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Comment Re:Sardaukar86 classic "eating his words" (3x) (Score 1) 190

In your rush to claim victory you've failed to realise a couple of things:

1. to 'make someone eat their words' you'd have to actually prove them wrong in such a way that they cannot possibly refute your argument. Naturally I feel quite safe in this regard as you are a complete pushover and have nothing to hit me with but vitriol; logic having long since washed its hands of you.

2. are you seriously claiming victory over the fact that I got modded "troll"? For a single comment? Is this the point where I bring out a list of all my +5 mods to 'prove you wrong'? It might be if I was as mentally deficient as you APK, however I'm not going to waste my time - my comment hit +5 for a while before working its way down to -1. Plenty of people saw it, plenty of people agreed, mission accomplished. That post burned you so bad you're still applying anusol to your stinging ringmeat. Hmm, yet YOU are the only one stalking my posts following. Wonder why?

3. no amount of post-stalking is going to change the fact that you are the one with the problem here, that for all your shrieking and wailing you're still the least-liked member of the /. community and that your continued childishness only leads to to you being further ostracized by the very people whose approval you crave.


Comment Re:Such "rational discourse" (lol, not) (Score 1) 192

I remember the last time I heard someone say "not!" like you do all the time - it was in school. That's right - your behaviour is visible to all for what it is.

Oh, and as for my use of language, yup, it's just what you deserve. Actually, what you really deserve is to be skinned - very slowly - over a fire. Fortunately for you that's illegal and I'm in another country, so swearing at you is going to have to do. Hope that's ok! :-)

Comment Re:/. spoke of you -1 TROLL downmodded (Score 1) 564

Unlike you, I don't *need* the "support" of others: I merely use facts

Well, I have to responses to that:

1. You clearly DO need the support of others as evidenced by your screaming tantrums when you feel 'disrespected'. Prove me wrong.

2. No, you do not know how to use facts. If you did, I would be able to debate the matter with you, as evidenced by my repeated attempts to do so. Instead, you cherry-pick and misrepresent data to suit your argument. In case it isn't blindingly obvious, this is called FRAUD and deceit and loses jobs for people in public positions.

Now do you see why I call you a cunt? You are utterly devoid of integrity and you disgust me.

Comment Re:No, they spoke for you -1 rated fool (Score 1) 564

You FAIL again: Now, GO "eat your words" & I'd recommend a dietary change - since eating your words != GOOD NUTRITION (lmao) ->

I would have thought it important to get your links right, especially so for a self-important little prick like yourself.

Actually, thanks for giving me those broken links because you put me on to an interesting conversation with mmell. Looks like he's YET ANOTHER Slashdotter who has witnessed your stalking, lies, impersonations, then hypocritical accusations against others of same. Or did you think people wouldn't notice? Did you think you were too clever, perhaps? I wouldn't be surprised if you thought you were the cleverest person on Slashdot, you arrogant little cunt.

See, you may post your list of up-mods to try and prove your validity, but it doesn't hide your continual dust-ups with people because you are an arrogant, obnoxious, attention-seeking child. So yeah, there's nothing you can say that will 'prove' your value, there's no amount of up-modding to help you, because you are generally disliked here (see my previous post). Care to rebut that, or will you just evade and mindlessly rattle on about 244:1 again?

I think we all know what to expect from you, APK. Loser.

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 1) 190

Well, first off, Houston will not be first. They do not have enough military right there.

Well, that's a crying shame for Houston then. I understand one either wants to be first (night-night, WWIII is now someone else's problem) or last (oooo-oooh, pretty, wonder when mine's going to arrive?).. on the whole I'd prefer the latter, myself, on the assumption that I don't make it through *all* the loud bits alive.

BUT, they will be in the second wave and yes, the chinese WILL use multiple waves.

You're quite right of course. When we're talking food it seems there's never enough, always a shortage somewhere in the world because of yield, or transport problems or local warlords etc. When we're on the topic of launched nukes though, it seems there's always plenty enough for a generous helping for everyone.

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