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Comment Re:Well ... duh! (Score 2, Informative) 79

I disagree. You don't have to harden your internet connected refrigerator against malicious attacks.

Why? Because when you ask "what could possibly go wrong?" the answer is your food will spoil, and you will have to throw it out. It's not like spoiled food is not instantly recognizable.

But when you ask that company about medical equipment, the answer is PEOPLE WILL DIE.

The problem is obvious, it just takes half a second to think and you know you need security.

Actually, the real problem is that idiot manufacturers refused to think at all.

Comment Re:Shipping companies.... (Score 2) 131

1) This is prettier and cooler.

2) Easier to use for one off jobs, where you have one letter. 3) They envision ending/greatly reducing the physical stamp program. This will piss off the collectors a lot.

4) They get paid for it, rather than the company that makes the QR codes etc.

Basically, I don't think it has enough advantages to catch on somewhere where they already have stamps. But ISIL might want it for their new country, I bet they want to replace Syria's and Iraq's old postal system.

Comment Use socratic method. (Score 3, Insightful) 104

Specifically, ask them questions.

Start with:

Is this software related to our industry?

Do we need some advantage over our competition or can we just use the same stuff they do?

What's our back up plan if we discover that our self created software ends up making the Obamacare website rollout look good?

How much money do you think we will save?

If it ends up costing more money, how much we will sink into this project before quitting?

Comment Re:We need to do it lke Europe. (Score 1) 120

Monetarily yes, but not legally. That is, when you buy a used car, it may have been repaired, or not. No way for you to tell.

Why? Because they are not legally required to FIX the car, just legally required to offer to fix it.

But that can't be a big problem right? I mean, most cars get fixed, right?

No. They don't. Most cars are never fixed. The problems are often small - so it has a half second delay in the brakes, who notices/ Or it has a small tendency to roll over, no big deal.

In Europe, that is not the case. If a car is recalled, ALL the cars are fixed.

Comment Re:We need to do it lke Europe. (Score 2) 120

No. They notify you and you can decide to come in or not. They pay for it only if you ask.

So if you refuse to do anything - or the car company says they can't fix your car for another 90 days, your car remains broken.

Chances are you won't stop driving the vehicle until then and they won't pay for a replacement.

Quite a few people ignore the recall and then sell the car to some poor shmuck who never received the recall note.l

Comment We need to do it lke Europe. (Score 1, Insightful) 120

Specifically, they need to make the car company responsible for every single repair of every single recalled vehicle.

As in, if they sold a faulty product, they have to fix it, whether it is a a set of brakes that don't work, or a window that won't open.

Basically, we end the 'buyer beware' system for new cars.

Comment Re:Fantasy based laws. (Score 1) 475

The original stats (pre internet) came from the Kinsey Reports (via wikipedia: D. Richard Laws and William T. O'Donohue: Books.Google.co.uk, Sexual Deviance, page 391. Guilford Press, 2008. ISBN 978-1-59385-605-2. )

New studies suggest that the Kinsey estimates are no longer accurate (if they ever were). There is no clear evidence that the internet caused it, but I am not the first person to suggest it.

Comment Re:Fantasy based laws. (Score 1) 475

Psychiatrists have found that they can not end any sexuality, but that they can in fact add new perversions, mainly be slowly introducing the desired perversion into sexual fantasies. Some have theorized that while they can't 'cure' gay, they can convert to bisexuality. I am not sure about that, but it is definitely not absurd to shift sexuality from kids to something else

Comment Food is not the limiting factor (Score 5, Informative) 399

The real problems for long distance space travel is not food, air or mass.

Instead it is: Radiation and muscle loss

Long term travel exposes humans large amounts of radiation, in particular from cosmic rays, and from

In addition, living in a low gravity environment destroys your bones.

These two issues are far more problematic than food, air, and water.

Comment Fantasy based laws. (Score 2) 475

There are people in this world that think they can legislate away bad things. Pass a law, and boom, it goes away. They tried it with alcohol and marijuana, and look how well that worked out.

That is not how the real world works. Here, there is the law of unintended consequences.

Sometimes the law results in good things - for example, the existence of internet porn has pretty much ended bestiality. Before the internet, farms had an estimated fifty percent bestiality rate. Around 8 % and 3% for the general population. After the internet, all of those numbers dropped like a stone. Why? Because a pretty picture of a girl is more satisfying than bestiality.

Why do I bring this up? Because outlawing behavior doesn't stop it. Some people are and and will be attracted to kids. You can't turn off sexuality (ask any gay man or lesbian woman from an anti-gay tradition). Better that they read manga than buy actual child pornography.

Just as we use a lesser opiate (methadone) to treat addicts, we should use Manga to treat others.

Manga looks to me like a great way to:

1) wean them off child pornography

2) protect real children from being hurt by the industry

3) slowly shift their sexuality from kids to something more acceptable.

This should be required treatment for people interested in children, rather than outlawed.

Comment Why do they have a counter? (Score 1) 342

Look, if moving the ice to the counter is taking up that much time, don't take the table.

Just sell it from the back of a truck.. Have a guy taking money right there.

The only reason shops usually have a counter is 1) to display MULTIPLE items.

and 2) to discourage grab and run.

They are only selling ice and ice is not easy to grab and run.

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