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Comment Re:Required vaccine? (Score 1, Insightful) 178

You clearly didn't understand what I said.

People should be free to do what they want and we typically don't demonise them.
UNTIL they do something which has an effect on others in society. e.g. DUI.

If you want to drink yourself into misery, gamble away your life savings, and smoke yourself into a cancerous death then more power to you.

Just don't affect the people around you. That's the problem most smokers don't seem to get. Just because you like smoking doesn't mean everyone else in the restaurant should be subjected to it. Much like DUI. If you like being in a drunken stupor do it where no one else is affected by it.

I'm not focusing on a terrible smoker doing things I don't like. I'm focusing on a terrible smoker negatively affecting my health by being in their vicinity.

Comment Re:It's just moving your trust to someone else (Score 1) 83

If you really know what you are doing then setting up your own server is the best option, because the security services prefer to target large providers where they can compromise millions of accounts in bulk instead of doing after individual systems with varied security.

If you are not capable of setting up something really secure yourself you are better off trusting someone who can.

Comment Re:Good news (Score 1) 422

Those would be the rose-tinted spectacles that the GP was talking about. Transformers: The Movie was primarily designed to sell some new toys. To that end, all the characters we loved and which had been built up over two seasons of the cartoon were killed off with meaningless, lame deaths in the first 20 minutes. The battle between Prime and Megatron was short and anti-climactic, and then the rest of the movie was about a bunch of losers no-one cared about.

Comment Re:If Only the Article Addressed That ... (Score 1) 376

If you're *that* emotionally troubled with abandonment issues that you're sending a guy over the internet that has no leverage over you nudes, I dont see how you can deal with offline interactions period.

You clearly have no idea how the psychology of abuse works then. Most people think of their bodies and belonging to them and as being something they need to protect by not allowing others access. Abuse victims have had those ideas shattered, and even if consciously they understand them at a subconscious level it's all screwed up. No amount of therapy can completely fix it.

Mental illness is often like that. People with depression can interact pretty much normally most of the time, but it doesn't mean they are not suffering from a genuine and debilitating illness. Hopefully more people will come to recognize how serious mental illness actually is, and get past the largely incorrect stereotypes that lead them to views like yours.

Comment Re:Not trying to excuse what he did (Score 1) 376

It's easy to say that as a westerner with no serious psychological issues. Not all cultures and people are like that.

Besides, where do you draw the line? Are people who get mugged and beaten up partially responsible for not learning some martial arts skills to defend themselves? What if they have health problems that make fighting back difficult or impossible? Just because one is a physical limitation and the other is a psychological one doesn't make them different - mental illness and limitations are just as real as physical ones.

Personal responsibility is a good thing, but having your illness exploited by an intelligent and devious criminal is not something we should be blaming people for.

Comment Re:They already have (Score 1) 667

Sure, there are going to be mediating forces in the environment. Melting is an obvious one. The positive feedbacks have been getting the most attention because they are really scary. It appears that there are gas clathrates in the ground and under water that can come out at a certain temperature. The worst case is that we get an event similar to Lake Nyos, but with a somewhat different mechanism and potentially many more dead. The best case is a significant atmospheric input of CO2 and methane that we can't control.

I don't think I have to discount Trenberth. He's trying to correct his model, he isn't saying there is no warming.

Comment Re:Required vaccine? (Score 1) 178

We don't demonise things that people do to themselves providing you don't affect others (the war on drugs being the obvious and arguably wrong exception). The problem is that these actions tend to leak out from the private life and have a negative effect on the public.

Alcohol? Great as long as you don't drive, don't urinate in public or start a drunken brawl.
Drugs? Great as long as you don't end up sitting in the ER on public dollars, or don't go on a lunatic stabbing rampage.
Smoke is probably the worst of the lot in terms of the number of people it affects. It smells foul (opinion) and it's bad for your health just being in the same room or general vicinity as someone who's doing it (fact).

Someone said the other day "Your rights end where my rights start" and while they were stupidly enough talking about someone's legally protected right of free speech which requires things like proof of slander, in this case there really is a clean line. Why should my health and ability to breath nice smelling air be affected by someone else's self destructive habit?

Note that I'm not proposing mandatory vaccines, just legal safeguards to those people who don't want to put up with other people's second hand smoke. There's other ways to reduce smoking without affecting the consumer and in Australia in the past 10 years the smoking rate of 18 year olds has gone from 40% down to 15%.

We are already destroying the tabaco industry here to the point where they all banded together and tried to sue the government. No one shedded a tear.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 158

The key difference is Android isn't broken out of the box. Windows RT was. People are tolerating the device hoping things will change whereas on the flip side many Android users don't want to change.

I'm hotly anticipating the next version of Windows to fix the clusterfuck that is 8.1 I'm sure the people with Windows gimp edition errr I mean RT were anticipating it even more.

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