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Comment Re:Web support (Score 2, Informative) 80

When I've read "web support" I though "Cool! I will finally get good support to run QT apps on a standard browser".

actually, you can do that

But alas, it just means running a Chromium engine embedded in a QT app.

no, it uses WebKit while Chromium uses Blink, a fork of WebKit.

Who wants to run web sites in an app nowadays instead of opening them directly in a browser?

well... if you wrote a web browser in qt you would. what about an RSS feed reader? it has it's uses but it's true it shouldn't be abused.

Comment Re:Why do they bother (Score 4, Informative) 80

QT is a huge stinking pile of bloatware. I eschew it.

You are right, QuickTime is bloatware. However, Qt is well written and you are given the option to build only what you need and which libraries it should use. The render engine is exceptionally flexible too, allowing it to leverage many different methods of rendering. Don't have X? no problem, add a runtime argument (-platform linuxfb) and your qt program will display using the linux framebuffer. Qt also builds for desktops (e.g. Linux, Windows) and embedded systems (e.g. Android, iOS) and is easy to cross-compile for your device of choice.

if you think GTK+ is slimmer, guess again and check your binaries.

Comment Re:"as a means to raise awareness ..." (Score 1) 76

I am afraid of getting hit by lightning, and getting bit by a shark, but not so afraid that I won't walk in the rain or swim in the ocean. I just take reasonable precautions.

what reasonable precautions are we taking? with our current program, we'll be lucky to see a killer asteroid coming much less do something about it.

Comment Re:a bright future (Score 1) 40

Let's say that a solar plane is white, and a commercial airplane is black.
I bet that your "functional airplane" is still very much dark gray : you still need a pilot, copilot, food, toilets, a few luggage and minimum space for feet and belly.

perhaps you should watch the video i linked because it doesn't seem you understand what i have written. in any case, a solar plane only needs to be solar powered. there is nothing specifying its shape, size, battery capacity or even propulsion system.

Comment Re:a bright future (Score 0) 40

i made no claim that this ultra-lightweight solar-powered plane could be used for a commercial flight filled with cargo and hundreds of passengers,

You did indeed make that claim:

it's entirely possible to replace our environmentally destructive planes with solar planes

you have inappropriately conflated the idea of a solar plane with that particular solar plane's design.

Comment Re:a bright future (Score 0) 40

There's a pretty big difference between a solo flight in an ulta-lightweight solar-powered plane and a commercial flight filled with cargo and hundreds of passengers. Note that they've had to wait for months for a clear weather window, and you're claiming that it's now possible to use commercial solar-powered planes?

by changing my claim, you have used the strawman fallacy. i made no claim that this ultra-lightweight solar-powered plane could be used for a commercial flight filled with cargo and hundreds of passengers, only that the underlying technology made it possible.

Comment Re:a bright future (Score 0) 40

it makes it very clear that it's entirely possible to replace our environmentally destructive planes with solar planes.

Once again : Not, it's not possible.
Here's a comment I posted 5 years ago :

Conclusion : The orders of magnitude just don't match, even with 100% efficiency => Commercial flights as we know them & photovoltaics are incompatible.

by adding "[c]ommercial flights as we know them" you have used the black and white fallacy. solar airplanes could be different in many ways but that doesn't mean they suddenly aren't functional airplanes.

Comment Re:But it's OK to fantasize about killing men? (Score 1) 371

Jo Brand and Roseanne Barr got applause when they "joked" about wanting to stab men through the heart. Isn't that far worse than calling someone thin-skinned?

worse? in both cases they are just words, so they are only as bad as the intent behind them and the gravity you give them. comedians tell jokes, it's what they do and they walk the fine line of being offensive and being funny. Louis C.K. "Of course ... But Maybe" is a great example of this if you watch for 3 minutes.

Comment Re:Flexible Automation is Hard (Score 1) 45

As an engineer who works developing flexible automation solutions, this stuff is hard and it is expensive.

fortunately, it's only hard and expensive currently. evolutionary neural networks are effectively going to replace you. while we aren't there yet, it's not hard to imagine AI designing and even [re]building entire manufacturing systems without the need for human intervention. in simple terms, the "how?" behind systems is going to be automated. granted, it may take couple decades to make it happen but your job will become and automation optimizer instead of automation designer.

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