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Comment Re:"Support" != actually sacrifice for (Score 2) 458

What's the sacrifice though? Having cars that either get really excellent fuel economy or run on battery power? Forcing electrical utilities to switch to separate billing for grid-tie and power consumption, so that customers that want to put solar panels on their roofs aren't shafted in order to have overnight electrical service from base-load power? Mandating emissions inspections based on original standards at the time of manufacture on all vehicles newer than 30 years, so that gross-polluting vehicles that are not running right are either fixed or taken off the road?
Most of these things don't have all that much cost, and for some of them, they're a cost that the individual should have borne anyway.

All of the measures you've listed are too insignificant to have any real effect on atmospheric CO2 levels, it's just inconsequential feel-good posturing.

Comment Re:Demand (Score 1) 224

Sorry but it just doesn't scale in an economical manner, who's going to sort it out? Our county recycling center went belly-up and they used jail-inmate labor! There just isn't that much waste in agriculture to make biofuels competative, and convertables in residencial wastes is just too sparse.
Biodiesel is great stuff, good fuel, better parts cleaner/degreaser. Nontoxicity, safe but the supply is unreliable because the feedstock is valuable.

Comment Re:Um, duh? (Score 1) 224

The only argument for space-based is "it's a way around NIMBY". PG&E did some serious research into it, as there's just no where in Northern California they're allowed to build a new power plant, and demand keeps rising. The main reason the plan failed is still NIMBY: They'd need a 1-block receiving station for the incoming power, and could never get that approved. Fuck California.

At some point in time, the electricity will get so expensive only the 5%ers will be able to afford to keep the lights on; about that time being a NIMBY will become as un-PC as being a Terrorist, a Racist or a child molester.. Trust me everyone will either forget about Agenda 21, or fit new power plants into it!

Comment Re:Damn! (Score 1) 129

It also means no cellular phone reception, if you think people are pissed about not being able to share their data plan instead of paying for hotel WiFi, wait to see what happens when their cell phone will not work and they have to pay root rates for using the phone!

Comment Re:Escaping only helps you until a war. (Score 1) 339

You mistake quantity of farm land as being equivalent valuable, which as long as you aren't farming in Manhattan is ludicrous. I can purchase 150 acres right now for less than $100k.

Dude you better buy that shit, farm acrage around here is 5 to 6 times that, and 150 acres for sale that's contigous is very rare.

Comment Re:Escaping only helps you until a war. (Score 1) 339

Give up 10% of their money to taxes and spread it around the population and they will be immeasurably safer. But I think their greed just gets the better of them. As it has over and over and over for centuries.

And there we go, we're not talking about an income tax, we're talking about a draconian confiscation and redistribution of wealth. Furthermore why is NASA straying so far from aeronautics and space?

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