Lego Institutes Bulk Ordering 258
wrote in to tell us that Lego has instituted
bulk ordering of parts. The selection is somewhat limited, but they have most of the parts you would want to build your fullsize Lego house. And with five colors to choose from, you should be all set! Now the question is, with this quantity of Legos available, what do people think the coolest thing to build would be?
Re:mindstorms? (Score:1)
Re:bulk? (Score:1)
Re:Are there any decent Lego clones? (Score:1)
Obligatory... (Score:1)
Things with legos (Score:1)
Export restrictions!? (Score:1)
Re:Computer Case. (Score:1)
Repeatedly [umich.edu].
Re:question (Score:1)
Turing machine has been done (Score:1)
Re:New stuff stinks (Score:1)
Re:what to build first... (Score:1)
I'm glad they're doing bulk orders of the 2x2 smooth panels, cause that's what I needed to complete the keycaps of the LEGO keyboard I'm making (each key is being replaced by 2x2 LEGO bricks)
ToiletDuk (58% Slashdot Pure)
Re:The coolest thing to build would be... (Score:1)
All we need is Red, Green, Blue and maybe Black.
Then compose mixed pixels to give your giant
Lego block the colour you wish. Colours can be
changed at any time, even shading and effects
are possible.
Re:The coolest thing to build would be... (Score:1)
lets use yellow instead.
Small scale at least (Score:1)
A Desk??? (Score:1)
Legos! (Score:1)
Re:tower (Score:1)
-David T. C.
First, we order about 10,000 of those Lego men... (Score:1)
First, we order about 10,000 Lego men. Next, we order sufficient pieces to equip them all with Lego Machine Guns [slashdot.org].
Now we invade Legoland. I think we'll start with the Lego Kingdom, those primitive little knights and archers don't stand a chance against our overwhelming firepower. Next on the list are the happy citizens of Lego Town, all they can field are a few policemen.
The Space guys are going to be a problem, as they posses highly advanced technology, like Galaxy Commanders and StarFleet Voyagers -- but by that time, we'll have captured and assimilated the pieces from the medival and town sets.
Will we ever see third party sets? (Score:1)
When I first heard "Bulk Lego pieces", I was hoping that they would be cheap and varied enough to allow third parties to economically buy and repackage bricks to make such kits available. Alas, the actual selection available is far too small. So, as for the present, right now all we can do is to guess what parts we'll need, and then go out and buy a heap of sets.
Bombe (Score:1)
Re:Oh the things I could build (Score:1)
Re:what to build first... (Score:1)
a pair of lego pants (Score:1)
thank you
What? You could do this via catalog 10 years ago. (Score:1)
The only *new* thing going on here is that you can now buy them via LEGO's Shop At Home service. Whoopdie do. What would be a big deal is if they offered EVERY piece they made available in bulk, online ordering or not.
Finally! (Score:1)
Now it looks as if it may be possible... and I'll find out if this is true, or if it is just another unchecked and untrue Slashdot story as soon as their server recovers from being slashdotted.
Failed to connect
The host could not be contacted. If this persists, you should contact the administrator of the remote site.
[ I've always wondered how you are supposed to contact the administrator of a site that cannot be contacted]
Re:Export restrictions!? (Score:1)
How about... (Score:1)
Coolest thing would be... (Score:1)
Open Source LEGO (Score:1)
Down with closed source LEGO. Plastic wants to be free.
The coolest thing to build would be... (Score:1)
coolest thing to build (Score:1)
Oh the things I could build (Score:1)
I want to build a to-scale model of Earth.
Compaq dropping MAILWorks?
Cleveland Browns Stadium (Score:1)
then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel is just a freight train coming your way
Re:question (Score:1)
then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel is just a freight train coming your way
Re:I am 34 and enjoy Lego (Score:1)
When I left home, I made sure my Lego came with me. My parents never had a chance to get rid of it.
My kids also tend to buy me Lego for my birthday, Christmas, and other holidays. Father's day is coming, and can you say "Destroyer Droid"?
then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel is just a freight train coming your way
Re:I am 34 and enjoy Lego (Score:1)
My siblings are at least 4 years older than I am, and didn't have much interest in Lego. I have one or two sets that were hand me downs from them, but that's it. They haven't asked, and I'm not telling.
then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel is just a freight train coming your way
Re:Ventilation ass! (Score:1)
Lego Robot factory. (Score:2)
The basic idea is to design a *very* simple robot that wanders (wanderbot) around a space, until it finds something that gets in its way - then it shoves this thing (lego parts) into a hopper.
