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Comment Re:I'm glad there is rioting. (Score 1) 1128

Your statistics don't sound out of line, but I'd love citations. The one I've got shows sexual assault (not specifically rape) is higher for cops but 2x rather than 4x. On the other hand, it shows between 5 and 6 times as high for cops as non-cops for homicide. Copblock has an article about relative rates for cops.

When race is the issue, remember that homicide with both white and black victims is primarily an intraracial issue. Most (84%) white murder victims are killed by whites and most (93%) blacks are killed by blacks. Murder is a mostly intraracial crime.

Comment Re:I just don't understand (Score 1) 1128

Read the fucking testimony. Read it. Don't armchair quarterback or Monday morning quarterback without watching the fucking game.

AP document collection
PDF of the transcript of the grand jury proceedings

tl;dr : Wilson was in the SUV. His left hand was struggling with Brown. His OC was on his left. His asp was on the back of his belt and he was sitting on part of it. He couldn't extend it and swing inside the car. He didn't have a taser on him and he certainly didn't have a shotgun loaded with bean bags. He had already been threatened and struck when he drew his weapon, which Brown then struggled to turn on him. He fired through the vehicle's door and window the first two shots at _that_ point.

It wasn't an "arbitrary assault" on Brown, and Brown was using force against the officer.

Comment Re:I just don't understand (Score 1) 1128

There are lots of conflicting reports. There is also forensic evidence. Read the grand jury testimony that was released. Is there really enough supporting guilt over and above that establishing doubt of guilt that there's a chance an impartial jury wouldn't find reasonable doubt on Wilson's behalf?

That's what a grand jury does. They decide if it's worthwhile to try the case based on 9 or more of 12 deciding that there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. The didn't indict because they didn't find it met that standard.

If the grand jury can't meet their standard, what are the chances of getting 12 of 12 to agree that the evidence supports a much higher standard: beyond a reasonable doubt?

If they are sure there's going to be an innocent verdict at trial then why try the case?

Comment What matters: no multi-platform multi-player (Score 1) 227

If you can't play multi-player with your friend on another platform then who cares which one of you has better graphics? Are you people more concerned with e-peen rants than about being able to play the game together? How many of you are buying a platform based on this title? I'd much rather buy titles that let me play with my friends no matter who has what hardware.

Comment Re:It's bad, but it's not exclusive to women. (Score 1) 834

Why is gamergate (which is a horrible name, BTW. Not everything has to be paralleled to the GOP's break-in to a Democratic headquarters that happened in the 19 fucking seventies for fuck's sake) the big focus of all that is wrong with threats and misogyny on the Internet?

This is a more general problem with more general roots than anything to do with the principle actors in this situation. You blame the people attacking this particular journalist at this particular time for picking their target specifically when there's in general a bigger problem in gaming journalism. I'm simply saying that beyond this one case of targeting specific people, there are other cases of "doxxing" (another loathesome word, by the way), threats, and general misanthrophy/misogyny/misandry all over the Internet.

Getting these 4chan dwellers and other trash to leave these specific women alone is a victory, but it's a small and isolated one. Convincing a generation of maladjusted young men (and yes, it is mostly boys and young men although they target both men and women) of the terrible distastefulness and inappropriateness of their words and actions should be the long-term goal.

Comment It's bad, but it's not exclusive to women. (Score 1) 834

It's bad, but it's not exclusive to women. Anyone who hangs out in the filthy sewers of the Internet (4chan, parts of Reddit, many newspaper and magazine comment sections) knows that threats of beatings, killings, and rapes are common. They are commonly laid out against men by men. Yes, that includes rape. Most of it is idle posturing by mouth-breathing basement-dwelling mental juveniles many of whom are chronological juveniles as well.

Could we please focus on the anti-social, violent nature of these threats and not label the entire Internet as misogynist pigs just because women are finding themselves included as targets?

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