Self-Adaptive Websites 93
Masem sent in a link to a NYTimes story (free blah blah required. Why is the Times so lame that they don't realize that hundreds of people are registered with my address?) on self adaptive websites. It talks about us, Everything2 (which IMHO is among the best examples of the genre out there, but since I helped create it, I'm biased ;) and of course the recently announced (and Slashcode Based) suck/feed Slashclone, Plastic. I found at least one
mistake, but besides that, its not a bad piece, although it probably isn't saying anything that a regular Slashdot reader doesn't know already.
A Slashsite for Christian Geeks (Score:1)
Self-Adhesive Websites (Score:1)
-Paul Komarek
Re:The Everything Anal Retention Problem (Score:1)
I feel that Everything [everything2.com] is approaching maturity, and as such the more active editorial presence is perhaps inevitable. There is a lot more quality content now than there was a year ago, but perhaps a corresponding increase in the amount of dross.
I also feel that the "pruning" is essential: consider what the place would be like if every flamebait, rambling writeup were allowed to stand. If anything, I feel that editorial control is exercised too laxly: most writeups which are deleted are short, inane ones. The real problem in my opinion is the longer inane ones. However, as these superficially seem to contain a lot of much-needed content, they are less likely, it seems to me, to be deleted.
However, Saige is right to say that it can be intimidating for newbies. More needs to be done to handhold new users and shield them from the righteous anger of more established users.
"I would love to see someone else do something with the Everything software, it seems like it has a lot of potential uses."
Everything2 is not the only site using the Everything code: check out The Everything Development Company [everydevel.com] for a list of examples. None of these are at the same stage of maturity as E2, most are pretty experimental.
Re:I did not think... (Score:1)
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:1)
Re:New moderations! (Score:1)
Re:I did not think... (Score:1)
Re:Slashdot moderation (Score:1)
As for that cap... it's the constant glass ceiling effect. Say you are at 50. Have a few posts modded up for a total of (+4). You are now at 50. Then, one of the posts gets modded down twice with overrated. Back to 48. The day's net gain was +2, with a -2 result. It doesn't ever really matter, but the order of moderation has more effect when you are capped than the moderation itself. Just a funny thing that seems to happen. [/offtopic]
Re:Is this the future of sites/engines? (Score:1)
If this type of "adaptive" site becomes popular - or if you even hear one or two more of these stories from a major news publication - some idiot at ZD News will post an opinion piece ranting about how you can't trust the opinions of ordinary people, and that you should stop resisting and try to only read content approved by experts, who, after all, know how to tell the good stuff from the bad stuff. But since it will only be a transparent attempt at
Am I the only one who thinks that MSNBC can be far harder on microsoft than the zd klowns?
Boss of nothin. Big deal.
Son, go get daddy's hard plastic eyes.
Mr. Bates (Score:1)
Re:The Everything Anal Retention Problem (Score:1)
Ok, MOST of them are... but there are way too many that are being deleted that contain noteworthy content, and are being deleted without warning, and without reason. It is making it difficult for people to know anymore what is being looked for, and what is unwanted.
This issue has also been brought up multiple times with the people in charge, and they've more or less ignored what's been said. In fact, they even used their little toy "EDB" to silence those of us wanting something done about this.
Of course, I've also been on the receiving end of being silenced by "borging" quite a few times because of one specific E2 god with a personal dislike of me.
Everything2 is not the only site using the Everything code: check out The Everything Development Company for a list of examples. None of these are at the same stage of maturity as E2, most are pretty experimental.
That hardly counts. I meant a REAL site, one with a topic in mind. Not just the web site of the people developing the software. PerlMonks is the only other site I know of using it.
Wikiweb anybody? (Score:1)
Re:Plastic is a mess (Score:1)
Re:Slashdot moderation (Score:1)
The best solution for this would be for +1 `funny' ratings to not change karma.
But it looks good... (Score:1)
Re:Does Anyone Else See the Irony? (Score:1)
Actually I knew a pastry chef who used a hammer!
