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Comment Re:The future is coming. (Score 1) 214

Ore for rare earth minerals is rare, while there may be an abundance of the minerals there is no money to be made in mining and refining them in most locations. Ore is only found when the cost to mine and refine is less then market value, significant increases in prices and/or significant increases in refining would need to be made for there to be enough ore.

Comment Re:The future is coming. (Score 2) 214

There currently is no where near enough manufacturing capacity to build enough solar panels, wind mills, or batteries to supply the world with its electricity needs in the next two decades. Running purely on renewables is not a realistic option. Even if manufacturing was magically ramped up it still wouldn't be possible unless the materials used changes there will not be enough rare earth minerals to support that many solar panels, wind farms, or batteries.

Comment Re:People need to learn to stop giving a shit (Score 1) 529

You seem to be missing a lot, so I'll try to clarify the issues. When there is a 30% increase in the size of a town you need 30% more houses, 30% more food, 30% more water, a fire department that can handle 30% more fires, 30% more crimes. None of those are the real issue, the real issue is the 30% voting block that could elect Mayor Crazy Pants and turn their town into crazy town where florescent lights are banned neon lights are banned all on the whim of a crazy person.

Are they interfering with your life? No? Then shut the hell up and mind your own business.

That's what the people in the town are tying to do but crazy people are demanding that they stop using using neon lights in their business, stop using florescent lights in their business.

Comment Smart Sports (Score 4, Insightful) 105

There is science and innovation around all sports, you just have to be bright enough to notice it. Take baseball the batter has to be smart enough to know that the pitcher only throws certain pitches during certain counts and that there are slight differences in the release of different pitches giving the batter a better chance to hit the ball. Same with football you need to have excellent pattern recognition to know what the defense is going to do and what you can do to maximize your teams chance at success. Even something as simple as running has tons of science in it, knowing how hard to train, what type of training, and how fast the person can recover. I didn't even mention the science that goes into clothing and shoes. There are very few dumb jocks that succeed in professional sports, talent alone will not get you to the professional level you need something more.

Comment Re:Slashdotters (Score 1) 181

Diagonal lines on 1080p still have "steps". The resolution is not high enough until those go away without anti-aliasing.

A 256k resolution tv will have steps in a diagonal line the question is how close do you need to get to see them. A 100" television is going to be the upper end of TV size no matter how cheap they get just due to the size. 3' away is as close as you can get to a 100" television without the screen being outside your field of view, but that includes peripheral vision where you can't focus,see color, or track movement very well. 30 degrees is about the max you can focus on so 5' is as close as you can get and keep the whole screen in your near peripheral vision. On a 100" 8k TV the pixel size would be 0.01" at 5' you can't see those edges and you won't be able to see a 0.02" pixel on a 4k TV at 5' either.

The issue with 8k televisions is that you can't get close enough to see aliasing effects without getting so close you can't see all the screen, 4k televisions are just on the other side of that ratio too so there is no need to get a larger resolution. The only use for 8k televisions is immersive experiences where you are not meant to see everything at once but that is not typical home entertainment experience.

Comment Re:Telling it straight (Score 2) 182

The parent is exaggerating more then a bit. After the house passes a bill it will go to a senate committee it's not one Senator but rather many that need to be bribed to keep the bill in committee with out the public knowing who was blocking the bill, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources has 22 members. The last ditch effort would be for them to bribe the senate majority leader, the one who schedules votes on bills, this is public so it would have to be a very big bribe.

Comment Re:Slashdotters (Score 1) 181

FYI cellphone resolution is at 1080p so you can hook your phone up to you 1080p television and keep it in it's native resolution. The reason there is no point in going above 4k is consumer electronics are not large enough to justify the huge files and large bandwidth usage. When 200" screens start becoming normal in homes 8k will have a place but that is not going to happen in the near future, most people don't have a place to put an eight foot by 14 foot TV in their homes.

Submission + - SourceForge MITM Projects ( 2

lister king of smeg writes: What happened?

SourceForge, once a trustworthy source code hosting site, started to place misleading ads (like fake download buttons) a few years ago. They are also bundling third-party adware/malware directly with their Windows installer.

Some project managers decided to leave SourceForge – partly because of this, partly just because there are better options today. SF staff hijacked some of these abandoned accounts, partly to bundle the crapware with their installers. It has become just another sleazy garbage site with downloads of fake antivirus programs and such.

How can I help?

If you agree that SourceForge is in fact distributing malicious software under the guise of open source projects, report them to google. Ideally this will help remove them from search results, prevent others from suffering their malware and provide them with incentive to change their behavior.

As this story has been submitted several times in the past several days, by various submitter and is going around various other tech forums( , , ,) this submitter wonders has our shared "glorious Dice Corporate overloads" been shooting this story down?

Submission + - SourceForge assumes ownership of GIMP For Win, wraps installer in adware (

An anonymous reader writes: It appears that SourceForge is assuming control of all projects that appear "abandoned." In a blog update on their site, they responded saying in part "There has recently been some report that the GIMP-Win project on SourceForge has been hijacked; this project was actually abandoned over 18 months ago, and SourceForge has stepped-in to keep this project current. "

SourceForge is now offering "to establish a program to enable users and developers to help us remove misleading and confusing ads."

Comment Re: The problem is the doctors. (Score 1) 119

All the doctors I have been to have an accounts person or people that handle the claims and billing. It may be the case that the person they hired is not qualified to manage healthcare claims and billing as the process has changed a great deal over the last 10 years, but I would not stick this on the doctors.

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