Wireless along the Maine Coast 100
eggboard writes: "The coast of Maine started getting lit up by wireless over long distance back in 1997. Now hundreds of users, some of them dozens of miles from the connecting ISP's HQ, use plain old 802.11, 802.11b's predecessor, to hit nearly 2 Mbps of throughput. Cable Internet is broken out there; DSL unreachable; ISDN expensive. Other communities are also adopting tower-based point-to-point, bridge and repeater wireless to bring broadband to rural and small towns. Is this the way to drag lesser-populated areas into the modern economy, and promote deurbanization?"
Honestly (Score:2)
Re:Honestly (Score:3, Interesting)
Especially in Maine, one of the last states 'wilderness' states and here we are going to decentralize everything and put wireless network towers up in the mountains.
It's not as refreshing when you hike to the top of a remote mountain and find a cel tower at the top. At least you can take the service drive back to the bottom, but it takes away something from the serenity. Maybe it's the phone call from your girlfriend wondering why you aren't spending the afternoon with her. You wouldn't have recieved it if the tower wasn't there.
Re:Honestly (Score:3, Insightful)
We already had a great experiment in deurbanization called the suburb. Suddenly, Towns all over the country start to look more and more like orange county! No! Superficiality without the attractiveness! No! We must escape! To where? to the small towns! But wait, I won't be able to check my stocks and The Hun [thehun.net] for natalie portman pr0n from there!
I've delved into the silly, but the point is serious. Keep your suburban, SUV-driving, mall-patronizing asses out of the in the damn suburbs where they belong.
Re: (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Honestly (Score:2)
Does that mean Maine doesn't have any cities? Or do americans bench their cities at a different mark -- like 50k?
Re:Honestly (Score:2)
So we have Cities typically ranging from 10k population up, but Towns can be quite large too. Last year, several Towns in Massachusetts adopted City government. (But the largest, with over 60k pops, refuses.) Maine's cities are all small by Ontario standards, but they tend to be regional centers, and if they were Towns, they'd be too large for open meeting anyway.
Back to the original topic -- I think it'sa shame that Slashdotters overlay their aversion to Sprawl atop midcoast Maine, which really doesn't look a bit like Orange County.
Re:Honestly (Score:1)
Maine's "cities" have mayors. how those mayors are appointed varies. Some are figureheads, like in South Portland, where I grew up. The mayor there is selected by the city council, which are in turn voted into office. Other mayors are elected directly by the people.
Having lived most of my life in Maine, I can say that although the government often gets in the way, people generally have better evirons in which to live, commute and work.
I have mixed feelings when I hear about technology sectors moving into Maine. On one hand, I am a geek. I don't like the fact that I had to move to Massachusetts to get a decent salary. If I could get similar rates in Maine, I'd be back there in a heartbeat. On the other hand, many businesses are looking for low tax overhead (among other things) when they choose a locale. The chances that a company is really interested in the way of life that Maine is "famous" for is extremely slim. The larger companies are interested in establishments that involve populations higher than many of the surrounding communities, which means more pollution, more noise, more dolts that don't know how to drive (where did THAT come from?!? <g>), etc. Next thing you know, the local scenery is shot. <sigh>
Re:Honestly (Score:1)
Maine itself is a great example of a great mix of urban and rural that could be a model for other states. Maine is just hard enough to live in (the weather, the distance, the long-established communities) that it self-restricts the kind of urbanization you get. I lived there for two years and loved it!
Re:Honestly (Score:2)
You wouldn't have received the phone call from your girlfriend if you hadn't taken your cell phone with you.
Re:Honestly (Score:2)
This doesn't mention the service drives and powerlines that they build in order to maintain these towers.
I prefer no towers. If somebody needs to use their phone badly enough, they will get a Satellite phone.
Re:Honestly (Score:1)
Don't get me wrong, if I was in your shoes, and had a big tower pop up in the middle of my fabulous hillside view, I'd be unhappy too.
But if there's only one 100 foot tower in every 400 square miles, I figure it's MORE than worth it.
Re:Honestly (Score:2)
The software company I work for needs to be located in the expensive heart of the biggest city in Canada like we all need a hole in our head. But because of the "perceived need", all of the employees either have to pay a HUGE amount of money for a SMALL place to live, or they have to spend 1-3 hours a day commuting.
