Slashback: Profanity, Synching, Flicks 119
Even Richard Feynman could have figured this out! Logos writes: "It seems that EPIC has decided to end their relationship with Amazon. Here is a link to the letter that I received on their mailing list. The final straw was Amazon's announcement that they are no longer able to ensure the privacy of their Customer Info."
How apropos! Servius writes: "Doublespeak is a wonderful thing. CNN has this story about EPIC dropping out of the Amazon affiliate program because of Amazon's recent relaxation of their rules for the use of personal data. Quote: 'The new policy is actually stricter than the previous one because it spells out the conditions under which personal information can be transferred.' I hope that makes you feel a lot safer."
Potty mouth, potty mouth, Milkman Dan! Domain shoppers everywhere, your time to mourn has come. After placing the domain f* for sale on everyone's favorite auction site site owner Philip Kaplan pulled the auction.
h0ngk0ngph00ey writes: has a different perspective:"After a quick check back at eBay today to see how high the bidding went for f*, I was somewhat surprised to see that the auction was ended. A look at the bid history seems to indicate that either eBay pulled it for being offensive, or the seller just got too many responses from people who weren't at all serious. /.'ed to death it seems."
"Well without warning the owner pulled the auction from ebay. I was one of the serious high bidders and was never contacted by the owner. CNNfn contacted me and asked me questions (along with several other news organizations) and they were all under the assumption that he really wanted to sell the domain. I guess it was all a publicity stunt."
Will the Geeks in Space have to play Apollo 13? rak3 writes: "The Sync, home for the broadcasts of Geeks in Space and JenniShow (of JenniCam fame), seems to have run into some troubles. The company was going to be acquired, but this has fallen through and they might have to shut down the site. Read more about it here."
It's sad, since the folks behind The Sync have served to support everyone from local artists to aforementioned Geeks in Space. Hopefully, they can pull through this. If not, smart companies everywhere will start mailing them job offers right about now!
Soon I will watch Carlito Brigante kick ass with penguin supervision. cyber-vandal writes: "Two days after the Ask Slashdot on Intervideo's LinDVD, the announcement has been made here. No sign of the actual player being available, but this is a good sign that it wasn't merely MPAA-inspired vapourware. At last I can look forward to fragging my Win9x partition."
And here's another tibdit to add to the DeCSS gallery, for anyone else who admires the technical possibilities of the DVD format but not the politics attached thereto, writes: "[H]ere's the DVD Logo rendered in beautiful shades of gray using the DECSS code as ink. "
Flicks? (Score:1)
Stillborn? (Score:1)
Re:Stunt.. I think not (Score:3)
Re:Speaking of ebay auctions (Score:1)
Id sell my nick but noone would want it even though everyone posts as me.
Damn cheapass ingrates! Pay me for my nick!
Now up for auction! (Score:1)
That's right, folks! This old-timer has nothing better to do anymore than troll slapmeat, since the karma cap has taken all the fun out of things.
Besides, this place sucks. Taco needs a new server, a new sysadmin or a new hosting center... But I guess he blew his Andover/VA stock wad on Mindstorms and cheap-ass ten dollar keyboards instead.
Heh (Score:1)
Re:What's Up? (Score:1)
I assume you don't understand the concept of "uptime", do you?
And where the hell do you assholes get off harassing Senior Taco, huh? Don't make me come down there and kick your cracker-eating, club-footed, honkey-asses.
Re:I'd assume eBay pulled the auction because... (Score:2)
It doesn't seem that ebay took the auction down.
Re:Now up for auction! (Score:1)
At least kuro5hin will be back up RSN, according to the site; I like their entire way of doing things a *lot* better.
Unfortunately, it wasn't as asshole proof as slashdot, because they didn't have so many to test it. (But that's the point: they never wanted them there in the first place...)
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [].
pud pulled the auction. (Score:1)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Slashdot go boom! (Score:1)
dos:> tracert .. and it made it quite a few steps along the way. I could still get,,
Re:Unused, Low User # Slashdot nicks? (Score:1)
Not that i'd pay anything for it. It'd just make one less user name I have to remember
Re:Now up for auction! (Score:1)
(serious offers only. yes I know about the link. I consider it similar to bold text. Or italics.)
Here's why. (Score:1)
My take on DeCSS (Score:1)
Re:Carlin's 7 (Score:2)
A cop out: Re:The word is FUCKED, timothy (Score:2)
If a mainstream newspaper has this policy why can't slashdot, censoring words is lame.
We are more liberal than any other newspaper, using words such as cunt and fuck that most of our competitors would not use, even in direct quotes
The editor's guidelines are straightforward:
First, remember the reader, and respect demands that we should not casually use words that are likely to offend
Second, use such words only when absolutely necessary to the facts of a piece, or to portray a character in an article; there is almost never a case in which we need to use a swearword outside direct quotes
Third, the stronger the swearword, the harder we ought to think about using it
Finally, never use asterisks, which are just a copout
DVD logo already in gallery... (Score:2)
or am I the only one who actually went to view it?
