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Comment Re:Two options (Score 1) 466

I'd be a little wary of USB/Serial adapaters. I've found a lot of them are really only designed to let you console into a Cisco or something. Start blasting them with Zmodem and they have an obnoxious tendency to lock up or even bluescreen your machine (even a Windows 7 machine). A better solution would be to find a medium-old desktop with a real Serial port on it an use a Null Modem cable there.

PCMCIA Ethernet would be by far the best solution (although good luck on the drivers) if you can find someone who has a dusty old card sitting around on a shelf somewhere, preferably with the still hopefully good driver floppy. Look for cards that don't have the bumps on the top of the connector.

Comment That's the problem with a sequel. (Score 1) 222

If you watch the original with the understanding that Deckard is a replicant then the unicorn origami and the ending have specific, complex, implications.

Now if the sequel shows Deckard as a human then they piss off everyone who prefers those implications. So, in effect, the sequel ruins the story for some people.

If the sequel shows Deckard as an aged replicant ... robots get old? So replicant Deckard is either killed or kills or runs away again at the end. ALREADY BEEN DONE IN THE FIRST MOVIE!

Comment Re:Easy of porting over is the key (Score 1) 199

The Linux fanboys can scream and curse me all they want, but time will prove me right.

Well obviously they're going to curse you. I mean you have just single-handedly ensured the demise of SteamOS by virtue of grumpily posting a pessimistic opinion on a nerdy discussion board. Because that's the way Cause And Effect works, right?

Seriously, a bit of perspective here?

Comment Re:file transfer (Score 0) 466

Whew, that means this 2013 Panasonic toughbook that has a 9 pin serial port on it does not exist!

Thanks for clearing that up.

LOW END laptops did away with the serial port, professional laptops still have them because people that do actual work with their laptops still use them,

Comment Of course (Score 3, Insightful) 89

If I'm the only one who can unlock your encrypted communications, then it's in my best interest to have everyone encrypt their communications, because then, I'll be the only one with total situation awareness.

It won't be in any of your interests, of course, because you'll be handing me my advantage on a silver platter... but you're all far too shortsighted to pay attention to such things.

Of course Obama and the NSA want you all using strong encryption. Stupid of you to give them what they want, though.

Comment Re:8bit (Score 1) 516

This is my #1 complaint with modern UIs: Elements that don't convey any hint of their function in their form. Buttons that are just text with no border. Dropdown menus that are just text or a uselessly generic icon (like Firefox's hamburger icon). Radio buttons and checkboxes that are just text. Invisible dividers that don't do a good job dividing different parts of the screen. It's the box of chocolates style of UI. Just tap everywhere and see what happens. I can't wait for this fad to pass. I'd love to just look at an interface and be able to discern how everything operates immediately like the old days.

Comment Politics, science & religion (Score 3, Insightful) 394

If only there was some way of detaching politics from science.... Hm....

Easy: make sure to elect only religious people as politicians. So they won't need to bother with science, and can base laws & regulations on holy books alone. While in the meantime, the rest of society can use actual science to discover how the world around us works (and improve our lives in the process).

Oh wait...

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