Do you have any idea what 1-3 hours of commuting creates in terms of pollution? Do you have any idea of what a huge drain on the economy all these grossly inefficient highly expensive cities and concrete towers cost? Don't attribute to "economic necessity" that which can be easily explained by social dellusion.
Now I appreciate your concern about having all of North America covered by one big suburb. So where's the right middle ground?
Currently the US and Canada are 75% urban, 25% rural. (see here [un.org]) If all the small towns in the country were tripled in size (which means taking people from the city cores AND the suburbs, which are counted as part of the urban megopolis'), what would it look like? I think that the country would not look like one massive suburbia. My little tiny home town would simply be a little bigger, still surrounded by massive amounts of nature. (Currently 1000 people in a couple square miles in the middle of 400 square miles of countryside).
The suburbs are PART of urban areas. When people talk about deurbanization, they are talking about taking the people in those 100 square miles of suburbia and spreading them out.
I'm 100% behind deurbanization.
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Honestly (Score:1)
Re:Honestly (Score:1)
Then we have this lame company called "Get Real Cable" whose headquarters is in a community thrift shop and it looks like they have the Very Large Array of satellites in their back yard. They have cable internet service. But seriously, there are a lot of people out there without high speed internet. High speed internet is great.
Re:Honestly (Score:1)
Re:Honestly (Score:1)
Re:Honestly (Score:1)
Fiber is only available in limited parts of the state in limited places. "Coast to coast" doesn't help when you can't tie into it where you are. In the midwest, across most major routes, you've got vast amounts of dark fiber, and quite a lot of it lit up. It's trivial for Omaha to get gigabits to either coast. Not so trivial for Camden or Bar Harbor.
Being Done in Iowa (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Being Done in Iowa (Score:1)
Privacy/Security? (Score:1)
Sounds to me like just a massive security problem waiting for someone to take advantage of it. Those protocols are extremely extremely insecure, from what I recall. At least use the newer standards!
If I was a citizen of that area, I'd be urging for subsidies that would provide low-cost two-way satellite Internet connections - assuming the dish providers ever make them available instead of just promising it for years. I'm in a rural area with similar problems, and I'd pay up to $45 a month for two-way dish Internet, but nobody will sell it to me. So I'm stuck at a 28.8 connection with bad phone lines miles away from the server I dial into. But only 20 miles away one town gives all its citizens free DSL, and another has cable, DSL, and ISDN available for low cost. Really annoying - so close yet so very very far.
Re:Privacy/Security? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Privacy/Security? (Score:1)
802.11b is direct sequence: you just pick a channel and can intercept all data. 802.11 is frequency hopping: you have to know the hopping pattern to follow what's going on. This isn't impossible, but it raises the how-easy-to-intercept limit way up.
Re:Privacy/Security? (Score:1)
Re:Privacy/Security? (Score:1)
You're talking about abstract 802.11; I'm talking about the common implementation of it prior to the "b" spec, which uses FH for speeds of up to 3 Mbps raw with orthogonal hopping patterns.
You can't simply get the SSID by asking around because the customers are few and the equipment is ISP-style stuff: the customers don't configure the client side or have direct access to it.
Even if you manage to grab the SSID, secure the hopping pattern by making a connection, you still have to do an authentication as a legitimate user.
Re:Privacy/Security? (Score:1)
Re:Privacy/Security? (Score:2)
Apop, pgp, ssh, vpns, and ssl were created for this. If you don't want somebody mailsnarfing you, encrypt and authenticate. It's that simple.
Re:Privacy/Security? (Score:1)
On the most basic level, you would need to write your own software to crack into FHSS. I don't know of any cards running FHSS supported by standard WEP crackers (which are mostly for PrismII based DSSS cards).
Even with 802.11b WEP DSSS not all companies use WEP the same way. The more ISP-oriented equipment works with different keys for each user, which makes the job much more difficult. Even with the normal consumer kit, rebooting the access point every day to restart WEP would make a cracker's job much harder.
And at the moment, there's a bit of a problem with current satellite systems. The delay. Geosynchronous satellites are rather a long way away and the latency is a bit of a killer - you'll be lucky if it's better than a modem. It's the bandwidth vs. speed thing mentioned in the article: with satellite, even if you've got the bandwidth, you don't have the speed. (Plus, I'd be interested to hear if these are secure anyway. Certainly you can sniff a downlink signal and forge an uplink signal from a much larger area than a system which is covered by ground-based antennas which gives a lot more people the opportunity to play around :-) The only good thing about geosynchronous satellite is the coverage area.