It was in a restaurant that served me a souffle that wasn't that great, so I complained to the pastry chef.
Boy, that hammer sure hurt!
Please make plastic.com text wider! (Score:1)
I know posting this here might upset some people and make me look like a newbie, but if anyone out there has any influence at plastic.com, _please_ make the text wider, like at slashdot. It takes forever to scroll down and read each story. They say plastic.com is based on slashdot, but slashdot has about twice as much text per line, roughly.
I know those two guys who started suck.com think they were very clever to come up with that narrow column in the middle of the page, but as I recall that was to make it easier for various browsers to display in earlier days of the web. These days, is that really so important?
TWR, Torrance, CA
Re:The self adapting workplace. (Score:1)
Basically, you could agree with someone's broadcast comment with a reply of <userid>[++|--] and that got tracked off to somewhere that accumulated scores over time.
Re:Does Anyone Else See the Irony? (Score:1)
Re:tingle (Score:1)
Other than the link to slashcode.org and (Score:1)
Re:Slashdot moderation (Score:1)
Funny, because sometimes I don't even log on for days at a stretch and I don't get any points for months. Then, once I become more active with reading and posting, I will get moderator points.
Guess that's a pretty good way to do it vs just doling out points to whoever has the most karma points (for the record, I had an account prior to this one that I stopped using before the cap was instituted, I've been using this new one for several months and hit the cap only a couple of weeks ago).
Re:I hate being proven right like this :-) (Score:1)
Re:Wikiweb anybody? (Score:1)
Try http://www.zope.org/
My Fix for moderation problems (Score:1)
2. Give everyone 10 moderation points per day. Regardless
3. Give moderatoros infinite points for x hours/days/years.
4. Allow +- 1 point bumps on any story.
5. Screw meta moderation. Let the system meta moderate itself. If a person has a history of having their moderations overturned make them less likely to moderate in the future (at infinite level). If a person rarely gets turned over then let them moderate more often.
Hopefully the result would be that people who activly, intelligently moderated would do so often, and people who used their 10 per day to move up goatsex links would never get a shot at the good moderation style.
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:1)
Re:A Slashsite for Christian Geeks (Score:1)
Two: Lay off the guy, Geeks can be Christians, he's pointing out a resource nothing more.
Three: Sorry AC looked at your site main article is creationism. You lost me right there.
Pagan Baby and proud of it since 1963!
kinda funny... (Score:1)
The way people have been complaining about the downward spiral of content lately, I wonder if that still holds true. I don't necessarily feel that way, but I'm probably a lower-echelon, lower brow reader/viewer =P
www.randomdrivel.com [randomdrivel.com] -- All that is NOT fit to link to
Re:Slashdot moderation (Score:1)
Re:Does Anyone Else See the Irony? (Score:1)
Can we model /. moderation system ? (Score:1)
From the : it's-my-let's-ask-question-friday-dept
In some remote youth, I've been teaching automation course. One of our main topic was the study of feedback loops. The fact is that the /. moderation system with its MII system is a truly a multi-level feedback loop.
I've already be thinking for a while about whether some theoretical study of such system can be done, or as already been done. There must be some crossover between system and automation theory where that kind of niche might be found.
We are already trying to simulate peoples within games, why shouldn't we be able to simulate the /. system ?
From another point of view, the karma is praised on the article, in a misleading parallel to some previous authoring web site. As pointed into /. own FAQ, kharma is not that important (unless you make it so). Because it does NOT make you stand out upon the masses, just merely makes you a bit more visible.
And despite what they promise in the article, it really doesn't stop the bunch of troll/fp/goats@#! to post, even if they won't be archived in the end.
Another good question : does the /. moderation system remains the same because /code people are lazy, are because it reaches their goal, whatever they are ?
Re:The self adapting workplace. (Score:1)
Downside to said workplace:
"FJ!" (First Jesse Jackson joke forward)
Yet another example not mentioned in the article (Score:1)
users yet.
