rules, altough we programmers generally hate that deeply :o) No (estimated) market -> No product.
  • by green-ant ( 461419 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @05:35PM (#2763205) Homepage

    It's plum ironic that you read all about Linux, BSD, Solaris, hacking, personal freedoms, and all other sorts of stuff on Slashdot, and yet no one ever seems to be able to get it right, or care to try very hard, when it comes to the Mac OS or Mac OS X. Even the initial post didn't seem to me to have looked very hard to see if there IS a Mac OS X version of Office.

    I wrote the MacNN article [] which sparked this thread [] last year, and saw a complete and total lack of understanding in most of the following posts. The tone of the followups expressed a lack of understanding on Apple's part for using BSD and not Linux - that Apple is not savvy enough to be in business, etc. This thread has reinforced that most dotters don't really understand what Mac OS X IS.


    Mac OS X is NOT Unix. Mac OS X is NOT *NIX, or Linux. The architecture of Mac OS X is focused on leveraging the Mach kernel to provide services, do VM, handle threads, and more. Then, the tools on top of that are crafted to the Mach kernel, such as all applications being a Mach thread, and networking through BSD sockets. There is no compatibility layer which speaks Mach, there is only Mach.

    Perhaps the work to change this would not revolutionize the field of Computer Science, but there is no true reason for Apple to switch, and having application *NIX personalities is a feature almost no "Mac" user would ever care about.

    Quartz is not X11. X11 is a protocol, Quartz is an API. The better analogy would be Quartz and KDE - both of which feed a display engine, and provide widgets and graphical tools. Without getting into a side by side comparison, which you choose is going to be a matter of choice as to which you like better.

    But, Microsoft worked hard to leverage the Quartz API for many of the features in Office - graph generation being the primary target, so a good amount of work would have to be done to reengineer major parts of the display engine just to get around these sections.

    Consider further, if you will, how hard it has proven to be for most programming firms to take a Win32 application to the Mac using the Mac Toolbox (aka Classic) or even Carbon, much less fine-tuning it's graphics for the platform. The more impressive quick translation applications for Mac OS X have been written in Cocoa, the framework that has evolved from the NextSTEP/OPENSTEP frameworks/APIs, and Cocoa isn't even close to being link Carbon.

    With the Mac Office codebase written in Carbon/Classic, it would take quite a while for any porting to take place, and in such time, I am confidant a newer version of Office would have already been released...


    I'm not saying Slashdot should become, overnight, more Mac OS X conscious, but one would spare the whip on someone who said Linux and Windows were the same since they are both operating systems...

  • I looked through the posts, and no one seemed to provide a link to []. Office v.X looks much better than Office XP does. Multi-selection [] seems to be the coolest new feature in Word, and Quartz rendered charts [] is the coolest feature in Excel.

    Office v.X uses the Mac Carbon API which allows applications to be easily ported to OS X from previous versions of the Mac OS while allowing it to take partial advantage of new OS X technologies such as Aqua and Quartz.
  • We bought 2 copies of Office X for the 2 Powerbooks we have at work and while reading the description on the back of the box I found something funny.

    Office X brings you the power of Office, with the simplicity of the Mac on the stability of Unix.

    Funny .. i never thought Microsoft would tout Unix as stable on ANY of their products.

  • by marktwain ( 523893 ) on Saturday December 29, 2001 @07:34PM (#2763476)
    What is all this jazz about you can't do this or that, say Windows X, under OS X?

    There's an explantion of how to set up mod_ssl in PDF, installing links (the browser), even an OS X port of zork from Unix, and a Solution Guide written for the novice for installing XFree86 (the X Window Server for OS X), fink, WindowMaker and GIMP, among other things, at This "home page" is really a download site and has other items and belongs to the guy who does MacOSXHints at They speak a little Unix and Linux there in the forums. What _is_ this problem about X Windows on a Macintosh running OSX?

    Mac people have been putting up Linux and FreeBSD web sites for years. We talk a little *nix ourselves, we just prefer the colorful flavored brand and like having the best of all *nix worlds in one. :-)

    Why fool around with Office for Unix? Run it on a Mac. Exchange files in business easily. Run Windows 98, 2k, or XP under VPI 5.0 (OS X version). Boot into suse or redhat, pick your flavor, all on one drive. Use all the "classic" software like Photoshop 6 or Quark Express while running Classic under OSX, both coming to OS X in carbon or cocoa form in 2002. Let's see, there's Adobe Illustrator X and Macromedia's Freehand 10, there's a complete business suite for small business in OS9 or OSX, and students may be interested to know that the two top math apps used in grad schools are available in X, along with a host of biological science and chemistry apps. Many of the BeOS folks are moving back to X.

    Sales pitch? You betcha Red Ryder. I used to do Unix, then Linux, and now I do it all with a base of OS X with built in Apache and a host of *nix shipping with the user version of X, not to mention a Developer's Toolkit tossed in with everything from the basics (like a free compiler) to advanced scripting support with AppleScript Studio, a free download if you sign up for Apple Developer Connection. Cost: free.

    Did I mention that Darwin is open source, a derivative of FreeBSD, and is the heart of Mac OS X?

    Hey dudes, this is where *nix for the desktop is headed, jump on board.

    (duh....what a rant).......
  • by watanabe ( 27967 ) on Sunday December 30, 2001 @03:45AM (#2764208)
    I know this won't happen because
    • Tonight at a reception held in my and my wife's honor, a Microsoft Office Developer, who is friends with me and my wife, and was eating my food, and drinking my drink said "Microsoft will never release an Office / Linux product."

      I don't need my friend to tell me this.

    • Office helps consolidate Microsoft's desktop market share. Mac Office is just what the slashdot types are telling you -- a way to avoid antitrust regulations. Therefore,
    • Releasing Office for a competing operating system will only dilute Microsoft's operating system market share. This creates no additional clients; it just cannibalizes their OS sales. (Put simply, people will stop buying Windows, and keep buying Office. These are, by and large, people who were buying Windows and Office before.)

    Essentially, you can look for Office / Linux the day Democrats are back in the white house, and Microsoft is split into OS and Application companies. Until then, you will have to download Star Office with the rest of the world.

Show me a man who is a good loser and I'll show you a man who is playing golf with his boss.
