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Comment Re:frankly, I think it's awesome (Score 1) 437

oh, ok.

There was a china one just a couple months ago, then this one, and then one in the last few years I thought.

Also, on every single A-320 flight I've been on, during takeoff and once during landing, there has been a violent, high frequency vibration/shudder throughout the entire plane, right as the plane nose-ups and leaves the runway.

It doesn't worry me, but I do think it's ridiculous that they allowed that past QA. I'm not making this up, and it's not just me, I've recognized it at least 4 times. I use this to fuel my anti-european sentiments.

Comment frankly, I think it's awesome (Score -1, Flamebait) 437

frankly, I think it's awesome and support the nose-thumbing at these european cuntries full of cunts that love to rant about how much better everything in europe is but for the life of them can't product planes that don't regularly fall out of the sky, simply do not have San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Redmond, or Dallas; and have no idea how to produce entertainment. Actually, I take that back. When I was Firenze/Venice/Rome the soaps had the most awkward, poorly illuminating camera angles. On the bright side the news was covering the garbage workers who were striking and letting trash pile up all over, which was plenty entertainment in between the marionettes and concerts.

Comment Re: C versus Assembly Language (Score 1) 226

shouldn't it be possible to automate the optimization based on architecture constants? number registers, execution width, matrix dimensions, and depth of ooperation? I feel llike if, someone with MLA experience profiled it they'd have no trouble dimensionality reducing and coming up with some tunables.

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