In a few years, maybe satellite will be useful: but it's going to take LEOS to sort out the latency problem, and then you need an awful lot of birds to provide the type of coverage needed to offer a commercial service (info here [teledesic.com]).
Re:Privacy/Security? (Score:1)
This is not 802.11b and there is no software for cracking 802.11 Frequency hopping. Radio console ports are password protected.
Perhaps not infinitely secure, but probably 100x better than 802.11b. There are ISPs using 802.11b
and some of them are quite concerned about security, especially in college towns!
The only people that urge for subsidies are the phone companies, so they can take the money and make things happen real slow or not at all. As for your situation, I'd suggest helping your local ISP make it happen, or moving (I suggest local ISP because it requires a knowledge of the local terrain and land owners)
Wireless along the Maine Coast (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Wireless along the Maine Coast (Score:1)
Re:Wireless along the Maine Coast (Score:1)
Why is this PR? I don't get your point of view. The fact is that some percentage of users need, want, and can afford high-speed access, but more reasonably, it's about businesses and entrepreneurs who can't run their careers or their operations without affordable Internet bandwidth.
I can tell you about a lot of bookstores around the country, for instance, for whom the Internet means an extra 5 to 10 percent revenue per year through online sales via ABEBooks.com and other independent, inexpensive venues. This is basically their profit margin, so making an extra few percentage points can mean the difference between a viable business or not.
Ultimately, the combination of what MIS is offering is the best part, and repeatable in other rural areas: using wireless as a funding source to bring service to ever more remote areas, where they can offer local dial-up (non toll) via local exchanges to modems, or even DSL through local telcos as they are in Damariscotta.
How is this PR?
What is in the air? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:What is in the air? (Score:1)
Good and bad sides. (Score:3, Interesting)
That's ecology - you fix one thing and break another.
Re:Good and bad sides. (Score:1)
Well, plants managed just fine before humans came along and started to increase the CO2-consentration in the atmosphere. They would probably handle any decrease... ;-)
Re:Good and bad sides. (Score:1)
this could work really good in urban areas too (Score:1)
--but hey, whatda I know??
Too bad it wasn't around in 1990 (Score:3, Funny)
Re:New Microsoft virus found, not limited to Outlo (Score:2)
At least George has to try to make it look as though he's staying within the limits of the law and for the most part respecting the sovereignty of other countries. Bill, on the other hand...
A Voice In The Wilderness (Of Maine) (Score:3, Informative)
I currently live in a city called Calais, a hop-skip-and-underage-drinker-puke from the Canadian border. Our internet access solutions are a few small ISPs, a couple large ISPs, and a maximum connection speed of 56,666 bps. Here in the 'Downeast' region of Maine, we've got a very odd situation where we're surrounded by native american tribal communities with the ability to get some form of high-speed access, while the normal cities and towns stagger along on standard POS POTS. It's great to see these kinds of service available in the state, but by looking at the map in the article, it looks like it's only the southern parts of Maine that are being wired in. There's a lot more to Maine above Belfast, with a lot more economic need.
Economically, Downeast Maine is pretty much a wasteland. Some companies are relocating here, but most of the region's major employers have bugged out long ago. The prices quoted for the 802.11 setup are quite high to start, seeming priced more for the already-wealthy, not for any possible benefit to those with true economic needs. Around here, a popular bumper sticker is ''I live in the other state of Maine: Washington County''. When a service like this comes to Calais with the ability to afford it with some kind of state subsidy, or with a lower starting cost, that's when it might really help.
And no, this isn't just all about me wanting the access. Even though I've got a modem at home, I've got a laptop and root on the local community college network systems. I've got all the net access I need.
Re:A Voice In The Wilderness (Of Maine) (Score:1)
Re:A Voice In The Wilderness (Of Maine) (Score:2)
That said for folks in a suburban situation it's not too difficult to set up a neighborhood LAN. Run a cable or even 802.11b between the houses. Cut a deal with an ISP where they support all of the local folks. Will it cost? Yeah but one can proablably get some deals; figure it over 2 years and it's reasonable.
