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Comment Re:SwiftKey? (Score 1) 126

What about the disastrous SwiftKey vulnerability? It makes Samsung Android systems vulnerable too. Samsung said they'd fix it back in June, but we still have no patch.

Didn't they block it with a security policy update until the patch was available?

It's hard to tell, since there doesn't seem to be any way to figure out which changes are in which policy updates.

Comment Re:impressive (Score 1) 144

Quick review seems to be a bunch of gobblygook

Apparently you didn't understand it.

Sure, even I learned to play an instrument but i was never gonna be the soloist. After 10 years I was technically proficient but never very 'pretty'. Yet our lead could pick up anything by ear and make it sound the same or better. If that's not a talent, you can teach me to play by ear, right? Not happening.

This is confirmation bias. You noticed someone is better than you, and you jumped to the conclusion that it was talent. You couldn't conceive of any other hypothesis? If you can't think of anything else, there's a paper I linked to that will give you some ideas.

(As an aside, you played 10 years and couldn't make pretty music? Why didn't you practice making your playing pretty instead of just focusing on proficiency all the time?)

Comment Re:updates, updates, ... (Score 3, Interesting) 126

Does anyone remember the time when software just WORKED?

I remember those days well. It was just like yesterday.

However, back in those days, our computers ran MS-DOS, and weren't connected to the internet. For the few people who did have internet access (mainly college students), they usually didn't have their own computer hooked up to the internet, they shared some VAX or Unix machine, and mainly used it just for email, USENET, and maybe exchanging files via FTP. Some people used Gopher, though I don't remember what for. Since so few people used networked computers, hacking wasn't much of a problem, and was mostly an activity done by bored college students to see if they could.

Also, I do remember some updates back then, mainly to DOS games. Even back then, the games were buggy, but not too much. I remember some of them using some kind of utility (was it called "Patch"?) to update their software, so the updates could be distributed on BBSs. This software actually worked quite well: it only contained the parts that had changed, and the utility would actually modify the binaries on-disk as necessary. I haven't seen anything like it since, which is a shame since we do so many updates these days. For some strange reason, all our updates now involve distributing a bundle that includes all the changed files (rather than just the changed part of a file), so the update bundle is much larger than it needs to be. If some pathetically slow circa-1992 DOS machine could handle modifying binaries on-disk, why can't modern machines? It would save a huge amoung of bandwidth.

Comment Re:updates, updates, ... (Score 4, Insightful) 126

Has software ever "just worked"?

Somewhat. My Sun workstation ran for years with no software updates. It had bugs, but nothing that required a new operating system or application software.

The big difference was that it was behind a firewall and a 19.2k modem, so there wasn't much anyone could do to attack the--probably numerous--security holes.

Comment Re:terrible idea (Score 1) 64

And you're taking it on faith that the pill was made correctly, when it often wasn't.

Citation required. "Often" is a bit of hyperbole. Maybe a lot of hyperbole. Manufacturers of pills have quality control systems that verify the output of their pill mills, and if they aren't right the entire batch is dumped. The mistakes take place much more often long after the pill is put in the bottle, by the guy taking the wrong bottle off the shelf. When that happens, what the pill looks like is the only verification the patient has.

Who checks the validity of a hospital's 3D pill printer?

Comment Re:Unpractical (Score 1) 120

Amazon sells the Adafruit version of TV-B-Gone as a kit, so you get the fun of building something and then the fun of going to the local sports bar during playoff time and getting beaten to a pulp when they realize you're the reason all the TVs shut off right before the final buzzer.

If you carry one in your pocket, make sure you either have no coins or other metal, or put good insulation around the board. I had one in my jacket pocket one time and wondered where the smoke smell was coming from.

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