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Comment Re:The real crime here (Score 2) 465

Nope. "Bootlegging" has always been a criminal offense. It was even this way before recent lobbying got the relevant bits of the US Code changed.

Back in the day, crackers had really nasty things to say about people that sold pirated works.

Even then, in that context, there was a social convention dictating that selling other people's stuff wasn't cool.

Comment Re:The real crime here (Score 1) 465

How would I feel? Indifferent.

I've been there and done that.

Besides getting the better bonus for the work that was a turkey, I was not harmed by rampant piracy. It was supposed to have killed the entire industry before I was even in it but that never happened.

Good works will prosper. Turkeys will fail. Plenty of people will still pay.

The same was true for "Cute and Stupid 6". The rampant industry killing piracy didn't actually do the studio any real harm. Neither did the one particular example the the perp will do time for.

Incarcerating this person is just an unnecessary drain on my wallet as we collectively all have to pay big bucks for it.

Comment Re:Actually, it does ! (Score 0) 375

And China, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Burma, and Russia agree with you. They think that the west should get rid of ALL OF THEIR NUKES. And you know what. It would be a MUCH SAFER place. After all, we never ever see nations like North Korea invade places like South Korea, Or Pakistan invade India, or China invade Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Phillipines, etc. Or Russia invade say Ukraine.

Yes, it will makes all safer for the west to drop all of our nukes right away.

Comment Re:We need to have no laws at all (Score 1) 465

Ambiguity: "Thou shalt not murder"? Well, is that killing I just did *really* murder, or just killing? What if it was an accident? What if he was trying to kill me? What if he just threatened to kill me? What if my property (dog) killed him? What if I told my dog to kill him?

Lawyers: Lawyers are multipliers of ambiguity.

Politicians: Politicians look like they're doing something by passing a law, even if it's a law that doesn't actually do what they hope or claim it will. When you have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

Comment Re:The real crime here (Score 5, Insightful) 465

> Sounds like you're a violent sociopath. Maybe we should cane you if you like that kind of punishment so much.

A good beating administered by the authorities in a controlled and relatively safe environment will likely do FAR MUCH LESS damage than being locked up with animals and sociopaths for 3 years.

You simply don't have any clue. You can't relate do doing any kind of hard time. You probably can't even relate do doing a week or a weekend in the local lockup.

Comment Skip the H1B, and change green cards (Score 1) 441

Seriously, H1B allows a company to LOCK IN SOMEBODY at a low rate. Basically, they are a slave here.
Likewise, more than 50% of our legal visas go to Mexico, and little of it is for those that can help America.

We need to solve the illegal issue AND CHANCE THE IMMIGRATION LAWS. Get rid of H1/2 B. It is a NIGHTMARE. And quit making visa be based on nations or who they know here. Instead, make the green card be based on what the person can do here (i.e. PhDs or expertise in needed areas). However, with a green card, it means that these ppl can move around to better jobs.

Comment Re:Not smart (Score 1) 465

Something similar happened to a friend. He got pulled over on his motorcycle while clearly drunk, the officer was apparently having a good day and let him go on the condition that he leaves his bike there and picks it up the next day. So, naturally, he goes back less than an hour later, gets his bike, gets pulled over by the exact same cop, charged, fined, jail time, lost his license, lost his job, etc.

Comment Re:Atmosphere affects about a few inches of surfac (Score 1) 465

So you didn't even read TFS. If you did you'd see how ocean surface temperatures can affect temperatures lower down.

But you're beyond not trying to answer your own questions. You've become a tinfoil-hatted conspiracy theorist, while a real, factually provable conspiracy operates to maintain your belief.

Comment Re:Well, at last (Score 1) 465

Did someone who isn't a strawman actually tell you that?

Here's an explanation I've posted further up in the thread:

Anyone who said the drop in surface temperatures wasn't happening was an idiot. Someone should have told you that suggesting that this fact meant global warming had halted or reversed was highly misleading and ignorant. In fact I'll dig through my emails to see if I ever pointed this out to you myself, I know I have to many others.

Comment Re:Wait (Score 1) 465

The "hiatus" is real, but can be presented as a hoax.

Presented as an unexplained break in global warming, it's a hoax. It's been known for a long time that the oceans were absorbing the heat. To suggest that global warming has mysteriously been on "hiatus" due to a drop in surface temperatures alone is highly misleading.

An analogy I've used before is someone predicting that a roof leak will cause a bucket to fill at a certain rate. But then it turns out that there is a small hole in the side of the bucket and when the water reaches it, it starts leaking out onto the floor. The "hiatus" hoax is to say "See, your predictions about the roof leak were wrong, alarmist! Look at how the bucket hasn't filled to the level you've predicted!"

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 391

English was not invented by anyone - like any other language, it is the result of a natural evolution with a heavy influence of several languages.

Regarding "offence" vs "offense" etc, the American spelling actually dates back to the older British spelling, which itself dates to the original French word "offense" that was adopted into English wholesale. For some mysterious reason, the Brits have switched a bunch of French "-se" endings to "-ce" sometime after American independence, while at the same time changing the spelling of some other words to more closely follow French (like "center" -> "centre" etc). So in many cases, American spellings today are more conservative with respect to language evolution than British ones.

Comment Re:haven't watched it... (Score 2) 391

For the same reason, I recommend that people go look up "The Clanging of Swords" - it's the original ISIS propaganda video from when they just finished their first major push in Iraq. It has it all - mowing down civilians, executing freshly surrendered POWs, forcing people to dig their own graves at gunpoint and making them say on camera that "my fate is slaughter", forced conversions etc. After watching this, I am firmly convinced that the people who filmed it, and the people who are filmed in it (other than the victims), are a cancer that should be exterminated.

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