Aside from that - if ya can't pay for it you don't get it. I don't know how much economic development the State of Maine would get out of subsidizing folk's high-speed internet acess that wouldn't be better invested in roads or schoolbooks (or even the Governor's laptops in schools plan.)
Re:A Voice In The Wilderness (Of Maine) (Score:2)
Yeah, we wouldn't want to attract residents with high incomes who pay lots of property taxes and have a lot of money to spend in local businesses.
Re:A Voice In The Wilderness (Of Maine) (Score:2)
Residents with high incomes can pay for their own damn highspeed internet access. If they're making good money then it shouldn't be an issue. If they're not making good money I don't see it being as important as other things like infrastructure & job training.
Have you ever heard "Oh Muffy, we can't build the dream-house there - the monthly highspeed internet service bill is too high!"?
How about "The roads suck and the schools are lousy."?
Re:A Voice In The Wilderness (Of Maine) (Score:1)
I know you're calling this an already-wealthy person's service, but it isn't. What it is is an alternative for small businesses and people who want to work in Midcoast and couldn't otherwise without a reliable broadband connection. I know several people that without the local DSL or 802.11 service MIS offered wouldn't be able to live on the Midcoast.
For the individual user, dial-up is still the only affordable option in rural areas and small towns that aren't lucky enough to have MIS.
Now, MIS is all the way up to Belfast now! You should talk to them about extending. Equipment prices are dropping. There are lots of local alternatives, too, as one of the other slashdotters mentions.
Also, I'm not sure why you're criticizing MIS indirectly for not pricing this service better. Get your awesome governor, Angus King (who I had the chance to meet briefly and shake his hand on a visit last October) to put some of the development money that he's good at raising at extending high-speed wireless out to you all! Lots of hills, lots of silos, lots of potential with a few hundred thousand of seed money.
802.11 eh? It works for us.. (Score:2, Insightful)
The problem with the freenet concept is what I would consider a fair disadvantage in topology and cost duplication and the fact that it makes more sense to build one large tower and do point to multipoint where possible for both cost and speed. However nothing tops the freenet layout for underserviced areas that are on the fringes of a populated center or that can touch another tower that is close. Just hop through the terain and onto a landline, no worries about planning a big tower.
In Ontario there are both community networks and some independant ISPs starting to role out the services such as Storm Internet [storm.com] (sister to CDSP [cdsp.net]). Some areas have had wireless for a couple of years now.
Re:802.11 eh? It works for us.. (Score:1)
Re:At least... (Score:1)
Negativity, positivity (Score:1)
Despite the fact that you would have to break into and destroy every free or open technology, not everyone thinks that way.
I think the best part about what is going on in Maine is that 802.11(b) can be linked and repeated. With small 802.11b networks popping up, I think it may be a short time (5 years) before we have a publicly supported free wireless internet. I'd share my bandwidth, to be sure I rarely use all of it on my Cable Modem over Airport.
Deurbanization? (Score:1)
Ummm, I don't think that high-speed internet is the main factor keeping people in the cities (geeks excluded) :-)
I assume that you were referring to tele-commuting; I wonder what percentage of the population are employed in occupations where working from home is actually feasible...
Re:Deurbanization? (Score:1)
Re:Deurbanization? (Score:4, Insightful)
The anti-urban crowd have also popped up for a series of idiotic, tasteless suggestions about the WTC bombing (perhaps if we didn't work in these big downtowns, we'd all be much safer).
Face it, guys. There's a reason that people pay megabucks for downtown office space in big cities: promixity to other real people. We've had Internet access, videoconferencing, Kinkos, etc. in suburbia/exburbia for years and somehow the city centers refuse to empty out.
This not to mention the very real externalities imposed by deurbanization; you know, chewing up green space, the inevitable commute once it turns out that big-screen TV and DSL fail to substitute for a social life and a vibrant work environment, etc. etc.
If you want to live a life as a wired hermit, good for you, but don't expect too many people to join you any time soon.
Re:Deurbanization? (Score:1)
Just my few pennies on the issue.
How is this different from Sprint Wireless? (Score:3, Informative)
Re: (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:How is this different from Sprint Wireless? (Score:2)
As for "remoteness", there are many spots in the SF Bay Area that aren't served by anything other than wireless; people might as well live in Maine.
Re:How is this different from Sprint Wireless? (Score:2)
Elsewhere, I know they bought SpeedChoice, which operated in Phoenix (great town for line-of-sight) and Detroit (Detroit?).
