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Comment Blood For the Blood God! (Score 1) 64

And by 'Blood', I of course mean Money. ;) Those minis were not cheap. But Adeptus Titanicus was like a watered down Battletech, but in a good way. You spent more time playing and less time nose deep in rule books. And the mythos! They went deep and wide. A few years ago I was playing Blood Bowl online (soo much easier when the computer does the math for you) and last summer I got the Space Hulk video game for a song on steam (it's literally just the board game in your computer. Terrible video game, but awesome online game simulator).

I hope they stick around for a while longer.

Comment Re:It didn't matter before... (Score 1) 538

The opinions of the media are irrelevant and "the other guy did it too!" is no excuse.

I'm not saying it's an excuse for the behavior. I'm only asking why the punishment is different based on the consonant after the person's name. The law did not change in the interim period; yet we are making a huge deal out of the current example after having quickly brushed the previous one under the rug.

Comment Re:Jail time (Score 1) 538

So no trial, just execution of punishment? No thought into if the emails were actually stored or not, just punishment because you dont agree with her politics?

That has been the standard approach of the GOP towards all democrats for some time now. Look at all the conspiracy nuts out there who are certain that Obama deserves immediate forceful removal from the white house sans trial over ... well, insert your favorite conspiracy here. They don't care if their favorite conspiracy has already been investigated numerous times by nonpartisan public and private sources. They don't care about rule of law, either. They just grab any flimsy justification they can to force out a democrat, just for being a democrat.

Comment It didn't matter before... (Score 1) 538

When the administration of the previous guy ... what was his name again? nobody ever talks about him any more ... used personal email instead of government email it was quickly made into a non-issue by our fearless "liberal media". Now Hillary may have done the same and it's a big deal. Why?

Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email At State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules 538

HughPickens.com writes: The NY Times reports that Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, according to State Department officials. She may have violated federal requirements that officials' correspondence be retained as part of the agency's record. Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department. Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act. "It is very difficult to conceive of a scenario — short of nuclear winter — where an agency would be justified in allowing its cabinet-level head officer to solely use a private email communications channel for the conduct of government business," said attorney Jason R. Baron. A spokesman for Clinton defended her use of the personal email account and said she has been complying with the "letter and spirit of the rules."

Comment Re:Zombies versus Predators (Score 1) 247

I personally have never killed anything larger than a bug in my life; I suspect a lot of other people haven't either. I've never had to, because there have always been other people who are willing to do those unpleasant tasks for me, in exchange for modest amounts of money.

You're safe; I'm sure in our dystopian zombie future, the phones will still need sanitizing.

Comment Re:Reopen the accounts (Score 1) 533

"Islam" needs to split and differentiate. The extremists want to claim their Islam is the only true Islam, and the only valid Islam, hence the killing of apostates and various other Islamic groups and people who happen to be on their hit list. But because Islam is still very conservative, it doesn't have that sense of self-reflection and self-criticism, where it stands outside itself and says, you know what, this monotheistic One True Way puritanical thing we conservative types like so much, is bullshit, it doesn't work in practice. The sooner Islam acknowledges in its theology that the puritanical Truth it clings to is a fiction, because in reality, nobody agrees on the one true doctrine, in reality, people are all different, then the sooner young "heroes" in search of adventure and militancy, can stop using Islam as a militant pretext, and stop dragging ordinary people into it, ie. the regular people who happen to be born in to Muslim or South Asian or whatever cultures. The trouble is, the Iranian and Saudi leadership both base their authority on Islam, and conservatively cling to it, cling to the notion that Islam is Pure and therefore, their leaders are right and pure and just. And instead of it simply causing a bit of cognitive dissonance, it has festered to the point that they now have ISIL. As a 15th Century European theologian remarked as he watched two holy armies attack each other on the field, "well, they can't both be right." So criticising and attacking Islam is necessary to get people to start to decide which Islamic version they want to be part of. If doing this causes some small minority to decide their favourite version is the ISIL one, then so be it. The sooner Islam fragments into multiple versions, the sooner the majority can stop sleepwalking into supporting laws which kill apostates and blasphemers, ie. stop the moderate majority finding themselves siding with the extremists simply because they all want to perpetuate the myth that Islam is one true thing, and only one version can exist, thus obliterating the various minority versions who are often the more liberal sects.

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