Please don't belittle Feynman (Score:1)
LOL (Score:1)
My old Sparc 20 at home at the end of a $49 UPS has been up for nearly a year...
Somebody oughtta quit their day job. ;>
Re:decss (Score:1)
Fucked^2 (Score:2)
Re:What's Up? (Score:1)
Re:Please don't belittle Feynman (Score:1)
Feynman just won one Nobel Prize. No one has won three Nobel prizes. There have been three people who won two: Linus Pauling (one for chemistry, one for peace), John Bardeen (both physics), and Madame Curie (one chemistry, one physics).
Re:New Shoes! haiku (Score:1)
Re:Huh? (Score:1)
No, actually you need a PhD in physics before I can even attempt to explain it. Sorry.
For sale or trade (Score:2)
Re:the company (Score:1)
cancel bid rules [] here
cancle auction rules [] here.
decss (Score:1)
Epic's comment (Score:2)
Or, in other words,
'The new policy is worse because it tied us to several conditions whenever we wanted to transfer personal information, instead of letting us do it whenever we felt like it'.
Servius has a point there. That's deffinitely something to think about. So apparently to them it's a bad thing to clearly delimit what a company can do with your personal info.
Marketroids (kudos to whoever came up with this word first), gotta love 'em! (Score:1)
Re:forkedcompany (Score:1)
how creative.
unreal estate (Score:2)
yeah, right...
Re:You too? (Score:1)
Everyone knows (Score:1)
Irony (Score:1)
f* (Score:1)
Re:Huh? (Score:2)
Freedom is Slavery! Ignorance is Strength! Monopolies offer Choice!
Re:What on earth? (Score:1)
F'n Amazing! (Score:4)
2) If the show was over on 09/09 as their page suggests, then why did none mention it on slashdot? Did anyone go to the Linux World (Taipei) show and see this thing?
Re:Huh? (Score:1)
redmeat is hillarious! I'm sad to say that that reference was the most gratifying thing I've seen here for days.
Re:Crackwhore Moderators (Score:1)
Re:I'd assume eBay pulled the auction because... (Score:1)
Re:Netstream 2000 Not Vaporware (Score:1)
Re:DNS entries are property, dumb us goverment. (Score:1)
Here's some background on the FC situation (Score:1)
I saw your post on Slashdot, and noticed that you thought the FC auction was a stunt - I checked in at the bidding, too, saw it was up to 5 million, and the high bidder's name was gad-something. After the auction was pulled, I saw several independent news stories that pointed out that they actually interviewed several of the last high bidders, and they turned out to be college students playing jokes & the like (they are subsequently getting their eBay accounts revoked, I think). Anyhow, I suspect Pud just lost track of which bids were legitimate & which weren't & didn't feel like tracking them all down. He was quoted on (I think it was cnet) as saying, "I thought it'd be easier to just do it through eBay instead of spending hours in talks" - apparently, he thought that all the bids would be legitimate and the number of fake bids blew his tolerance.
I suggest that if you are seriously interested in buying the website, go to the FC home page, and click on the "this website for sale" link. He has more info there.
Job offers?? (Score:1)
Any ass can make a website that serves high-bandwidth content. What makes these guys different is that they ran out of money doing it.
Why will "smart companies" want to hire these geeks, again? (Score:1)
I'd assume eBay pulled the auction because... (Score:2)
While I'm sure eBay would like to offer as many auctions as they can (= more $), they certainly wouldn't want to piss off NSI -- after all, NSI could always revoke and auction it off! We need a better place where web users can sell^H^H^H^H exchange the priviledges of domain names without harassment from the registars -- there's probably a huge untapped market for "used" domain names. (Have a popular site that you don't want anymore? Sell the domain name to a dotcom upstart and let them coast off your popularity!) After all, if people are willing to buy used cars...
no longer able to ensure privacy? (Score:1)
Wait a minute! Shouldn't they post this before every customer transaction?
Re:My take on DeCSS (Score:2)
the company (Score:2)
Easy. (Score:2)
Stunt.. I think not (Score:2)
Would you pull from anything that would give you $3,000,000 in your hand?? ($3,000,000 was the bid I last saw it going for)
Actually... (Score:2)
"...Took the auction off of Ebay -- interested parties, contact me and tell me who you are. "
DVD-ROM drive idea... (Score:1)
Re:I'd assume eBay pulled the auction because... (Score:1)
It's not just the domain name but a fully operational site, along with a userbase of 125,000 unique users a week.
Did You Visit the Site? (Score:1)
Re:no longer able to ensure privacy? (Score:1)
Consumer? or Citizen Consumers only have the 'rights given to them by corporatists.. remember that next time you call yourself a 'consumer'!
