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Submission + - Software Glitch Caused 911 Outage for 11 Million People writes: Brian Fung reports at the Washington Post that earlier this year emergency services went dark for over six hours for more than 11 million people across seven states. "The outage may have gone unnoticed by some, but for the more than 6,000 people trying to reach help, April 9 may well have been the scariest time of their lives." In a 40-page report, the FCC found that an entirely preventable software error was responsible for causing 911 service to drop. "It could have been prevented. But it was not (PDF)," the FCC's report reads. "The causes of this outage highlight vulnerabilities of networks as they transition from the long-familiar methods of reaching 911 to [Internet Protocol]-supported technologies." On April 9, the software responsible for assigning the identifying code to each incoming 911 call maxed out at a pre-set limit; the counter literally stopped counting at 40 million calls. As a result, the routing system stopped accepting new calls, leading to a bottleneck and a series of cascading failures elsewhere in the 911 infrastructure. Adm. David Simpson, the FCC's chief of public safety and homeland security, says that having a single backup does not provide the kind of reliability that is ideal for 911. “Miami is kind of prone to hurricanes. Had a hurricane come at the same time [as the multi-state outage], we would not have had that failover, perhaps. So I think there needs to be more [distribution of 911 capabilities].”

Comment Re:Or maybe it's a really smart tactic. (Score 1) 22

After all, the Dunning-Kruger effect may be at play here. The dumb ones will say "yep, fer sure, ab-so-lute-ly. You got my vote." Especially since they'll be assuming he's talking about opponents, not *gasp* them.

Certainly a possibility. It is a case of the bias of the current media, though. This kind of statement is on the same level as what got Howard Dean crucified by the media back in 2004, just of the opposite magnitude. If it had come from someone working for the democrats the media would already be screaming for their head and playing the funeral march for the candidate. Instead since it is a republican nobody cares.

It's politics. Any relation between it and real life is purely accidental.

Seems to be more true as time goes on.

Comment Re:Politics (Score 3, Interesting) 384

The problem is the CDC plan didn't work and the CDC and the hospital completely broke proper isolation procedures.

You never give the care takers permission to leave the town until after they have been isolated long enough to be clean. Let alone when one of them ask for permission to fly when she has a slight fever you say no.

I always figured the CDC could handle a major outbreak. now I don't think they could.

Comment As some one recently pointed out to me (Score 5, Funny) 384

More americans have married Kim Kardashian than have died from Ebola.

And what is the land of the free creating more czar's for? a czar answers to no one. Instead how about we make the people in charge responsible for their actions. oh wait congress can never take responsibility for their failures.


Journal Journal: The Kevlar Kandidate Gets Some Help 22

Scott Walker has been trying to get reelected, in spite of driving his state's economy straight into the shitter. If you are undecided as to whether or not his policies work, just compare his state to Minnesota. One state has seen meaningful economic recovery under a liberal governor, another state has been watching everything crumble under the leadership of a conservative governor. Walker is in need of some help, so the GOP

Comment Re:Republican in a different sense than now (Score 1) 15

I can agree with you that the Progressive Vichy GOP, and their Democrat compadres, all need to go.

So you didn't read my post at all then, did you?

Unions, especially public sector unions, amount to an enabler for the new Progressive aristocracy.

Bash the boogey-man, why not? No need to think about the matter when someone has already told you who the demon is.

What to do? Vote the bums out, say I.

So that what can happen? You want to place people in power who will drive us even further to the right. Your side has been given >90% of what they have demanded of the federal government, and you bitch endlessly about the last 10% while the other side are taking it up the rear without lubrication.

Comment Classic Samsung... (Score 4, Informative) 101

Couldn't write a proper wear levelling algorithm if their life depended on it.

First the MAG4FA/KYL00M/VYL00M data corruption bug that affected the Galaxy Nexus - https://android.googlesource.c...

Then (actually BEFORE it, Google found it during Galaxy Nexus development but Samsung kept it hush-hush - but it became a public issue much later) - the infamous Samsung Superbrick fiasco (If you fired a secure erase command at the chip, it had a chance of permanently corrupting the wear leveller data to the point where the chip's onboard controller would crash until you power cycled it any time you accessed that region of flash). -

Then pre-release 840 PRO devices suffer from the SAME DAMN BUG SAMSUNG HAD BEEN AWARE OF FOR OVER A YEAR - - While this only affected review devices, the fact that this was a known bug since before the release of the Galaxy Nexus (a year earlier) is inexcusable.

Then there was the Galaxy S3 "Sudden Death Syndrome" issue in late 2013... -

Then there were a few other issues -

Now this...

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 555

That doesn't sound like a very good reason. It also sounds like they have no idea what requirements users have for ntpd (many applications WILL not use a new ntpd at all until it has been exhaustively tested). And they wonder why so many object so strenuously.

If they were at all cleaver, they would have systemd issue the needed SIGUSR/SIGHUP. After all, the old init scripts manage to do that.

Comment Re:All the more reason to get an antenna. (Score 1) 126

PVRs are great for caching live events. Let it start the recording and leave it be for 15 or so minutes so that you've got enough "buffer" so that you won't catch up to those ads.

This approach is also good for sporting events where there might be a lot of nonsense and commentary that you don't necessarily want to see.

If it's a less interesting sport like soccer or most of what's on the Olympics, you can fast forward to the interesting parts.

Plus you don't have to worry about "starting on time". It's actually better if you don't.

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