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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: The Kevlar Kandidate Wants A 7-Day Workweek, No Days Off 78

He already signed a law that gets as close to abolition of public-sector unions as any that has ever passed in this country. He has already gone back on his word to not be interested in attacking private-sector unions, in voicing his support for a similar bill for private-sector unions. He has also shown big support for "right to work" laws.

But none of that is really good enough for the Kevlar Kandidate, at least not when he's running for president. He has to out-conservative the likes of Rick Perry, so he has to really show he's willing to screw the working class as hard as possible for maximum enjoyment of as few as possible.

Well, this might do it: Could Wisconsin's Scott Walker now abolish the weekend?

State law currently allows factory or retail employees to work seven days or more in a row for a limited period, but they and their employer have to jointly petition the Department of Workforce Development for a waiver. These petitions apparently number a couple of hundred a year. The new proposal would allow workers to "voluntarily choose" to work without a day of rest. The state agency wouldn't have a say.

It can't be a secret what "voluntary" really means in this context. As Marquette University law professor Paul Secunda told The Nation, the measure "completely ignores the power dynamic in the workplace, where workers often have a proverbial gun to the head." Workers will know that if the boss demands it, they'll be volunteering or else.

Going on...

Bloomberg economic analyst Christopher Flavelle wrote recently that as measured by improvement in "the living standards of the people he represents...Walker's tenure falls somewhere between lackluster and a failure."

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The Kevlar Kandidate Wants A 7-Day Workweek, No Days Off

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  • Submission: The Jobless Future [], that is. People working more hours is just another way to cut jobs, and polarize those who still have jobs against the newly unemployed, with the "I've got mine, Jack!" mentality. After all, people whose position is precarious need some way to see themselves as different from those laid off, that it's somehow due to their being better than just being random chance that they're still survivors. All part of the "It couldn't happen to me" syndrome of denial.

    The future is gettin

    • It seems to be related to the general Randian school of thought, that those who have power and money got it because they deserved it, and everyone else got what they deserved as well. That might be the scariest thing with that cult; you describe the eventuality that their scripture drives us towards and they usually respond with "good!", as if they have convinced themselves that somehow they are guaranteed - perhaps just by their own faith - to come out on top.

      I wouldn't say it it so much denial as an
      • I wouldn't say it it so much denial as an excess of faith. They aren't much different from the Heaven's Gate Cult in that way.

        They aren't any different from foolish democrat voters either, in fact when discussing an *excess of faith*, we can all look to you as a clear illustration.

        • Then please, share with us a glimpse of your enlightened soul. What is it that you think I have so much faith in? I'm looking forward to seeing what else you have completely and utterly wrong about me.
          • Your faith in the democratic party is absolute. It couldn't be more obvious, of course not to you since it is so deep in your subconscious you aren't even aware of it, just like those people who deny white privilege. But, there it is, plain as day.

          • Your excess of faith is also noted here []. You chose to believe, despite his record. So you can stop denying that you support the ACA. We know that's a lie.

            • You just linked to your own baseless assumptions, dumbass. You didn't bother linking to anything that supports them (which would have had a chance of making them non-baseless).

              No worries though the war machine thanks you for your contribution.
              • Nope, your *excess of faith* is obvious, despite your denials. I am only revealing your support for my 'assumptions', which are actually undeniable truths told by you yourself. Your vote for Obama is support for the ACA. It doesn't get any simpler.

                No worries though the war machine thanks you for your contribution.

                Yes yes, we all pay taxes, don't we? However you expressed your approval of the war with your vote, and you will do so again next year.

                • By your logic, the one presidential vote you've cast in the past couple decades or so was an explicit endorsement of the invasion of Iraq, so that one is on you. I'm not worried about the rest of your bullshit. Own your war, idiot.
                  • You continue to vote for people who support it to this day. You have failed to show my support anywhere. Own it yourself! Or live in denial and be mocked for it. Your choice.