Its called StockScriptions and its meant to
facilitate real time data exchange of securities
What I think is really interesting is the shift
in thinking of the way the web can work --
initially, every worked on the model where
semi-static information from one source (the
website) was provided to all. The new thinking
is that the web can facilitate sharing of information
between the users. Slashdot and Everything2 are
two clear successes in this area.
just my $0.02.
where's the self in here? (Score:1)
i was hoping for an article on a website that used server-side techniques to restructure itself depending on load, user interest or whatever other fcators might be deemed useful, that'd be cool.
not that community sites aren't cool, but they certainly ain't nothing new.
and vice versa (Score:1)
So OlympicSponsor, after having moderated, I guess I can say it's not all that cool--I spend too much time here already, and that's just from reading the +3 and above stuff. Now I have to look at stuff lower than that (and I had NO idea the trolls were that bad) and see if anything's worth anybody else's attention. It's a weird responsibility.
Re:Bravo! (Score:1)
The thing is when I read the article I noticed the self same bit of the article, even copied the same paragraphs, but youd got there first. Now this show me several thing:
1)That there are other sensible (for which you can read similiar to me in there evaluation of thing if you want)people on
2)Im not even jealous of the 4 juicy karma points I could have had [how terribly noble/stoic of me]
3)There is something odd and, perhaps because of its oddness, fascinating about internet communication in general.
4)If someone had a site that just took the good stuff off
5)Self reference is popular, which is why goat.cx links etc are so prominent i suppose.
Anyway enjoy the karma and they inherent rise in your moderation chances, it you reward
*eg* [evil grin]
Old Hat (Score:1)
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:1)
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:1)
If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
Unfortunately the GPL is designed for traditional software - not Slashcode, and I think that it should be a breach - the copyright message (absent from plastic.com) is intended to demonstrate the copyright to others - so if I distribute a piece of software to my friends, I have to tell them it's GPL; this is similar to that - this is not within the spirit of the GPL, even if it's within the letter of it.
Someone email Stallman
Re:I did not think... (Score:1)
Rating articles (Score:1)
I foresee more 'spikes' with method 1 than with the other methods. 2 and 3 should be fairly close IMO.
The Everything Anal Retention Problem (Score:1)
It's a direct contradiction with a flat topology. You see the same problem with Internet directories -- sites like Yahoo! make the easy things easy, but there is no way to extract obscure information without digging into a raw text search, and in most cases, sites like Google make the easy things just as easy, and the hard things *possible*
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:1)
Just because it's thin, or just because you're getting descriptions of the interface, doesn't mean it's not software.
-- Eat your greens or I'll hit you!
pre-paid shipping (Score:1)
You forgot the first concept (Score:1)
This is the idea that started it all. A group of travellers (net surfers), travelling the cosmos (Internet), adding journal entries making it easy to use.
oh well have fun
<shameless company plug>
http://www.interadtechnology.com/ [interadtechnology.com]
</shameless company plug>
Words (Score:1)
Secondly, these web sites are not adaptive anyway. They require external agents to change their content.
If a web site wrote itself, now *that* would be adaptive ;)
Upholding the GPL... (Score:1)
We're very proud to be a part of the slash community. We've carefully considered the GPL and believe we're upholding it properly. We're also committed to sharing what we have learned during this project. The slash code lived up to our expectations and we hope that our site is an indication of the power and flexibility of
Just a few anal retentive fools in the leadership (Score:1)
The best part about my so-called "exile" was how bonesy said how "everything is going to be allllright now that the bad bad DMan is gone" or some other ridiculous bullshit like that, and then proceeded to write a pathetic rant inside my old homenode "explaining" his actions. If he could lay off the quaaludes and grass for just a second he might just realize how his entire monologue was basically a big sack of lies.... I mean, seriously, if his idea of a "warning" is saying nothing at all, well, that just shows the kind of distorted reality he is in.
Apparently I showed "disrespect" for those people that were in power and/or those who cared for me (sic?). Since sensei isn't there anymore, go ahead and ask Jinmyo if I was ever impolite or rude to her. In fact, go ahead and ask anyone I have ever talked to on that goddamn site, and with a few exceptions, you'll get the idea that I'm not that "disrespectful" after all.
