What is deskbird?
deskbird makes hybrid work simple, saves costs, optimizes office space, boosts productivity, and fosters team collaborationโall in one easy-to-use app.
Why is deskbird different?
๐ฑ All-in-one: one app for desk booking & scheduling, no juggling required.
Ridiculously easy: intuitive, no training neededโso simple a child could use it.
๐ช Powerful yet simple: advanced analytics, AI, desk, and resource booking tools without complexity.
๐ค Built for teams: see when colleagues are in, making collaboration effortless.
๐ง Fits your needs: works with 200+ integrations like MS Teams, Outlook or Slack.
How do you position yourself against your competitors?
We are powering the offices of tomorrow through our USPs:
1. Smart resource management: one tool to manage desk and resource booking, reducing admin workload while maximizing space efficiency.
2. Deep integrations: it works with 200+ integrations, such as MS Teams, Outlook, or Slack. Our Open API ensures flexibility for custom needs.
3. Scalability without complexity: whether managing 50 or 5,000+ employees, deskbird adapts to dynamic workplace needs with real-time user provisioning (SCIM)โall with zero training required.