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Comment Re:If you're using GPL code, you have no choice (Score 3, Insightful) 171

Project Gutenburg would be a counter-proof.

Well, no. The issue is whether code - or any other copyrighted work - will ever enter public domain. Mickey Mouse Protection Act says it won't, and Project Gutenbert doesn't contradict that.

Not that it matters: copyright law has almost no legitimacy whatsoever, so it simply gets ignored despite draconian punishments. The whole concept of property law seems to simply be incompatible with the digital realm, consequently various message boards and other sites depending on user-generated content basically operate as communist utopias: everyone contributes whatever they can, the results are free for everyone to use at their leisure, and even personal glory isn't an issue, at least in anonymous messageboards. That's right: aside from its current immaturity, Anonymous is pretty much a model Marxist collective.

Funny, isn't it? Capitalism won the Cold War, but its natural development is now leading to Communism because that maximizes production in the Information Age. It wasn't a good model for industrial production, but as that keeps getting automated and focus shifts on coordination and cultural production, it turns out hierarchies simply get in the way. So nominally communist countries were arranged like giant corporations, while the new organizational model everyone's learning growing up now is "contribute according to your abilities, enjoy other people's contributions freely".

I wonder if this is why neoliberalism has been so fashionable lately: it's the struggle of a fading system to maintain it's dominance rather than be relegated to handling just a small subsection of total economy?

Comment Re:Taxi licenses are crazy expensive (Score 1) 334

There has been an effort pushed by cabdrivers in Chicago to do exactly what you describe. It has been resisted by the city's Taxi Authority, which despite what people here might think, are definitely not in bed with the drivers. In fact, the city government HATES cab drivers. They make their lives miserable in ways you can't imagine. Minor parking violations can go $800-1500. The city treats cabbies like dirt.

Comment Re:Taxi licenses are crazy expensive (Score 1) 334

Is there really that many people who can't find a cab? If so, there should be more cabs.

Depends on where you're at, and that's the whole point. If you're on Michigan Avenue at 11:30am, you could toss a pebble in the air and it will probably come down on a cab. If your grandmother on the Northwest Side wants to take a cab to the doctor, she might have to wait an hour.

The idea is how to get the right number of cabs, and because of uneven distribution of demand (and supply) it's not something that the "free market" will fix. That's why you find so many more Uber drivers in certain neighborhoods and none in others, even adjusting for property values and crime statistics.

Comment Re:HUD should only show vital information (Score 1) 195

V2V is coming whether it's a good idea or not, but on the plus side it will produce a lot of data which would be useful on a HUD. It could tell you which vehicles are braking even when the sun is in your eyes and you can't see their lights, for example. It could also guide you to one side of the lane or the other (or to another lane entirely) in order to dodge a pothole or other road obstacle that you can't possibly see, well ahead of time. So yeah, there's a whole lot of data coming which could well be useful for the driver. Night driving is another place where the HUD could be amazingly useful, alerting you of invisible obstacles outside the sweep of the headlights.

Comment Re:If you can't keep your eyes on the ROAD (Score 4, Interesting) 195

And wait for your night vision to get completely turned to ass when they start introducing these HUDs in different colors as a fashion statement. Anything other than red - you're much more likely to crash at night because your night vision is being fucked with.

No, there is substantial debate on this subject still. There are two camps: red light does not affect your night vision, and blue light helps you stay awake. Actually, night vision is regularly impaired while driving anyway, so that's a dumb argument. Get a car with good headlights, use them.

Comment Re:Taxi licenses are crazy expensive (Score 2) 334

- Minimum number of cars on the road/company.

A problem that solves itself if you permit anyone to perform as a taxi.

- ratio of handicap accessible taxis.

That actually seems useful. Could better be served by handicapped-specific public mobility services, however.

- standards of cleanliness.

That must be nice. No taxi I've ever been in has been clean. Some have been not too nasty.

- anti-discrimination

False everywhere in the world.

- driving record checks
- criminal record checks

Basically worthless

- frequent vehicle inspections

Everyone should have these based on mileage

- professional driver's licenses

A scam to produce revenues

Comment Re:Taxi licenses are crazy expensive (Score 4, Insightful) 334

Medallion owners bought the medallions with the understanding that they were buying into a limited monopoly.

Maybe it should be clarified here that when you see someone claim that it's not the government charging $200,000 for a taxi medallion, that's just the going price on the secondary market. You know, good old capitalism, where people are bidding up the price of a necessarily limited commodity.

The taxi authority looks at population, traffic flow and transportation needs and comes up with a number of taxis that they think should be on the street. Every year, they add new medallions into the system, usually with a lottery. The idea is not so much to protect the cab drivers (cities don't care about cab drivers. If they did, they wouldn't make the minor traffic fines, like your cab being 10 inches over the line of a designated taxi waiting zone, as much as $500 (which practically wipes out the cab driver's week), but to keep the number of taxis from getting so crazy that you have cabs clogging up city centers, fighting for fares.

Another think medallions are used for is to ensure that someone in an underserved part of the city can get a cab. In my city, certain medallions are required for certain times to initiate or terminate a certain percentage of fares in certain parts of the city.

Comment Headline is bollocks (Score 1) 195

Study shows that when you misuse HUD, it can distract drivers.

But if you're showing them an alert about something they're clearly not aware of, then are you making them more or less aware of their surroundings?

If they don't have to look down to see the next navigation instruction, are you making them more or less aware of their surroundings?

Bullshit story is bullshit. Welcome to Slashdot!

Comment Re:Look outside, not inside (Score 1) 195

My wife's 'vette has a hud in it and the first thing I do when I drive the car is turn the hud off. When flying the best advice is to keep your head 'out of the cockpit', in other words scanning the skies around you. New pilots' are always glued to the instruments, mature pilots eyes are focused outside except for quick scans of the instruments.

Your wife has a flying car? That is so cool.

Comment Spoiler warning (Score 1) 194

Netflix users with DVD service have several years of experience learning to wait a year for the current season of shows. It works the same with streaming.

Except that people who wait a year have to make an effort to avoid spoilers and have no chance to discuss plot developments with their respective social groups.

Comment Re:Taxi licenses are crazy expensive (Score 1) 334

I would have the slightest shred of sympathy if taxi unions hadn't used their protectionist racket to provide the nastiest most unpleasant rider experience.

What was the last time you took a taxi, and in what town? Maybe I notice because I drove a cab some decades ago, but I take cabs in almost every city I travel to - and I travel a lot - and I can't remember the last time I had a rude cab driver.

Maybe the reason your experiences (if they're real experiences and not just more bullshit) with cabs are bad is because cab drivers - being human - tend to treat people the way they are treated, and maybe you're an asshole.

In fact, to support this possibility, I'm going to quote from another one of your comments a few levels down from this one:

You have proven to us that the Statists dont give a fuck about the facts, that we have to argue endlessly in circles with you. Go fuck yourselves.

Yep, you're an asshole. I believe I have proven my hypothesis.

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