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Comment Re:April Fools stories are gay (Score 1) 1482

Those laws were for the Old Testament period. The New Testament did away with those regulations. Also, anything really important is repeated several times.

I believe one of the main characters in the bible has something to say about casting stones that might be apropos though.

Really? Do I have a stone? I am not judging anybody! I honestly don't care what your lifestyle is, as long as it does not affect me. I am just telling you what the Bible says. Judging is not my job, and it not even a job that I would want. Jesus did say that I am to go and make disciples of all men. My job is to simply speak the truth in love. That's it, bro! Nothing more.

Comment Re:April Fools stories are gay (Score 1) 1482

Really? "Do not cook a young goat in its motherâ(TM)s milk."

Sorry, cheeseburgers are not generally made from goat. Even if they were, burgers are fried, and not boiled. And even if you DID boil your goat burger in goat milk, the odds of the meat being cooked in the milk from the same mother is astronomically small.

Comment Re:April Fools stories are gay (Score 1) 1482

There is certainly some truth in what you say. There are a lot of people to whom Christianity is a mere religion - a list of "dos and don'ts" and nothing more. It is sad.

Honestly, there are a lot of Christians out there that seriously piss me off. There are web sites like THIS that make me ashamed to be called a Christian in this culture. That is not the sort of behavior that Jesus expects of us.

Comment Re:April Fools stories are gay (Score 1) 1482

Wow. They had spandex 2000 years ago?! I had no idea that polymers were explored so thoroughly in Biblical times.

By the way, where do "rights" come from? Seriously? Who decides what is a right and what isn't? Here is what is says in the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

If there is no creator, then how can he grand unalienable rights? Without God, what is a right is determined entirely by what the government says is a right.

Comment Re:April Fools stories are gay (Score 1) 1482

You are really going there? Fine. How about Vladimir Lenin and Mao Tse-tung as great examples of atheists. They are proof that any random atheist is willing to kill MILLIONS in order to obtain power. This argument is patently absurd.

Sorry, but Jesus did not condone murder (Luke 22, verses 49-51)

Sort of like in the movies when a mafia hit man kills somebody and then goes to confession. He is fooling himself.

Comment Re:April Fools stories are gay (Score 1) 1482

Sorry, but turning your back on your nature is what we ALL do. When my kids were young, they were quite happy to take the toys from their siblings and hit them over the head with it, yelling "mine!" Even today, I see some cars driving down the street and feel jealousy because I drive and older piece of junk. Part of growing up in a civilized society is learning how to get along with others: dont' steal, dont't hit, don't lie.

A view, might I add, that is interpreted based on a book supposedly written thousands of years ago that has been translated and rewritten dozens, even hundreds of times.

Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but all modern translations are based on what most scholars agree were the ORIGINAL writings. The Old Testament was copied very rigorously with numerous checks to make sure that they were copied perfectly. Imperfect copies were destroyed. Even if you accept the fact that the occasional error MIGHT creep in, the facts that we have hundreds of manuscripts mean that they can be checked against each other. There are manuscripts which are almost 2000 years old.

As far as the New Testament, we only have over 20,000 manuscripts, with over 5000 in the original Greek, and over 10,000 that were translated to Latin.

As to modern translations, modern translations are from the original Hebrew and Greek. Sorry to tell you this, but almost everything you said was a lie.

Also, it's patently offensive that you believe that someone needs "saving" from their own nature - we're not talking about psychopaths or serial killers here, we're talking about people who cannot find themselves attracted to the opposite gender.

Sorry if it is offensive. I did not write the Bible. I am not God. If there is no God, then I am wasting my time and you can get a good laugh at my expense. If there is a God, and he is indeed responsible for the Bible, then I had better not pick and choose which sections I choose to believe.

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When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