The hopper feeds a 'factory' made out of the Mindstorm kit that makes more of these little wanderbots...
This has probably been done before, but we figured we'd give it a try our own way, and see what happens. The ultimate would be to have the new wanderbots appear in the same arena, all gathering lego bits together!
Re:Are there any decent Lego clones? (Score:2)
Lego is also shaveable and sandable, so if that piece is bent beyond repair, get a sharp knife and some sandpaper and presto: new, custom made pieces :)
Re:Where's the colour? (Score:2)
Re:Lego Earth (Score:2)
These could then be harvested to make cheap plastic products.
Like Lego.
Erm, Looping detected.
AT/AT! (Score:2)
Re:AT/AT! - Lego beat you to it (Score:2)
Alas, no yellow. (Score:2)
No yellow, no blue. How are you supposed to build a full-scale Lego replica of an IKEA store without yellow and medium blue?
If you like Lego, look at Fischertechnik... (Score:2)
A hard choice to make (Score:2)
What kind of sick individual makes a kid decide toys??!
As you can well imagine, I picked Lego!
Irecently put together all my 80's Space sets when I rescued the bags of stuff from my parents' place. What's interesting is that my friend Jim gave me all his Lego when I was 12 and he was 14. He figured he was "too old" to play (or maybe his parents made him give it up), and the stuff he gave me doubled the amount I had!
Freedom is Slavery! Ignorance is Strength! Monopolies offer Choice!
Re:minimal blocks for 1-bit digital adder? (Score:2)
Re:what to build first... (Score:2)
Re:Good, no "pre-made" pieces (Score:2)
that could have been made Out of Other Pieces.
Re:Customers (Score:2)
The coolest thing (Score:2)
(Actually, I don't think it would be all that cool, I'm just trolling for points.)
Re:Quantities and pricing suck. (Score:2)
Order EVERY lego part from Dacta!! (Score:2)
- cheers
You're looking for leocad... (Score:2)
Re:Three Laws of Lego (Score:2)
The best thing Lego has EVER made, IMHO, is this strange-looking piece that comes w/the Lego Mindstorms. It is vaguely reminiscent of a shoehorn (A Lego shoehorn??). I didn't realize WHAT it was until I started trying to pry 2 pieces apart (2x1 flats). Naturally, I resorted to teeth (SOP, right?), but I'm staring at this thing, and notice the two hole in the bottom of the thicker end. They are suggestive of...something...lego bumps, maybe? So if I put them OVER the Lego bumps....
In short, it was a Lego TOOL FOR SEPARATING LEGOS!!!!!! I call it the Lego wrench.
Dude (Score:2)
Whoah. Like, build a Lego Institute. They, like, would never have seen it coming.
Re:Lego tunguska recreation (Score:2)
42 and still enjoy (Score:2)
BattleBot (Score:2)
If we ever do an entry, it'll have at least 4 layers of Lego armor, so when the saws/flails/mower blades hit it, bits will fly everywhere. Ideally, we'll build it upside down and fill random sets of bricks with some fluid for extra blood effect.
And it'll also have hammers, and blades, and a chainsaw, and sharp sticks, and foul language...
I am 34 and enjoy Lego (Score:2)
Not at all, you are what is known as an AFOL, Adult Fan of Lego.
Check out Lugnet [lugnet.com] for many more AFOLs.
I'm 34 and am just getting back into it, though it's expensive as I try to replace all the childhood sets of mine that are in joint custody at my parents.
Re:New stuff stinks (Score:2)
I'm not married, but my girlfried does have a younger brother that stays over sometimes. So we're always buying stuff and using him as an excuse. "Boy, wouldn't Paul like some legos to play with when he comes over next?" "I bet Paul would like that board game. We should get it and play test it" "Paul would really think this video game is cool. Let's get it"
New stuff stinks (Score:2)
We all know all the GOOD pieces were in the original space series of the 80s. Now they have ludicrously stupid garish neon glowing crap, and some stupid Time Traveller's series which apparently was just created because they had no imagination and decided to just throw pieces from all their other series together to make a new series.
God help children today...
I still hold a grudge against my mom for giving my Legos away to charity when I "grew up". I still want my fscking Legos...
Re:Here's what you build! (Score:2)
"Bulk" ? (Score:2)
Actually, what we really want is a RCX-hardware-compatible brick with some other (better) CPU and *MORE* *OUTPUTS* . This shouldn't be hard - anyone done it?