In any case, any time I have ever asked for an explanation for my nuking I received some vaguely worded threats from Fuhrer Bones and had some of my nodes nuked as a "warning".
You know, if bones really gave a shit about Everything, he wouldn't nuke my useful contributions, but it seemed that he is especially intolerant of my factual nodes.
Everything isn't moderated by the noders (like the administrapo always likes to claim). It's largely run by a small circle of intolerant elitists. The site would benefit if the "leadership" would loosen their anus a bit, but I don't expect to see that happening any time soon.
Self-adapting sites not based on "rating" (Score:1)
Here are some samples of self-adaptive sites. The first four are fairly traditional and fall into the "ranking" or "rating" sense. The last three are more unique. Each is a subsites of Dan Zen [danzen.com].
Tower of Babel: words never said before are whispered into the wind and carried to the tower of babel. You can play God as you climb the tower and vote favorably for the words that "move" you. They will rise towards the top. Ones that you don't like go towards the bottom and eventually into the ground never to be read again.
Hip Cats are online people that visitors create with questions and answers so you can talk to them. And among many other things, they can be rated and make the scene if they have more than 5 ratings with greater than 5/10 rate. A Flexible threshold might be beneficial here but makes it less of a game, doesn't it.
Prediction Train: people leave predictions and if ten people vote to remove the prediction it gets removed. You can read the removed predictions - would you believe the traffic is higher!
Grim Reaper's Age Guesser asks thirteen questions to guess people's ages. If a question guesses within five years then its relevance factor is increased by one else it is decreased by one. Its been running since '96 and has come up with peculiar results.
Gorgolon: an underwater civilization where you are requested to give feedback to an artificial intelligence called Origin 5 as to how the society is functioning. There is a game involved where out of all the people playing, you must spot the AI. The leaders of this game are rewarded by being the only ones who can read what people have been writing to Origin 5. The site sets up its own prize.
Password Paradox: a game where you guess passwords to advance through a security system to gain control of special documents worth a billion dollars. The cool thing is, (although people don't know it) is that the pool of possible passwords are made up of other people's guesses. The pool is reset each time someone makes it through - so it is never the same twice. A self-adapting game.
Salamander: a spy game where you go into a park after the Salamander, master of disguise and enemy agent. You choose a disguise from six hats, six facial features, and six accessories. You are given tip as to what the Salamander is wearing, for example, "the Salamander is wearing a Chinese hat, a goatee and is flying a kite." You go into Bullseye Park and if you see someone wearing your clue you've caught the Salamander! Of course, you might be wearing someone else's clue and could be the Salamander yourself. Again, the game always changes and is self-modifying depending on input.
There is something beautiful about a self-adapting system and even more so if it gives the power to the people and creates less work for the Webmaster!
Dan Zen
http://www.danzen.com [danzen.com]
mad inventor
meets Internet
finds peace
Re:Does Anyone Else See the Irony? (Score:2)
Re:Mr. Bates (Score:2)
Maybe Times is adaptive? (Score:2)
web site? Perhaps reporters get a performance
rating on whether the article is clicked,
and clicked through the last page.
Under a future GPL, maybe (Score:2)
They're not redistributing anything GPLed, so what they do doesn't conflict with the terms of the license.
Furthermore, since they aren't taking advantage of the extra rights that GPL gives them (redistribution), they have no reason to agree to the license contract at all. So even if they were somehow in violation of the terms of that license, it wouldn't matter because the terms wouldn't apply anyway. They could fall back to the uses/restrictions that are granted by copyright law.
OTOH, I've read somewhere that RMS is working on a new version of GPL that will cover public performances. It should be interesting to see what right(s) he adds to the license (that people would not otherwise have) in order to get people to accept the license.
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:2)
Hopefully this will in fact be fixed in version 3.0 [newsforge.com] of the GPL.
Found a Mistake?!?!?! (Score:2)
Rob, not to be offensive... could you wathc for mistakes on your own site first...
