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United States

How the Next US Nuclear Accident Might Happen 128

Lasrick writes: Anthropologist Hugh Gusterson analyzes safety at US nuclear facilities and finds a disaster waiting to happen due to an over-reliance on automated security technology and private contractors cutting corners to increase profits. Gusterson follows on the work of Eric Schlosser, Frank Munger, and Dan Zak in warning us of the serious problems at US nuclear facilities, both in the energy industry and in the nuclear security complex.

Comment Probably fake (Score 4, Insightful) 210

1) The reviews are probably fake, given the pictures.

2) It is appropriate to sue for fake, defamatory reviews. I only wish it was legal to sue for fake promotional reviews. That it basically just business as usual.

3)They are suing for the full amount 8 times not because they want to get paid x8, but because they are concerned that they might only be able to prove one review is fake. I fully expect that once the identities are revealed, the law suits will be consolidated from 8 to fewer, probably only 1. This way if they prove even a single issue they will get fully paid.

Comment Why the Secret Service did what they did. (Score 1) 111

The secret service raid always struck me as one the most ridiculous things I ever heard the government doing. It sounds like the kind of plan a conspiracy nut would propose. They raided you because a reporter who wrote about cybercrime also liked you. Do you have any idea what possessed them to do something that incredibly stupid?

Comment Aritcle about a POSSIBLE new product??? (Score 1) 219

Talk about vapor ware!

Worse, the vaporware they are talking about doesn't even have anything new - it's just talking about design elements and style - that a company MIGHT return to.

Hey, can I write an article about a theoretically possible new car that has an expresso machine built into the engine, using it for heat?

How about my pipe dream of a house where all the furniture is built into the walls?

Comment All gag orders should have an expiration date (Score 4, Insightful) 144

And it should be no more than 1 year, except under extreme circumstances.

If the cops think you are planning something and also think they know about it more than 1 year in advance, they should arrest you in that year. If they can't prove anything after that 1 year, then most likely they never had anything real in the first place - or are so incompetent that having you find out about the subpoena wouldn't matter anyway.

Seriously can anyone think of ANY criminal action that the government finds out about, gets a subpoena, takes more than one year before they publicly move - and the criminal knowing about the subpoena would hurt in any way?

FIFA is a great example the corrupt people knew about the investigation and did nothing.

Comment Re:what is interesting is not that it won (Score 1) 591

You are exaggerating just as bad as a Fox News anchor.

There are several competing concepts of law. The three judges in question are a believer in strict literal meaning of the words, rather than the intent.

This is not the WORST that America has ever had, it is a fairly common point of view exposed by conservatives. It is wrong, but not the worst.

The worst are the people that don't care about intent or literal meaning - those that just try to compromise and/or shift the law to what they want it to be.

>Prime examples of this include the horrendous Dred Scott decision that said blacks, free or slave were not citizens of the US and that Congress did not have the power to make them free or citizens. He based this on pretty much nothing.

Comment Re:Prime Scalia (Score 2) 591

Scalia has a fairly good point. The problem is that there are official definitions used by congress and when Congress says "State" they are SUPPOSED to mean "state governments, not the federal government". Those definitions apply to this particular law, but not every legal document, so don't apply to the Constitutional amendments.

I am totally in favor of Obamacare and am happy SCOTUS ruled this way, but I do believe this was one of the stronger anti-obamacare arguments.

P Basically, this is a clear victory for 'the intent of the law', as opposed to the 'strict meaning of the law' legal theory

Comment I hate and despise - but they should still be sold (Score 5, Insightful) 818

Look, the Confederate flag means slavery, hatred, bigotry and treason against the USA. It has no business being flown by any US government authority.

But that is not sufficient reason to stop selling it to civilians. This is a country founded on the idea of Free Speech.

We believe that the best way to fight evil is to let evil speak so we can hear who is evil. Much better than outlawing their vile ideas and having to guess who secretly harbors them.

In other words, I want to be able to see what shmucks wear/use the flag so I know whom to avoid.

Comment Four of my favorites (Score 1) 268

There are several really good groups. I like the ACLU because they prevent the police from over-reaching. I like Planned Parenthood because the GOP attacks them. Internationally there is Rabbis for Human Rights - a Jewish organization that routinely defends Muslims. If you like animals, there is the Search Dog Foundation that takes shelter dogs, turns them into search dogs, and gives them to fire departments and police departments - where the dogs save human lives.

Comment Phone components (Score 2) 83

1: radio 2: screen 3: Camera/flash 4: battery: 5: computer 6:Case - speakers, connectors, ancillary things. All of these have different lifespans. The computer is something most of us want to upgrade yearly. The rest is dependent on damage/random time. I would pay 10% more to get something that let me easily replace any one of these 5 things.

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