Re:Are there any decent Lego clones? (Score:2)
Re:what to build first... (Score:2)
Never liked it. (Score:2)
No, Fischertechnic [gamelan.de] is the way to go IMHO. In the time where lego only featured cars where the 'block wheels' got under a large plate Fischertechnic allready had geers and such to make cars which could actually steer (and I mean like a car where both wheels really turn). IMO Fischertechnic was and still is way ahead.
Re:Customers (Score:2)
In unrelated news, the Russian government has ordered four trillion lego bricks, for an unknown purpose.
Part of the order included four thousand little-edge-elbow peices because, quote, "We don't wan't to be in later stages of the project and then have to scramble looking for a little edge elbow peice"
Oh my god, Bear is driving! How can this be?
Re:Lego Computer? (Score:2)
Oh and no, they don't have any conductive plates at all under bulk order, just the boring house brick types. Not even any Technics, damn them.
Re:Lego Computer? (Score:2)
Quantities and pricing suck. (Score:2)
Let me put it this way. The roof of your lego house is gonna be in the vicinity of $28 a square foot. You can do real spanish tile for less than that.
What would be the coolest thing to build? (Score:2)
Waffles (Score:2)
Now you can say
"My Eggo is Lego" or
"Leggo my Lego Eggo"
tower (Score:2)
A full size, funtical lego toliet...
Furnite would be cool, like tables, desktops, book selves.
The question is, would it say cost more to build a lego book case, or just go buy one at XYZ store with the fake wood. You know the plastic funritre, but they have "wood" stickers you put over it so you freinds don't think you a cheap bastard (which you of course are)
Those things (lego's) are really easy to build computer cases out of, I had an old 386 motherboard and started to build a case out of lego's, but I didn't finish it, I sobered up.
The coolest thing though, would big a 6 foot giant Tux! Get some black boxes, yellow and white, what else do you need?
Re:Are there any decent Lego clones? (Score:2)
Amen to that. I've lived in many countries, and bought Lego-alikes in a few of them, and aways been disappointed. The crap I bought in India didn't even fit with itself, much less real Lego.
Real Lego is incredibly durable, and made with amazing precision. Lego my parents bought 25 years ago still fits perfectly with brand-new sets. Find me any other toy that's this cool, this durable, and this backwards-compatible for less money.
Nyaah, Nyaah, 44 - got you beat (Score:2)
Digi-Comp!! the Lego Implementation + 1/4 HP motor (Score:2)
I'll have to think this one through, on a Lego-based mechanical computer. Not even sure it would take bulk Legos to do it, at least until you got to 32 bit architectures, hardware multiply, FPU, VM, etc.
Imagine, 1e-6 BogoMips. 1e-9 fps on Quake3
Oh, don't forget the 1/4 HP motor to drive it since the rubber-band failure rate would be too high at the number needed for this. And while we're at it, the motor would need a powerbooster so it could be driven by conventional Mindstorms when not driving the mechanical computer.
Re:what to build first... (Score:2)
no, silly...
build the lego machine gun [silverlight.org]
then use bulk ordering to get unlimited ammo!
Transportation (Score:2)
A computer case? (Score:2)
www.chowda.net [chowda.net]
Good, no "pre-made" pieces (Score:2)
These bulk orders are only on basic blocks, the mainstay of lego engineering. this is a huge boost for the creativity of minds yound and old.
Limerick (Score:2)
Who built his whole house out of Lego
Though easy to fix
He needed more bricks
To repair his full-size Winnebago
I actually built my house with Legos (Score:2)
This brand didn't snap together like Legos, so we had smear a gray, granular compound between each one to get them to bond.
I don't know who makes these blocks, but I think they company just calls them "bricks"
Are there any decent Lego clones? (Score:3)
Is there not enough of a market for this? Is there Intellectual Property preventing this?
Given how IP-aware and pro-reverse-engineering this crowd usually is, I'm surprised that I haven't seen anyone else bring it up, yet.
I have to throw in that, as an engineer (though not mechanical), I always thought it peculiar how much programmers enjoy Legos. I understand why engineers are drawn to them, and it's not like the professions are that far removed, but I would expect programmers to be interested in things less *physical*; like poetry, or classical music. Alright, so we've established that programmers like Haiku's, but still...
minimal blocks for 1-bit digital adder? (Score:3)
a 1-bit adder. The simpler implementation
would be two 2-bit inputs and the output of 1-bit
sum and 1-bit carry. (A third carry input could
be added later.)
Whats a good way to represent 1 & 0?
e.g. slide left or right right.
How could design the units to cascade them?