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:2)
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:2)
Reward (Score:2)
As ESR stated in his famous little essay (which I'm not going to link [tuxedo.org] to out of spite) the majority of the work done in the community is done for Ego-Gratification. What is more ego gratifiing than a bunch of your peers (or moderators, they're better than the rest of us:) telling us that out comment was good/funny/on-topic?
If it wasn't a reward then there wouldn't be people karma-whoring, and there wouldn't be people who resent that other people get it and protest (trolls?).
Devil Ducky
Re:The Everything Anal Retention Problem (Score:2)
Somewhere, either egos got bigger, or they were pushed to do more "pruning", and now it's a bunch of volunteers being allowed to run rampant over the place, and in fact, encouraged by one of the people running the place (not Nate, he's cool, but one Fuhrer Bones).
It's not as bad at all as you make it out to be... but it's not nearly as good of a place as it used to be.
I would love to see someone else do something with the Everything software, it seems like it has a lot of potential uses.
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:2)
Have they given you a modified (or unmodified for that matter) slashcode binary but refuse to give you the source?
New moderations! (Score:2)
Too bad Plastic requires your date of birth and zip code...
Re:I hate being proven right like this :-) (Score:2)
Re:I hate being proven right like this :-) (Score:2)
I spent three years as a suit at this small media and electronics conglomerate [sony.com], so I thought I had an idea of how to talk the talk and walk the walk when it came to the big dinero. I still don't entirely understand it - I managed to explain the cost-benefit analysis to their assistants, but they just wouldn't hear it.
That was why I made that semi-joke about an OReilly panel on talking to suits - even when you know the lingo, it doesn't always work. I'd hope that a bunch of smart geeks would have enough ware stories to at least tell others the traps....
Re:New moderations! (Score:2)
Relativistic Ratings vs Slashdot (Score:2)
This eliminates ratings points as "currency" thereby opening up the ratings game to everyone while providing people with a better experience, taylored to their tastes.
For example, if you like Jon Katz, why should you be tormented by hate messages targeting Jon Katz? You know John Katz has his detractors and you don't need to be reinformed of this continually.
Likewise, if you hate Jon Katz you may not be part of the Slashdot Kabal who gets vended moderation points, but you still don't want to be subjected to his smarmy prose postures, so, why should you see any reference to the guy on after you would have down rate any message or article making reference to him?
Advertising revenue should be enough compensation for a business -- unnecessary and destructive are the perks of foisting the tastes of an elite Kabal, even if only through the distribution of moderation poinuts from that Kabal.
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:2)
Plastic is pretty obviously a Slashclone, but I can not find mention of Slashcode anywhere on their site.
Um, how about the large prominent "site based on SLASH" gif that is in the lower right corner of several pages; check their registration page. Clicking on the gif takes you to slashcode.org.
Moderation On Slashdot will be improved soon (Score:2)
blah blah? (Score:2)
"...a NYTimes story (free blah blah required."
Hmm, interesting word choice. What other ways can it be used?
As registration:
Cop: You ran the red. I need to see your license and proof of blah blah.
Driver: huh?? wtf you talking about?
Cop: Step out of the car please.
As money:
Walter Cronkite: "And today, chickenpotpie.com's IPO was a record opening, up 200 blah blah's! And that's the way it is...."
Sorry, this wasn't funny. I'll shut up now.
Self-Adaptive Humanities Scholarship (Score:2)
My Favorite (Score:2)
My favorite self-adaptive site is definitely Ubersite [ubersite.com], but since I created it, I'm also biased ;)
initial test of suitability (Score:2)
Like what, making sure it has Linux, Microsoft, CueCat and/or MPAA/RIAA in the subject line? I'm curious what the writer imagines this "test of suitability" to be?
Found the mistake.. (Score:2)
From the article: After passing an initial test of suitability, administered by a Slashdot editor ...
Bah, silly New York Times! There's no suitability test for stories on this site!!!
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:2)
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:2)
Self Organizing Sites New? (Score:2)
The Web in 1996 didn't need to organize itself
emerging class?