In answer to the question.. (Score:4, Informative)
If Cisco, Lucent and Nortel want any type of increased demands in their core fiber products on the home front (to help them out in returning to better times) they should consider wireless 2.4GHz and the last mile their good friend. They need more people demanding more bandwidth in more locations, doing more, for longer. That is what will allow us all to be modern and do such advanced things as download large email attachments, get our repulsive Flash animations sooner, or CVSup in less time [windows equivalent: get patches and chunky bloated shareware quicker] (-- wow, the future is here). But what it will really do is get people downloading more pr0n and mp3z, so then the need for bandwidth will sky-rocket and the backbones will need to be upgraded at ever more frequent rates not to mention HD sales will triple.
Seriously, part of the problem of why the Internet companies are doing so bad, is cause they didn't get it to enough people soon enough, at a low enough cost, fast enough and that even if they did most people don't care and consider it an expensive luxury. And the reason so many
Well, as you can tell I'm frustrated that things aren't moving forward for the better for everyone yet. The tech "overcapacity" is really an underlying "undercapacity" with regards to actual implementation!!
I don't know (Score:2)
Running out of spectrum? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Running out of spectrum? (Score:1)
lasers could push 150Mbps vs 2 (Score:2)
Yup, lasers [lsainc.com]. Though i have no idea how harsh atlantic weather would effect transmission.
here [broadbandweek.com] is some more on laser broadband, and here [aps.org] and here [cnet.com].
Re:lasers could push 150Mbps vs 2 (Score:2)
2.4GHz ? (Score:1)
Re:2.4GHz ? (Score:2)
It's happening outside Ottawa, Canada (Score:1)
We've been doing this for over three years (Score:1)
Always enjoyable to see the media "discover" something that's been around for a long while
Here at www.skyburst.net in sleepy South Bend, Indiana we've been doing the exact same thing for similar reasons. This region of the country is a black hole of dark fiber, non-existant or poor cable operator access and hostile CLEC/ILEC's that are not offering DSL OR creating peering arrangements with ISP's to do so. Our Ameritech office here literally will not return phone calls to ANYONE inquiring about DSL.
Re:We've been doing this for over three years (Score:1)
A. I'm not the media. I'm one guy who is obsessed by 802.11 and all its letters. O'Reilly Network is a developer editorial site, not the Washington Post.
B. I clearly state in the article that they've been running this service since 1997. I thought their particular story, especially with four years of solid experience and their rejection of 802.11b in favor 802.11, were all interesting points.
I didn't pretend, nor did the site, that we discovered these guys. They were happy enough tooling along without any publicity.
Maine is doing well for broadband (Score:1)
The tower system Midcoast has is very interesting, probably the best way to get fast access onto the islands. A client of mine had a relay station put on top of one of his buildings and got a free access point out of it. I've seen availability of internet in Maine, and more recently broadband in Maine have a large impact on deurbanization. Many people in NY and Massachusetts would love to move to a more rural, less hectic, lower taxed area. However, unless they are retired, the only thing that allows them to is being able to work remotely. People such as book editors and web developers move up here all the time for that purpose.
Connection to the internet also makes a big difference to the people who live in rural communities. My neighbor owns a gift shop (West Quoddy Gifts [westquoddygifts.com]) that started selling to people all over the country after putting up a basic web site. In a place where business opportunities are limited, the internet is wide open. My own business (OnlineOutboards.com [onlineoutboards.com]) is set up so that I could be anywhere with a computer, a telephone, and a fax machine.
Computer science curing urban sprawl (Score:2)
Where was this story 4 years ago? (Score:1)
Better late than never, I suppose. My hat is always off to Jason and Co. at Midcoast. They've been doing neat shit for over 4 years and they're still at it.
Find a ham radio operator (Score:1)
We run a decent sized wireless-only (sorry, for a profit) ISP as a father-son team. He's a ham radio operator whose very familiar with microwave frequencies, and I'm the network geek. With his experience and rf network design, we have an incredible coverage area, and have saves tens of thousands on antennas and cable by using his sources.
Unfortunately most of us networking geeks don't know the first thing about ERP, antenna design and poliarization, or any of the other RF principles that are crucial to wireless network design. Ham op's can be a wonderful resource in freenet projects.