DNS entries are property, dumb us goverment. (Score:1)
Huh? (Score:1)
Re:Epic's comment (Score:1)
I always liked Marketeers!
Speaking of ebay auctions (Score:2)
Linux MAPI Server!
Re:Unused, Low User # Slashdot nicks? (Score:1)
Re:I'd assume eBay pulled the auction because... (Score:1)
Re:Unused, Low User # Slashdot nicks? (Score:2)
But I do agree, low user IDs are not cool
Re:I'd assume eBay pulled the auction because... (Score:1)
Could I get some zeitgeist with that? (Score:1)
f*ckedcompany auction (Score:2)
Re:Carlin's 7 (Score:1)
I'm still waiting for him to do a monologue about the MPAA and/or the RIAA. :)
-David T. C.
Intervideo Vaporware. (Score:2)
Joseph Elwell.
...under 0.1k? (Score:1)
Not interested... :-)
Seriously, I have no idea how I managed to grab #17, that time I by chance logged on using a 14.000 baud modem, connecting from across the atlantic.
I wasn't even trying to fill out the registration form quickly. I remember that form clearly. In those days it asked for a name instead of a nick. You can still see that a lot of people with low user ids use their real name instead of a nick.
(And no, I'm not selling mine.)
Re:You too? (Score:1)
I've been wondering for the past week (since actually noticing my #) just how long I've been reading
Re:...under 0.1k? (Score:1)
I waited over a month as I recall and still ended up with a pretty low number.
While I don't imagine that anyone cares about their Slashdot user# I know some people who would really like lower ICQ numbers.
DVD Logo (Score:1)
Now, come on... (Score:2)
(What? Saying fuck doesn't get you moderated up? It worked for this one []!)
You too? (Score:1)
Oh well.
Re:f* (Score:1)
Re:Stunt.. I think not (Score:1)
Nope (Score:1)
Re:[OT, but important] Banners (Score:2)
Re:unreal estate (Score:1)
Maybe people think they are bidding on Microsoft. Or Firestone, at the very least.
I'd give $10e7 for either. If I could get a loan.
Re:You too? (Score:1)
You can still buy a fuck (Score:1)
Its anyone's guess as to why he suddenly opted for a more discreet way to take bids.
Re:A few random comments... (Score:1)
It wasn't pulled by eBay - it was pulled by the seller, which is totally OK []. And if you go to the site [], you'll see they're still accepting legitimate offers by e-mail.
Re:Epic's comment (Score:1)
As Bill Hicks [] said, "If you are in marketing or advertising... kill yourself."
Re:Nope (Score:1)
Content vs. Junk In Slashback (Score:1)
Extra, extra -- Read more about it! Yes, that means another round of Slashback, bearing this time: The stillborn auction of [expletive deleted]'s domain name; why EPIC has decided to stop sailing with Amazon; and another tantalizing glimpse of a world so advanced we can watch instruction videos on personal computers. More, too.
Oh, and would a few hyperlinks in the lead be too much to ask? Currently if I want to know about corrections or updates to Slashdot stories, I *have* to click on the article. This bugs me.
OK, here's my theories why
- Too kind: you want to give people who make submissions full credit, so you include their full submission in the body of the article.
- Too greedy: you want that extra hit count of everybody having to click to get the information.
- Too dumb: you truly think Slashback is really well-written, really funny, really the best way to present the stories.
I dunno, you tell me.
Here... here.. (Score:2)
kick some CAD []
forkedcompany (Score:3)
(expletive) media with balls
a company with a bad 'f'word followed by
it's kinda funny how many times i've read people dancing around it.
Carlin's 7 (Score:2)
What a ratio that is. 399,993 - - - to 7.
They must really be bad.
They'd have to be outrageous to be separated from a group that large.
`All of you over here, you seven. Baad words!'
That's what they told us they were, remember? `That's a bad word!'
No bad words. Bad thoughts. Bad intentions. And words... "
Re:I'd assume eBay pulled the auction because... (Score:2)
Offtopic and Proud! (Score:2)
The asterisk is really pointless, since you linked to the site. After all, the courts have determined that linking to a site is much, much worse than listing the URL.
My mom is not a Karma whore!
Re:no longer able to ensure privacy? (Score:2)
There OUGHT to be, but there aren't.
This is what is meant when people talk about passing consumer privacy laws.
Netstream 2000 Not Vaporware (Score:2)
Anyway, for those who can afford the card, the beta player is available for download right from Sigma Designs []. It's primitive so far, and only supports piping out to a TV set, not direct on-monitor play, and I haven't actually had the chance to get it working so I can't say much about whether it actually does--but it is a true licensed Linux DVD solution.
Jennishow? (Score:2)
broadcasts of Geeks in Space and JenniShow (of JenniCam fame),
Potty mouth, potty mouth, Milkman Dan (Score:2)
VA could buy TheSync... (Score:2)
but think of the sig (Score:2)