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Comment in defense of Hipsters (Score 1) 341

Disclaimer: I live in Portland OR. :D

Ya know, I'm sick of people bashing on hipsters. We live in an overly commercialized society. Why bash on some kids that are trying to find a little authenticity?

Why is it a bad thing to show disdain for Justin Bieber and people who think he actually makes good music. Why is it a bad thing to actively seek out good music by local artists? Why is it a bad thing to show an appreciation for a small show or a small band over the commercialized stuff we're all force fed today?

I get what you're saying, I do. But lay off. Let they that never had a mullet or acid washed jeans cast the first stone. Let they that never listened to New Kids On The Block because all the other kids said they were good, cast the first stone....

We all did it (Looking at you Punks and Goths). Hipsters just want to find a little authenticity in our fake commercialized world. Lay off 'em. In a few years their entire clique will be available for sale at Hot Topic and they can cry about the good old days like we all do.

I hope they find it. Don't sell out Hipsters! The more they hate you, the more you're winning!

Comment ap store vs. repositories (Score 0) 249

I love Apt. I love the whole Debian package system. I look at App Stores as a hard to search and uninformative version of the Debian package system, that's filled to the brim with Really Stupid Apps.

There are over 1 million apps in the Apple App Store! Most of which are utterly useless....

I don't think it CAN be done better. The App store is viewed as a get rich quick scheme, and hence is flooded with CRAP. Everyone reinvents the wheel. There are probably 10,000 flashlight apps, and most of them are just harvesting your data.

Garbage in, garbage out.... I suppose they could make the ratings based on how LONG you keep the app. Removing the ratings from the hands of Humans and making it based on how often an app is uninstalled, that'd be a good step.

Comment Re:It's about PorkBarrel (Score 1) 393

There's one more issue. None of the nearby planets (yes, this includes mars) has a magnetosphere, and hence they have no protection from radiation stripping off their atmosphere.

There will be no terraforming of mars. If we ever live on mars, it will be in underground bunkers...

Also, why would we spend that much on prisoners? The only part of your post that was accurate was the fucking and the massive extinction. (even the overpopulation was wrong. Food abundance, not fucking, leads to overpopulation.)

Comment Re:Term Limits for Congress (Score 1) 393

I used to be all about term limits too. Then, really, I came upon this mode of thought. They're interchangable robots, for the most part. It's rare to get one with a spine. It's hard to get elected without buckets of money to buy grassroots organizing (ha! grassroots my !@#$). Anyway...

What we NEED to do is get money out of politics.

Comment So do something (Score 3) 393

Don't complain about it here. Don't argue about Republicans vs. Democrats on a forum. That's useless. Reach out. Make yourself heard. If you're a constituent of these guys, ruin their names a little bit.... Talk to your neighbors about them, and then TELL THEM YOU'RE DOING IT. Representative democracy only works if you make the representatives listen to you.

Mike Coffman (R-Colo.) : Phone: 202.225.7882

Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) : Phone: 202.225.4801 Snicker. That's the War on Whites guy. :D

Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) : Phone: (202) 225-4676

I listed the DC phone numbers, but you can go to the bottom of their web pages and call their home offices too. Ask them why they're trying to bury one of America's leading space companies in red tape. Ask them why they appear to be using big government against a private company. Ask them how they justify that as Republicans. Ask them if they were paid to do so by large companies. :D

Comment Re:A comment from the linked site: (Score 3, Insightful) 273

If they had posted, verbatim, Tektronics documents showing how to do this hack.... that would be a copyright abuse. If I write up some notes on how to hack their scope, that document is MINE, and it is protected by copyright the moment I wrote it.

I get that the DMCA makes it illegal to circumvent the protections on a copyrighted work.... How is an oscilloscope a protected work?

Do I get to slap a DMCA notice on a burglar to my house?

Comment 40% of 680,000 is useless (Score 4, Insightful) 256

Let's face it.... a group of 20 people could do major damage to the U.S. If I had cells of 5 people in a few states.... I could cause wide spread chaos and fear. If they were watching 100 people, I'd think the list was excellent. If they were watching 500 people, I'd think the list was almost prudent. That they are watching 680,000 people? That list is USELESS. Needle in a haystack useless.

If there ARE plots to hurt Americans, we need much better, much TIGHTER scrutiny of specific individuals... A Terrorist Watch List, to be effective, should have the top 50 suspects, and their closest associates. 500 people at the most.

That list didn't catch the Boston Bomber..... even though Russia TOLD US he might be a problem. Needle in a haystack.... Forget the 40%. The sheer number of people on that list makes it useless. Lets face it, there are probably a few hundred people out of 300 million that really need watching.

I honestly doubt there are more than a handfull of people inside the US that have: actual terrorist desires, actual terrorist connections, an actual plan to hurt people, and enough fanaticism to overcome the fear of Gitmo or Death. There might be more with one or two of these, but look around you... if we're in so much danger, where's the actual DANGER? Since Sept. 11th, we've had ONE guy, the boston bomber... ok, and a bunch of right wing soverign citizen types.

Actually, I'm much more afraid of a crazy american trying to topple the government (all by himself, of course) than an actual terrorist.

Comment Re:Yes, let's do this. (Score 1) 409

Sigh. I shouldn't answer this kind of post. I know I can't reach you, but perhaps I can inform someone else.

1. Foreigners being dirty and diseases is just moronic xenophobia.

2. Their countries turned into 3rd world hellholes because the CIA overthrew their democratically elected leaders and put puppet dictators in power. The drug problem has two sides, they're the supply, WE'RE the demand... American noses and veins drive the drug crime in their countries.

3. As someone else stated, the best way to keep people out would be to destroy the demand for cheap labor... but that would shatter our economy. Your strawberries would be stupid expensive, but that's the only way.

4. Caste... ugh.

Comment Re:Inconceivable! (Score 1) 119

Yes. Because the Democratic Party is in charge of colleges...

Also, you misspelled "collage" and "waist". You used the wrong tense in "was not". Oh... the phrase "schools who benefits many children" just gives me hives. You used the wrong "there".

You also failed math. There were 8000 new students out of approximately 40,000 students. Even with a 7% decrease in pass rate, there are LOT more students passing....

You also failed at reading comprehension, since this is AP level classes... which are taken in High School, and grant college credits, and hence has nothing to do with affirmative action in colleges. Your whole rant is ... Derptastic.

Did you go to a charter school?

Man I hope that was written to be Ironic and Clever, but I just can't TELL any more...

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