                    • The only vote you have claimed to have cast in a presidential election in the past 2 decades led directly to the invasion of Iraq. That war is yours, dumbass; own it. And stop telling people they were wrong in voting in the elections where you couldn't bother to show up to the polls yourself, you worthless hypocrite.
                    • You know nothing. That's all that is left to say. But please, don't stop. You are, as Mr. Smith would say, teh funny. And you lie when you say don't support the ACA.

                    • The... vote you have claimed to have cast in a presidential election... led directly to the invasion of Iraq

                      Really? how? Now you're going to try the 'spoiler' gag on me?

                      Well, you voted for the invasion of Afghanistan, so there!

                    • Wow, that was easier than expected. I turned your own shitty logic against you once and you folded like a cheap lawn chair. Even for a slashdot troll, that is cowardice.
                    • If you can't follow through on your own strange kind of "logic" then you should stop trying to apply it. Go fail somewhere else for a while and come back later.
                    • Man, you're just a plain old dweeb.

                    • The reading comprehension is extremely poor. But don't sweat it. I know it's intentional. You have to prop up your crumbling facade against the hurricane of truth!

                  • Oh, so that's your game, eh? You think if he had won I would have voted for his reelection if he did reveal himself in his first term? Bleh, whatever. I guess you're just projecting your *excess of faith* onto me. Nice try, but no fly.

                    • It's hard to tell at this point if you are actually this clueless or if it is just an act.
                    • Nope, the clueless excessively faithful one is you. You have proven it to us all. You have nothing left to say, not that it will stop you from saying bullshit anyway. You're still a conservative prohibitionist, a republican/democrat. That is the undeniable truth.

                    • How many times did you have to repeat that line to yourself before you believed it? Cowardice, thy name is fustakrakich
                    • How many times did you have to repeat that line to yourself before you believed it?

                      Just responding to your lies. How many times do you listen to democrats before you believe them? Knowing you, only once. You are identical to the Reagan worshipers. And the fact remains, you have stated it yourself in all your little anti-legalization spiels, you prefer prohibition. You are a conservative, you vote for and reelect conservative politicians, believing false promises. Stop lying to yourself (and to the rest of u

        • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

          The difference is that a middle class or poor person who votes Republican is voting against their own interests.

          • Voting democrat is the same thing. Actually the deception is much worse. d_r's case is a perfect example of people who want to believe lies. They are not in opposition. I was under the impression you were beginning to see through the mass media bullshit...

            • Abstaining from voting is not an improvement, the system gains nothing from that. You are an idiot to convince yourself otherwise. Bragging to others about doing nothing is the worst of all possible choices.
              • You never heard me say I abstain. You really do like to tell lies, don't you? Eh, I'm cool with it. Bullshit doesn't offend me. Always nice to see it in print.

                • You never heard me say I abstain.

                  You've given more reason to believe that you have not voted since 2000 than that you have. Considering you either don't want anyone else to vote - or at least, you don't want anyone to vote for any candidate who is actually alive and on a ballot - it is perfectly reasonable to conclude that you haven't voted either.

                  I'm sorry that logic and reason offend you so greatly.

                  • You never heard me say I abstain. Any incorrect conclusions you draw from my posts are your own personal problem. You see what you want to see. That is normal in most people. Just accept it and move on.

                    • You're not smart enough to support your end in that game. If anyone needs to move on at this point, it is you. Good day, sir.
                    • Your words conflict with your actions. Your complaints are ridiculous. Deny all you want. Resolve it at your convenience.

                    • Are those your self-help mantras for the morning? They don't seem to be working.
                    • I'm fine. You have your own problems I'm not particularly concerned about.

                    • You fancy yourself quite the expert on telling other people what is wrong with them. It must hurt being such a perfect person as yourself.
                    • Ohhhh, you sting like a bee! Laughter is the best medicine. And you are an endless supply. I'm not telling you what's wrong with you, I only point out that you are a perfect example of the meaninglessness of words. The people you vote for are a perfect reflection of you yourself. When you complain about them, you're actually criticizing yourself. There's a word for that. Personally, I just see it as some form of masturbation. But you will never hear me say there is anything wrong with that, so, knock yourse

            • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

              I don't vote party, except that I avoid both D and R whenever there's a candidate who doesn't want to put half the people I know in prison for smoking pot.

