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Comment Re:The Wart (Score 1) 427

While for the most part, I agree, the WRT54's don't support IPv6, and it would be nice if it had a couple of USB ports for a storage device/printer.

I have two of the v8 model, one runs the most recent stock firmware and serves as the router/gateway. The other runs a micro DD-WRT and serves as a bridge. The bridge one won't turn on it's wireless after a power outage for some reason and has to be manually restarted. Otherwise, they run 24/7 without issues, and have done so for years.

I've basically had the same question as the submitter, and haven't found a proper replacement yet. I blame Cisco for buying and "nerfing" Linksys because too many home and small offices were making do with Linksys gear rather than paying through the nose for Cisco Pre-Cisco, it was easy, there was one good household router at each "wireless standard" which was at a fair price and everyone knew what it was.

B : BEFW11S4
G: WRT54

Now each brand has a plethora of models with incoherent model naming systems.

The router I want is the WRT1900AC of course, It has the right featurs and form-factor, but that thing is expensive. If they want it to be a mass-market router it needs to be $60, like the WRT54 was.

Comment Re:Read the source code (Score 2) 430

On the other hand, I've noticed a steady decline in documentation for commercial software too. Manuals have gone from the thick reference books I remember from 20 years ago to little "quick start" books if you're lucky. More frequently no documentation at all.

How I miss the days of fat manuals and binders with software In the old (meaning even up to XP) days they even used to ship comprehensive user guides with computers.

It's even effecting games now, both PC and console. For example The manual for the PS3 edition of the GOTY version of Fallout 3 is 43 pages long. The manual for the PS3 version of the Legendary version of Skyrim is a two page pamphlet directing you to where you can get a PDF version, which is slightly over 20 pages long. That PDF is useless on the PS3 itself, of course. Digital downloads are hit or miss. Strangely the PSP was better in that regard.

One set of well done user documentation I have encountered recently is that for Scrivener. Very comprehensive.

Comment Re:Have you seen Gedit lately? (Score 1) 402

I was thinking something similar: "What's wrong with gedit? it's a fairly good graphical editor if one doesn't want to use gvim or cream."

Then I checked the image and had a WTF moment, and thought "Gedit doesn't look like that for me."

Then I checked the version and Fedora 20 is using 3.10.4, not that crazy 3.11.x version.

Comment Re:Here's an idea! (Score 1) 203

Yes, but the UK market had protectionist features to protect Uncle Clive from the likes of Atari and Nintendo, and later on Sony.

Not to mention that a lot of spectrum games are low budget platformers on £1.99 tapes that were then copied on dual tape decks. These games aren't the quality level of NES games, or C64 games either.

In the US, C64 games weren't half the price of NES games, because the best C64 games in the US were games on floppy that retailed for the same price as cartridge games.

Comment Re:They should stop making consoles (Score 1) 203

That helps them sell their consoles at a profit instead of a loss.

Sony is already selling the PS4 as a hardware unit at a profit.

until the Kinect and Move were rushed to market in response, and took the wind out of Nintendo's sales.

Move? Rushed to market? Sony has been working with motion control longer than Nintendo has.

From Siggraph 2001:

Eyetoy Demo from 2003

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