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Comment Re:A good read ... (Score 1) 13

Oh, it's no secret. sorry. I explained it here and as you can see in the crapflood APK posted underneath, it's not like I ever hid my previous identity. I wrote this series of journal articles on transsexuality, and in the comments to this one, got "outed" right before Christmas, 2005 - and it was probably one of the best Christmas presents ever :-)

I no longer maintain any domains - I still have several years left on my 10 year pre-paid hosting plan, but since I couldn't use a computer, let them all lapse. Maybe at some future date ...

Comment Re:Know what's funnier? This... apk (Score 1) 993

Time to poke my personal troll a wee bit :-)

her TomHudson & Barbara, not Barbie accounts banned

Nope. Full explanation of how I was unable to see well enough to use a computer for more than 2 years, and thought I would never be able to, so don't have my old passwords (though they may be written down somewhere) can be found here.

The real issue with APK, (google "APK Hosts File Troll"): Victims of technological change - Why haters gotta hate - which is somewhat on topic to this story.

Oh, and 3 stories on the front page (1 Thursday, two Sunday) Diners Tend To Eat More If Their Companions Are Overweight, First Birth From Human Womb Transplant, and NASA Asks Boeing, SpaceX To Stop Work On Next-Gen Space Taxi.

What have YOU been doing to contribute to the site - except for attacking me based on my gender identity and pimping your hosts file?

Anyway, time to ignore him for another week.

Submission + - Britons must trade digital freedoms for safety, says police chief.

bestweasel writes: The Guardian has an interview with Keith Bristow, the head of the National Crime Agency, (sometimes called Britain's FBI, apparently) in which he says that "Britons must accept a greater loss of digital freedoms in return for greater safety from serious criminals and terrorists". He also mentions paedophiles, of course. The article seems to cover just the highlights of the interview but in another quote he says that for "policing by consent ... the consent is expressed through legislation" which sounds reassuring but coupled with the Home Secretary's call last week for greater mass surveillance powers, the plan is clearly that the Conservatives win power in the elections next year, claim that this gives them the required consent (that's democracy, folks!) and pass the laws. With a helpful new war in the Middle East they might get their way.

Comment Re:A good read ... (Score 1) 13

I thought of video - then skipped it. How many slashdotters want to post videos of themselves? We are compulsive nit-pickers when it comes to finding flaws in our own work - videos would get edited, re-edited, re-shot, scripted, then unscripted, ...

And you'll notice all those interviews with videos that appear on slashdot, people want a transcript, because we can read faster than talking heads can talk. Sure, a 15-second video, but not a 5 minute one, unless it's really well done.

Comment A good read ... (Score 1) 13

Maybe people who write in journals should be encouraged to use slashdot as an "incubator". For example, someone writing a 4th book might be encouraged to post it, as they write it, in their journal, and hopefully have a note about an interesting section posted on the front page. Get feedback, ideas, criticism, hate mail (hey, if people are sending you hate mail, you're hitting a nerve!!!)

Many of us have interesting stories to tell, and the interest in making money is secondary to getting the word out there, either for an ego boost, or to help others. Instead of it being along the lines of a prominent figure doing a q and a, or an ask slashdot, this sort of thing could go into sci-fi, tech, medical, social, even self-help. Slashdot could even (*gasp*) have a women's features section - because women are also producers and consumers of tech, but have a different perspective and different experiences.

But interesting journals, to appeal to a broader base, need some visual content - PICTURES. Illustrative diagrams, photos. Embedding images from a separate blog or a picassa account won't work - people will just create a separate blog. Slashdot is still a bit stuck in the usenet style.

Comment Re:Ridiculous (Score 1) 139

We don't need a "space plane." Wings provide another point of failure, one that has figured prominently in the shuttle, and forces compromises in terms of useable internal stowage. Also, wings kind of imply the need for a landing strip. You can't just plop it down anywhere.

Capsules have some control over their destination by having an asymmetric center of gravity. Rotating the capsule can cause it to go into a steeper or shallower descent, or in a slightly different direction. It's not a lifting body, but it's better than nothing.

Comment Re:You misspelled God (Score 1) 102

So God chose to make imperfect people, and then have them suffer over and over ... and over ... because he didn't do it right in the first place. I guess Bill Gates IS God, just with more money.

Telling us that we're incapable of getting to Heaven on our own and sending His only begotten Son to die in our place seems like just the thing an infinite Love would do.

Infinite love should have found a way to get it right the first time. Or kept it in Beta longer.

Comment Re:How can you (Score 1) 171

Or - the company also has loans with lenders, and gave shares as collateral. The shares dropped in price enough that the collateral was no longer sufficient to guarantee the loans. Lenders start making calls saying they have 30 days to put up more collateral or their loans will be called. Business files a preemptive bankruptcy.

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