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Comment Re:TYFSOK (Score 1) 102

I'm one of those people who actually find air travel convenient. The annoyances of check-in and the TSA (I always opt out of the scan) and having your partner have to drive you to the airport really pale in comparison to the huge amount of time and energy saved compared to driving. I can even sleep on an airplane and read in line at the gate. Road trips are fun if you're travelling in company, but if you're travelling alone, flying is so much more convenient.

Comment Re:I owned one (several) (Score 1) 192

This to:

Also btw for those who don't know, MorphOS for mac:

What's MorphOS anyway?

Icaros Desktop is an AROS environment with more things, like DOpus 5. The coolest feature in it is that actual AROS has been ported to m68k so now they can run emulate an m68k running their own open-source version of AmigaOS and run m68k AmigaOS software that way without requireing copies of the Kickstart ROM and AmigaOS.

Comment Re:I owned one (several) (Score 1) 192

It may be true that you may be able to get one for "peanuts", what do I know.

But earlier today I actually searched here in Sweden on powermac to find out if an older (603 or something such) had any value.

Turned out PowerMac G4, G5 and dual G5s are rather cheap too.

Now of course that's no Amiga and of course it likely won't run the toaster and so on but MorphOS may run on some of them and of course at least before they wasn't completely useless for video those either. At least the dual G5 likely work somewhat even today.

Also for anyone who need an Amiga kick check out Icaros desktop:

It will run on your PC so same issue as with the PowerMacs there.. But then again your PC can do things the old Amigas couldn't too.

All three ways is one way of getting the Amiga experience today. Depending on what Amiga experience you want to have :)

Also PCs aren't all that bad / useless by themselves:

Over and out - :)

Comment Re:Blame the Players, not the Game (Score 2) 127

Prep time is useful but not necessary. In fact, so is a GM. I've been in fun adventures where we had neither a GM nor a fixed plot. Not quite as great as a proper campaign but fun nonetheless and very quick to set up. Now, there are games where you need a GM who plans things out in advance - Shadowrun, for instance; at least if you play it the usual way with legwork and so on. But if you don't do anything that requires meticulous advance planning you can really just pick characters, have someone come up with an initial situation and make the rest up as you go, passing GM duty from player to player as people come up with an interesting direction to move the story to.

Now, I can't say I've done that with D&D; being German I prefer The Dark Eye*. But we did do it with a few systems including TDE, Shadowrun and a weird TDE/Shadowrun/Star Wars/Exalted/homebrew crossover game where we constantly had to translate back and forth between systems. Good times.

tl;dr: Roleplaying can take a lot of prep time but if you're willing to have a more chaotic experience you can do without it - and even without a GM.

* D&D doesn't even have crucial skills like Pottery, Housekeeping or Crystal Growing. It's a wonder anyone can get any adventuring done with that system.

Comment Re:Are they forgetting that this is the UK? (Score 1) 44

I am beginning to suspect that they whole anti-EU campaign is not really an astroturfing (and use of the useful idiots) by the 1%ers to get rid of those pesky EU laws that are preventing unrestrained wealth acquisition by the rich at the expense of the poor.

I might agree, if I didn't hear stupid things coming out of the EU parliament like the ability to turn on any countries printing press and just print money to fix debt issues. Or the variety of nuts that believe, much like in the US and Canada that our "national borders" are pesky things and we should just open them up far and wide and let everyone in. That one doesn't go over well, especially with legal immigrants.

Comment Re: 04.10.2010 (Score 1) 503

And if you go read what happened in the case of that Iranian Airbus, you quickly find out that it's a case of the Iranians putting the american ship on edge after doing aggressive maneuvers, including having a plane in flight earlier hat was acting in a targeting mode. Not saying that the US is innocent, but there was more going on then "they just shot down the jet." In Russia's case, they actually visually identified the civilian airliner and shot it down anyway.

Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 1) 752

Considering the actions of the UN, when it's Israel vs oh say...Somalia, or Zimbabwe no. If there was an equal standing on commendation I'd agree, but greater issues happen and there's nary a peep on them. In fact there's been several cases in the UN itself where the general assembly has supported those issues while on the same day condemning Israel. Again, if they were occupying you might have a point. Remember those wars? Right. And where's the commendation of Egypt with regards to Gaza? You might remember that Egypt is doing the same thing, and is assisting Israel to enforce the blockade.

So with that I'm of the opinion that there's a clear bias. As it rolls along, the only one who's said anything about you being a anti-semite or not is you, especially since you brought it up.

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