Re:Is this the future of sites/engines? (Score:2)
I think that it is. The WWW is all about the democracy of information -- anyone can publish anywhere, and be read by anyone. Its size has made it more difficult to find new information, but self-adaptive sites and search engines take it one level further: democratic editing, where other users and web-based publishers vote on and link to the most useful information.
Re:Moderators (Score:2)
Free Link (Score:2)
Bravo! (Score:2)
Yet every so often I actually learn something round here, and every so often I post a comment not in the hope of getting karma but in the hope that some one will come back with an inteligent debate/
What I think
They could even have a check box 'see really vacant comments' that the 3ll37 ones could check and have underground fun amoungst themselves...
Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:2)
(I love all the 'first new Web site in the Automatic Media network shtick')
Surely, they've honored the GPL and made their source modifications public. I can't find them, though. Surely Feed Magazine didn't put it up without modifying even a single line. This is possible, I guess.
Free reg (Score:2)
Re:Does Anyone Else See the Irony? (Score:2)
Also mentions Themestream (Score:3)
I hate being proven right like this :-) (Score:3)
Of course, top management, which included typical old-media folks like Michael Berman (the man who brought us George magazine along with the late John-John), insisted on paying a consulting firm millions of dollars instead.
So I showed them what it could do. I brought in my old Sony VAIO Superslim laptop, a creaky old machine with all of 32 MB of RAM and a 200MHz Pentium (I'd wiped the drive and installed SuSE after one too many lock-ups by WinDoze). Mind you, the "executive assistants" had better machines. Of course, it ran Slash like a champ.
That convinced them enough to buy a modest Linux server, but they still went to Vancouver on a boondoggle to talk to a consulting firm (see the scathing article by Will Leitch in Ironminds [ironminds.com] for more on that - thank the goddess Will didn't see fit to mention me by name :-) which they then decided wasn't worth the time. So they staff up, but still don't deploy.... They wanted to look at Oracle and Vignette.... which would have done most of what Slash and a CVS server would do at a hundred times the cost (no, not infinite - I'm counting staff time to install Slash and CVS :-)
Go figure. Maybe I should propose a panel at the O'Reilly convention on the cluelessness of management, except of course it would be preaching to the choir.....
I did not think... (Score:3)
Is this the future of sites/engines? (Score:3)
http://partners.nytimes.com/2001/01/18/technology/ 18SELF.html?pagewanted=all [nytimes.com]
Regarding the topic, though, is this truly the way the web is going to become, with semi-intelligent linking, bringing relevant topics to the forefront and allowing the irrelevant to wither in obscurity? If so, this is a mixed blessing. It's good, because obviously you can search for something rather quickly, getting what you need and getting outta there. However, it's also bad because those little sidetracks most searching takes you on can lead you to other topics that you've never heard of that are interesting in their own right.
Re:Reward (Score:3)
At the risk of sounding naively optimistic, I find the greatest ego gratification is when a sincere comment that represents my thoughts on an issue gets recognition (either in the form of positive moderation or in the form of interesting replies, even if those replies disagree with my position). I just don't see the point of recognition for spouting meaningless rhetoric for attention -- there's no thrill from people appreciating the fact that you can parrot the standard party lines.
Personally, I've always pegged rhetoric karma whoring (not to be confused with the gratuitous research karma whoring, which generally does result in some useful links to related pages) as more of a "look at me" ploy, not unlike some of the motivations behind trolling. It doesn't hurt that the karma/moderation system provides a nice high score effect. But appreciation for being called "Insightful", when you know you've just repackaged some standard /. speech? I just don't see it.
Moderators (Score:3)
I was on a two month hiatus (internet access down while company moved, then idiot provider couldn't hook us back up) and during that I time I notice that meta-moderation has apparently gone away, too.
And while we're on the topic: Karma Kaps are just wrong. The ONLY incentive I used to have (as FascDot) was an ever growing (IIRC I was above 600) karma. Now that it's practically impossible to lose a +2 bonus and it's long been actually impossible to rise above the noise around here, I've found myself at Kuro5hin more and more (despite the stupid name and incomprehensible "sections" layout).