              If anyone but Bruce Rauner had run against Quinn I would have voted for the Republican, becuase Quinn just wasn't a good governor. I think Rauner will be even worse, maybe even as bad as Ryan(R) or Blago(D), both were crooks. I don't know if Rauner is a crook but his policies are terrible. There were only two named on the ballot, so it was indeed a choice

              • The damn democrats will sell our (I'm in the same boat) social security to the highest bidder also, don't ever think they are any better. They will do what their sponsors tell them to. As I've been trying to tell d_r, the words are bullshit. I would hope you have a better grasp, but when I see you all falling for the 'good cop/bad cop' gag, you leave me thinking you are more gullible than the present day republican voters.

  • If only there were some economic means for competition to handle these right to work issues. Skilled workers could start their own companies and produce higher quality goods, and put foul monopolists out of work without having to resort to legislative "help". Such a system would have to be simple to be effective though, rivaling capitalism in its disdain for complexity.
    • I know you don't generally care to read what I write, but would you consider reading what Barbara already wrote here? [] . The key point here is the race-to-the-bottom that Walker and others of his stripes aspire to set up does not create opportunity for anyone who isn't in the top .001%. When you reinforce the power system, the serfs left fighting for sub-livable-wage jobs just find their conditions and opportunities keep getting worse.

      The standard five-day workweek isn't a government entitlement. The
      • If only the last six years of #OccupyResoluteDesk did not categorically refute everything you say.
        The only point of interest remaining is how the Lefty barkers are going to tell us the post-Democrat outburst of prosperity isn't "prosperity" prosperity.
        • I'm unsure if that means you accidentally read what I wrote, or if you just gave a generic form response in the hopes it would get a reply.

          If your reply somehow relates to what I wrote, please give more information on why that would be.

          I will say though that the

          post-Democrat outburst of prosperity

          You dreamed up sure is a long time coming. I never saw one after Carter left office, nor did I see one after Clinton left office. At least, I certainly didn't see one under the republicans that followed them.

          • Well, there's always opening your eyes, I suppose.
            • Well, there's always opening your eyes, I suppose.

              I have kept my eyes open for a long time. I have seen economic disaster for the lower economic classes every time there has been a republican in the white house. It hasn't been all roses with democrats but it hasn't been as bad as under republicans. And again, as every republican candidate we've seen in the past 3 or more decades has wanted me permanently unemployed, that locks it pretty solid for me as well.

              • You can shitcan the 'lesser evil' crap and the mass media propaganda. The different factions had no distinguishable effect on my economic welfare. And in reality they have no effect on yours. You just chose to be dependent.

                • You seem to underestimate damn_registrar's Will To Rationalize.
                  • You do the same for the republicans, and man, you have picked some real doozies there. Mirror images you two are. Both equally religious in your tribalism.

                    • I'm completely ready to scuttle the GOP in favor of something Constitutional and Federalist, but that harms the symmetry of your chosen narrative, I know.
                    • You still going for the same old aristocracy with the candidates you've mentioned so far. And your constitution party wants to impose christian sharia law. They want to restore the church to power. They support the death penalty, while ironically (hypocritically) opposing the mother's rights. And they're regular old bigots when it comes to equal protection. Basically a sect of the republican faction spreading false propaganda about things like being a 'christian' nation, etc. You're more than welcome to the

                    • And your constitution party wants to impose christian sharia law.

                      I am in awe of this troll, struggling forward in the face of overwhelming stupidity. Truly a toll-tastic miracle.
                      *golf clap*

                    • It is simple truth, right there on their site. Your continued denials, along with d_r's are entertaining.

                    • "christian sharia" only means something in your twisted world, where Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner represent Physics. A good troll has enough basis in reality as not to be completely laughable on arrival. You'll have to do better than this.
                • You're simply wrong. One presidential candidate was on the record as being interested in dismantling my profession. I hope you enjoyed the war in Iraq that you voted in favor of.
                  • Bla bla bla. There you are, listening to the words and not following their record to see that they lied from the get go. Keep on rationalizing, it's fun to watch. ACA or not, you are solid democrat, so you are indeed lying when you claim you don't support it.