You may have to clever about balancing mechanical
forces. The friction of several cascade bit adders could make them unmoveable.
Adult use of LEGO is an excellent way to regain those lost abilities. LEGO is not a toy (though parents treat it as such) it's a well thought out and powerful system.
Microsoft Headquarters (Score:3)
Re:Lego Modeling Software (Score:3)
Perhaps there is a market (albeit small) for a program that let you model structures using lego bricks and then calculated how many you should buy of each color and size used.
Once upon a time, several years ago, a company called Gryphon Software made a program for the Mac (possibly for PCs as well) called Bricks, which let you build virtual models out of what were dead ringers for Lego bricks. They had a wide variety of shapes, special pieces, and colors. You could even write AppleScripts to build complex structures for you. VERY slick.
I still have a copy somewhere, but it looks like Gryphon is out of business; their site link takes you to a different company and that site doesn't show any info on the program.
I think what killed it is that people found it's a lot more fun to play with real bricks than virtual ones, but it would still be useful for visualization of large designs, exactly as you described. You can try bargain bins or eBay to locate a copy.
use translucent bricks to build an iMac! (Score:3)
slightly OT: am I the only one who finds it disturbing to see so many GREEN Lego bricks available? When I was younger, green bricks were an extreme rarity, usually limited to trees, baseplates, and flats used to connect the baseplates together. Even in Denmark, they're not too common, or at least they didn't use to be. (I was born there, so I have a rather extensive collection, back to the days when Samsonite was a licensee.)
Hmmmm. "Hello, Citibank? I'd like to apply for an raise in my credit limit."
I just can't resist... (Score:3)
Well, technically, you're the grammar nazi. But I maintain that proper nouns are supposed to be capitalized.
Re:I wish they would have had this 10 years ago... (Score:3)
For those that haven't ever been to WW in Portland, Oregon, imagine a military surplus store crossed with Radio Shack and your parts bin.
They've got everything, from industrial chemicals to bulk wire to test tubes to heater elements. Definitely a geeks' dream.
-ted, now in San Diego (1000 miles from WW)
Gotta be a rackmount (Score:3)
Think! The ultimate expandable system. A rackmount made in Lego could be added to ad nauseum as you expanded your beowulf system in pursuit of SETI@Home glory.
The Lego Tower (Score:3)
We had the worlds tallest building for many years, first with the Empire State Building, then with Sears Tower. But now, with Millennium Tower in Japan, Nina Tower in HongKong, and Petronas Tower in Malaysia, we are way behind.
Time to reclaim the title of "worlds biggest" and further the rise of geeks to America's adored elite :)
The Lego Von Neumann Universal Constructor! (Score:4)
I wish they would have had this 10 years ago... (Score:4)
Well, I had enough to buy the main system (A 10mhz 8086), but not enough for the monitor.
My solution turned out to be more expensive than the original monitor.
I found a monochrome monitor without an external case at a local electronics store. (Whacky Willies in Portland,OR. They deal in used equiptment and just generally STRANGE stuff.) I tried a couple of solutions for cases (including foil covered cardboard and other tacky looking disasters), but nothing worked.
I then decided to use Legos.
Do you know how many buckets it takes to build a monitor case? I must have spent over $100 in lego over the next few months. And you have to glue them together because the heat causes the whole thing to expand and come apart at inappropreate spots.
I finished it off and used the monitor for a number of months until general fear of radiation burns drove me to buy a real monitor. (This thing was pretty nasty. It was an early green screen that you could practically feel the radiation off the front. Probably why it only cost me $5.)
I still have the monitor in a box in the computer room. It needs some repair after being moved a number of times, but it might even work. Someday I will have to post pictures...
Re:Are there any decent Lego clones? (Score:4)
According to a friend of a friend (perhaps someone can verify this for me), Lego plastic is of such high quality that the assembly lines for making the bricks must be dedicated to the task - since no other product uses plastic that good. This would mean that Lego isn't trying to gouge customers by charging so much (since they are making quality product) and competitors have a tough time making bricks as good without charging just as much.
But again, this is only from second and third-hand knowledge.
Do legos come in Yellow, White, and Black? (Score:4)
Customers (Score:4)
Three Laws of Lego (Score:4)
1. A lego will ever harm a living being unless they step on it in bare feet
2. A lego will obey humans unless it involves taking apart two peices (in these cases it's okay to break rule 1 as well)
3. A lego will attempt for self-preservation, especially when that means trying to hide so that people cant find it.
Oh my god, Bear is driving! How can this be?
fractals (Score:5)
...then everything can be fractal.