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Comment Re:Ah, good, progress. (Score 1) 101

You trust Quickdrag?
Take a look at the comments. Just. Do. It.

Contrary to what some think, security isn't something you add on top afterwards - it's something best approached from the other end - don't introduce insecurity.

Also, it does not do much good if the text you wanted to paste comes from a different app.

Comment Re:EDSAC (Score 1) 126

It depends where you went to school. I was taught that EDSAC was the first fully programmable computer. Earlier devices (including ENIAC) had to be physically re-configured to run each different program using cables and switches, rather than just loading a new program into the same memory that is used for data.

I thought the Manchester "Baby" preceded EDSAC?
While it was limited compared to its successors, it did have stored programs.

(Also, the Z3 could be programmed from tape, but it was electromechanical and not electronic.)

Comment Re:Ah, good, progress. (Score 1) 101

With your strong security and privacy concern, you really should not use the address bar for searches.

I am surprised if this has not happened to most people:

You work on something, copying/pasting occasionally.
Then you browse.
You copy/paste a URL into the browser.
Except that the copy didn't take (bad keyboard, bad fingers, bad mojo) and you ended up pasting what was in the buffer from before.
If lucky, you only told the search engine something innocent.
If unlucky, you gave classified company data or highly private information.

Comment Re:LOL ... w00t? (Score 2) 561

Someone who should be fired, not for being misogynistic, but simply for being stupid enough to not understand what he/she was doing.

We cannot really accuse the woman who wrote this booklet of misogynism.
Of being of the same, ehrm, intelligence level as Barbie, no doubt. But not misogynism.
A little bit of sexism in how boys are portrayed, perhaps.

Comment Re:I know this! (Score 2) 561

To be fair to that scene, it actually takes a bit of awareness to realize that fucked up 3d UI was a filesystem wrapper.

fsn (file system navigator) for IRIX was not universally known, but if the girl used IRIX at school, it is not unfeasible that she was familiar with it.

(Most people knowing fsn would have used it to start a real shell, instead of continuing to use the slowest file system navigator in existence, just because it was pretty. But her role in the movie was to be a Barbie, so pretty counts.)

Comment Re:Telegram (Score 1) 93

Telegram. It's open source, uses end to end encryption, and, unlike whatsapp, supports multiple connected clients at a time - including desktop clients for all platforms.

It's public domain, not open source.
End-to-end encryption is easy - you just need to send a courier with a one time pad.
And yes, there are telegraphs supporting multiple concurrent connections by using pitch shifting and filters so the receiver will only hear one set of beeps. But not more than a few.
Sure, there are desktop clients for all platforms - wooden, metal and marble top desktop can have clients, and there are even keys that mount on tilted desktops.

Of course you'll be hard pressed to find anyone on telegram

Indeed. Even Her Majesty The Queen stopped sending telegrams a few years ago. A shame, really.

Comment Re:FBI Director James Comey may not care. (Score 2) 93

This is the same company that lied about the capabilities of its photo app, as well as stored the photos insecurely.

Why would they have to? All they need to do is present Whatsapp with a hush order to hand over keys.
When Whatsapp generates and maintains the keys, there's no real security here.
I even think it's not unlikely that they have implemented this in cooperation with the three letter agencies, in order to lure people into thinking it is safe. And the great unwashed masses will be fooled, as always.

Comment Re:Not really secure (Score 1) 93

This is the same company that lied about the capabilities of its photo app, as well as stored the photos insecurely.

Don't forget storing conversation logs unencrypted.
Or requiring a personally identifiable marker (a phone number) in order to work, even when everything goes over IP and supporting anonymous users would be trivial.

Comment Re:FBI Director James Comey may not care. (Score 2) 93

If it is really END TO END, then WhatsApp can't see the data either.

True, but anyone sniffing the traffic can, if they have access to a decryption key. Not that we know of anyone who would possibly do that...

In my view, this encryption is not to be trusted unless and until it can accept keys that are generated outside the WhatsApp product. Otherwise, how much would you want to bet that the three letter agencies aren't getting a master key under a hush order?

Comment Re:Go back in time 5 years (Score 1) 581

Because you're engaging in a stupid political pissing contest, and you chose not to do your job and learn a new technology that's being adopted by the platform your employer has chosen.

You are so wrong you don't even know. What platform to use is my choice, and it has to be one that supports the software created by the developers working for the company and the environment they need to work in. RHEL7 is not it.
It is not my job to redesign in-house and 3rd party software so it will work with the peculiarities of systemd - it's my job to make sure I provide systems that work and stays working, 24/7, five nines.

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