MailOne [openone.com]
The self adapting workplace. (Score:4)
We NEED to find a way to port slashcode to my office.
Cube warriors are assigned karma points based on how funny their spamed e-mail jokes really are. When a cube warrior has a high enough karma they are given moderator points that they can use to rate up and down a management decision.
Let's take a look at what might happen.
Boss: "I think we need to start doing more useless time reporting."
Random Cube Warrior: "I'm afraid I'm going to have to moderate you down sir."
Boss: "Let's use a Linux based Webserver."
Random Cube Warrior: "Great idea sir! I give you a +1"
Random Troll: "But I can't use Linux"
Random Cube Warrior: "Shut up troll. Flamebait."
Yes yes this could work!!!! Who's with me?
Re:Slashdot moderation (Score:5)
I beleive the article has it wrong. Anyone with a positive karma has just as good a chance to moderate as someone with a 537 karma. The entire Slashdot community continues to choose their "community leaders," rather than a self-selecting group of elite overlords with a +1 ability.
What you also fail to mention is the "protest" contingent. These are people that post somewhat informative posts in order to get a positive karma. They are then able to moderate and meta-moderate. But since the believe that the moderation system sucks, they moderate incorrectly (and mainly meta-moderate incorrectly, since there are no checks on that). Using the system to corrupt the system.
I do believe that Slashdot has a serious problem with people simply copying-and-pasting the original article, and then getting a (5, Informative) instead of a (-1, Redundant).
I believe that minority voices are often moderated down. A pro-MS, anti-Linux argument, even if 100% correct, will often be moderated down to join the Hot Grits comments.
Yes, Slashdot is self-adaptive, but to a certain pro-Linux community. As a Mac user myself, it is always distressing to see a *factually incorrect* anti-Apple comment get moderated up. Yes, meta-moderation should take care of this, but that is entirely dependant upon the meta-moderator seeing the mistake.
Would a "self-adaptive" community be better served by people knowledgable in the field in question moderating? If someone knows a lot about Gnome, but not a lot about BSD, would it not be better to limit him/her to moderating Gnome and related articles?
I sent in a request that any meta-moderation with more than say 7 "Unfairs" would be flagged for CmdrTaco (or other) to look at... That is most probably a "Rebel" trying to disrupt the system...
As with any GPL project, I suppose that the Slasdot-type communities are a work in progress...
[I am downloading the Slash code right now to check on moderation selection, as well as punishment/reward for good/bad moderation]
Re:Is www.Plastic.com a GPL violation? (Score:5)
Does Anyone Else See the Irony? (Score:5)
So the NY Times has enough sense to realize that self-adaptive sites are good, and therefore writes up a nice little story about it, but then posts this information on a site that is as far from that model as one can get?
Somehow that amuses me...
Slashdot moderation (Score:5)
"This last privilege is a brilliant example of metafeedback at work," said Steven Johnson, the author of the forthcoming book "Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software" (Scribner, 2001) and a vice president of Automatic Media, Plastic.com's parent company.
"It's the ratings snake devouring its own tail," Mr. Johnson said. "Moderators rate posts, and those ratings are used to select future moderators." The most impressive aspect of the Slashdot system, Mr. Johnson said, is that it not only encourages high quality in submissions to the site, but it also sets up an environment where community leaders can naturally rise to the top.
I quote a passage I think is interesting, highlighting the most dubious part.
I think what's happened here is that people have gone "Oh goodie, we've got to right about the 'Online Community', and try to fit their conclusions to what's out there".
What really happens is:
(a) Comedians become moderators (funny posts do well)
(b) Those who post crap stolen off the linked site become moderators (informative)
(c) Those who conform to the majority opinion do well (insightful)
(d) Trolls thrive
High quality is not encouraged - in fact those who become moderators are those:
(a) with nothing (like myself) better to do than to post their opinions (which won't change a jot) to a website
(b) do so so much that they become moderators