                    How did I vote for the war? I didn't vote for (especially didn't reelect)anybody who approved. In fact I didn't vote for your Afghanistan opium war either, and all of you fools still supported that one. The truth is that your support of democrats means

        • If only the last six years of #OccupyResoluteDesk did not categorically refute everything you say.

          How the fuck is this snarky, opaque non-sequitur piece of shit allowed to escape your fingertips? Were you molested by english teachers and this is some sort of obscure revenge?
      • When you reinforce the power system...

        Where's the resistance? You're not putting up any by voting for democrats. You must be one of those .001% since you're so happy with the way things are.

    • If only there were some economic means for competition to handle these right to work issues.

      Except there is not. The business interests that you give power of attorney to over the government always impose all sorts of regulations to keep the competition out. Maybe you might try to vote for people who will pry open the market instead of just subsidizing their friends. But equality equals socialism in your play book, so, keep dreaming.

      • Maybe you might try to vote for people who will pry open the market instead of just subsidizing their friends.

        More generally, if We The People aren't happy, ain't nobody else gonna bring that happiness.

        • That's what I've been trying to tell you all along, Mr. Sleepyhead, and we can do it through collective action, what you might call 'government', where needed, but we gotta do it, It doesn't happen by just playing along.

          • The irony is that "Smitty, you're not far enough outside the box in your actions" is non-falsifiable: irrespective of what I do, you'll always have some godforsaken quibble.
            So I got that goin' for me.
            • You have shown nothing but support for age old aristocracy. What am I supposed to tell you?

              • So you're saying that despite the 100% apparent Constitutional earnestness of the Convention of States, it's really a stealth aristocracy program.
                Obviously, the leader we need now is YOU, as your vision is just so far above and beyond that of the common mortal.
                • Your 'convention of states' is plain old bigotry looking for legitimacy. Please, you're not fooling anyone but yourself with that nonsense.

                  • Can you build any sort of logical bridge between "bigotry" and what's on []. No, I suspect you cannot. Nor do I think this bothers you in the slightest, if valid.
                    • Well, the two most obvious code words are 'religious freedom'. Everybody with a working brain knows what that means. I do not expect you to understand the true intentions of the people that appeal to you.

                    • I know what religious freedom means. It's particularly obvious in light of the persecutions raging elsewhere in the world.
                      But I suspect you of harboring a "meaning" meaning there.
                    • I think the problem here is in the challenge of establishing freedom from religion when the people who are trying to redraw the framework of our government are simultaneously tripping over each other to demonstrate who can best include their religion in their government.
                    • Do you mean freedom from religion in the same sense as "freedom from ObamaCare", or in some other way.
                      That is, the Left's pretense of liberty is kinda silly when they are turning the Progressive Faith into one vast, expensive, Orwellian suppository.
                    • Feel free to play your little game. It makes no difference to me.

                    • Hold on, I'm too busy destroying old copies of President Lawnchair's real Kenyan birth certificates to take questions on the Health Insurance Industry Bailout Act of 2010. I'll have to get back to you once I have satisfied the leader on this matter.

                      On a more serious note, the religious grandstanding within your party is in some ways similar to the sunni-shia conflict in Islam. You have a small loud faction that are dedicated to spreading their preferred message - and supporting their declaration of them
                    • On a more serious note, the religious grandstanding within your party is in some ways similar to the sunni-shia conflict in Islam. You have a small loud faction that are dedicated to spreading their preferred message - and supporting their declaration of themselves being the best adherent - while most people could really care less.

                      That's a fair cop.

                    • Or, about the same difference as your little game.
                    • Eh, whatever, I bear no false witness.

                    • If it's not human...

  • We now have a "right to work" billionaire as governor of Illinois. He's calling for "right to work" zones, fortunately the legislature isn't going to let him.

    If I weren't retired and lived in a "right to work" state, I would demand that the state's government supply me with employment. After all, if it's my RIGHT to work...

    "Right to work" is a flat out bald faced lie, and any working person who supports it is a moron.

The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
